Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day off yesterday. Mine was pretty good. We did get in the pool one more time...that was nice. Went to another funeral on Sunday. Grandson had a play date and had fun. We went out to eat once and that was fun - went to a Japanese place where they cooked right at the table.
Kind of had another Staycation. They can be fun and less stressful then a real vacation. Cheaper too.
Thank you Jean.
This was from Lois - aren't these cute and easy!
Here is a little chart I got from Angela that I thought was interesting.
Did you know -
The wedding ring goes on the left ring finger
because it's the only finger with a vein that connects to the
The wedding ring goes on the left ring finger
because it's the only finger with a vein that connects to the
Thanks Kelly
Thanks Kelly
From Atheism to Belief
Dr. Oz says to lose weight - eat the same thing for breakfast every day. He has plain yogurt and blueberries on top every morning.
And you can have any dessert you want - as long as you have one bite of it. (I want to see if anyone reads this!)
Woman's Day June 2013

And one more thing - MEDICATION ALERT -
The potency of 89 drugs increases when combined with any form of grapefruit. So swallowing one of your pills with a glass of grapefruit juice may be the equivalent of downing 5 tablets!
June 2013 Woman's Day
We all need one of these - Thanks Debby.
Japanese Ingenuity -- Save your plastic ~~~
This is one of the most amazing emails and break-throughs in technology I have ever seen!!!
Why aren't we doing this now????
The sound is all in Japanese. Just read the subtitles and watch. What a great discovery!
Glad you enjoyed your holiday weekend, love you.
Lots of good info this morning. Hope your day after the holidays is a good day!
I love eating at the Japanese restaurants. Always a fun time!
Sounds like a pretty weekend except for the funeral. Debby
We used to go to a Hibachi Grill when we lived in Erie. Now we don't have one close to us.
Have a GREAT week Sandie!
I really like the recipe for hard cooked eggs in the oven. I will try that the next time I make potato salad.
does this mean if someone chops off the ring finger to steal the ring we will bleed out faster? LOL
and i am wondering how much electric it will take to bake eggs. it takes longer for the oven to heat up than the water to boil. i did google it and found there are a lot of spots saying it works... i try never to turn on the oven because that is considered cooking which i don't do unless we are starving. cooking i mean...
sound slike you had a good long week end.
Fun post. Dr. Oz said ONE BITE of dessert...well, doesn't he know one bite leads to another? lol xo Diana
Hi Sandie .. sounds a lovely weekend - well not the funeral perhaps .. but those eggs - don't they burst! Then the chart - I'd like to look at that more closely ..
How you find all this 'stuff' fascinates me - I simply don't have the time or energy for those sorts of things!
Cheers ... as we wind down to Thanksgiving for you and Christmas .. and Halloween, and Guy Fawkes for us! Hilary
Oh I intended to try the eggs that way and forgot. Now that you reminded me I've got to try it but maybe when it gets cooler. Thanks for all the info. you dig up for us.
Really enjoyed this.
And yes, I read it - ONLY ONE bite of dessert??? Who is Dr. Oz kidding? He's living in Fantasyland.
Very interesting about the wedding ring. I love finding out stuff like that.
And I totally LOL'd at the Kung Fu bunnies!
one bite. not gonna happen.
i love hibachi. i like those acorns.
I love those acorns!! So cute!!
Those little acorn cookies are adorable! Going to have to make them for Thanksgiving this year!
Love the lift! True!!
Eggs in a muffin tin...has anyone tried this? How do you know they are really done? Inquiring minds want to know.
Very cute acorns!
Dr. Oz... is probably the only person on earth who can eat only one bite of a dessert. Seriously??!!!
Dr. Oz has a lot more willpower than I do! No wonder he's so skinny. I do much better NOT taking that first bite.
One bite? I do not have that kind of willpower. LOL!! I;m super curious about the hard boiled egg in the oven technique. Have you tried it yet?
A staycation means you can sleep in your own bed. Glad you had a great weekend. (except the funeral)
I can eat one bite of a dessert if I'm full of chicken fried steak with all the trimmings. :-)
I thought eggs in the oven would pop!
Have you tried baking eggs like that? It looks appealing to me as I am just no good at hard-boiling eggs for whatever reason. But I am afraid that I would have a mess on my hands. One bite of dessert...now where's the fun in that??
