"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday May 8, 2013

1. When the children of today grow up, what do you think they'll say about this period in time? What do you most hope they remember?

Gosh I hate this question is first, because I don't want to start off negatively.  I'll be frank - I'm worried about the nation and the world today - especially if things stay the same.  We need to get God back and our attitudes better.  The violence has to stop - in small things and in the bigger venue.  I think this will have an affect on what the children today will think about this period when they get older.  I would love for them ro remember the good old days with fondness.

2. National Teacher's Day is celebrated in the US of A on the first Tuesday in May, this year May 7th...share how a particular teacher positively impacted you.

You know I can't really remember a specific name - but what I do remember are the teachers who really and truly loved their subject matter - and taught it excitedly from their heart.  Those were the classes and subject matter I liked better and learned the most from.  I had an English Lit teacher who loved Beowulf, Shakespeare, etc and I just ate it up.  Then there was a music teacher in college - I loved learning the different types of music because you could just see and feel his love for music. 

3. What's a dish your mama made, that if set in front of you today would whisk you right back to childhood?              

My mom  made a great chili - the chili didn't have a lot of hot chili sauce or tomato sauce in it - guess you would say it was not the usual red chili.  The chili had nice size bites of hamburger meat in it and kidney beans.  It was delishious and she'd made some cornbread to go with it.  I have yet to this day to be able to repeat the chili she made and I have tried.

4. Mother May I was a game we played when I was growing up...no pieces, parts, or plugs required. What games from childhood do you remember loving that were also pieces, parts, and plug-free?

Gosh when I was younger - and this is hard to believe - I would play outside most of the day.  We had a back yard that, well had no ending, that I can remember -  it was woods as far as I could see. There was a big white hill of sand by the creek and we would go out to play.  I even climbed trees!!!!

Then of course there were paper dolls.  Chatty Cathy and Posey Dolls.  Checkers, pick up sticks, Chinese checkers, Red Rover, tug of war...     We'd look for four leaf clovers.    Play cards.   It was such a simple time, but wonderful too.  So much less stress then now.  I think technology has stressed the kids out today and maybe even us to a certain extent.

5. Besides your own mother, tell us about a woman who influenced you as a child?

Beverly - she didn't influence me as a child - but she influenced my life more than any other woman I know.  She is a woman a little older than me.  I've known her for some 20 years - and she is my crone.  I think everyone needs a crone to get advice from.  And crones should find someone a little younger to be a crone too!

6. Mamma Mia! What's the best play or musical you've ever seen?

Okay I am going to say Mamma Mia.  I LOVED that show.  I watch it every month.  Makes me happy.  My girlfriend Jean and I will talk about it and she'll play a song from the song track every once in awhile and leave it on the phone message to me if I'm not home.  It was just such a feel good movie.  Love.  Good ending.   Positive.  Strong women.  Friendship.  Growth. Loved the Alba music.
It was great.  If you have not seen it - SEE IT!

7. What are three smells that make you feel nostalgic?


8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I want to take the time to wish all the Women out there a Happy Mother's Day - even if you don't have children - you were a child and had a mother.  Mother's job requirements are many and the pay is pitiful in monetary measurement.   You won't get rich in money for sure.  But hopefully you will be rich in love.  Happy Mother's Day.

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PS  The giveaway for Jack's book ends tonight - if you're interested in the giveaway to get a copy of his new book - go back to Thursday's post and let me know. 




Nani said...

Lots of people are saying Mama Mia. I haven't seen it, but I have a feeling my husband would like the music!

Happy Mothers Day to you too! :)

Shelly said...

I love Mama Mia! It never gets old and it's just so much fun to watch, especially with friends!

mail4rosey said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!!

Debbie said...

Your mother's chili sounds like mine...loved it. I worry about today's kids too. Always hurry, hurry, and stress. I loved the movie Mama Mia but have never seen it done in a play. Have a feeling I would love it! Enjoy your day!

Eat To Live said...

Have a Very Happy Mothers Day my dear Sandie!! I will be with my Daughter and two Granddaughterrs.

Sandee said...

