"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday May 16

5 Fiber All Stars 

                                                                 Stay Full All Day

Our goal is 25 to35 grams of fiber per day - do you get that much every day?

The five best food sources for fiber are:

Avocado - my favorite
Black beans
Dried FIgs
Green Peas

I get about 30 grams of fiber a day.  I supplement it - I don't get it all from food.

And PS -  did you know that caffeine can accelerate muscle contractions in your colon and bring the urge to go on?  Just FYI

My dinner tonight plus a bean soup.

1. Butter the outsides of some whole wheat panini-style sandwich bread.

2. Slice some sharp cheddar cheese and some Roma tomatoes.  (I am going to use regular ones.)

3. Make up a batch of fresh guacamole. You can find my recipe here. (I left the tomatoes out and saved them for slicing.)

4. Layer one slice of bread with cheese, guacamole, sliced tomato, more cheese, and the final slice of bread.

5. Grill on a hot griddle or cast iron skillet on both sides until the bread is toasty and the cheese is melty.


2 serrano peppers, seeded and diced
1/2 cup white onion, finely chopped
2 ripe plum tomatoes, finely chopped
1/4 cup cilantro, minced
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
3 avocados
Juice of one or two limes
salt to taste

1. Mix all.

Anyone going to join me?  Any more avocado or fiber ideas? Please share we us.  The more fiber the better.  Not just for the obvious - but the more fiber you eat - the more it helps weight loss.

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 Something I have had to learn time after time after time in my life.


Marie said...

Your sandwich looks so yummy! I need to check on my fiber intake.
My husband needs a hammer and nails for our blankets. lol
Love the last one...learned that a few years ago. :)

Sr. Ann Marie said...

That sandwich looks delicious. I like sliced avocado on sandwiches. I think the first time I had it was when I was visiting someone in California. That info about caffeine is interesting. Gives me a good reason to start following my earlier resolution and stop drinking so much diet coke!

Eat To Live said...

I make sure I get a lot of fiber daily..... lots. It is one way to heal our body.

Your sandwich looks wonderful. Yummm you are making me hungry.

Lynn said...

I've done the South Beach diet so much that I kind of stick to that. Nothing but whole grains for me. My evening meal is usually only a big salad with spring greens and steamed vegetables + a little feta cheese.

Someone brought sandwiches on homemade white flour hoagie rolls to a picnic and I just had a bit or two of the bread (not wanting to offend.)
Love avocado, too. :)

mail4rosey said...

Thanks for the colon info. -_- lol

The sandwich looks yummy and the fiber foods you've mentioned are all faves of mine!

The laugh was a good one.
The saying with the closed door, even better (and oh, so true). :)

Decadent Housewife said...

Come cook for me, Chatty.

Stephanie said...

Ho whave I never thought to combine guac and grilled cheese? Delish Cathy!

Bev said...

Looks YUMMY!!!...and yes I know that about COFFEE,,,,:(

Susan said...

Love the guacamole and cheese combo. Mmm mmm mmm

That was also a good lesson to learn , Sandie. Stop banging on closed doors! HA!

Take care and I hope you have a good day. Susan

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love avocados ... so yummy. the sandwich looks delicious. ( :

Shelly said...

We are big on guacamole down here, so that really does sound good!

jack69 said...

I love Black beans, black berries and peas. We have never been much on Avocados except at a friends house, and it was delicious. We just don't do it.
We add 1/4 cup of 'buds' (50% fiber to our cereal in the morning.
That helps old folk. LOL

Love the lift. I am one who keep knocking too long!

Love & HUGS
Sherry & Jack

jack69 said...

PS But the sandwich does look and sound delicious, for sure!!!

Sandee said...

I want one of those sandwiches. Yummy.

I love the laugh. Sometimes I steal the covers and sometimes hubby steals them. Too cute.

The lift is spot on. We just need to pay attention.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. ☺

TexWisGirl said...

that last lesson is tough for me, too.

Jeanne said...

I love avocado and didn't realize they were high in fiber. I'll definitely try the guacamole recipe since it has three of my favorite things to cook with - avocado, cilantro and lime. Thanks for sharing!

