"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Tuesday - Tidbits


(Page 18-21)
This is some interesting information FROM the magazine I thought you might want to know about.

Surprising Good Side Effects of Your Medicines

Fear of harmful side effects leads far too many patients to avoid taking their medications.

So maybe there are some good side effects....


POTENTIAL PERK - Heart disease and stroke prevention.   Studies are finding that getting a flu shot could cut your risk of having a heart attack or stroke by 48%.


Potential Perk - More successful cancer treatment.  People diagnosed with cancer who were taking statins daily had a 15^% lower risk of death then those  not taking statins.


Potential Perk -  Avoiding breast cancer - shows 17% lower risk of getting breast cancer - maybe has something to do with lower insulin levels.

Beta Blockers to lower blood pressure.    

Potential Perk - Shows reduced risk of dementia - more blood flow.

Levodopa and dopamine agonist for Parkinsons Disease

Potential Perk - A surge in creativity.

Adalimumab (Humira) to treat psoriasis

Potential Perk - Relief for depression.


Potential Perk - Helps with colon and prostrate cancer survival.

Be careful with this one and don't take unless under a doctor's order!


Potential Perk - Lower risk of heart failure.

Are you interested in buying make-up, but find it's so expensive? 

Try ELF.

From Good Housekeeping      

Nail Polish - Clear

To rescue a button, a drop of clear polish can keep it on.  Can keep screws in eyeglasses in place.  Brush it on earring posts of backs to prevent inflammation. And the ends of shoe laces. Don't forget the pantyhose!

Stains off your butcher block.

Sprinkle on a mixture of 50/50 baking soda and salt.  Squeeze one lemon.  Scrub with the lemon rub until the ring is gone.
(Wonder if that would clean my floor?)

x_a4f395f photo x_a4f395f.gif


From Gram Cracker Crumbs



MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that last no one walks in your shoes but you... and the briany thing is funny and sad....

Donna said...

Great information on all those meds! Thanks!!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

My husband read that information from the AARP magazine. It is interesting to know facts about those medicine.
How true, we are the only ones to walk in our shoes.

Dee said...

I love all your information ...I still use the Kleenex box idea I got from you to hold the plastic bags. With meds it seems there is always two sides to the coin...My frank deals with nasty side affects with some of his but the alternative for not taking them is worse. :(

Denise said...

amen to the lift today my friend. always appreciate your helpful tips.

Suzan said...

Great medical info. Wonderful to know about metformin!! Funny about the coffee cup with Briany!!

Lynn said...

I'll keep taking that statin drug then! And I always get a flu shot.

My dad took Paxil during the last months of his life - he was so depressed over his health and it made a huge difference. He thought he was taking it for his heart - we never mentioned the depression thing.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Awesome to list the perks of the medications rather than just the adverse side effects. Too many people are afraid to take needed medication due to the fear of side effects.

Jill said...

Briany! ROFL!!!

Thanks for such good info!

Rae said...

Great med info. As a nurse I am always amazed how people mix and match meds without a clue of the harm they are doing. It is nice to know there are some advantages too.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Great tips about meds! I try to be so careful with mine!!

Sandee said...

Oh a couple of these I do already so good for me. Love those perks.

Love the laugh and especially the lift.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. ☺

Jackie said...

I don't take any meds except the one for osteoporosis. I'm supposed to take it once a week...but I have to admit that I forget it more than I remember it. Shame on me!

Bev said...

Brian with a y too cute...and the lift is good...

Theresa Mahoney said...

Hey, if it works for your floor, let us know :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---I don't trust or like AARP at all.. They and their insurance (United I think) is all about making money. They 'want' people to take all of that prescription medication--because that is how THEY make money. SO---I'm leary of anything from AARP....

I used to belong to AARP --until I realized that they are in the 'pocket' of the Obama administration... Since then, I stay far away from them..

Just my thoughts...

Unknown said...

Betsy nailed that right on the AARP, join AMAC instead.

Love the shoes ...

Important med info, tho.

It is now raining, I am working on pricing yard sale 'stuff' & appreciate you more than you can eever know ...

Big hugs,

Grandma Bonnie said...

Those are some important medicine tips.
So true about no one walking in my shoes. Those are words to live by.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...

