"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 24, 2013

Chatty's Monday Fragments . . .

Does this tell you what kind of weekend I had?

Now I am going to complain - moan and groan - (and these are my opinions only) - so if you are a google lover - love me in spite of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seemed when I got one thing done I would go to another thing and when I started it - where normally it would take me a minute - took me hours and hours and hours.

What happened I ask you?  So of course I am late reading posts.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated.  And no one here knows anything about what I am doing.

x_3bb47313 photo

Yeah ole granny and I had a rough weekend!  

Love, Disco



Now last Thursday we had a giveaway from the Spice Lab - they have all sorts of different and wonderful salts.  And do you remember on Oprah when she had her favorite things?  This was on it.  The reason I am retelling you is that I had the facebook address wrong.  

1.You have to like them on facebook - easy  peasy.
2. Let me know you liked them.

On Thursday I will use the random picker to pick the winner! 


Cheri said...

I went over to their FB page and liked them. Sorry you and Disco were having a bad weekend, I wasn't fairing well myself. Caulking was an issue and so was painting. I wasn't having problems before but apparently my hand coordination was off kilter. I should have just put the weapons down and went on a reading spree instead, but stubborn me wouldn't give up. Have a good day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can relate to hating Google,i use it but i don't like it... I use Chrome and love it but hate it. what i dislike is Feedly and google are forcing us to use things we don't want to use.. and they made blogger work better on Chrome than Firefox.. and i agree, i think Feedly belongs to Google and they are using it instead of Reader and did not want to tell us... feedly I loved until the past five days and they are on my last nerve. if you want to delete feedly you have to delete it in extensions.. it is not a program but a plug in.

Rob-bear said...

I didn't have the inclination to move away from Firefox and Safari. They're reliable Apple-related products. I have Google Chrome loaded on my computer, but really cannot be bothered with it. So, Blogspot and Facebook are my two destinations. Which is why I don't worry about all the connection stuff, sandie.

Sorry Disco has a bad time on the weekend. It seems his Monday came on Saturday.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I have heard people say that Bloglovin is connected to Facebook but my bloglovin account has never once asked me to log into Facebook or anything of the sort. is this just an urban legend??

Eat To Live said...

Sorry to hear you are so frustrated Sandie. I hope this week gets better for you.

For a change, my week went pretty smoothly... and I am not bragging... I have been through a lot of crap lately and we are still dealing with it.

Love to you Sandie... Crossing my fingers things get better down your way.

TexWisGirl said...

i like google for gmail, blogger, and chrome. i'm using feedly and am happy with it as a replacement for reader. but i detest google+. i have an account which i don't use. i don't want to use their g+ connect (but i know they'll do away with gfc eventually) and i abhor the g+ comments they're trying to push on us. eventually they'll push us to g+ for everything, and i'll say goodbye. :)

CalamityJr said...

Disco, if it makes you feel better knowing you're not alone, Woody has that same not-fun appointment this afternoon. You poor doggies! Hope you and Chatty are having a better day today.

Shelly said...

I didn't know that about Feedly and Bloglovin at all. I feel your pain. So sorry for all you and Disco had to go through- surely this week will be better!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

sorry to hear of your frustration. hope it will chill out soon. ( :

i'm trying to add something to my blog page & it will not load/save whatever you wish to call it... driving me nuts. guess google/blogger has other plans for me today. ) :

i will repeat to myself over & over.... i will not pull out my hair, i won't ... i need my hairs. ha. ha!! ( :

Anonymous said...

Love ya gal.

Better days ahead.

Jeanie said...

I don't know what to make of all these Google Reader changes, etc., but I am pretty sure it will all end up being a mess for me pretty soon. I hope you got everything worked out after all your frustration.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Well you know I don't say much bad about Google since my oldest works for them. As with all FREE sites there can be issues. Sorry you had such a hard time. I guess I've been blessed when it comes to Google and I've never had any really bad issues with them. Poor Disco! Hope this week is better for both of you.

Susan said...

Dear Sandie and Disco...

Okay, I liked that Facebook accouunt. (Hope they won't start sending me tons of product info. ha ha ha) So yah, please put my name in the pot. Thanks.

Sandie, some weekends are crappy like that. Thank God it's over and done with and now I wish you a happy, fulfilling and productive week with a little fun thrown in for good measure. Susan

Susan said...

Oh my gosh. I forgot to add a note to Disco.

Sorry you had to go to the doc, ol' fellow. I feel the exact same way except they don't muzzle me. (They'd probably like to.)

