Mondays News!
I have some T-terrific news. My grandson is - a second degree black-belt in Choi Kwang Do! Ta-dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lining up in the right place to begin 2 1/2 hours of testing.
He tested Saturday afternoon - at 4 pm - 6:30 pm - straight through. At the end he frank a quart of Power Aid.
He had to do all his patterns, blocks, and speed drills for 18 colors that he did for his first degree - he had to do and remember them all over again. And they made them do it more than once.
Then he had to do all his patterns, blocks, and speed drill for 9 colors for his second degree. Some of his friends - great role models.
I am just proud of him. It takes 3 years to get your first degree. Three years to get your second degree. And before that he went all the way though Tiny Tigers two years. His 4th degree instructor!
He has been working 8 years - since he was four. And he has decided to go for his third degree - another 3 years. And then he will have to remember his first two degrees moves as well as his six - only six - new ones.
He is a pretty tough kid - he doesn't look like it until you feel his arm muscles and see his 8 pack! He was sweating bullets.
Anyway kudos to him. He did it. It can never be taken away from him. And he's really one tough dude. Thanks for letting me brag. He worked hard for this.
Disco's Corner of the world:
I will tell you another fact about myself. My boy is my love. I will let him do just about anything to me during the day. He lets me do about anything to him during the dad too. I can lick and kiss him all day and he won't let anyone else in the world do it.
But at night I get very protective of the bed and my toys. I will growl and bite like crazy. I think I must have some kind of mental illness in my breed.
DO YOU THINK IT IS IN OUR BREED? I am half chihuahua and half Jack Russell (that part saves me!)

i know you are bursting with pride and joy in this accomplishment. wow on 8 years. great job... and so true he will never lose it. and it is good for good health to.. no, it is not in the breed, but in whomever raised him to be that way. i saw the dog whisperer with a chihuahua like this one and he said the people did it to the dog. my son has a chihuahua and so does bob's daughter have 4 and none of them growl.
Oh great pride and JOY for you with Grandson.
See my x on my profile picture here.
It keeps telling me I am on a old version of google and to change to Google Chrome8. I have know idea what it means. Do they charge to do that? Update.
So they whoever has removed my profile pix.
Karate is great training for a you man and so glad he is doing well with it.
Congratulations to your grandson. That is an accomplishment to be very proud of.
Congratulations to your grandson. That is a wonderful accomplishment and shows great commitment and dedication for such a young age.
What a huge accomplishment for him! Fabulous!!!
Oh, I didn't realize I had my sound on when I was reading your post and the growling from the clip kind of sacred me! Ha! Congrats to your grandson- that's a lot of work!
Fantastic news, and congratulations to your Andy!! A great accomplishment, for sure!
Disco is just a crazy half-breed! LOL What a cutie, protecting his turf. Gotta love him!
Looking forward to the ceremony photos on Wednesday!
such a handsome talented young fella, its wonderful to here the pride in your words, you are such a great support to him, give Disco a pat for me,
Congratulations to your Grandson!! Good job!
xo Catherine
Congrats to your grandson on earning his Black Belt. No bullies better mess with him!!
Congratulations to your grandson. You have every reason to be proud.
Yay, Andy! Tremendous accomplishment. So proud for you in New York. Great way to start the week.
I think, maybe Disco was showing a bit of this is mine.. i have the same with my Jeffrey-Cassidy...great video..
You must be so very proud of grandson Sandie.... what an achievement. He seems to want to go all the way.. best beware when he gets his next belt. He must be tough to do all that.
best wishes to him (please)
Love your images on your sidebar Sandie..
Thanks for your lovely comments on my post.. Sorry that you couldnt have been there.. You would have been the life and soul of the party..
happy Monday... val x x x x x
Congrats to your grandson! Looks like we're off to a fun week! Happy Monday!
Congrats to the grandson! You can see the joy on his face. Two of our young grandsons are in some sort of martial arts as well and enjoy it a lot.
Oh My---I love that last poster (I'd rather be happy than dignified!)... PERFECT....
Congrats to your grandson. I can feel your pride as the grandmother just through your words.... Great young man!!!!
Don't know what to tell you about your nutty little dog.... He just likes to keep you 'hopping'..... ha
Wow! That is quite an achievement. I would be proud, too.
congrats to your very hard-working grandson!!!
A great big congratulations to your grandson. I know how involved this is and the discipline it takes to make it to black belt. Hubby has a black belt in aikido. Very powerful stuff.
Have a terrific day. Big hugs. ☺
Congrats to your grandson!!! What a wonderful achievement!
