"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge Today . . .

1. Summertime is a season of reunions, weddings, and other family celebrations and gatherings...are any of the above on your calendar in the next two months?

Well I have had two graduations earlier in June. Two confirmations.  And my great niece is having a baby in July.  Does that mean I am going to be a great great aunt?  Gee that sounds old.  I am not that old, yet I am.

2. June is National Iced Tea Month...are you an iced tea drinker? If so, how do you like yours (sweet, flavored, etc)? 

I love ice tea!  I can drink it just plain - with lemon or lemon - with artificial sweeteners or not.  I don't like sweet tea though.  I like all flavors of tea - my favorite is peach - of course because GA is the peach state.  And I like the Celestial teas - all flavors - iced.  Oh and I like hot tea too.   So yes.

3. When were you last nervous?  Looking back, was the 'event' actually nerve-worthy?

Well today when my grandson tried to get contacts in his eyes - he didn't do it - but we are going to go back...he was so close.  He goes back in two weeks - if you give up a little prayer....on the 16th.

4. The bristle toothbrush was invented in China on June 26, 1498...not sure how that date was pinned down so precisely but, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being sick to your stomach and 1 being not at all, how nervous do you feel when you're headed to the dentist?  Do you see your dentist twice a year?

I am about a 2.  And the thing that really worries me is if they find something - what bank will I have to rob - lol - to pay for it.  Yes I go to the dentist twice a year - I always have - thanks mom.

5. What's making news in your town this week?

The Paula Deen Story.  I do not agree with what she did - but the punishment far out weighs the crime in my opinion.

6. Curtains, drapes, blinds...your window treatment of choice? Are there any bare windows in your house? Is that by choice or because you haven't gotten around to covering them? 

Before we moved in - we had all the windows done with the same window treatments.  Mini blinds.  So while they are old and probably out of date they are all the same.   One or two might have some valances.   I would love to get some new window treatments. 

7. Summertime is officially here (in the Northern hemisphere anyway)...what one song is a must-have on your summer playlist?

An old song from the past that brings back memories.   Margarettiville - everyone dance with me.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  

July 1st. will be interesting.  Google reader goes away.   Then Igoogle.   Then . . . ?  My question is this - why is google stopping those things yet starting new things?  I don't get it.  Does anyone else wonder about that?

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Dedicated to all my senior friends,
You have to be over 50 to truly understand it...
Thank you Jerry at Asthecrackcerheadcrumbles.


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Bev said...

HAHAHA ...Pickles...so cute!!!

Marti said...

Google is crazy! Does that answer your question, and I think that you will be a GREAT aunt.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Those questions and answers are always interesting. I am a great aunt and got to see one of my nephew's sons get married this year. How great is that! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Beth said...

I love the Pickles cartoons!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what is Igoogle? never heard of it... i guess it is an Apple thingy?

Jill said...

Good answers and great song choice!

Gosh. I sure hope everything doesn't disappear for me on July 1. I just don't get it. If it's too complicated, it will be my swan song. lol!

jack69 said...

Blogging is still a family thing here with 4 of us in the motor home. laughs about 'dad' waiting on mom in the car instead of vice versa. Oh like the fact that mom was in a Studebaker, in the laugh!
We love the lift also and liked your answers. We had varying answers.

((HUGS)) from here in San Antonio

Joyce said...

I guess the only thing certain when it comes to the internet is change! And I say you're only as old as you feel : )

TexWisGirl said...

loved the pickles cartoon. :)

google is just trying to make money on something.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Pickles is to close for comfort, it might just happen to me soon, getting worse by the day... i was raised on sweet tea but no longer drink it. i order unsweetened in a restaurant and add sweet n low
we drink water at home..
my random thought is I am totally OVER having day or month for everything.. Nat tea month? get real... the calendar is full of thing slike this and i want to know who is making all this up... i liked it better when we had major holidays not a day for any/everything...

i live in a state of nervous so i should answer when was i NOT nervous... give me a minute...still thinking..

