"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Tidbits on Tuesdays


The University of Boston found that older adults are more adept at looking on the bright side.  Younger subjects who were stressed favored negative material while their more mature counterparts averted their gaze from negative cues and sought out positive stimuli.  This positive looking pattern helped older subjects shake off a bad mood and feel sunnier faster than younger adults.
FIRST for older women....

To make friends faster - make sure the cell phone is not out!



Protect a pet's paws from ice.

Rust proof an outdoor lightbulb.

Remove price sticker residue.

Unzip a zipper quick.

Save a scratched Disc in Seconds



To clear congestion - use nasal saline

To quell a cough - dark chocolate

To soothe a sore throat - use a healing tea - Traditional Medicinal Organic Throat Coat Tea

This is an awesome piece of info! We buy fresh fruit but because we eat a little of each (Banana, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Grapes, Cantaloupe, Pineapple and Watermelon) every day the berries start to go bad quickly and end up in the garbage. 

The key to preventing moldy berries ... 

Berries are delicious, but they're also kind of delicate. Raspberries in particular seem like they can mold before you even get them home from the market. There's nothing more tragic than paying a lot of money for a punnet of local raspberries, only to look in the fridge the next day and find that fuzzy mold growing on their insides. Well, with fresh berries just starting to hit farmers markets, we can tell you that how to keep them fresh! Here's a tip: 

Wash them with vinegar. 

When you get your berries home,  prepare a mixture of one part vinegar   (white or apple cider probably work best)  and ten parts water . Dump the berries into the mixture and swirl around.

Drain, rinse   if you want (though the mixture is so diluted you can't taste the vinegar,) and pop in the fridge. The vinegar kills any mold spores and other bacteria that might be on the surface of the fruit, and voila! Raspberries will last   a week or more, and strawberries go almost two weeks without getting moldy and soft. So go forth and stock up on those pricey little gems, knowing they'll stay fresh as long as it takes you to eat them.

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Thanks Carol.


Beth said...

Great graphics today!!

Cheri said...

Had to laugh at the comments from the dog and the ass. Good one

Shelly said...

Ahhh, dark chocolate. Did not know it was good for quelling a cough, too!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Looking on the Bright Side of things has been something I learned when I got a little older. I've made it a habit now. I do love dark chocolate and berries too. Thanks for that tip on keeping them a bit longer. I throw out way to much here as there is only me to eat it all. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Thanks for the tip on the vinegar Sandie!


Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love tigger ... so you pulled me in ... thanks for the funnies. ( :

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughts.

Anonymous said...

Laughs ooooohps.

jack69 said...

Oh ho, a good one today. Thanks for the good stuff and a great read. I got a couple chuckles, serious ones. Especially losing some one you never had in the first place...

Also thanks for the sweet comment yesterday!

Gina said...

Thanks for the tips! I definitely have to try the vinegar for the berries. I get so mad when they go bad quickly.

TexWisGirl said...

i liked the laugh. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am going with the dark chocolate and for a cough and i love the hotdog and the smart ass, made me lol.

mail4rosey said...

LOL at the funny, and awesome tip on the berries!

Gail Dixon said...

I just bought strawberries yesterday. Will have to give the vinegar solution a try. Thanks for the tips and the lifts. Oh, I also find that as I age, I look more for the positive things in life and quickly rid myself of people or things that are bringing me down. I ain't got no time for that!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The results of that test do not surprise me, as I think people start looking at things more pragmatically/positively as they mature.

barbara l. hale said...

I use the nasal saline but am glad to know about the dark chocolate. I will make sure I have plenty on hand the next time I have a cough. "Are you a smart ass?" lol!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say it should have said have a Tigger Terrific Tuesday..I love Tigger..

Sandee said...

I think when we get older we figure out what's important and what's not. I think it gives a great sense of peace about many things.

I didn't know that about the berries. Thanks.

Loved the laugh and loved the lift.

Have a terrific day. Big hugs. ☺

Sharon said...

I still tend to look on the bad side of things - working on that.

Interesting about the fruit. Yup, I notice that fact about raspberries in particular. And you're right, they're very expensive. I'll have to try this little *preservative* advice.

Gotta run for now - I feel a cough coming on - where's the chocolate???


Granny Annie said...

These will help me have a terrific Tuesday but it will be hard because my daughter and granddaughter went home yesterday:(

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Loved this, Sandie, and do you know that I always use saline in my nose? It is great. A 97 year old friend told me about it, and it works.

Loved all the advice in this one. Love you, too.

