"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trying to lend a helping hand . . .

Let's take a moment and say a prayer for the people of Moore,Oklahoma.

 Come and tip toe through the tulips with me...

Did you know that BREATHING DEEP is really critical to your health?  I have talked about it many many times.

It's good to slow you down, it's good for relaxing, and finally for getting oxygen into the body.

Here is a note from Women's Day - People who meditated as little as 20 minutes a day showed changed in the amygdala, which regulates emotion, according to a 2012 case study.  "These changes correlate with less depression and more happiness," says Gaelle Desbordes, PhD, a researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Now I am going to try it .  My problem is taking the time to do it.  If I had any tattoo on myself - it would be the word breathe - and I would have it on the inside of my left wrist.

Did you know BREAKING A SWEAT is also good news?  Even a little exercise grows brain cells. A 2011 study showed that older adults who walked just 40 minutes a day three times a week reversed age-related brain cell loss.


Did you know to TOSS THE GPS?  Research shows that older adults with better navigation skills have more gray matter in their hippocampi - and a decreased risk of dementia. 

Do you have WEAK NAILS?  Biotin is what you need - at least 2.5 milligrams daily says dermatologist Lenora Felderman, MD  It will take 3 to 6 months.



1`. Fix a hem
2.  Repair eyeglasses
3.  Dye Easter eggs
4.  Close tea bags and other things.

Did you know the popular gem-style clip hasn't changed in over a century, since William D. Middlebrook of Waterbury, CT patented it on November 9, 1899.  Why this shape?  He designed it with round edges so papers wouldn't tear.




I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am praying for all those affected by the tornado. Taking some deep breaths does help. Even if we do it for only 5 minutes. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am praying for all of those in the path of the storms today, too. And the last quote is perfect. I do that every day. Sweet hugs!

Beth said...

My prayers are with the folks in Moore Oklahoma!

Along These Lines ... said...

Nature can be so beautiful and cruel.

Cheri said...

Mother Nature really hit hard in OK and I am praying for those people. Let's hope the president helps those like he does our foreigners. Charity begins at home.

Love the ladies hand comment. Ha ha

Lynn said...

I know a number of people in Oklahoma (including a couple of blog friends) and all are OK, thankfully. My heart goes out to the people in Moore and the surrounding area.

Jeanie said...

It is so sad that they are still searching for children in the tornado damage. My two oldest kids started elementary school in Moore.
Your advice on breathing is right on.

Granny Annie said...

Let's share "The Lift" with politicians. I think they replace the word "kind" with the word "greedy".

Blessing to all our neighbors and family here in Oklahoma as we brace for round three of these terrible tornadoes. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Theresa said...

Praying along with you dear Sandie! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

andy said...

Yet another sad time !!

mail4rosey said...

I used to have weak nails, I don't even know when they got better, but they did. :)

The tornado was just awful, the aftermath even worse. :(

jack69 said...

Prayer and positive thoughts for the folks in OK. What a terrible experience.
The whole entry was an enjoyable read, but overshadowed by OK.

((HUGS)) to you from here.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...

I'd like to try that biotin. My nails have never looked elegant. Never.

Yes, the devastation in Oklahoma is tragic. Little children died in such states of fear. It breaks my heart.

Take care and have a good day. Susan

Pondside said...

Hmmm, I wonder if that biotin does it for hair too.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

We are all Oklahoma Sooners today...

Unknown said...

Praying for Oklahoma! I've enjoyed looking through your blog. Come check out Sunshine Pen Pals and join the fun!

TexWisGirl said...

i love that last thought. let's all breathe deeply and meditate on that for a few moments...

Debbie said...

I burst out laughing at the the one about a woman's hands. Still chuckling.

And the GPS one is one that I almost wrote a post about (and might yet write). My husband has always been a homing pigeon. He discovered after using a GPS a while that he was losing that skill. He got rid of it (gave it to me... another blog post) and says that his skills have come back.

And I, too, am horrified and praying for the people of Oklahoma.

Gail Dixon said...

My cousin has "just breathe" tattooed on her left hand. She suffers from bipolar. My navigation skills suck and I don't know how I'd get anywhere without my GPS. Praying for Oklahoma. :(

Inger said...

I've got to work on the deep breaths, but I'm doing great with the walking and the sweating. That is without the walking there would be no sweating! Praying too.

renae said...

Hey, I think kind thoughts all the time sheesh, nothing (well wait, I guess they do come my way)

I lovelovelove the LAUGH today!

THANK YOU FOR SAYING such nice things about my post!!!! *big smile on my face*

Scooter said...

I have family in Oklahoma and they are safe!!
Gee...I better meditate, and keep walking. I say GO for the tattoo!! LOL

Happiness IS a choice we each choose, so lets all be HAPPY!! and Breath!! Nice post.


Sandee said...

Lots of good points today and I loved the laugh and the lift. Both are spot on.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. ☺

Nancy said...

So sad about the devastation there and loss of life.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hmmm. It's not too late to get that tattoo, Chatty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we learned about the breathing thing when bob had his heart bipass surgery. and it doesn't have to be 20 minutes, just inhale as deep as you can, and exhale, putting your arms up over your head, do that 20 times a day and that will help a lot.
also we both do the break a sweat thing and that is a necessary thing. moving the body is what the body needs..... exercise is what keeps us going. and mopping the floor counts to, anything that ups the heart beat

Denise said...

