"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday 5-15-13

Please join Joyce and all of us at "On This Side of the Pond for Hodgepodge Wednesdays".  I know some of you have and you know it is fun. I just love the questions.

1. May is National Blood Pressure Month...what sends yours soaring, either literally or figuratively? What calms you down? When did you last have your bp checked?
My blood pressure will SOAR when I hear someone being scolded by another - knowing their self esteem is being damaged - especially when it's a child!  
 I have it checked every three months at the doctor's office and I don't like doctors at all!  
My blood pressure raises as soon as I get into the office and even more when I see the doc!

2. You just found $1-what do you spend it on? How about 10$ 100?
If I found a dollar bill I'd probably give it to my grandson.  If I found a $100 bill I'd look around and see if anyone was looking for it and then I would share it four ways. 
You thought I had bigger aspirations???   lol
3. Mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food has been proposed, but not enacted in the US. How much attention do you give food labels before you buy? Are you in favor of labeling if it means an increase in food prices? Is this an issue you've been following and feel strongly about, or is this the first you've heard of the controversy?
I have heard of it for years.  I always read labels - but I don't always not get something that has bad ingredients.  
If I was rich I would only buy organic everything.  
I do believe you have to watch some of the GE foods - especially like soy proteins.  
Now if it is an increase in food prices - then gnaw - just let it go.   
There is a lot to say about moderation -
if you have self control...

4. May 15th marks the birthdate of Frank Baum, author of The Wizard of Oz. At this point in time, are you more in need of brains, courage, heart, or a trip back home? Explain.
That is one of my all time favorites movies.  And have you seen Wicked - awesome?  
I love the deep meanings of both of them  - so much psychology in them both.  
You have to know I love psychology.
I would say a trip back home.  Home is where the heart is.  You can feel home.  
And if you have gotten to play you don't recognize - it means you probably had it at home all the time and you missed it!

5. "There's no place like home" is an oft repeated line from Baum's book. When was the last time you felt the truth of that statement?
I LOVE my home - I'm always glad to be home.  It feels safe.

6.  Steak...yes please or no thank you? What cut do you prefer and how do you like yours cooked? Sauce or no sauce? Besides your own kitchen, where's a place you like to go to get a great steak? 
It's not good for you, but once in awhile it's so good to eat.  I like mine well done and I mean no pink.  
Filet Mignon - and as long as we are eating red meat - having an expensive cut - let's go to an expensive place - 
Ruth Chris Steak House.  

7. When was the last time you were in a genuine hurry?
Genuinely in a hurry - what does that mean?  I guess when I'm responsible for getting someone to an appointment at a specific time - I try to rush.  
I have to say I try not to be in a hurry. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
That being said I asked my husband if he could remember the last time I was in a hurry.  He said I've been in a hurry, but he can't remember.  I think he projects his ALWAYS being in a hurry on to me.  Seriously.  He is a nervous wreck getting anywhere - including driving.  
 Ever hear this song?





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andy said...

I love the laugh picture !!! Happy Wednesday ! Hope you have a great day

Wanda's Wings said...

Almost the first today!

Shelly said...

My blood pressure soars when I'm in traffic- so many careless drivers out there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can tell you i am never in a hurry, i am always way to early. if i have a 3 pm doc appt i am in the office waiting at 2:45. if you invite me to dinner, i get there so early i have to drive the neighborhood to wait until time. i have been that way all my life. and what makes my BP soar is people who are always late and never on time... and my BP goes up in the doc office to
if i found a hundred, i would mail it to my son in TN

i only read sodium or sugar content in labels.,

i have always been a no place like home, and 2 or 3 days not at home is my max.

Beth said...

Everything you want is on the other side of fear. So very true!

Susan said...

Oh yeah, that's true, Sandie. Fear stops us in our tracks. Once we let it go, life is good and adventurous again.

My blood pressure goes up at the doc's, too. Go figure.

Thanks for the chuckles. Susan

bp said...

Nice to visit you today. So many answers I could put on #1, that one would be on my list too. It makes me just want to go hug the child.

Gail Dixon said...

My blood pressure has been a problem for years and I hate the meds that go along with it. Being in a drs office makes mine elevated too!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You're so nice to share your $100 four ways!

mail4rosey said...

Ruth Chris is one of hubby's faves. We'll drive the 1 1/2 drive to get to one every once in awhile, just so he can get his fix. :)

Inger said...

My BP is good, even at the doctors. At least after I changed to a good doctor, the other one was enough to raise both hackles and BP. Petting dogs is supposed to help and I do a lot of that, so maybe that's why I'm doing good.

