1. It's National Bike Week...do you own a bicycle? When did you last ride a bike?
I do not own a bike - when we moved to GA we bought our home in the foothills of the Kennesaw Mountains. We have no flat ground in this subdivision at all! So we sold our bikes. I was sad about it to tell you the truth - but there is no since bringing them ten miles from here to ride. So 1986.
2. What's something you learned in school that wasn't part of the curriculum?
I learned about the 'birds and the bees' - it was not part of the curriculum back then! lol
3. What's a food you've never tried, but want to try? What's a food you've tried and will never try again?
I have never ever had lobster! I've always wanted to try one. I tried octopus one time - by accident - and I was so sick after I found out what it was!!!! It looked like pink mashed potatoes. It was years ago when we in in Greece!
4. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Why? Do you think that's a good trend?
The older I get the less demanding I get on my myself. It is not worth it at all!! And I think it is a great trend. Hopefully all my friends out there - growing into our skin - will feel the same way.
5. Who is your favorite book, movie, or TV show villain?
Red John from the Mentalist.
6. How concerned are you about identity theft?
7. I saw this last question on Dawn's blog a couple of week's ago and asked if I could share. Everybody hop over and say hi, but first answer this...would you rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place or an extraordinary home in an ordinary place?
I would rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place! For sure!
(I want to live in Greece - where Mama Mia was filmed - heehee.)
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am praying for and thinking of Oklahoma victims and my blogs friends that need prayer.
I would love to move out of California that's what I would like.
Love the laugh and the lift. The lift is so very true.
Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ☺
Yuck to octopus- I agree! I've never been to Greece but it sure looks beautiful!
i like the mentalist, too.
and lobster is delicious!
I always enjoy your answers. Giving more insight into a neat person's life.
Also the answers (that I know) are a lot like mine would be.
Good thought, the Folks in OK. Our prayers and thoughts for them also.
my favorite TV show is Justified. and i love all food, but NO onions.
i will not eat raw fish though
i tasted alligator tails and snails but did not like either.
You have to try lobster. You're going to just LOVE it.
Lobster is the greatest seafood, but ONLY, if you get it in New England!
I'm not much of a biker myself! I'd rather run ;-)
I love lobster, but thankfully, I've not tried octopus.
I'd rather live in an ordinary house in an ordinary place and visit all those extra ordinary places.
Love the lovely lady and grumpy man poster.
I love lobster but don't get it often. I have never tried octopus and am sure i don't want to either. I agree with you in the fact that I am less demanding on myself than I ever was too.
I've been praying for those victims too, Sandie.
I haven't had lobster, or octopus.
Growing into ones skin is a really awesome thing. :)
We'll have to get together sometime, Sandie, and enjoy our lobster, cuz I've never eaten lobster either. :-) And I'm with you on wanting an ordinary house in an extraordinary place. I can live very frugally. I'd be happy to live extremely frugally if I could have a hut in Yorkshire. :-)
The "Three Type of People"... I've been contemplating that one quite a bit lately.
You've never had lobster?? Oh, my. You must try it. You just *must*. And don't order it at a seafood place...experience it! Take a trip up to Maine and sit on the coast and overlook the amazing vast water. I went to Ogunquit several years ago and fell in love with it. Just amazing. The lobster was delish, fresh and dirt cheap!
No---don't own a bike. George had one when we got married --but gave it to his daughter. We are on very steep hills here... Wouldn't be fun!!!
Hmmmmmm... Guess I didn't know back then just how important teachers are in our lives... The good ones---I will always remember; the bad ones ---I don't remember at all.
I've never had frog legs --and hope that I NEVER have them... ha ha
Not as much so as I was when I was younger, working and raising kids alone... That was HARD. I was very demanding on myself back then...
Don't you get tired of hearing about Red John??? They are running that story-line in the ground ---and I don't like the Mentalist nearly as much as I used to...
I'm not concerned about identity theft much either...
I want an ordinary/small home in the MOUNTAINS, which is extraordinary!!!!!
Prayers for Oklahoma.
Oh my goodness - You've never tried lobster? You have not lived until you have had an east coast lobster, dunked in melted butter! Lol
And you stole my answer to #7 - I want to live where Mama Mia was filmed too.