Awesome tips dear. Joining you in prayer.

Anonymous said...

such a great post!!!!!!

Jackie said...

I, too, join you in prayer for those affected by the storm in Oklahoma.

Tricia Buice said...

Gosh Sandie - I just LOVE your posts. You always make me smile then I have to look around and see if anybody is looking at me smiling to myself! Thanks for the tip about weak nails, and all the other great reminders. Breathing deep now!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Perfect thought at the end, Sandie. Just imagine how much better off we would be if we did think kind thoughts.

We could never get rid of our GPS... Ours does a good job (thanks, Garmin) ---and we no longer have to depend upon maps --which I can no longer read--even with a magnifying glass... ha ha

I can do a good job with the sweating --when we work in the yard and also hike... Guess that is good for me... Now--I need to find out how to get rid of these horrible bug bites...

Yes, prayers for Oklahoma.. So very very sad.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I need to remember to breathe more deeply. Thanks for the reminder!

Praying for those in the storms of OK. What happened in Moore is just so hard to comprehend. Those dear little children. It's just heartbreaking.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for all the tidbits of information. Very helpful.

barbara woods said...

I am going to have to make my treadmill walk longer, I walk 30 minutes

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love the rows of tulips!! Bet you did not know that back in the day I took a course on Transcendental Meditation...it was all the rage after the Beatles did it...

barbara l. hale said...

Interesting fact about paperclips. Who knew? I am going to think kind thoughts today. Thanks!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

My heart goes out for people in Oklahoma.
If my breathing was good I would be able to appreciate a lot more about what relaxation is. Don't get me wrong, I am still thankful and like to thank God for every little blessing.

Suzan said...

I didn't find out about the people of Oklahoma until my drive home from the hospital last night. my heart goes out to them. And YES- already my life is changing with the birth of our first grandbaby!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am praying for all those in the path of these horrible storms. I know those who lost everything and those who lost loved one's will never be the same! Oh and yes....Breathe is so important...


nancygrayce said...

Praying for all those suffering from that terrible storm!

The hands around the throat made me laugh out loud!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Thank you for this post on Oklahoma-our youngest daughter Rebecca, Josh and the new baby were traveling home to Oklahoma after Rebecca's graduation from LSUS. Because I35 was closed they had to spend last night in Arbuckle Oklahoma. My sweet little family lives in Chickasha Oklahoma. I am happy to report that they are safe as is the rest of Josh's family.
Sweet Hugs my friend!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweet Friend... Oh how my heart jumped when I heard about the horrible tornado in Oklahoma, and that it had hit a school filled with children. How terrified they must have been. They are all in my prayers. Nature can be cruel.

Loved the use of paper clips. I hadn't heard of biotin. My nails are paper thin, I am going to give that a try. You teach me something new every time I pop over here. Thank you sweet friend. Hope you are having a glorious day. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Ann said...

Sending prayers for those in OK

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Ok I breath each night I lay in bed and concerntrait on my breathing and I go for a "bike" ride on my Wii a few mornings a week can't do it on Saturday when I have Leo here or on Wednesdays when I have Summer here but the other days yeah I do it then.

I also have said a prayer for those affected by the storms in the US

Sandy said...

I can hardly believe the pictures we're seeing from Oklahoma. And hearing that little kids lost their lives is especially tragic. I am praying with you. So, so awful.
I started biotin and folic acid about three weeks ago for my hair, nails and skin because a doctor acquaintance said these vitamins work wonders. We shall see.

Merlesworld said...

What about a day of thinking kind things.
Deep breathing is always good.

Paula said...

I should try Biotin. I have healthy hair but terrible nails. I had never thought of deep breathing until I had Bronchitis and the nurse practioner told me to take lots of deep breaths. Thanks for all the info. you give us.

Dee said...

I agree with the deep breathing I do it every morning along with time spent in prayer and scripture. As for breaking a sweat...I do that to with out much effort. I hope my brain cells stay strong a little while longer :) I join with you in prayer about Oklahoma. :(

Jill said...

As a rule, I personally, detest tats. I do like the idea of yours though!

Grandma Bonnie said...

My thought and prayers are with Oklahoma.
I don't like the GPS. My husband is more reliable.


So sad what happened in Oklahoma. Learning to breathe to handle stress is a good thing, indeed.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Seeing the destruction and loss of life in Moore, OK, puts our problems into perspective.

Sharon said...

My biggest problem is that it is when I am breaking a sweat that I have the most problems breathing!!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hi..I've missed you! I am really falling down on visiting..please forgive me. Mercy, but I do love to visit you! What a joy!
Not exactly sure why I like to eat like that, but it's really nice now and then..
Is there any place we can really feel safe?? Those poor folks..what a terrible thing to have happen to them!

Saimi said...

Where I lack in grey matter (due to the fact I use a GPS) I make up for in good breathing and exercise! I could use a dose of Biotin my nails are terrible!

Eat To Live said...

I have read that when we yawn, it means we aren't breathing deep enough.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like the "slow down and just breathe" advice. I think I need to do that every day. I taken biotin for my hair and nails (for over a year now) ..it really does work!

Hootin Anni said...

I had a friend in Colorado that taught you HOW to breathe properly. It's also good for toning muscles and losing weight. Yes, it does help! I didn't believe it either, 'til I had proof.