Thanks for these interesting insights into your life.

jack69 said...

If that is your answers, they are goood ones...
Imma thinking it is me answering several questions. Love your comments here, they are also good.

I am sorry, but when I am 'HOME' home, my BP rises a little. haha, but in our rolling home the BP is great.

De Kitten B cute!!!

((HUGS)) to you..

Maggie Ann said...

Hi Sandy, I would have to have those questions right in front of me to remember them and answer. Drs make me nervous also....but my blood pressure runs a bit on the low side almost always. When I went to the ER recently it rose by about 25 points though. Back trouble. I would like to comment about the use of the word 'frickin'...I hate it. My Dad used the other version of that word when he got angry and I hated it so much...still do. I know you didn't invent it but really it makes me think of the one spelled with an 'u' and gives me the creeps. Nuff said. Bad childhood.... French press coffee is using any kind of coffe bean coursely ground...but it is really the method of preparing it that gives it its name. You steep the coffee in hot water for 4 minutes....then stir and pour off. Special pots have filters with plungers to catch the grounds, or you can do the process in a mason jar..& strain thru cheese cloth. It makes an amazing difference in the taste. I hope you give it a try. Google it =)

Susannah said...

Great answers! We would eat all organic if we could afford it. I can not imagine you never ever being in a hurry or did I read that wrong?

Great post, my dear!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My blood pressure has never failed to go up when I go to the doctor too. So I try to keep it under control by not going to the doctor. I love the Wizard of Oz. Nothing like a classic to bring reality home to us. There is no place like home.

Granny Annie said...

You are great to put so much effort into your wonderful posts. That is my random thought:)

As far as a good steak, we love Montana Mike's steaks, prime rib, etc. Maybe it is just our local one because of their chef, but he/she knows exactly how to cook "medium" or "rare". Sometimes you can get a tasty steak at Applebees.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I guess my bp raises when I start to think! I guess walking with my little dog helps.
I love the Wizard of Oz too. There is so much good advice in that movie. There really is "no place like home".
I suppose I am in need of a little extra courage.
I love steak! Steak probably is one of my favorite foods, though I rarely eat it due to the cost. I love skirt steak. I like it pink. I like to eat it at home.
I guess I was rushing a little Sunday to get to church on time.
I am a slow paced person by nature.
I hope that you had a beautiful Mother's Day. blessings dearest. Catherine xoxo

TexWisGirl said...

i try not to hurry - especially to get somewhere - as that drives my b.p. up. :)

Betty Manousos said...

that kitty made me laugh!
i try not to hurry, but i am always in a hurry! argh~

nice post!

Sandee said...

I check my blood pressure often as I have high bp that is controlled by medication. Mine is always fine now.

I love the laugh and really love the lift.

Have a terrific day honey. ☺

Sharon said...

You are such an interesting person!

My answers today:

1. Bills!
2. $1 - 1/4 of a gallon of gas. $10 - something at Starbuck's. $100 - Spend it somehow, and feel guilty.
3. I read labels sometimes.
4. I am in need of courage. There are some crazy things going on in my life right now, and I need power to face them.
5. It's been awhile - I'm still trying to feel *at home* in the mountains.
6. Haven't had steak in years. But, thinking about it lately - so I'll probably have to indulge soon.
7. Rushing to get to Bible Study!
8. Random thought - I'm glad to have my funny friend, Chatty, in my life!


Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning Sandie!

Love your little kitty kat with her arms so big and wide-love wicked, wizard of oz, ruby slippers, and home!
Happy Hugs, my dear,

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I only eat red meat about once a month and I love a good steak however I like mine medium. Eating organic and fresh is really the only way to eat but it can be very costly. I love to travel but I also love to come home to my bed! Have a great day :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the Wizard of Oz... awesome book & movie. ( :
have a happy day!

Donna said...

They Need to get the GMO's Banned!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

OK as you know I always run late and so I'm always in a hurry...grrr...can't hel it!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Number 1, we are exactly the same, the kid self esteem thing makes my blood boil. I have seen and heard far too many times a poor little kid and parent figure screaming at them that they are no good and they will leave them all alone, other horrible things. It sticks in my mind forever and I try to shut it out. It is always trouble when I have to hurry! It never ends good.


LOVE the video. Time to slow down.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Obama and the White House makes my blood boil... ha ha ... I really don't have blood pressure problems now that I'e lost weight... YEAH.

I'd probably give extra money to my middle son who is getting a divorce and needs the extra money.