I'm not happy with the path this country is taking either. You and I agree on this.

I'll answer the favorite dish question. My mom was an excellent baker. So it would be one of her pies. The crust was so flaky it would melt in your mouth. I sure miss my mother.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. ☺

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your Mom's chili sure sounds amazing :-)

Bobbi said...

Oh yes, paper dolls. I just recently broke those out with my daughter during a road trip...and remembered myself why they were so wonderful!

KayeDean said...

My aunt Opal used to come and sit with me for hours cutting paper dolls and stuff to go with her out of the Sears catalog. Great memory.

Love Mama Mia!

My Mom made the best homemade tomato soup.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I'm not sure what kids will say, this time period seems very stressed.
I always liked English class and history in school. I had a lot of nice teachers. It is difficult to pick one.
I think it would have to be Christmas Eve dinner. It was always such a treat but the others were too.
Freeze tag.
A friend I met years ago, she recently passed away. She was a strong and straightforward lady who truly cared. I miss her.
I haven't seen a play in years and years, but one that was wonderful that I saw as a young girl with my parents and truly enjoyed was South Pacific.
Sunday dinner.
I wish you a beautiful Mother's Day Sandie and to all.
Blessings dear friend and a big hug, Catherine xoxox


Love those smells you picked to invoke happy times.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Enjoyed today's post. I want to see Mama Mia! Haven't seen it. Can you imagine that?

I think every generation, since the beginning of time, thinks their time is the worst of the worst. Part of our human condition, I guess.

Take care and have a wonderful rest of the day! Susan

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

You are so right on with the state of our nation and the kids. God has been removed from just about every area in our lives and in our kids lives. It is hard not to be discouraged by it all.

Thanks for the Mother's day wish! I hope you have a wonderful day as well.

TexWisGirl said...

your 3 smells are really nice. and your mom's chili memory, too.

Suzan said...

So many questions- I want my kids to remember our spring breaks with my parents and their cousins. Family being together!! Besides Mom- Aunt Sara and Aunt Lucy were the most influential females for me. Favorite meal was by my Grandmom- fried fish and catfish. Momma Mia the movie - never saw the play!!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day Sandie!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

me to on number 7 and the smells, all three of those. and fried chicken was my mother dish i love the most. Happy mothers day and thanks for the wishes.

LL Cool Joe said...

I love your answers and the questions. I'd like to join in but do you have to answer them on a Wednesday because I've already blogged today!

Sharon said...

Just a couple observations. I loved your memories of games you played in your childhood. They brought back memories for me. And yes, I remember playing outside all the time, too. Maybe that's part of what's wrong with this generation - they are in front of *devices* all the time. Not enough fresh air!!

My favorite play is The Phantom of the Opera. I LOVE the music and the sets. But it's the storyline that gets me every time.

And your three smells? Good ones! I think I'd have to pick cinnamon also. And then maybe, orange and this one candle that I have that reminds me of Sea N' Ski suntan lotion...

I have the same allergic reaction to exercise - at least that's what I keep telling everyone!


Terri D said...

Okay. I signed up for the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Again, as always, enjoyed your post today!

Beth said...

The only teacher that I remember from my childhood was my 5th grade teacher. She was such a compassionate person. I can still remember her face after all of these years.

Anonymous said...

I loved this so much, you always have the best reading,
I wish to you a Happy Mothers Day,

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for sharing more about yourself with us! It's nice to get to know you better. :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy Mother's Day!

Blessings and hugs,

Joyce said...

I think even if you're not an Abba fan the music is so fun and I loved the show too. Looking for four leafed clovers! Wow-haven't done that in a long time, but we could spend hours laying in the grass hoping to find one. Have a good week!

Unknown said...

My step mother was an excellent cook, I have taken in a few of here recipes :) Have a great Wednesday, mine is nearly over, tired this evening so will head to bed in a while. Hugs x

Debby@Just Breathe said...

My mom always made Chili Mac and it was not spicy at all. When I visit my dad and I make chili he always wants macaroni noodles with it. I enjoyed the movie Mamma Mia a lot. Haven't bought it yet for some crazy reason.
Hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day Dear Friend. Love, Debby

Nancy said...

