"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, February 21, 2014

Fun Friday

Thank you Carmen.

Thank you Kelly.

For all of us!

Thank you Sheila.

Thank you Susan.

Thank you Monica.

Thank you Kelly.

Thank you Lee.

Thank you Linda.

 Thank you Denise.

Colgate has created a very ingenious advertising campaign to promote their dental floss, but before I explain to you the main detail of these images, I will let you appreciate them quietly ~ 

All right, now that you had time to quietly observe the images ~

In the first one you will now notice that she has one finger too many in her hand.

In the second one a phantom arm is floating there.

In the third one the man has only one ear.
Thank you Ann - I missed all of them!

x_3bb4d50e photo x_3bb4d50e.gif



Thank you Susan


The Quintessential Magpie said...

I was so busy looking at the couple's teeth thati missed the other! LOL

Great post S usual.



Denise said...

It's been awhile since I visited You.Your blog showed up on my blog roll this morning and I'm so glad it did.Enjoyed Myself-Thank You,Hugs Denise

Shelly said...

That quote is seriously the best one I've seen in a long time. And the little corgi is ADORABLE!

Jeanie said...

I caught the problems in the Colgate pictures....kind of made me shiver.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

LOL! Thanks for the laughs before I get ready and go to the doctor! She'll be chewing my butt because I've been baaad about not checking my blood sugar. Just hope it's not off the charts!
Hope you're okay, Sandie. Have a super weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all really good today. I have a crazy lady in my mirror to
that is one box of chocolates i would love to VISIT not have... you know hug them and leave them... they are so cute...

Vee said...

Gosh I missed all of them, too! Guess that proves that we look at people's mouths first!

Lots of funny ones, but I'm not quite ready for winter to die, especially that violent a death.

NanaDiana said...

Those are all funny, Sandie- Every one of them. Happy Friday to you- xo Diana

Sandee said...

Oh how fun all these were. The dog is spot on and I missed all three Colgate things too. Bugger. I was a trained observer too. I was looking at teeth.

Have a fabulous day and weekend honey. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I saw all the things wrong in the Colgate pictures.

I just lied.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

No I won't want winter to die. I want more snow!! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Cute post... I loved the Box of Chocolates and the Electric Fence one.

The dental floss one was fun... All I could see what the guy's teeth... ha ha... But--I did see the extra fingers and the missing ear. Couldn't see the odd arm one at all.... ha


Elizabeth Edwards said...

you & your friends always fine the cutest funnies. i love the cookie monster. what a sweet doggie. wish they would stay small always. i enjoy your post. hope you are well this friday. happy weekend!! enjoy every moment. is your daughter still celebrating??! will you see your grandkids? enjoy all moments. big big hugs. ( :

our snow is almost completely gone. i wonder does that mean spring is near?


Liked them all. Particularly the snow related stuff.

Cranberry Morning said...

This was so much fun, Sandie!! Loved the box of chocolates. ♥♥ and wasn't that ad for Colgate CLEVER!!! Good point.

Cathy said...

So many good ones this time. I missed everyone of those things in the last pictures. Too fun

Paula said...

You out did yourself with this post. Can't choose a favorite. You have the greatest blog.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My favorites today? Definitely the one about grandchildren! And I did miss all those things on the dental floss picture too. Who was looking at anything but their smiles??? Also loved the last one for sure. It's windy but not raining or snowing here today. Still have plenty of that white stuff on the ground here though. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh my....some of these 'old age' jokes are sounding all too familiar! And yes....I missed all of the mistakes in the ads, too. How interesting! lol Enjoy your day my friend and thanks for the fun!

Beth said...

A wonderful post today Sandie!! I enjoyed all of it!

Willow said...

You pick the best to make us all laugh ~ I love it !!

Denise said...

Awesome, enjoyed this post.

Susan said...

HAHAHHAHA The dental floss ads stumped me...every one. All I saw were tooth imperfections. ha hahahha Good post, Sandie. Susan

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Ha! That colgate business is hysterical! I missed them all-
Of course I love the savings and the cookie monster quotes/pictures:)
Have a wonderful weekend my dear Sandie!

Melanie said...

love the cookie monster cartoon. lol :-)

Donna said...

Awww, love the box of chocolates!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love that first one, reminds of Mark. I hadn't been drinking coke for maybe 10 years and he asks if I want one !!!!! Love the cow on the hood of the car. Amazing how you go right to the tooth. Enjoy your weekend.

mail4rosey said...

These are all hilarious, and boooooooooooy oh boy am I tired of WINTER!

jack69 said...

I love the puppy, It is all a good read and I smiled a lot. but I did look at the teeth on the three photos.
We have a mad house in our RV. Reece has brought Stella down and Mark is still with us. They refused a motel, preferred to enjoy the pile up.
Fine with is Stella is sweet.

Loved that 'No prayer is too little for God.

I have been meaning to say, I love the quote by C.S that you have in the header...

Miss Debbie said...

Thanks for the the smiles! Enjoy your weekend!

Cheri said...

Oh my word...all of these were hysterical...thanks, Sandie.