I do not pay for organic foods much at all. I feel that since I have lived 70 years and am healthy, well--I must be doing something right.

At this point in my life, I want good health. That is most important!!!

I love my home also--and even though I love traveling, it's always great to get home.

I try not to EVER be in a hurry these days--but I certainly was when I was younger....


Beansieleigh said...

Hi Sandie! Just joined in on this, for the first time.. kinda fun, and think I'll join in again next week! I LOVE The Wizard of Oz, but have not seen Wicked yet. In fact, I'm kinda upset I have not even seen the movie "Oz, The Great and Powerful" yet... even now that it's been in the cheapie theaters! Dear Daughter didn't find it met her expectations, and thought I might as well wait till it comes on DVD... Have you seen it yet? ~tina

Debbie said...

My computer is acting wonky so I am afraid to click to the song until I comment.

I didn't realize that May 15th was Baum's birthday. Funny... my daughter and I were just discussing how that book (more than the movie even) is one of her favorites. She absolutely loves the symbolism in it. She is also the one who convinced my husband to take the whole family to see Wicked when it came to Atlanta. We all thought it was so wonderful and agree about the deep meaning from it.

I had more to say but this is getting long. I'm going to try to click the song.

Joyce said...

Just fyi-your link in the HP was incorrect and linking back to my page as opposed to sending visitors here. I went in and changed it for you...looks liks you've had lots of visitors anyway so no biggie : )

I'm with the cat -ha!

Ms. A said...

Great answers, Sandi! Make my filet medium (pink) please.

I check my blood pressure at home and with Mike currently living here, there are plenty of opportunities for it to rise.

Ann said...

I'm rarely in a hurry because I am always early for everything. Unless for some reason my alarm doesn't go off in the morning I've got plenty of time and no need to rush :)

Nonnie said...

I'm always early. I have very low blood pressure for which I am thankful because I'm sure it just rises to "normal" when something makes me boil over. Would also like to buy all my groceries at Whole Foods and eat fruits and vegetables, but that just isn't gonna happen when you're married to a chicken fried steak kind of guy and I'm lucky to be able to cook chicken every couple of weeks. We eat out the majority of the time.

renae said...

Awe Chatty, I don't eat steak. The texture doesn't take care of the taste. I love Veggies. I eat Chicken and Eggs and plants.

Thanks for the great list of helps that could or should help me.

Jeanie said...

Good for you for getting your blood pressure checked regularly.
I just had a filet at Ruth Chris last week.....soooo good.

nancygrayce said...

Lately the news is all it takes to get my blood pressure through the roof!

I need courage and I love, love home!!!

I'm ashamed to admit I don't read labels except for calories and I love a good filet. I'm such a bad girl!

Jill said...

I adore this meme and getting to know more about you. I find I'm usually in a hurry and I really don't care for it! ha!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I am sure my blood pressure goes up when I am pissed off and have to stop myself from slapping someone stupid........or when I am stuck in traffic.

Betsy said...

I really do believe the kitten is saying that. They are so funny.
I have to have my blood pressure taken usually twice when I go to the doc.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have the 'white coat' syndrome, too! My bp is always up when I go in to the dr. office, but if they take it at the end of the visit, it's fine! I'd hate to see what my bp is when I'm reading the news lately, tho! Whew!
Love that kitten!

Jim said...

Hi Sandie ~~ I'm runing late today. I am glad that you can hurry. Some people can't do that.

Your video had good scenes but I didn't car fore the song. The ad was okay video too but not the message. Poor scooter.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Those are some interesting answers, my friend. And I agree w/you about people damaging a child's self esteem. I see red about that, too.



Catherine said...

Cute kitty!
Hope you are having a very happy week!
xo Catherine

Lynn said...

I'm like you - I like beef to be done, but always get the push back when I order it in a restaurant. Half the time it still comes to the table bloody, when I said medium well. So back it goes (and I'm not a difficult diner.) I figure they think they can always nuke it. :)

Theresa said...

Sweet post! Makes us think:) I worked for 30 years and was always in a hurry... shopping at lunch while eating my lunch, always sitting in traffic in a hurry to get to work on time! All that said, since I retired 11 years ago, HURRY isn't even an option! Have a blessed day dear Sandie, HUGS!

Dee said...

The quote
"Every thing you want is on the other side of fear" smacked me in the face. Bullying makes my blood pressure soar. I hate seeing people being mean.

Annesphamily said...

A nice informative post! Gosh, you are one busy gal getting all this cool info to share with us!