We had octopus in Greece too. It was okay, not something I'd go out of my way to eat. I think it tastes better if you're sitting beside the Aegean : )
We are in the hills too but I still want a bike! I will take it somewhere else to ride it. Girl...you have to try lobster! Red John, good answer.
I would LOVE to visit Greece, all the islands!!! I read a series of books by a famous naturalist who lived in Greece and it was about their flora and fauna and his adventures there growing up as a boy. It was AWESOME. I will see if I can remember his name and comment it to you. We ADORE The Mentalist!!!!!! Jane, not John. And when are Patrick and Lisbon just going to move on and get engaged? I bet if they did, Red John would kill Lisbon. Another great new series is Elementary, the new Sherlock series. Watson is a lady surgeon.
I have a bike and actually ride it occasionally:) Enjoyed reading these! Have a blessed evening, HUGS!
May I please come live with you in Greece?! I loved Mama Mia! You could eat all the lobster you want there-you are going to like it so much!
I walk a lot but I would really like to ride a bike-I rode all the time on a blue schwinn when I was a youngster.
Thank you for HodgePodge Wednesday!
Happy Hugs!
I do have a bike and we rode about 2 weeks ago. Really need to get on it more often.
Loved Mama Mia too and would LOVE to go to Greece. You lucky girl that you have been!
I should take you for a lobster dinner sometime! You would love it! Yummy! I always enjoy learning new things about you!
I got a good chuckle out of your answer about learning the birds and the bee's LOL and...yuk to the Octopus. I would have been sick too.and Amen to your answer to number 4 is what I would have said. :)
We use to ride bikes with my children. Now that they are grown our bikes sit waiting for our grandchildren to get old enough to ride with us. I too have gotten less demanding of myself. Happy Wednesday!
Hope it's ok that I have copied a few of these questions which I will turn into blog posts in the future. I am also going over to say hi to Dawn......
Dear Sandie,
I don't own a bike anymore. I have owned a bike since about the same time as you, 1986. There really is too much traffic!
I would not eat bugs!
It would have to be the Wicked Witch, in the Wizard of Oz.
I would have to share your random thought and pray for the people in Oklahoma.
I love the three people in life. That is just perfection.
Thank you for this quote.
Blessings dearest. Catherine xoxo
Hi Sandie....Enjoyed your post. Love reading your answers to the questions.
I'll give them a shot, too.
1. Don't own a bike and don't want one. I'd probably crash and kill myself and that would not be funny.
2. In school, I liked to learn about how other students lived and thought.
3. I'd like to try real truffles. They are so expensive that they must be good.
I do not plan to ever eat liver again or cow's tongue.
4. Less demanding as I get older. If I live to age 80,I'll probably chuck every rule out the window.
5. Dr. Zhivago is my favorite movie.
6. I'm concerned about identity theft because I think it would be a horrible experience.
7.I'd like an extraordinary home but not in an ordinary place. I'd want it to be with other extraordinary homes but I'd still like money to be able to travel.
8. I'm with Sandie in praying for all the people in Moore, Oklahoma who lost loved ones, their homes, friends, and so on. God help them all. Susan
You need to have lobster and report how much you love it. I don't think I've ever had enough lobster.
This is a nice meme,Sandie, and your answers are excellent.
Well, almost. I don't know anything about Red John from the Mentalist. We watch PBS on Sunday nights, then the 10 News, and then Jeopardy, then House Hunters.
I too would like to live in Tuscony, Italy, or in the Italian Riviera.
Love all your answers. Alot of them are my same answers too but that doesnt suprise you does it??? lol
Sandie, if you like seafood, you've just got to try lobster! It's delicious!!
I love seafood and lobster is nice :) I tried octopus in Italy, didn't have much taste really.
Enjoyed your answers.
I actually wanted to ride a bike this week, but the tires on our tandem are flat and need replacing not just pumping.
As for the last question. Hmmmm.... Hmmmmm.... I guess I would rather have an ordinary house in an extraordinary place. Of course, my idea of extraordinary might not be what others think. Extraordinary to me means serene and country.
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