"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, July 15, 2013

{#2 Giveaway} Remember - Steam Machine by HomeRight and Mondays Fragments...

Thank you Terri D. 

Okay I am crazy and nuts and I've always been truthful about that - but I am crazy and nuts about the movie The Lone Ranger.  We went to see it this weekend and it was FANTASTIC!!!!

You know they are saying it's not doing well at the box office.


They say because the kids of today don't know who the Lone Ranger even was.
Isn't that a shame.

Got me to thinking.  I'm always asking myself why has life changed since I was young until now - the world  is so different.  Much more unhappiness and violence. (One reason I made a facebook Happy News Page!)

I can see now that the items we filled our heads and hearts with - were good things like the Lone Ranger.  The Micky Mouse Club, etc.

Now our kids are watching Wolves - Wolverines - Vampires - Witches - Warlocks - Twilight.  I mean these shows might be good for some - but if you've had nothing good put in first - and these thoughts go in - what happens to their minds?


Well just had the old brain on overtime after that movie and the music -  THE LONE RANGER!
Disco is happy again - his boy got home from Mexico and they are inseparable.

x_3bb4d50e photo


Thank you Monica.



Shelly said...

I think your theory is right on. And we enjoyed Lone Ranger, too, despite the length.

The dog singing made me laugh hard!

Suzan said...

Danny read that the Lone Ranger wasn't doing well also. I totally agree with you Sandie about more reality of the world is in our face. During my Grandparent's time (1900s) - they learned of world events through the newspaper and word of mouth, usually at church.
During my Mother's time (1930s), they learned of world events through the radio and word of mouth, through work and church.
During my time (1950s), we learned of world events from the TV, school, work and church. For my children (1980s) to the present - we have the computer that puts it in your face the moment it happens. I remember watching Desert Storm when you saw what was happening the second it happened 24 hours a day!! At one time on TV - you couldn't see or hear anything not considered G rated before 9pm. Now midday talk shows have people taking lie detector tests and DNA test to dispute who slept with whom and who's child it is. Then there is the violence - with many of the video games of always killing and showing explicitly the destruction of animated life. Sorry for going on and on --- but yes - our youth and ourselves are exposed to so much more than even 20 years ago. Sadly!

Suzan said...

PS- glad that you liked the Lone Ranger - I'm taking Danny to see it :-}} Thanks for the suggestion!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would love to see this movie now. We love the old characters and the 'moral to the story' from old shows. I can see a lot wrong with the programs and video games that kids watch. Don't get me started! heehee!

Changes in the wind said...

Love the lift...it is so true.

Cheri said...

Agree with you on your theory...so I guess that makes me nuts too. We had childhoods and our imagination expanded our creativity...makes me sad for the kids today.

mail4rosey said...

You've got the second good review I've read about the movie, and I'm glad to hear it because I've been looking forward to seeing it.

Junk in is never a good concept, and the kids hold onto what they see in some capacity. My hubby disagrees w/me on this for movies, & video games, and it's a struggle (if he would just see things my way... lol).
The little minds are awesome, why clutter them with junk? They deserve better.

Something else... I've rambled and forgotten, but in any case, Happy Monday. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have two singers at our door... LOUD ones..
i think i might like this movie, but from the trailers on TV it is not like the Lone ranger i remember... i can't figure out all this vampires and walking dead stuff. i tried to find a movie to record and that was all that was playing.
maybe this one doesn't have enough death and destruction and things that go boo in the night... blood and gore is in right now. who knows, i sure don't.
and no you are not nuts, the world is

Rae said...

I agree with you 100%. Our entertainment was much better than what they have today. Way too much violence, sex and profanity in the movies and on TV. And, then people wonder what is wrong with our youth. Is it any wonder they act the way they do. They are what they see. Wish we could turn back the clock.

Unknown said...

I agree with your theory about yesterday and today and our kids. There is not much positive for them to enjoy. Hope you have a happy Monday!

Pooja Mittal said...

Dog sing song... Hehehe hohoho....
Gr8 post as always..
Keep in touch

TexWisGirl said...

glad your family made it back okay!

LL Cool Joe said...

It worries me a great deal what we allow our kids to watch on TV.

I'm not sure who the Lone Ranger is myself! :D

Helen said...

The Lone Ranger looks good. I like action film.

Cathy said...

I love the picture of Disco and your boy and also the "Someone is at the door" picture.

My daughter absolutely loved "Lone Ranger". I haven't seen it though.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...So glad Disco and GS are reunited.

Lovely day here....at the moment, the temps are not oppressive and the humidity has lifted.

Life did seem simpler in my childhood. I loved the Lone Ranger, Howdy Doody (do you remember him?), Dale Evans, and on and on.

I can't stand today's violent video games and obsession with all things electronic. (Although I do love my laptop. ha ha)

Hope your Monday is great! Susan

Lynn said...

Love the pic of Disco and the boy!

barbara l. hale said...

I've heard wildly ranging reviews of The Lone Ranger. I wasn't going to go see it but it's so blasted hot here, I might go just to be cool for a couple hours.

Sandee said...