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Pickles is one of my favorites...they're so "Bud and Me". More Bud than me of course. LOL

I am thinking of giving up this fiasco with Googles Followers....I started making a blog roll for my sidebar, and if it continues to work, I'm stikcin' with it.

As for Paula Deen...there is so much more IMPORTANT stuff going on in this world than that lady. And along with that opinion I also think that there is probably a LOT more the media is not divulging for us.

Sandee said...

I'm not a tea drinker. I'll have some if it's there, but won't go looking for it.

I agree with your statement about Paula Dean. I think she'll make even more money now. Wait and see. What they did to her was wrong for something that happened 25 years ago.

Loved the laugh. I know hubby and I are going to do something just as weird. Bless our hearts.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. ☺

Nonnie said...

Well, your random comment has me spinning around in circles because I don't understand any of this (hope you haven't lost respect for me ;-))
Saying a prayer for your grandson to be able to get the contacts in. I wanted to wear them so badly that it wasn't a problem at all. My DH had a very difficult time with them.

Cathy said...

Love the Pickles comic and the song Margaritaville.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Here's my take on Paula Deen: Yes you have the right to say what you want in this country but you do NOT have the right to avoid the consequences of what you say. She has the right to say what she said, and the Network has the right to respond in whatever way they please. Just my opinion :-)

barbara woods said...

like4d ' pickles'

Diana said...

We have had 2 graduations and my boss is getting married and just the regular stuff.
*I AM a serious tea drinker and only sweet tea, I just LOVE it!!
**I see the dentist about once a yr and I HATE the dentist!!
***About Paula Dean, what she said was a really long time ago and maybe it wasn't right but she said it. I think they are making an example out of her, many people have said worse and nothing happened to them. I am getting tired of only certain people can say stuff and others can say what they want and it is fine!!
Have a great day!!


Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, July there are a few birthdays to celebrate.
I do like ice tea and I do like it sweet with lemon.
This is not a fair question, since it would take too long to answer! (LOL)
I do go 2x a year to the dentist.
That is easy for the last question. Summerwind.
Blessings dearest. Catherine xoxo

Paula said...

Love me some iced tea sweetened, please. I use mini blinds and valances. Probably out dated but so am I. I must live under a rock because I don't really know what all that hype is about Paula Dean.

Unknown said...

I love ice tea too, peach and lemon is my favourites :)

Unknown said...

I love ice tea! My apartment has a mini blind in the bedroom and a vertical blind in the living room on the slider to the balcony. I think the food network was wrong to fire Paula....she didn't say "the word" on their program and it was years ago when she was in a stressful situation. I am wondering what will happen when google goes too...I guess I need to choose something else.

Marla said...

Funny cartoon! Especially because we all know it just might happen! ha I'm a "great aunt" as of 3 years ago...and I'm not old either! (;

Jeanie said...

Looks like people are focusing on the iced tea question....I love sweet tea, but try to stick to plain. Celestial Seasonings is made here....it is a fun place to tour. I'm still trying to ignore the whole Google Reader thing, but I guess I will have to try to figure it out. :(

Ms. A said...

About Paula... I've done a lot of things in my past that I'm not proud of, but I would hate like heck for that to the determining factor for who I am today.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Just put you in my google circle and now your talking about igoogle reader, which is another thing I never heard of. Can you tell how tech savvy I am?? Great answers - I don't like sweet tea either... great cartoon!!

Ann said...

I love iced tea but I prefer mine with lemon.
I'm curious about Paula Deen now, I hadn't heard about her

Lynn said...

I like the lift:@)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

That Pickles strip so bloody funny because it is so bloody likely to happen.................I hate the dentist and do not go as often as I should but it is my youngest who really has a fear of the dentist.

Cranberry Morning said...

Don't worry, Sandie. Being a great great aunt is getting younger all the time. :-)

Denise said...

Liked your answers.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Drinking iced tea right now!


Drinking ice tea now. LOVE it. GREAT cartoon.

Debbie said...

I'll bet you will be a great, great aunt. I keep telling my niece that I KNOW I'm a great aunt. I just need her to give me the official title. Ha!