Maybe you got some of your gram's negative vibes. Poor dear. She had a rough weekend, too.

Well, Disco, now it's over so be a happy pup. Okay. Go beg for bone or another nice treat. Cry til you get it. Okay? Susan

Gail Dixon said...

Hoping this week will be an improvement! Sorry you had such a rough week.

Bev said...

Poor you...and poor Disco.... I hear all this about goggle...and I don't know what it's about I must be out of the loop...cause I just keep on doing what I've always been doing?? Am I missing something??

Lady Linda said...

WOW, my head is spinning just reading all of this. Let's hope you have a better week ahead!

Angela said...

I just use the reader that comes with the blog thing. I don't know how the other things you mentioned even work. Never heard of some of them! lol If the blogs disappear from my list on my blogger thing then I will just quit I suppose. Right now I'm trying to find a editing software for my pictures. My other one is on my old laptop and it is so hard to use. I need something on my new one but of course my husband who has my disks don't know where he put them! The man buys me a new computer and don't show me how to use it and it doesn't work the way I'd like it to but at least the space bar works. This computer has all kinds of icons but yet I can't use them. Makes no sense to me at all.

Sandee said...

I finally entered a drawing. I liked the spice on facebook. Got my fingers crossed that I win.

I'm sorry you had a bad weekend. Sounds like Disco had about the same exam that Little Bit had last Thursday. We're awaiting the results that should be in today.

Have a terrific week ahead honey. Big hugs from chilly and cloudy California. ☺

renae said...

Oh Sandie, so sorry things are hectic regarding our DEAR GOOGLE! That is too bad.

We took Duchess to the Vet and the Groomer this week. She is so skeptical of me going to the car with the keys in my hand now. She acts like she did something wrong or something. Poor Little Girl. I want to change her name to Little Girl. She looks so different Groomed this time. My post tomorrow will elaborate.

YES! I had my camera, the invitation and my Icebreaker Mints sitting on the corner of my desk and I walked off without them all! Urgh! Senior moment I hate to confess.

Have a much better week. ok? (hug)

oh and yup, I take all my own pictures with my handy-dandy tripod and the timer function. HM has weird up-close vision and cameras drive him nuts. I don't think Duchess/Little Girl would be able to take the photos, either. So I am on my own.... :D

Maggie Ann said...

All that Google stuff sounds confusing as all get out! I'm into google plus a bit...but there's only so much time in a day and I like things simple. We seem to drown in too much 'stuff'....don't you think so? I love it and deplore it at the same time. Only not all the time lol. Have a nice day Sandy! I don't envy you all those trips to the vet!

barbara woods said...

I put Google chrome . On my computer and when I took it off messed up everything. I took it to the shop

Lynn said...

I just searched The Spice Lab on facebook and found it. And Liked it. :)

Poor Disco - the vet is no fun. I do like the loyalty of taking the treat from your boy though.

I never use those readers to visit blogs - I just list the ones I like on the side and read them when I notice they updated. They update in date order.

jack69 said...

Ahhhhhh, the google, feedly thing. I have no idea, what to do about it. I signed up for feedly and now I am not sure. I am confused.
I do have those days where nothing on this system knows me and how frustrated I am.
Sooooooooooooo yep I understand. Sometimes I feel like Disco. Imma gonna bite it. LOL

But as always I loved the laugh and lift.
(((((HUGS))))) Now just relapse!!! LOL

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like it is good that I am taking a break from Blogging... ha ha ... I do use Feedly and so far, love it. Haven't had any trouble YET.... BUT--the blog break is great, and I am enjoying my vacation and FB....

We had a wonderful 5 day trip to Kentucky. We did TONS of hiking and waterfalling. Even saw the moonbow over the falls during Super Moon... AND--we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary...


Nonnie said...

I'm sorry that your week-end was such a rough one. Sometimes I wonder whether the time spent in front of and dealing with the computer is worth it. Most of what you told about I've never heard of. Maybe ignorance is bliss, after all.
Disco, I trust everything came out okay and you won't have to endure such indignities again any time soon.
Here's hoping this week is good for you. Blessings and hugs to you.

Cathy said...

So sorry you and Disco are having so many troubles. Hope it's all straightened out soon.

Love the poster...If you can't be kind, be quiet...just have to post that on FB.

Donna said...

Awww....poor Disco and You!!! I Hate Google as well!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I continue to follow blogs by using the reading list on blogger. It's slow to load up sometimes, but after your experiences I think I'll keep on using it. Hope your day and week ahead only gets better. You and disco deserve a break.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. I'm going to convert to Feedly tomorrow I just hope all will be well ..