WOW! GS is my hero! I am also very proud of his achievement - please tell him so. I admire and am inspired by his dedication and hard work.
Marty wants to talk to Disco for a second:
Hey buddy. Don't worry, I don't think you're koo-koo. I do some really strange things, too. It's this weird thing we have inside called in-stink (I might not have spelled that right...) Like I will never understand why I stop like 20 times to go to the bathroom on every single tree and bush - especially when my *tank* is empty!
Congratulations to your grandson! 8 years of hard work definitely paid off for him! WTG!
My dogs were not amused by the growling. They kept looking at me like "What the heck!?" lol.
You should be proud of your grandson. I think it's great he has found a sport he loves and is sticking with it. Congratulations on his award. I guess it will be a Happy Monday at your house!
Congratulations to your grandson for such a great accomplishment.
The Disco is hilarious! That snarly face is not very becoming.
Way to go on the second degree black belt for your grandson!!! Love the growl from Disco....don't mess with his toy's!
Oh Chatty! I don't know much about Karate but I am impressed with his achievements and dedication!
My post is up! Hope you like it!!!! eeekkk.
The LAUGH made me LOL!!!! ♥
Proud grandma you are and proud grandma you should be.
As far as Disco is concerned, heck, we all need our own space and our own toys sometimes.
Kudos to your wonderful GS! Such dedication and determination! As for Disco, Woody doesn't think there's anything wrong upstairs. He says Disco's just looking out for what is his, because the monsters, imaginary or not, come out from under the bed at night.
I love his determination! That dog clip was hilarious!
Happy Monday!
You NEED to brag ALL you want, I think this is a tremendous accomplishment and he is SO dedicated. No matter how hard, he keeps going!!! and he even still retains his cuteness!! I KNOW he is getting big, but he is just so cute! Cannot wait for the next pictures, what about a celebration??? Truthfully, I have never known a chihwaiwaiai waia (just cannot spell!) who was not crazy. Good thing little disco is not pure breed!!!
Big congratulations to your grandson! What an achievement!
what a huge achievement!he certainly knows how to concentrate his efforts towards things that are really important to him. In the long run thats what its all about. I know sometimes you worry about the concentration thing but he looks like he's going to be fine.congratulations to him!
Congratulations to your grandson. What an accomplishment.
Not sure about Disco's growling thing but I can tell you that Duke growls at Wade at night for some reason.
I have a feeling your grandson will make it all the way to the top...\0/ My advice not try to get inside a dogs will only find they think pretty much like a cat at times.
I am amazed at the memory that boy has!! What an accomplishment! Congrats all around!
Congrats to your grandson, that's a great achievement! Lovin' the lift:@)
Kudos and CONGRATULATIONS to your Grandson!!!
HAD to listen to the Chihuahua video and relive the memories of mine. Hers would escalate to way more than lip curling and growling if you didn't back off. She terrorized many people over the years when they got her going! She wasn't one to back down quietly from a confrontation, a lot like me. However, I've never left a tooth in someones shoe... YET!
What a wonderful accomplishment! I know you are so proud. Have a wonderful week Sandi!
WOW, Congrats to your Grandson! I know that took a lot of work and dedication! Hugs to you dear Sandie!
Congrats to grandson.
Congratulations to your Grandson!
Congratulations to your grandson!I know you are so proud of his accomplishment. I can't wait to see more photos.
P.S. Scooby says hi to Disco!
congrats to grandson, they grow up to fast
Congrats to your grandson! He must feel so great!!
Hugs to little Disco!!
Love the Charlie Brown and Snoopy comic on your sidebar. :)
Congrats, Grandson!!!! That is VERY hard work testing up!
That takes much discipline to accomplish what your grandson has done Sandie -- that kid is gonna go places!
WOW That is so cooL. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRANDSON, that is super. I would be do proud also. You definitely have right. He looks great.
Love the Lift. so true.
Good read... I can feel the excitement!!!
Good on him, well done.
Gosh, I hope you're not tired of hearing, "Congratulations" ... cause I'm hollering it way over here!
Love this news, Sandie!
Dear Sandie....I say brag, brag and then brag some more! And that's something you have a right to brag about! CONGRATULATIONS TO GS.
Oh gosh. The video of Disco scared me. I wouldn't want those teeth around my ankle. YIKES. He looks fiercer than a wolf! I could hear Andy laughing in the background!
Take care Sandie and thanks for all your visits. Susan
How happy you must be for your grandson!!! He worked very hard and he did it! He earned everything that he deserved to. Congratulations from Susannah!
congrats to your grandson so much work.
