"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

I love Hodgepodge Wednesday's and I appreciate Joyce for bringing to us each week.  

If you want to play along - go to Joyce's blog 'From the Other Side of the Pond'  just click.  Get the questions.  Answer the questions.  Come back and sign up with all the other hodgepodge-ers!!!

1. Labor Day weekend (in the US of A) is approaching...what's something you've labored over this year? 

I have labored over a lot this year - but to be honest with you - I find that I labor a lot every year! LOL. I think that is just who I am.  I'm weird, but I like working hard - I get something out of it.

This year - I have lovingly labored over my blog.  I have painfully labored with the grandson's school issues/homework.  I have labored on the house and the yard.  Oh yes and I labored with the garage sale - that was quite a bit of labor!!  However once you get the job done - you do feel a lot better!

2. What is one word to describe your 'job' or career?

Caregiver.  I feel like I have been a caretaker/mother forever.  Even when I was a child I was '6 going on 60'.  Then I had my children.  I worked in the school system for 15 years as a parapro - helping tutor special needs children - and then I decided to quit and watch my grandson for my daughter!  

3. What was your worst or least favorite job ever? Why?

I honestly can't think of one.  

4. How do you measure contentment?

If I can breathe.  If I am breathing properly.  If I feel centered and not pressured. People around me are happy.  Under the covers when it is thunder storming.    Under blankets when it's really cold.  

5. Pickles-like or dislike? What is something you eat that requires a pickle? Dill, bread and butter, sweet gherkins...what's your favorite kind of pickle?

I like pickles - but there is no meal I have to have them with.  I like all types too!  I especially like the kind of pickles that are given with a sandwich - dill pickle spears.

And Bev reminded me of fried pickles - they are so good!

6. In your current house-town-state, what is it you like living close to?

Well I am a city girl - and we have everything around us - yet it is a very country type feeling here in GA. As you drive you look out and all you can see is trees.  Everywhere. However, behind all those trees - is life!  Houses and stores and ...

No snow blowers.  No boots.  No jackets.  No gloves.   Temperatures are pretty nice here all year round.  A little hot in the summer.  I really love it here. Very sunny and uplifting. 

7. What is one thing on your 'want-to-do' list before summer draws to an official close?

One more time in the pool before Labor Day!  Maybe to the Farmer's Market.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I have been blogging about 9 years - I love it.  I love writing,  reasearching things to post, and I especially love the friends I've made.   I do call you friends and I dare anyone to try to convince me otherwis!!.  

The only downside of blogging that I can think of is that I have let so many things slide these past few years.  My house, cooking, cleaning, and more.  I'm never going to stop blogging, reading posts, and writing my friends - well as long as God lets me anyway.  

I have been thinking about the answer and this is what I came up with.  My priority has been my blog and work is second.  (God first of course.)

I have to change my priorities and after God, it has to be work first and then blogging.   Therefore until I get my groove going - whatever that turns out to be - I'll BE LATE.  You can count on it.  I already am. I hope you have patience with me and don't get upset with how fast I read posts - I'll do my best with the time I have!  

I have been so blessed with this blog and it certainly has made my world a better place. I love y'all!


                                                                                              Love, Disco


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PS - I have started a facebook kind of blog - where anyone can post - it's all positive - positive news - positive thoughts - positive jokes - and prayer requests.  I hope the world finds more things to be positive about.    https://www.facebook.com/skczo


Beth said...

Great post today!!

I love sweet pickles!

Bev said...

I love pickles...deep fried pickles..have you ever tried them??

Joyce said...

I have found this summer I haven't read nearly as much as I can in the winter months. There are seasons in blogging I think, so do whatever you need to do. And enjoy the pool!

jack69 said...

I have also come to love the Wednesdays. I truthfully enjoy your answers. Most could be mine, but I could never word them as well. I am with you on the pickle one also. I like the way you said it.

Of course the pickle one was not the tops, but the unique one.
Gotta go labor. (that was good too)
Hugs from North Carolina

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I like how you measure contentment Sandie.

Elizabeth said...

I continually struggle with the tension between the time blogging takes and the time the rest of my life takes so I think I understand where you're coming from.
(It's okay if you don't comment on my comments :))

Hootin Anni said...

The way you describe your contentment made me sigh a sigh of agreement. Wish I'd thought of that.

You wrote: "No snow blowers. No boots. No jackets. No gloves....don't forget driving on icy or snow packed roads!! That was the worst part of Colorado winters. I'll never go back to that way of life, I've been spoiled by mild [even HOT summers] weather year 'round.

And your labor of love caring for your grandson is commendable!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe the answer is to use your FB and forget blogging... a lot of people are doing that.
i love pickles but not on anything, just to eat.
i love how convenient everything is to where i live. i rarely go more than 5 miles from home. the only thing that is 10 miles a way is the vet and we go there because we like them...

Sandee said...

Love you back. Love the laugh, and I'm getting the treats. Love the lift too.

Have a fabulous day. ☺


Babysitting is quite a responsibility. More power to you.

Terri D said...

Good post, and I love Hodgepodge because it lets us have some insight that might not happen without some of her amazing questions. I'm so glad we met in person, and am so happy to have your friendship!!

Susan said...

Hello my dear Sandie...I love your blog. You can tell it's first place in your life because it's filled with joy, wisdom and all good things.

Thank you for blogging and making the world a better place! Susan

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

One thing I've learned is that the work is always there. Always something to be done but the people in our lives may not always be there so People come first after God in my life. The work must be done, but it'll wait if need be.

Anonymous said...

you are such a giver, I would imgaine everything you do you give your all, I hate to think you are pushing yourself too hard, I enjoy everyone of your blog posts and even if you only posted once a week I would still be just as over joyed to come here, be well and be happy my friend, you bring joy to us all,

Rae said...