Paula Deen is the hot topic here, too. What has happened will have a harsh effect on Savannah. I don't like that word either, but having read the entire 149 page deposition (Yes, I can get that obsessed about stuff), I think the outrage out there is WAY over the top, and she is being treated horribly.

Personally, I think the chick who brought the suit is an extortionist and ought to be in jail.

Sad for so many concerned.

Love Of Quilts said...

Curtains in a few room. Mini blinds in all rooms. Unsweet ice tea. Pickles,I hope its not that bad yet,50 is a little early to be in that shape.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Enjoyed reading your responses to the questions.

Got a chuckle out of some of the other things, too.

Thanks for sharing. Susan

renae said...

Oh Sandie! Have many also said they don't understand the Google changes?

The Laugh was a great Laugh. I always love to read 'Pickles'.

The Lift sounded as though you were needing it more than others, but I appreciate it, too. Keep laughing and keep smiling.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Gosh I still don't understand how you make these awsome posts

You must be up all night!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yes! I love iced tea, sweetened or unsweetened.

About Paula Deen...I quite agree with you. It's just insane to punish her so severely for something she said so long ago. What about Bill Maher who called Sarah Palin's little son "retarded"? Where is his punishment? What a double standard going on these days. I'm frankly sick of it all.

Love the Pickles cartoon! I have a feeling that'll be happening to me sooner than I think. Haha!

Hope Andy gets those contacts in okay! It takes a while to get the hang of it.

Betty Manousos said...

liked your answers. the pickles cartoon made me laugh.


Pooja Mittal said...

ur posts always bring joy... i hate going to dentist, loved the end cartoon,have so many gatherings coming up...

much love,

andy said...

Love the pickle cartoon ! Have a wonderful day

Lynn said...

I love tea, too. I drink two cups of Darjeeling hot tea at night. I love to make myself an "Arnold Palmer" - 1/2 unsweetened iced tea and 1/2 lemonade. Try this sometime when you are at a fast food place (such as Subway or Jersey Mikes) that has both in their fountain drink area.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

You are definitely not old...you got the best spirit I know. My dgt tried the contact things too. The first time she couldn't do it either. Second time, a breeze. And then she decided she's wait a year. Oy. Throwing up a prayer for Andy. He'll get it. Hugs Chatty Girl.

Tanna said...

I could have written your answer about tea. LOL! I'm remaining in blissful denial of the discontinued reader thing... I will wake up Monday and be crushed probably. But, mostly I read off my sidebar anyway. Said a prayer for GS's visit on the 16th. blessings ~ tanna

Theresa said...

Hi there Sandie, I am not sure why but when I click on your blog it comes up so tiny, I can't read it! Did you change something? OR... is it my computer? Anyway... have a Happy Day! HUGS!

Marie said...

I was singing with you!!
The Pickles cartoon is too funny!!!
I think the whole google thing is about money too. I can't stand so many changes! :)

Linda H. said...

I haven't followed the Paula Dean thing. She's not top news here. (I did see the headlines on YahooNews but didn't open up to read the details). I guess I will do that now. You've made me curious.

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my gosh, LOVE the cartoon!!.. But it brings back memories of my and my family when I was a kid. My father made us all wait and wait and wait in the car, OFTEN, sometimes as long as a half hour.. and who knows why or what he was doing! That's just what he did!... Well, as for Paula Deen, I heard SOMETHING was up about her, but never knew WHAT. Now I still can't get clear WHEN it happened.. Recently?.. or twenty years ago??? She's definitely paying for it though! While I think she was wrong to use the word.. (and honestly, I NEVER use the word they're accusing her about).. Still, it does make me think, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone.." (John, 8:7). ~tina

Terri D said...

Great answers, Sandie! I enjoyed your post!!

Anonymous said...

My Dad just turned 60 this year and he's already has a few great great grand neices and nephews...it helps that his one sister was 14 years older than him and had 7 kids when she was fairly young so her kids aren't that much younger than my Dad.

Dee said...

I drink my ice ea with out sugar too. I am a great great great aunt. and the cartoon...lol...I am not far from doing that :( I wish technology and Google would slow it down a bit...along with FB.