Love the "attitude," outlook! So liberating and so true:)
I am so proud of your grandson and I can just imagine the joy you are experiencing!
Thank you for sharing the really good stuff with us!
I am so delighted with your grandson, this is something he worked hard for and attained for himself, that builds pride and self-confidence that will carry him through a lifetime. Way to Go!!
Loving that thought at the end too, dignified can be very stifling, I'll never be accused of that! ;-)
Woo Hoo, congrats to your awesome grandson. Great job.
Congratulations to your grandson!
WOW!! Such an accomplishment and it's wonderful for your Grandson to be so involved and to have this passion which gives him confidence!!
That's a mean looking Disco!! Guess he means business!
Congratulations on your amazing Grandson!! Wow what an accomplishment you should be proud!!! Yeah, I'm laughing at your funny dog - he does have quite a mix in him but let me just say, our Beagle is quite protective of his food. you can do anything to him but don't mess with his food.
What a terrific accomplishment. Congrats to your grandson.
Look at all these great comments!
I'm on my iPhone and my little scrolling finger is numb by the time I got waaaaay down here! :)
My Grandaughter takes karate, so I understand the pride with which you post this. Congratulations to him on the acquisition of his black belt. Wonderful accomplishment!!!
Sanide I am so proud of Andy! Tell him I said good job! Thanks for all the pics. The one's you emailed I can't seem to open, but maybe when I get home. I'm still having fun in Paris! Love you! Linda
Hi Sandie,
Congratulations to your very hard working grandson!
He looks fantastic in his outfit as a black belt expert with two degrees. He is a young smart kid.
I am sure you must be so happy about your sweet grandson.
I am glad for you, Sandie.
My grandchildren started their School days this past Monday in September. My youngest granddaughter began Kindergarden.
Thank you for stopping by in my pages, and for your lovely comments there!
God may bless you all!
AWESOME!!!!! That is an amazing accomplishment for one so young!! I know you are so proud, Sandie, and rightfully so!! My hat is off to your precious GS!! Please pass along my congratulations!!
And, Disco, yep, lovin' your boy is just like it should be. ;) blessings ~ tanna
Oh what passion and commitment he must have to reach that level at such a young age. Congratulations to your GS!!
Oh what passion and commitment he must have to reach that level at such a young age. Congratulations to your GS!!
I am finally learning at this late stage of the game that I would much rather be happy than dignified. It's very freeing to know that.
Oh, how wonderful, Chatty! I know you are proud of your grandson, and rightfully so!
I have four cats that I treat like babies, too. It's fun to spoil them.
BIG CONGRATS to him, that's awesome!!
Woo hoo! How long before his Kudzu Krush movie comes out?
Remembering all those moves is a real task...but the discipline of the sport is wonderful for him, Sandie! I think Disco is bipolar...LOL!!!!...:)JP
Hahaaa...loving the pink hat AND the video!
Dear Sandie, Congratulations to your grandson!! He must feel wonderful on his achievement. I am sure he worked very hard to get to this point.
As for Disco, he is absolutely adorable. It is wonderful that we are blessed to love our little furry friends the way we do.
Blessings my dear friend and hugs, Catherine xo
Congratulations to GS Sandie!!! I know you have almost as much sweat invested in this over the years as he does. This takes tremendous discipline and determination and will serve him well as he matures. Love to hear all this.
Now, Mr. Disco, I don't think you are nutty, I think you are part Chihuahua. Every one I have ever known have been a "tad" possessive of their "things". You must learn to share and you can. You must have a smidgen of "sundowners" in you too. P.S. our Panda gets very cranky at night and sometimes sounds like she would take our arms off if we nudge her. Ann TBL
So many comments in front of me this is what happens when I am late arriving.........anyway high five to your grandson that is bloody marvelous the school bully better watch out.......he is one dangerous now all chihuahuas are like that but they are so damn
Wooohooooo!! I am really proud of him! I have been following his martial arts career since finding this blog, and I'm so impressed with him. Maybe he will be an instructor himself someday.
Hope school is better than OK and all is well. I'm going to get a second cup of coffee and read posts I've missed to catch up with you.
Oh goodness I was putting up this pink hatted pup today! LOL! We great minds think alike!
Oh the grandson is quite grand! My hubby loved the martial arts when he was young but he studied Jeet Kune Do which was founded by Bruce Lee, his all time hero! Lee was fascinating because he was once Hong Kong's Cha Cha champion and he wrote beautiful poetry to his wife. He also made great changes for Asians in films and televison.
I know you are so proud of grandson!
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