"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday

The story of my life - being late - so please join me late - at Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge...

1. Have you learned more from success or failure? Explain.

I think I have learned from both.  Success does make one feel good.  Therefore you want to repeat what you did.
Failure makes one stronger and smarter.Therefore you do not want to repeat what you did.

2. What did you call your grandparents when you were growing up? If you have children, what do they call your parents? If you have grandchildren, what do they call you?

Grandma Esther and Grandma Glady's.  I loved them both and miss them.  I'm just grandma and I love it.  The other Grandma is Grandma ------------ or Muffin?

3. You're invited to a luau. In keeping with that theme, what dish will you bring to share?

I am going to make a dish with fruit - pineapple - apples - grapes - strawberries - oranges - etc.

4. Besides Jesus, what one person's life story do you think everyone should know about?

Billy Graham.

5. "Don't sweat the small stuff." Agree or Disagree? Why?

I agree, but I don't always do it.  I try though.  In the BIG PICTURE OF LIFE - everything except loving Jesus - is the small stuff.  And I am learning that STILL!

6. June is National Rivers Month. When were you last on a river? What's the prettiest river you've ever seen? What's a river you'd like to see?

The last river I can remember being on was the Tennessee River in Chattanooga - we rode the Ducks!

The Seine river is the most beautiful river I have ever been on.  At night.  I guess just knowing you are in Europe and seeing all the lights make it like a dream.

7. Speaking of rivers-paddling, fishing, swimming, or bird watching safely from the shore? Which activity would you choose? Yes-you have to choose.

I would prefer fishing in Alaska.  Yes I fished for Halibut on a fishing boat there. I would love to do it again.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

I hate being late.  

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TexWisGirl said...

oh, that last thought... *sigh*

i sweat the small stuff to pieces...

Jill said...

You are a wise woman, my friend!

Gail Dixon said...

If I ever have grandchildren I want to be called Meemaw which is a combination of my mother (Mimi) and grandmother (maw-maw). But I don't think my kids are going to give me that honor. :(

I try not to sweat the small stuff, but it is a challenge!

Anonymous said...

My Grandchildren call me Grandma.

I love the Lord, he is first in my life.

I should not sweat out things when I have the Lord. It is learning to put all your trust in him. He will carry you through .
A good example is people who have loss husbands from Alzhimers and what they had to go through. Only the Lord helped them through the tough of the tough days.

What do I like best to do. Watch birds. Yet I see the American bloggers have much prettier birds.
Tex has the most beautiful ducksand birds land on her property.

Well I cannot rememebr all your questions but I tried to rememebr this many.

Great blog you did to-day.

Anonymous said...

Oh I cant spell neither. I always goof the word Remember. It is like when you write Missippi.

If you go too fast. Another finger bender.

Sandee said...

I called my grandparents grandma and grandpa.

I love the laugh. I was saying that when my son was a teenager. A. Lot.

Love the lift. It's also spot on.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

You fish too! I love to fish-I grew up fishing for trout with my Dad and Mom.
I love LOVE the laugh!!
I read that little book on "Don't sweat the small stuff." Sometimes it is very challenging not too.
Happy Hugs-

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have been sweating the small stuff for 68 years so no stopping it now... i love the chicken sitting on the chick... there were many times i said to myself if i could put them back where they came from i would, sons not chicks.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Can I come to the luau with you?

Ginny Hartzler said...

You changed your header pictures, pretty! Yes, it would be great to chat with billy Graham!!!

Cathy said...

I love the "Laugh".

Unknown said...

I too hate being late! The fruit mix sounds lovely :) hope you're having a good day? I'm relaxing after work and have been out for a run, the weather is so nice, I really want to take advantage of it. Hugs x

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like Grandma! Your fruit dish sounds yummy. I should have said the Seine River. I was thinking US when I answered the question. We took a boat ride in the evening on our anniversary on the Seine two years ago in June. I love to fish!

Sharon said...

More Chatty insights - I love them!

Wanna hear my answers (actually, you have no choice - LOL!)

1. I have learned more from the biggest failure in my life than from any other success.
2. I called my grandparents Nana and Papa. One of my sons uses Nana and Papa - the other son named them Gonzo and Rowlf after Muppet characters when he was two - it stuck!
3. I'm with you - fruit.
4. C.S. Lewis.
5. Agree - just don't seem to practice it enough.
6. 2010 - hiked the length of the Virgin River in Zion National Park. It's probably the prettiest river I've seen.
7. Probably swimming.
8. I'm currently (and strangely) addicted to eating pumpkin seeds.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

i was trying to think if i have ever been late? i don't believe so. ( :

in my opinion i sweat the big stuff in my life - to some one else it might be considered the "small stuff" but not to me. ha. ha!!