I'm trying baking the eggs...looks so cute! And pretty much I do eat the same thing each morning...and I swear to goodness, today I wanted that cupcake soooooo badly, so I took one small bite and put the rest down the disposal!...:)JP
Oh I love the lift, I love the lift today!!!! I may place that one on my side bar. Have you seen the thought I have on my side bar. I only have one right now.
Have a tremendous Tuesday, dear friend!
I am pretty sure that "one bite" of dessert meant "one bite at a time".
Oh ...and the water on those pears? That was rain. It had just rained and I sneaked out right after it stopped and thought the droplets added a nice touch(from God).
Great idea about cooking eggs. I must try that one. I had seen the candy acorns. They are so neat. Thanks for all that you share. xoGinger
One bite?! Bahahahaha! I really like the acorns, do you have the directions?
The bunnies are so funny and cute!!! The lift is so true. :)
Glad you enjoyed your weekend!
Seems to me that boiling eggs would be quicker
Do they seriously think someone can have just ONE bite of dessert?
I'm glad you had a restful weekend! So much to love here! I definitely will make these mini acorn cookies!!! And I copied the Nine Foods to put on our prayer line, it is so interesting!
I like that baked egg trick!
Hi Sandie...Extremely interesting post today.
That road rage feature. YIKES! What the bazookers was WRONG with that guy?
And the platic into oil? Fabulous!
Thanks so much for sharing. It's fun to learn new things! Susan
Dear Sandie, I will have to try the hard boiled egg idea!
One bite of dessert really!! why would you tease yourself like that!
Always thoughtful info.. Blessings dear and hugs, Catherine xo
I loved the hard boiled egg idea. A. Lot. I'll have to give that one a go.
I'm glad you've had a great weekend. We did too.
Have a fabulous week. Big hugs. ☺
No one stops at one bite of anything I know I never do.
The self control to only HAVE one bite is another story!
I'm sorry for your loss, funerals can be so hard, we often forget those we treasured here are now dancing at our Lord's feet. What an incredible thing to celebrate, but our hearts get the best of us.
Have a great week!
I have to say about the dessert, my sherry can take one bite. I cannot, I want the WHOLE thing. LOL Great read as usual and That is very interesting about the oven boiled eggs.
Running late, I fell asleep at the computer last night.....
Love from North Carolina
I have never heard of baking eggs like that. Should I admit that????
I loved thee sharing by the atheist. It gave me hope for those in my family who say that they are atheists, not that I didn't have hope, but it was great to hear from one who had once believed there was no God.
Hard cooked eggs in the oven? Really? I will definitely be trying this one!
I loved the 'plastic into oil' machine - brilliant!
Great info about the grapefruit and pills.
Who knew you could make the eggs like that???
I've seen those acorn treats before, they're cute. :)
Sorry you had a funeral. Two of them. :(
I've been so so so busy, school started today for the kids. Time to breathe a minute. :)
I think a hot breakfast is better
I've been eating yogurt for breakfast lately, but I'd prefer to have bacon and eggs. :) Hope your weekend was a good one. It's hard to believe that it's September already!
Who knew about cooking "boiled" eggs in the oven??? Cool. If I could just stop myself with ONE BITE of dessert, I'm sure I would have more restraint with the rest as well. LOL! blessings ~ tanna
I need to hardboil a dozen eggs this morning so I may try that method. :)
Glad you had a great weekend. It is great to relax and enjoy things right around home sometimes.
I saved the chart of nine foods that last forever. I had no idea that the vein in our left finger connects to the heart. Having one bite of a dessert haha that's funny.
Sounds like you had a great long weekend.
I copied and pasted the new way to cook eggs. Hope it works. Do you have to put water in each muffin tin section I wonder?
I agree with Sandra that the time baking in the oven would be longer than boiling on the stove.
I could never take just one bite of any yummy dessert,I would have to pass completely. LOL
more than I want to know if you tried only having one by the desert I want to know if you tried taking eggs? Sorry I've been so scarce. I'm trying to catch up. Hoping to get back to work this week. Been sick but definitely on the mend. I love coming here because it helps my head a lot. Hope you're well sandy love you Zoe
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