I use Chrome and love it - oh well I shall see how I go ...

Just hope I won't look like that by next weekend?!

Cheers Hilary

Ms. A said...

Google and blogger are working just fine for me, it's when you start doing all that connecting to other venues that causes problems. I'll never be a Google+ fan, period. You have no control over your comments, period and I feel it's going to end up being a spam magnet. I read from the dashboard, no problem. When it all starts being a problem, I'll just vanish into the dust from whence I arose. Not a fan of Facebook, either.


LOVE Disco. Sorry to hear about the rough week.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
I did have a good time yard saling!!

I hate google plus and use my google connect acct. to ID myself instead...


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

And I was thinking google owned blogger too. I'm seeing some google+ pages now that have that person's blog comments that they have made all over them.

Unknown said...

I hear your frustration my friend, I'm happy that my reader is working nicely on the iPad, makes it a lot quicker to read posts an to comment. Am glad my Monday is over, taking an early night I think.

Hugs x

Elizabeth said...

Online woes are mega frustrating. There are things on Blogger I want to add to my blog that I still can't figure out how to do correctly after 2 years of trying.
Re. the doggie pic, Monday ain't done yet!

Ginny Hartzler said...

WHAT is wrong with you, Disco??? How do you feel? Disco, don't feel so bad, we have had a really bad week with Cher! They gave her all kinds of meds, an X-?Ray, and stuck an enema where the sun don't shine, Now she has been quarantined in the basement for day number three! If things go well, she will only need to be knocked out tomorrow for a bath, if not, more tests! We have SO much in common this past weekend, not just with Disco and Cher, but with the blog stuff!!! Grrrr!!!! Sandra is trying to teach me Feedly, because the reader is going, I am hoping the sidebar does not leave, that is the only way I have ever known to follow and comment and there is NO learning to it. But it is really hard for me to learn Feedly and July one will bring many surprises, most of them bad I think!

Terri D said...

So sorry you and Disco had such a bad weekend!

I like Feedly, and have been using it for awhile, now. Google has not been acting up for me, though it may happen yet. You are not my first friend who is having trouble with it. Sigh. Sorry!!

Wishing you a better week ahead!! Love & hugs.

Ann said...

I can relate to the computer woes. Sometimes this stuff can make you crazy.
sorry you guys had such a bad weekend

Jill said...

Wow. It's all Greek to me. I don't understand any of what you said. ha! I am very sorry you had such a rough weekend. Hope you and Disco were able to recover today.

Pooja Mittal said...

hahahhah... lovely post... im following you on bloglovin already...
was reading your profil, i think after goin gthrough your osts that you have written your occupation wroing... u should write a dreamer....
u have a beautiful vision...


Jim said...

Sounds like you and Disco really did have a not good weekend. I don't get involved with FaceBook or Google extras. That way thinks stay simple for me. I don't even have NEW BLOGGER. XD

Unknown said...

Hey Disco, some vets taste more like bacon than others!

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness, you and Disco had a ruff time:) Sorry I just had to say that! Hope all is better! I use Google Chrome and much of the time it works just fine for me! Have a blessed week, HUGS!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I can't keep track of whats good or bad.
Sometimes just treading water is all
that I can do.
Do you feel that way?

Marie said...

I am with you! I can't get my adsense to work and now hubby is trying to help me!
Hugs to you and Disco!!!

Marsha Young said...

god bless your pointy little head - that sounds just awful - although I did not know what you were talking about half the post. :)

Sympathized with old Disco, though. :) Hope your Tuesday is better.

Love Of Quilts said...

I don't use the Google reader, don't care for the g+ either.
Cute post!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I had a sick weekend as you would have read but today is Tuesday so all is good and tomorrow is Wednesday that means a trip to see my nanny also good...........if only I had got more done blog wise today but life got in the way running here and there and doing this and that....

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

What a challenge for everyone this weekend- and I know that you know what you are doing-so this means I am in big trouble!
Oh, I hope Disco is recovering from such an upsetting ordeal-poor puppy!
Hope you are resting well tonight!
HUgs my friend!

Denise said...

Hope next weekend is much better for you my friend.

Dee said...

Sorry Sandie about the frustrations. I have Google chrome because it works best with my blogger and so far have not had any issues. i have Google for the blog also but have not added Google plus. I have no need for it.I think not being computer savvy has actually been a small blessing.