Wonderful post. Your blog is a joy to visit. It is one of the nicest 'feel-good' spots around. Thanks for always putting so much effort into it.

Paula said...

I don't think blogging and facebook are even close to being in the same catagory. I love the friendships I have made here in blogs and your's is one of the special ones. By the way I don't like pickles very much.

JeanMac said...

your blog is always an inspiration to me and I realize it is a lot of work!

Inger said...

I love that last line, blessed with my blog, and may use it on mine sometime. It is so clear how much work goes into this blog and I love you for it. You are an inspiration. Nine years is a long time. I think I have my 4-year anniversary today. I have to check.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh, pickles I love pickles on anything! I like your idea of putting blogging a little further to the back of important things and Yes it always is God first.

Ms. A said...

I could definitely stand to get my priorities straight where blogging is concerned. I spend way too much time reading about the lives of others and neglecting my own.

Theresa said...

I'm hoping to get in the pool some more too. I've never had fried pickles. I don't think we have those here.

Shelly said...

I love your #4. And you're such a successful blogger to have been doing ti so long- congratulations!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, I "labor" over keeping the weight off... I'm determined not to gain it back THIS time (like all of the times before).

Worst job was my last one... I had met George and all of a sudden, that job was not important YET my boss was pressuring me to do more. I RETIRED early to get away from that one... My best job was the 12 years I spent in Clear Lake, TX...

Contentment to me is sitting in my recliner watching the birds on the deck!!! My favorite pickles are my mother's Bread and Butter. Haven't tasted any that good since...

We have EVERYTHING here---4 wonderful seasons; winter not too cold; summer not too hot; amenities all around --and perfect for retirees. Who could want anything more????

I'm satisfied --and just hope we don't have any hot weather before Fall gets here.. It's been a mild summer (YEAH).

Have a great day --and hope you can balance out your blogging situations. We all have them!!!!! Many people don't have the number of blogs we have to visit each day --so it's easier for them. BUT--for you and me, it gets tedious.... To be honest, I have some blogs I always dread going to (not yours)---and wish I could get out of them. BUT--I hate to hurt someone's feelings.. BUT--their blogs are just boring to me... Oh Well---each to his/her own.... ha


Ginny Hartzler said...

Disco, is that really YOU? You look like some kind of Jedi Warrior Doggie! We live in places very similar I think.

Love Of Quilts said...

I like number 4. I have to agree with you.

Miss Debbie said...

I am working in a post about my blogging friends and I described you as someone who cares for others. So, it's neat to see that's how you see yourself as well! Hope to get it posted soon.

Sweet Tea said...

I'm with you all the way on #4!!
Keep on blogging GF - so glad you're my Blogging Friend!!

Anonymous said...

My brother will be moving to GA soon, that's where he's going to be stationed after he gets out of training.

NanaDiana said...

I have been struggling with the amount of time I blog, too, Sandie. I really LOVE working hard, too, and find I am doing less of that than I used to. xo Diana

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I agree with No. 4! I also agree about blogging and letting things slide. I've just taken a break and think I'll take them more frequently. I love to read blogs and see what everyone is doing, but it does take up so much time! There is life beyond blogging and I don't want to miss out on anything. Life is too short as it is. I've got to find that happy balance somehow.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I love the dog picture so cute, now grandchildren well my youngest one is on the floor in front of the telly crying because she is stuck and can't move..............no she has manage to free herself.........now let's talk about pickles........you can have them...........I think they are yuck........

Debbie said...

Little known factoid: My maiden name actually means "pickle", and I can't think of a member of my family who doesn't love pickles. I like them just about any way, but the best in the world are my grandmother's mustard pickles. No one has been able to quite get her recipe the way she did.

And I get what you mean about blogging coming first before other things. Believe it or not, it did the same here, even though I couldn't seem to get a post out because of post freeze.

barbara woods said...

I love making quilts but didn't even think about doing it until years after I retired

Denise said...

So glad that you blog, love you.

Blondee said...

I'm so grateful that you blog! Our friendship is something I appreciate very much. You sprinkle sunshine wherever you are, and some days I am lucky enough to have that be in my inbox.



nancygrayce said...

Oh, I do love your blog and I call you friend!! I recently told my husband that I Ike my blog friends better than my IRL friends sometimes!!

I can tell you are a caregiver! I am too and although it is exhausting sometimes it is also rewarding.

Hope your Labor Day is labor free....whoops! You like labor!!

Marie said...

You're definitely my friend! I love to eat dill pickles by them selves and on sandwiches. :)

Renegades said...

We love fried dill pickles oh so yummy!

I was a paraprofessional for a few years and enjoyed it.

mail4rosey said...

I like me a good pickle, but it's got to be sour. :)

I've seen some of your posts on FB and they're awesome.

Your priorities sound perfect. :)

Theresa Mahoney said...

Oh yes, the labor of blogging! That has taken up the majority of my free time this year, so I can totally relate here!

Lee said...

I'm positive the world won't become more positive any time soon, as negative as that may sound.

I wish I could be positive that we soon found ourselves to be surrounded by positivity, but, sadly, I'm positive we won't!

To steal the words from John Lennon...Imagine if all the people....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I feel I have labored over everything this year. It's been a hard one for me. Our Farmer Market goes year round which I like but of course the summer stuff is the best! I don't think I will ever stop blogging but I will stop reading so many at some point.

Diana said...

Seems like I labor alot too and lately way too much. So much that I havent even hardly been on my own blog!! Thats crazy. watching the grandkids is fun but yet tiring. :-)


Dee said...

The house work is always there...to me blogging has been a blessing...meeting people and making friends like you. I may get stale at times and need a break but I hope I will be able to keep blogging. I enjoy FB too. I need to post some positivity on your FB page.:)