Gail Dixon said...

Oh I love me some avocado! I'll have to try this some time. The laugh was cute and the lift just what I needed to see today. :)

Pat MacKenzie said...

I absolutely love avocado, especially as guacamole. Never thought of putting it on grilled cheese sandwich though. Will definitely try it.

barbara woods said...

Good one how about
Sending me that sandwich

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have an avocado tree someone can have if they will take it down and away from me... i get my fiber from oatmeal, beans, 14 grain bread, cheerios, that kind of stuff. but i can tell you the coffee thing is not true.. but i will not give details...
i am now going to find a hammer and nails and fix my blanket and sheet.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I am one who needs about 25-30 grams of fiber each day to stay regular (since I have a constipation problem--and always have had).

My best forms of fiber (which I like) are:
-Wheat Bran... I sprinkle 2 tbsp on my yogurt each morning. It gives me 7 grams of fiber.
-Chicken Tuscany Soup (Progresso)-- 7 grams of fiber
-Three Bean Chili Soup (Progresso)-7 grams of fiber

It's very important to get plenty of water/fluid in us. I drink about 96 oz each day.... It's all working for me.

Not a fan of Guac or Avocado--so that one won't work for me. Berries are great though.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love avocado and black beans! I do know that about coffee...tee hee!


Anonymous said...

I could not handle anything in a sandwich like that.

blueberries I like but not in a sandwich..

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm working hard these days to get fiber in my diet. Doesn't help the low carb I'm dong :( but it is needed to keep the cholesterol levels down!

renae said...

Nice post. I couldn't sleep last night so I am off to a late start today. Man! Cute post and yummmers food!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think our colons do slow down and need more help as we age. And there's lots of it out there...

Dee said...

It does not take much for my colon to be accelerated or my bladder either. The sandwich looks not only healthy but good... :)


LOVE guacamole. This is the sandwich for me. Chuckled over the man nailing down his covers so his wife doesn't steal them.

Ms. A said...

I'm the one that needs the hammer and nails around here.

Lynn said...

Sounds like a yummy sandwich! I eat lots of beans:@)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

The Sandwich does sound very good. When warm weather comes it seems I eat more sandwiches than any other time of the year.

Nonnie said...

That sandwich looks delicious. I love avocado, but DH doesn't. Fiber is so very important and I love all those foods packed with fiber, such as black beans, pinto beans, oatmeal, whole grain, etc. I always check labels for fiber. I would love to nail down the covers at our house.

Jill said...

Oh that sandwich looks so good! I'm drooling!

I eat fresh snap peas every day for lunch!

Ann said...

That sandwich looks really good.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

oh man- does that sandwich look sooooo good!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Sandie Sweetie..
I have truly missed blogging and yes I am back. In Sept. when Raja died, it pushed me back hard and I just seem to lose my mojo. I believe she came back today. I have NO idea why. She just did. You will definitely be seeing me around again.

Love this sandwich, it looks so darn yummy. So how was it? Does it taste as good as it looks? It took me awhile to try avocados, as I am not a fan of green anything. Don't know why.

Loved the thought about the door. A lovely way to think about it. I have spent a lot of time banging on doors over the years. I love it. Thank you for sharing with me this evening.

Have a glorious day sweet friend. I will be visiting again soon. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Pondside said...

I love that final thought - the 'lift'. It's a lesson I have a hard time with!

Scooter said...

This is so funny, Kim and I have been eating so much avocado dip that it is crazy. We use the same recipe and we cant get enough, LOL


Miss Debbie said...

I like the quote about the door..that's a good one!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandy .. I love avocado and all things healthy ... I'm usually pretty good with salads and fruits ... cheers Hilary

andy said...

That dinner looks great !!!!!

Theresa said...

Yummy! Thanks for sharing and now I am hungry:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Cranberry Morning said...

Guacamole grilled cheese????!!! Sounds delicious!

Annesphamily said...

Ooh yummy sandwich! Gosh you share all the best stuff!