"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

Come and join Joyce at From This Side of the Pond


1. What's one thing that's still the same about you as when you were young?

I am a caretaker - always have been, always will be!  

2. What's more important-history or science? Why?

I think science is probably more important - for study of diseases, resources,  and inventions for the future. Personally I like history much better - even more then when I was in school learning it.  For me, learning now,  is so much more interesting to me then wayyyyyyyyyyyy back then.

3. Lima, kidney, string, garbanzo, black or pinto-your favorite bean?

I LOVE beans all kinds - except sprouts - are those beans?  I guess if I had to pick a favorite - garbanzo beans made into humus and black eyed peas, onions, and cornbread -a  nice southern meal add some veggies - yum.

4. What's something people come to your town to do?

Visitl ME of course.  Lol

Atlanta has many wonderful things!  It's hard to say.  Stone Mountain has to be one of the 8 Wonders at least of the United States.  It is a mountain of solid granite with the underground base going on for miles and miles and miles.  You can climb it or you can take a tram up to the top.  Of course there are a lot more things to do there, but I love the mountain - I remember it when I was little before it was all build up.

This is carved on the face of the mountain -it's huge - it is of the generals of the Civil War .
The nose itself is 5 feet long!  Can you imagine the size of this?

5. When was the last time you were in a meeting? Sum it up for us in five words or less. 

May - Grandson's School with Principal. 

6. What special event would you like a VIP pass to attend?

Oops I forgot this one.  I guess this sounds shallow, but I would like to go backstage and meet Bon Jovi or Keith Urban.  (giggle - I'm 60).

7. What's one piece of advice you'd give a writer?

Write about something you know a lot about and that you are passionate about.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Went back to the dermatologist to get the stitches out of my leg. He had taken a biopsy and it is not Schamberg's disease - progressive purapura.  It is one stage up from that called Small Vessel Vasculitis.  Any one hear of that?  When you look up the first one on the internet it's simple.  You check out the second one and it is not easy to understand at all.  The doctor didn't make it any clearer.   I had a lot of blood tests and a couple other tests.  I guess there is nothing to worry about until I hear or they find something.  I'd love a quick prayer! Thanks.

Will you take a minute to vote for my grandson's school - Shiloh Hills Christian School 
and help them with earning some money?   Every vote is worth $1 for his school.  So far they have $109.00 and I think it was all from you guys.  THANK YOU!


Thank you Sandra.




I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd not heard of that disease, but will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm saying some prayers for you this morning. And the very last quote...the lift...has special meaning for me this morning! How did you know? Sweet hugs!

Gail Dixon said...

I said a prayer for you just now. Godspeed on the healing process!

Beth said...

I love the quote at the top of the blog.

I hope that your leg heals nicely!

Anonymous said...

The gal on the bicycle is priceless.. xox

April said...

Prayers definitely being lifted up! What you've been diagnosed with doesn't have any correlation to the pitting edema you'd mention you had, does it? Just curious. Hope all heals well.

mail4rosey said...

Happy to send up the quick prayer. Looks like God's hearing quite a few of them today. :)

I hate when things aren't explained well, especially if they pertain to health! And Google offers a plethora of clear info. on every single thing you look up...until it's something you need.

Have a great Wednesday!

Pooja Mittal said...

Personally i like history too.. I dint knew about the stone mountain .. Included it in my travel planns...
Y have you not answered q6
Keep in touch,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was born and raise in GA and have never seen the carvings on stone mountain. glad your leg is not the first one, i think the second one can be treated.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I'm like you - I think science is more important but I much prefer history :)

Sandee said...

Shame on that doctor for not letting you know more about what you have. Doesn't appear there is concern at all, but it's still not fair to you. I'm just saying.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs from sunny California. ☺

Theresa Mahoney said...

That is an amazing carving!

Saying a prayer for you too :)

TexWisGirl said...

truly hope your condition is not serious!!!

and i love that mountainside carving! wow!

Paula said...

You have my prayers Sandie. I know when I look my health problem up on the internet I get confused. Take care!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I let you know that I am praying for your complete healings and prompt recovery.
I can feel your pain, and I understand how you may feel.
Trust the Lord! It shall pass...
About the carving of the mountain, it is an amazing work of Art.
Sandie, I added a new reply to your previous post, in order to explain a little bit further about "Verbs and Verbals Issues."
Please, take a look at my post, so that you'll learn about them.
If you wish, you may send me an Email, and I'll give you lessons about them. Anyway, I must go back to College in the U.S. to complete my Teaching Degree. Perhaps, one day, I will. Anyway, I feel a little too old to go back to College. Maybe, the other students will laugh at me...
Well, have a fantastic week, Sandie dear friend!
Until we write again.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Prayers Sandie- I did not know you were having a problem with your leg. Hope it heals quickly!
Hey, I have kinfolk in your neck of the woods!

Debbie said...

I will start with the most important which is about the leg. I will be praying for news, and positive news at that, very soon.

This was an interesting week. I stared at that history vs. science question for so long and couldn't figure out which was more important. I guess from a medical perspective it would be science but from a world view, it would be history. I dunno...

Psst. I voted. Hope it's OK to vote again when you've already voted.

Carol said...

Saying prayers for you and wish you a quick recovery. Shame on that Dr for not explaining in detail. I hope you get good news soon. Have a wonderful day!

Renegades said...

I didn't know about that amazing carving. North of here is Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument.