We don't go to movies, but I remember the Lone Ranger from my youth. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience.

Have a fabulous day my friend. Big hugs. :)


Disco and your grandson look cute together. Seems the kids today want different things than we did.

Nonnie said...

I agree with you. There is too much violence in our face and our kids have seen way too much for eyes and mind to stay innocent much past the age of 4. That is shocking to me. I haven't seen the movie and probably won't, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm also glad your grandson is back. That pic of him with Disco is bee-u-ti-ful!

Sharon said...

I've got to add a hearty AMEN to your thoughts. I think we grew up in a simpler time, with less stress. I think we got to be *young* longer. Kids grow up too fast these days - and they are not the better for it.

I'm afraid we probably won't be seeing the new Lone Ranger movie. My hubby is a purist - it's ONLY the old stuff for him! Trust me, I have watched many, many episodes of Gunsmoke and Rifleman and Cheyenne on the Western Channel!


Terri D said...

I agree with you and your theory! I want to see that movie, and now look forward to it even more. Thanks for the review! The boy and his dog photo is precious (beyond precious!). I love the Monday pass cartoon - you are welcome! :)

Love Of Quilts said...

I have been wanting to see the movie The Lone Ranger. Now that's its out I will have to go see it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No more cowboys and Indians these days. I don't do vampires except for Twilight because they are mild and it's a love story.

I loved The Lone Ranger!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We've heard nothing but horrible things about that movie. Your thoughts really made me THINK... You 'could' be right... BUT--if I'm correct, I'll say that most of us Seniors (who do remember The Lone Ranger) won't bother to see this new movie... SO--if they are counting on the younger generation to like it, WELL--the movie might just keep struggling... Interesting thoughts!!!!!

I never had many 'heroes' growing up --like The Lone Ranger or Superman, etc... I guess my hero was Roy Rogers....


Elizabeth said...

I think your theory is valid. It reminds me of the saying, "Garbage in,garbage out." Also, the Bible says in Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

Ann said...

One of the girls at work saw the Longe Ranger and she loved it.She said it was really funny.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

I didn't see the Lone Ranger movie but I have happy memories of watching the Lone Ranger on TV when I was a child--along with Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and Hopalong Cassidy!

Tanna said...

I think you are right on with this, Sandie. People seem desensitized to wrongdoing. =( blessings ~ tanna

Denise said...

I totally agree with you about this my friend. I am sick and tired of vampires.

Lynn said...

Love the pic of Disco and His Boy! Have a great week:@)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I totally agree with all your thoughts! I love the someone is at the door thing, it is soo funny!! Johnny Depp always makes such good choices in the movies he picks.Now that you have given it the Chatty stamp of approval I want to see it more than ever!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I agree with your thoughts. I am glad to see Disco is happy! Hope you have a great week.

Mevely317 said...

Love, love this picture of Disco and Andy ... like something from Hallmark! Bet-cha grandma and grandpa were happy to have the travelers home safe and sound, as well!


The Boston Lady said...

Well, now I must see it! If it's got Chatty's seal of approval, it must be good! I think the animated movies that are out right now are the competition for the kids' attention. Let's face it, of course they haven't ever heard of The Lone Ranger, it's more for adults who do remember, I think. I bet it will do well in the long run and on DVD and Netflix. It's hard to go up against the Minions and the Monsters!

Love the laugh and double-love the lift! Ann

Eat To Live said...

Haven't gone to see the Lone Ranger yet... need to get on the stick and just go. Glad to hear it was good

Catherine said...

My mom and step-dad walked out of the Lone Ranger movie. Now I don't know whether to go to the theatre to see it or perhaps wait until it comes out on TV. Glad you liked it though!
xo Catherine

Marie said...

Seems like a fun movie! So glad your daughter and GS made it back home safely. :) I know Disco is so happy to have his boy home.:)

Theresa Mahoney said...

This is the second great review of the Lone Ranger I have seen today. I don't have it on my summer movie watch list, but was planning on renting it when it comes to dvd.

Saimi said...

Although I too watch vampires, twilight, wolverine and all those crazy movies but let me just say I loved The Lone Ranger!!!

jack69 said...

Hey sweet lady, I think you are right on about today's kids entertainment. I haven't seen the movie but everyone I know who has seen it RAVES about it, it does make one wonder.
Oh I meant to mention, I love the quote on the header about Peace, it is soooooo right!
You always do good on the laugh and the lift. Love it. ((HUGS)) from Utah!

Jim said...

Disco is right at home, isn't he!!

I used to listen to the Lone Ranger and Tonto, also Gene Autry, on my car radio on Sunday nights. (While cruzing) We didn't have TV at home yet when I left nor in any of my rented rooms (I must have had ten) in Lincoln, Nebraska, didn't have TV.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I wasn't a fan way back when, so the new movie holds no interest for me.

Dee said...

My Frank and my grandson Max liked the movie also...they almost did not go because of the review...i guess there was not enough blood and guts and bad language for the critics. I feel sorry for our grand children . They are having to see and here things that they should not....it is robbing them of their innocence and peace.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I liked that question- why do we close our eyes when we pray.