Lynn said...

Lot's of laughs today and I loved the box of chocolate labs! Happy Weekend Sandie:@)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL! As usual, you made me smile while I listen to the news!!...:)JP

Dee said...

To many fun ones to list but I will say I missed all in the Colgate images to. My focus was on the teeth. I just saw a special last night what we do not see in our world and why...very interesting and odiously true. Love the slamming down the rotary phone ...

betty said...

Loved the corgi pictures! Too cute with the snowman thumbing his way to Jamaica! Lots of cute funnies to start our weekend with! Love the lift, because it truly is correct!


Betty said...

Well his teeth looked so awful how could I possibly notice anything else! :)

barbara woods said...

loved it, on my laptop and it said that this page was not allowed by me? but gave me the chance to open in a new window. At least I got to comment

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, A great group of fun!
Blessings dear and have a nice, safe and cozy weekend. Catherine xo

Sally Wessely said...

I could comment on every single one of these. I loved them all. I especially loved poor Cookie Monster.

Jackie said...

I always enjoy the quotation at the beginning of your blog because I am such a C.S. Lewis fan...
Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a delight they all were. Out loud chuckles all the way through. I was a bit cranky because it was not yet 3 AM and I was awake. Thanks for the attitude adjustment.

Ann said...

Loved the box of chocolates. It reminded me of the two chocolates I had years ago.
That horse snow sculpture is amazing

Unknown said...

LOL I was concentrating looking at their teeth so I didn't notice the weird hands and arms. Thanks for sharing your funnies :)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hey Oprah.....I hope that snow is melting where you are and you're feeling Spring in the air. Love the smiles here as usual. Hugs from Gail.

Jim said...

Liked your Friday post full of goodies. I always do.

My special kudos go for the Parrot Gifting Crackers as a Present and the kids missing our out on slamming the rotary phone down. I keep one plugged in as it rings so we can hear it all over the house.

Sandi said...

These were all so funny. Cookie Monster had me ROFL, as the kids say.

Love the cow on the car--- could that be real??

Cute praying baby at the end. Aw! ;)

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I like the box of chocolate puppies.
They are so cute!!
I love animals so much, my friend.
When will you decide who wins about your Valentine's Day contest?
I guess we are approaching that day.
I send all my friendship love on your way, my friend.
Greetings from Starry.

Dar said...

Love the baby in the last pic...and of course, the puppies...I'm such a sucker for puppies.
and ditching? same as running in the ditch :):):)

Buttercup said...

Every one of these made me laugh. I hadn't seen the one with the wet nail polish before. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I want a box of chocolates! Soooo cute!

I can imagine how upset tat car owner must have been seeing a cow just making himself all cozy up there like that!

renae said...

hi Sandie! I have had a couple crazy days. Went to lunch with my ol'bff and it was a major blast!

Been busy today with church stuff, so just getting to you now.

I hooped and hollered at the frozen butt - the woman can still pull a trigger and the Auntie Acid! lol

Got to do some more church things so I'll see ya on Monday. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, girlfriend!!!! ♥

Anonymous said...

I got distracted by the teeth as well!

Granny Annie said...

The next time I am worried about what I'm wearing, I shall just put some spinach in my teeth and go about my business. Nobody will notice my clothes, just my teeth:}

Terri D said...

I am late getting here, but the giggles are good on any day!! Thanks for the smiles!!

Mevely317 said...

Great collection once more!
Seriously, from the "hitchhiker snowman" down, I was laughing out loud.

Hope you're finding lots of reasons to smile and laugh, as well!

PS - I got #'s 1 and 2 - actually those fingers and phantom arm creeped me out. Totally missed #3!

JD said...

Those Colgate ads were creepy, and I must say that I missed each and every anomaly in them!

Thanks for the chuckle. Be well. :-)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy day to you my friend!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that cookie monster cartoon. It always makes me smile! I hope you had a good weekend. Are you still looking at houses?

Betty Manousos said...

thanks for the smiles! this was so much fun, love them all!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. they're all great .. but the horse snowman, the kill snowman ... and all the others loved them ..

Cheers Hilary

renae said...

Oh, that silly shirt says:

"the Zth Galaxy in UR"

and then the big word says:
" M I N D "

So it doesn't really make sense but what graphic T or sweatshirt does?

Like, what is a Zth? A "z" and a "th". Huh? See, silly.

Lynn said...

Love that Jamaica bound snowman! :)

Nancy said...

Once I started looking I got them all -- pretty good for an old broad. :)

MunirGhiasuddin said...

They are tricky. I would have never known.

Debbie said...

I loved that snow horse! That was beautiful! I also loved the thing about slamming down a rotary phone. I actually stopped and pictured trying to get the same effect with a cell phone, and by gum... you can't!

Lucy said...

I really like the horse that peed on the electric fence. And to answer your question about my Dr. visit,yes I am very happy with him. I feel he is being as honest as he can be. There is never 100 percent certainty in life but I do know he will do everything possible to help me and that is a good thing.

Sharon said...

Better late than never - I have come and gotten my chuckle for the day (week???)

Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face.