I'm at the library to get internet access, and I have my own IPAD. However, they are just almost ferocious about the seats near the computers. I am going to haul out my card, and say, "Make me move!" ;-) LOL



Cheryl @ TFD said...

I didn't know that about the dark chocolate and I'll be trying the tip on the vinegar, thanks for sharing. Loved the laugh!

barbara woods said...

great one sandie

Tricia Buice said...

I was just thinking - I need to get on with it and stop talking myself out of new adventures and goals. Thanks Ms. Sandie! Cut hot dog / ass - so funny!

Memoirs of Me & Mine said...

My friends often ask me why/how I see the bright side of everything. I can't explain it. I chalk it up to my Dad waking me every morning growing up with RISE & SHINE SUNSHINE! Hahahaha!


Nonnie said...

Being positive makes everything better, and I'm pretty sure I thought dark chocolate was the "cure-all" no matter what! I'm sure of it!
Good information about the lip balm and the vinegar. Will be trying that out this week when I buy fruit so it will hopefully last longer.
The dog and the donkey. That's a good one. And don't forget, that is why donkeys don't go to college.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Sandie especially for the info about berries. I had never heard of that... I'll try it next time...

Great post

Jill said...

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* I must run and get some dark chocolate, darn it. ;) LOVE this tip!

Susan said...

Ha ha ha haha The hot dog/smart ass joke cracked me up.

Good tip on the raspberries, Sandie. I swear I'm gonna do it. Have thrown so many away after emptying my wallet paying for them. Sad but true.


Betsy Brock said...

I love your c s lewis quote...might have to borrow that one. :)

and the berry tip with vinegar is great...I will certainly be using that! thank you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think that older people are seasoned veterans of life's hard knocks, young ones are still learning. I know you should not wash berries till you are ready to eat them, they sit in water and get moldy. Never heard the vinegar thing but it makes sense.

Sally Wessely said...

I love the bird and the donkey. Perfect.

Eat To Live said...

Oh my gosh... it is Tuesday. For some reason, I thought it was still Monday.

Ms. A said...

I must not be quite old enough to look on the bright side... yet.

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Great note. Super pictures! :)

+ Please visit our blogs. :)

"Everyone needs to dissolve the mean time, not only in words."

Elizabeth said...

I love clever household tips. Thanks for the one about berries.

renae said...

Chatty, Chatty, Chatty I laughed and laughed at the "smart ass"! Oh Oh OH OHHHH thank you! Best laugh of all!!!!! (still laughing)

The Linky hop for Wordless Wednesday is what I am doing now on Tuesdays (cuz it is Wednesday in Asia on our Tuesday) Took me awhile to catch on to that. Join in. It is great fun and full of fun bloggers from all over the place.

Unknown said...

I can never get the gunk from stickers and price tags off of glass...I am going to try the lip balm thing. It drives me a bit nuts when you want to give a gift and cant get the price off without leaving all kinds of residue.

Wanda's Wings said...

Love the dog and donkey pic.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I like the vinegar tip I will have to try that as I hate it when the strawberries go off so fast.......

The doggie graphic was bloody funny


Loved the tidbits. Lots of good tips. The raspberry one got my attention.

Denise said...

Love your blog more and more.

Ann said...

Oh I think I'm going to develop a cough so I have an excuse to eat dark chocolate :)

Terri D said...

The dark chocolate remedy - awesome! :)

I've been using vinegar to wash our fruit and veggies for a few years now. It really does work.

Enjoyed your post, as always, Sandie!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i came to say hi!

Inger said...

I just made a list of a bunch of other uses for vinegar I saw on the web, so I added yours to it and will get a lot of vinegar when I go to town next. I notice that no matter what's happening in my life, it is sooo much easier to be positive for me now that I'm old. I guess I feel like I don't have time to waste on feeling bad.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I should be resting, instead I am laughing! Love the Dog and jackass!
Thank you for all the joy you bring!
Happy Hugs-

Scooter said...

I will try the vinegar cuz I hate it when the fruit goes so bad so fast!! Ill let you know how it works ok?


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I will try that. what a great hint. I love your little jokes. Makes me smile!

Marie said...

That is an excellent tip for berries! Love the laugh!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thanks for all the awesome tips. Hope your have a great day. Debby

Dee said...

You sure have a knack for finding good laughs and the lip balm to remove price sticker residue is one I am going to try today. wish I knew about the chocolate when I had my virus.... :)

Lois Christensen said...

Wow, the tip about the berries is great. I will have to remember that one. And the dark chocolate!!! Hope you're doing good!