Theresa said...

I didn't realize Atlanta has a mountain like that- how cool!
I hope your leg heals well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have been on the web studying it, and apparently this is the same as Schamberg's,it is just two different names for it. You are right, it is hard to find much that is readable on it for laymen like us. Seems the treatment is not really needed, just steroids or antihistamines to relieve symptoms..


Prayers are headed your way. Hoping you heal soon.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Stone mountain looks really neat.

Anonymous said...

Great advice to a writer! And I love your two photos. Are they of the same place?

Nonnie said...

Sandie, I'm so sorry, but so glad you are taking care of yourself. Praying for your healing. (sometimes even when doctor explains, I still don't understand.)
We visited Stone Mountain when we were in Georgia. I was really a cool place and those are great pics. The carving is amazing.
Where do you come up with this stuff? The bicycle pic and the dating dogs!! Crazy.

Sweet Tea said...

You and I have a lot in common - maybe that's why we're such good Bloggy friends!! I am just learning you are having some health issues (not reading blogs as often as I'd like), but I will certainly pray that all is resolved "happily". ((HUGS)), Sandie!

Cranberry Morning said...

I'm praying for you, Sandie. And now I'm going to go look that up.

I'd like to see Stone Mountain, but I'm still annoyed that General Longstreet isn't there. :-(

Elizabeth said...

Praying Sandie.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie I think Carter has something like that on his legs. He tells me it's not painful right now. Praying for you!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree, I like learning now but couldn't stand it in school! I've been making hummus recently. That's not shallow meeting Bon Jovi or Keith Urban....it's your free pass. Of course I will pray for you. I've never heard of that but I will check it out.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, you are near Stone Mountain!! that is cool. we went there once but my camera messed up, so we will have to go again to take those pics over.

i missed you being sick ... i will go back & read again ... oops. feel better. ( :

Denise said...

I love Bon Jovi. Prayers and love to you my friend.

The Boston Lady said...

Two prayers. First, that the what-ever-it-is is not a bad thing.

Second, that when you get that VIP pass to meet those handsome, talented men you will remember me!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I love history but yeah science is so important, I am not a fan of beans. Stone mountain sounds amazing I have not heard of it before. Hope the rest of the tests give you the answers you need.

Susan said...

Loved reading all your answers, Sandie. You, by the way, are a wonderful caretaker! Susan

Blondee said...

I voted for the school...I was lucky number 113. lol

Praying for you!!

Oh, and gave my lovely Chatty a shout out on the blog today, come check it out! XOXXO

Terri D said...

Enjoyed your answers, Sandie. You certainly may count on my prayers!

jack69 said...

My nephew was telling me about the light show at Stone Mt. He said it was fantastic. He told me that the horses and men rode right off the mountain. that was while we were at Mt. Rushmore. So we had to see the light show at Mt Rushmore. It was nothing but different colored lights, impressive of course, but Rushmore is impressive without lights. LOL
Anyway loved your answers as usual 'cept Bonjovi and whats his name.

I hope you never tire of care giving......
Love ya!

Lee said...

I've not heard of that disease, either, CC...I do hope that all becomes more clearer for you and you're rid of it very soon. My thoughts are with you.

Keep your chin up...and thanks for the smiles you always give us. :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I have been saying prayers for you too.

betty said...

Will say a prayer for you, Sandie. I haven't heard of the disease myself, but hoping you get some answers for it and how to treat it so it goes away.

Stone Mountain looks interesting; would like to see it some time.

I have to admit, I'd like to meet Keith Urban myself :)


Andrea said...

Praying for you, Sandie, and hope you get better real soon!

Love~ Andrea

Jackie said...

You have a prayer from me to our Lord regarding your health, Sandie.

Ann said...

I love your answer to what people do when they visit your state :)
Count on prayers from me too

Joyce said...

I don't think it's silly at all : )

I love Stone Mountain...we've been several times, as I've had family members living nearby at different seasons of life. No one there now, but lots of friends in Atlanta.

Linda said...

Now for a prayer.....

Sharon said...

A day late to HodgePodge, but here goes:

1. I still LOVE to read.

2. Science. History is interesting, but often inaccurate. Science is based on the discovery and proof of facts. And, I kinda like that science is really learning about God's creation.

3. Garbanzo beans. (I HATED lima beans as a kid, and I still do).

4. One thing? We have an annual Jazz Festival - lots of tourist traffic for that.

5. In March - So boring I almost snored.

6. The Super Bowl - I love football.

7. Don't worry about the final product - just write!

8. Lord, please heal Chatty's leg. Let the doctors figure it out, and find a good and quick solution.


Donna said...

Sending prayer as well sweet friend!!!

Wendy Annabeth said...

Sending you warm thoughts and prayers :)

Dee said...

My thoughts and prayers for a complete healing of your leg. Thanks for the smiles and for sharing a little more of your personality....Caretakers are wonderful people :)

nancygrayce said...

I haven't heard of that, but I'm a Google doctor so I'll look I up....😊

Oh, I never liked those visits to the principal's office so I hope it was a good meeting!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hey Chatty..never heard of that but you got my prayers. tons of hugs....

Saleslady371 said...

Your answers are always interesting. Love your humor! I prayed for your leg.

Marie said...

Your in my thoughts and prayers. :) I've never been to Stone Mountain, but hubby visited there when he was a child. We'll have to put it on the list. :)