I can't get the perks from the meds cuz I don't take any meds (only one thyroid pill, daily, and I hate taking that. ha ha) But thanks so much for sharing it.

Still hot and humid and this kind of weather sucks the life and energy right out of me. Sad but true. But it won't last.

Hope you are having a good day! Susan

TexWisGirl said...

true about the walking in your own shoes. as my sis recently told me, you have to do only what YOU can live with.

Ms. A said...

So true about the shoes, although I'm convinced I must be in need some new ones to walk in!

Debbie said...

Excellent information! I don't know where you always get this good stuff.

BTW, I really love that quote about peace at the top right now, too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I take a thousand drugs a day, so at least I am getting some good stuff from this!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hey, when you're done with you floor, head this way!...:)JP

Unknown said...

Good information. Thanks for posting. I only take one of them, but glad to know.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm very glad to know that my flu shot gave me an extra added benefit. I'd never heard that one before.

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Tanna said...

LOL! I love the Brian with a "Y"!! Oh, too fun! Hope you have a wonderful week, Sandie. blessings ~ tanna

LL Cool Joe said...

The coffee cup cracked me up.

I avoid meds full stop!

barbara woods said...

good one

Unknown said...

I love the Brainy one lol! Great post

nancygrayce said...

I saw that medication thing, but I think the downside of cholesterol for SOME people is that is lowers your good cholesterol along with the bad. But I could use the Parkinson's med cause I got no creativity!

Love the Briany thing! And the shoes....thanks!


Interesting tidbits about meds. Love the Brian and barrista. A similar thing happened to me.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great info and always with a chuckle. thanks Sandy!

renae said...

hi Chatty!

I believe the insulin and breast cancer thing.

I saw your comment over on two birds and I embellished it a bit. (I told the to follow you). Hope that is ok?

I love the "Briany" When I first read it I thought it was how they were spelling "Brainy". Either way: WRONG. hahahhahaha

Ann said...

I don't take any perscription medications and it never occured to me to check with my doctor before I took an over the counter one.
Love the brian with a y

Dolores said...

Goodness gracious, you are a wealth of interesting and good information!

Terri D said...

Some day I am going to be the first person to post a comment! I'm always in the 30s or 40s!! You have a lot of followers, Sandie!! Love the tips about prescription meds, but don't like AARP magazine (or their politics). I always learn and laugh when I read your daily posts!! Thanks!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Thank you I have copied some of these as I am working on another newsletter of radom stuff, well it will be my first newsletter of radnom stuff.

Lee said...

The only medicine I take is loads of fresh fruit and vegetables! ;)

Scooter said...

Great info. I hate to take alot of meds. The side affects are scarier than why I am taking them LOL


Sharon said...

Very interesting!

I had to laugh at the coffee cup thing. When I'm visiting my family, I often go to Starbuck's or this little juice bar in town.

You wouldn't believe the various ways they spell my name - Sharon. I've had Sherin, Sheran, Sharron, etc.

Makes me feel old, because I know that Sharon just hasn't been around as a popular name for a loooong time. (Actually, it's one of the reasons I love my name!)

So, Sandy, Sandee, whatever - thanks for the chuckle!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love this kinda stuff. Especially about the medications.
I once had a doctor give me a perscription for Boniva..I think was the name. For bone loss. Anyway, I had the perscription filled, got it home and began reading the paper that came with it. First words were. "can cause stroke..." I went in and threw it out!! My husband had just died of a massive stroke. Sheesh!!

jack69 said...

Like most other folks, I look at the side effects, and wonder, will it be me? and I sometimes STOP. I know, not good, but it does bother me.

I have on one prescribed medication, and that is a statin. Some days I decide to stop others i say what the heck, it is supposed to help.

Yep... No one walks in your shoes BUT YOU! Good stuff.
((HUGS)) from Arizona.

Marie said...

So true about the shoes! The Brian thing is funny, but so sad...just like Sandra said.

Eat To Live said...

Because of a hip replacement in my younger years, I am to get a flu shot every year. Nice to hear some good things about it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is interesting on the flu shot. I've never ever had one! The new doctor I am seeing for my heart put me on two low doze aspirin daily and I'm not pleased with that. I am going to mention it when I see him in August. I started buying make-up from ELF years ago. You can now get some at Target. Great prices! Lot's of great information today. Debby