Anonymous said...

such wise advice and a chuckle too!

Joyce said...

I love the Seine too, day or night : ) Alaska is on my list of places to get too still. I also hate being late. My hubs does too so that works well for us. Happy Summer!

nancygrayce said...

O, I love Billy Graham! I can remember watching him as a young girl.

You need to come to Florida and see the Suwanee River! It always makes me sing.

The chicken just made me laugh out loud! I don't know where you find these things!

nancygrayce said...

Excuse me.......Suwanee!

Unknown said...

Its really important to learn from failures ...its right up there with its just as important to know what you dont like as what you do like.

Ms. A said...

Love the laugh and the lift!!!

I always sweat the small stuff, the big stuff and everything in between!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a sweet post. I just never know what I'm going to be reading or learning about when I come to your blog. Nice to know a little more about you. You have traveled a bit. I've never seen the Seine or fished in Alaska.

Lynn said...

I canoed the Battenkill River in Vermont late one October... It was cold, crisp, clear and one of the most beautiful things I've ever done:@)

Eat To Live said...

Hahahaha.... the chicken one is really funny Sandie!!

Tricia Buice said...

You and I are a good bit alike! Must be a southern grandma thing :) Have a lovely day!

Tanna said...

I love that you fished in Alaska... being there is on my bucket list. I try not to sweat the small stuff... but sometimes it comes over me like a hotflash.. and well, you get the picture. ;) blessings ~ tanna

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Totally agreeing with TexWisGirl although I have learned to set boundaries which help keep the small stuff at a distance!....:)JP

Miss Debbie said...

We are going to Alaska in Aug...but I don't think I will be doing any fishing!

mail4rosey said...

There is something magical about on the Seine River at night.

LOL at the I'll sit on you funny!

I wonder what my little baby grand is going to call me?? I don't care a bit what it is, just so long as she wants to call me. :)

The Boston Lady said...

I hate being late too, and I hate it when others are late, but I keep it to myself and suffer! LOL. I love learning about you through these. I only have grandkitties at the moment and my daughter insists on referring to me as "Memaw" and my husband as "Pop Pop". I will gladly answer to anything the parents and grandchildren choose. My husband called his grandfather, "Gramps" which I called him too in due time. Ann

jack69 said...

I look forward to reading your answers. Tonight though, Instead of Grandma I called them Granny Lloyd and Granny Darnell. Oh and I want to go back and fish for Halibut again too. That was a big highlight of our trip. DELICIOUS!!!!

Oh and yeah, Billy Graham. We agree.

Loved the laugh and the lift. The Mama hen made me smile.


Grandma Bonnie said...

Good post today. I would love to see Alaska and go fishing. That must have been wonderful. I did ride a boat on the Nile river in Egypt that was beautiful.

Susan said...

That was fun, Sandie. Loved your answers. Susan

Denise said...

When was the last time you were in Chattanooga?

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, How are you dear friend.
These are wonderful questions.
The answer to the first question would be I think we learn more from trying to achieve success. We stumble and fall, but then keep on. I don't think that is failure but rather perseverance on the journey to success.
I called them grandma and grandpa. My parents died long before my children were born.
The first thing that popped into my mind were kabobs.
I try to live one day at a time.
I have not had the opportunity to see many rivers.
I do like fishing.
Give your kids a hug.
Blessings dear. Catherine xo

Sue said...


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Hello!! Thanks so much for your visit and for Following me!! I am now doing the same through several forms of media!! LOL!!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I try not to sweat the small stuff but it's hard, isn't it?

Love Billy Graham. I watched many of his crusades on TV when young and have read several of his books.

Lynn said...

It's refreshing to hear that you are called Grandma. I think I would have done that, too. All my friends come up with non-"grandma" type things to be called, such as Mimi, Gigi and Honey. I know two grandmothers who are called Honey.

Marie said...

I try not to sweat the small stuff, but sometimes it's not easy. Your luau dish sounds yummy! I love fishing! I didn't know you did too!
Love the chicken and the chick!

Ann said...

#5 is one of those things that is easier said than done

Terri D said...

The laugh and the lift - excellent! I enjoyed reading your answers!!!

Beansieleigh said...

Billy Graham! I just commented to another participant who said the same, that I have his autobiography, "Just As I Am". I think I might better start READING it, with two votes in so far!.. Good to see the weekend almost here.. Enjoy it! ~tina