Macaroni and stewed tomatoes. :)

The Boston Lady said...

The lift today is terrific! Red light, green light. Hide and Seek. Did a lot of jump rope in my day too. Love all your answers to such good questions, Sandie. It's wonderful to get to know you. Smell of porridge takes me back to my grandparents house - at least that's what I think that smell is - in my head it's porridge because she made it every morning. Only saw them a couple of times a year and my grandma died when I was about 8.


Dee said...

Hi friend, catching up on blogs today...do not feel to much like commenting but want to let you know I enjoyed the info on Olive oil...and paper dolls brings back hours and hours of child hood memories.

renae said...

Oh Sandie! I love the Laugh and the Lift today! You are one busy lady thinking all of that stuff. Mother's Day isn't my day. I have always thought of it as My Mom's Day not mine. Is that strange?

Marie said...

I love hearing your answers!
Happy Mother's Day to you! You have been like a Mom to me in our letters. :)
love & hugs,

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, you have stirred up many memories. Like you, we had a big field and woods behind our house. I would go outside in the morning, come home for lunch, and not be home the whole day. Roller skating, climbing trees. No one locked their doors. When inside because of weather, my FAV was paper dolls!! And doll babies and jacks, and comic books. I would walk down to the corner drugstore myself to buy comic books, and they even had a soda fountain which I loved. Here is the sad thing. No kids will EVER have these memories of really good times that are simple and not filled with any fear or security rules. When I went to school, it was horrible if you chewed gum or wore culottes, you got in big trouble. Now the only thing you get in trouble for is bringing a Glock...

Unknown said...

happy mother's day , Sandie

This made me think of playing outside all day with every neighborhood kid for blocks around. Kick the can was the fav.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Mothers day. I hope you have a good one.
I am afraid that children today will remember hiding in fear from a shooter or something worse.

Miss Debbie said...

Hope you have a sweet Mother's Day, too!!

jack69 said...

I enjoyed your witty answers. Much of the same feelings I have.

It is nice to come by for a breath of fresh air. I am looking forward to mailing out the books.

Love & Hugs from Belmont, North Carolina...

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Happy Mothers Day to you also Sandie.. I pray its a happy one. xxx

Gail Dixon said...

I remember Mother May I? And I was a big fan of paper dolls, too. Love your inspirational message - it really rocks! :)

Rob-bear said...

Lots of things are certainly a mess theses days. But in-between the disasters are important moments of learning and sharing. Perhaps those will help all of us to survive!

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Debbie said...

I agree with you about the current times. I agree with you about what made me love a teacher. I agree with you about the games you used to play.
Basically, I'm just standing in agreement.

I loved Mama Mia. My daughter (younger one, Miss Whimsy) insisted that I see it, and I loved it. Of course, I loved that music so I was easy to convince.

I need a crone. I probably need to be a crone to someone but I don't give such great advice.

Cathy said...

I haven't seen Mama Mia yet, but I think I will now.

I loved paper dolls. Remember Betsy McCall in the back of the McCall's Magazine?

I had a Chatty Cathy too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I haven't seen Mama Mia, will have to look for it. Happy Mother's Day to you, dear Sandie!

Dar said...

What a sweet entry. So nice to get to know more about you. You, sweet girl, have a most wonderful Mother's Day.
I will email the bread recipe...no bread maker required.

Linda O'Connell said...

Lovely insights into your life and happy Mother's Day to you!

Lynn said...

The first time I saw Mama Mia at The Fox Theater, I had no idea about what it was about, other than it having songs from Abba in it. I've seen the movie and the show three more times, but that first time was just the best. The unexpectedness of it. :)

I hope you have a happy Mothers Day, Sandie!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love to learn new things about you! I saw Mama Mia at the Fox and loved it!! So much fun!

hugs, Linda

Betty Manousos said...

great quote to live by. (i'm referring to the last one.)

i love mama mia movie...have also written a post about it, too.
love abba songs, and i adore meryl streep!!