"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends....

“Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands- a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.” 

God is there...

                                  ............and if you don't like to laugh - enjoy God's beauty .... love animals ........... you probably won't like my blog!   

Thank you Denise.

Okay I have some cat lovers too - 

Thanks Lynn!

And then just for fun...
Thank you Lee.
Thank you Lee.

Something to teach our children.


Even in the very darkest of times.

Thank you Denise:

"A Thousand Pieces"

~~ By Bob Perks ~~
I'm upside down and inside out. 
I'm lost and found.
I'm broken into a thousand pieces
and still I am together.
Imagine that?
In pieces and still able to love.
Falling apart and yet still together.
I have been struggling greatly.  Perhaps you have been, too.
You think you have it all together and then everything suddenly
falls apart.
I've discovered something remarkable in this last several months
of my life.  I've been trying to understand so much but couldn't
understand anything.
I tried to figure out what I did wrong.  I wanted to come to a
conclusion that made sense out of where I was at this point in
my life rather than where I thought I would be.
Here's what I discovered ...
"It isn't what I've done. It's what I can't do."
What I've done is all yesterday.  What I can't do is change that.
What I've done is what I thought was right.  What I can't do is
make it right.
What I've done is loved someone the best I knew how.  What I
can't do is make her love me.
What I've done is dreamed big lofty dreams.  What I can't do is...
stop dreaming like that.  It's who I am.
What I've done is tried to make a difference in the world.
What I can't do is stop trying.
What I've done is prayed to God to help me accept things.
What I can't do is accept them easily.
I've fallen apart many times alone in the middle of the day.
I've fallen apart alone in the middle of the night.
But even when I was apart "in a thousand pieces...laying there
on the floor...God still loved me."
Yes, even when we fall apart we are together in His eyes.


Denise said...

Enjoy your weekend, love you bunches.

Vee said...

What a good essay with lots of fun before! I always leave wearing a grin. Have a relaxing weekend!

Art and Sand said...

So many fun things today - too many to comment on so I will just comment on the first.

Walking along the ocean every single morning watching the waves, noticing the tides - I appreciate God's handiwork each day.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've got to say that I enjoyed ever single one of thoughts today, the funny and the wise! So much good in each thought. Most of the time all I have to laugh about is myself. I do wonder what we thought was so good about being a grown up...Ha!

Lynn said...

I love all those things you mention at the top! Thanks for giving me some good smiles this morning. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the babies and dogs, all of them, and we have two that do the pre rinse cycle, but no dishwasher, just ME....

Cheri said...

You know I love my pups so those were quite funny but the cat ones (especially the purritto) one was good. Have a great weekend.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, all so very true in the poem.
The doggies and cats are adorable and uplifting. There really is nothing like a cute little dog or kitty to make you smile.
Keeping you in my prayers. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

Anonymous said...

Oh loved the Friday funnies and I adored the Essay. Fab Sandra.

Your the best! You always seem to have a happy step in your walk.

Carol Ann

Denise said...

Hello Sandie :) It's been way too long since I visited You.Your blog hasn't been showing up on My blog roll.Now that I've visited again I think it might start reminding Me to come back......for a great big smile and giggle. Thank You :) Denise (of Coffeeberry Cottage)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Thanks for my Friday lift- hope you are feeling well and enjoying the nice temps outdoors. I need to get out there myself. Have a blessed weekend Sandie!

Beth said...

I loved today's funnies!! Thank you!


Sandee said...

I smiled all through the doggy cartoons. So right on the money.

Loved all the dog and cat pictures.

I laughed out loud with the Purritos. Too cute.

There is always something to be thankful for. Absolutely.

Have a fabulous day and weekend honey. Big hugs to you and scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Always such cute stuff here, Sandie! Love it all! Hope you're doing okay and that you have a nice day and wonderful weekend!!

Sharon said...

I loved this post. The pictures (and yes, even of the cats) were precious, and the cartoon jokes were funny (especially the one about the toilet bowl, sandbox, and paper). But, m favorite thing was that poem at the end. Oh, how I related. Lately I feel like I have been falling apart, but the Master Potter finds a way of healing the broken places and mending the cracks.

Love you, and GOD BLESS!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Today I especially love the Bob Perks thing, and the old metal teapot at the top. Wish I had that one, they are expensive! Hang in there!!! We all love you!

Terri D said...

Hi Sandie! Happy Friday, and thanks for the extra cat cuties today!! I love the purritos!! The giggles are great and much needed on this loonnggg Friday afternoon! Wishing you a good weekend!

Dee said...

Visiting your blog today is the perfect way to start my weekend...it is full of cuteness....I love cuteness :) Have a great weekend.

renae said...

oh Sandie! Ya for funny Friday! I got a kick out of a bunch of these today. Hope your weekend is calm and you have a nice time with your fam!

I get to tend my grandsons today while their Mom and Dad have a date-night. I am grateful I feel well enough to tend them. HM will come along, too.

♥, Renae

Preppy Empty Nester said...

That poem is beautiful! Love all the pics of the babies and the doggies. Thinking of you. Another candle will be lit in your name on Sunday.

NanaDiana said...

Another great Friday post, Sandie. Hope you have a great weekend. xo Diana

Merlesworld said...

I always get a laugh.
Some of those pictures are just so cute.

betty said...

I had to laugh at the picture of the bed; that is so true here, LOL.

So true, Sandie, there is always something to be thankful for!

Loved all the dog cartoons too (and the cat ones too :)


Ann said...

I wasn't done laughing at the purritos when I got to the one about running out of toner. You have me cracking up here

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Happy Friday my friend~ I'm back in Texas and getting ready for the final move. Love you!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great doggie and kitty photos and funnies... But--my favorite today was the last part about being in many pieces.... Loved it!!!! And to think that God loves us ---all of our many pieces!!!!! Wow---that is SPECIAL.


Theresa Mahoney said...

Oh, such cute animals today! Of course, the pug one stole my heart, but they are all so adorable!

Have a great weekend!

jack69 said...

Loved the pictures and the cartoons. The whole post is good. BUT you will have a tough time topping:

I had never read that,but how true.

Love from North Carolina...

jack69 said...

Loved the pictures and the cartoons. The whole post is good. BUT you will have a tough time topping:

I had never read that,but how true.

Love from North Carolina...

Sweet Tea said...

Loved the dog hiney candles. What a hoot!
I hope you're faring well, Sandie.
God bless and keep you, Friend.

mail4rosey said...

These are all great! I laughed at some of them out loud. :)

I've seen that blanket but it's got a small sliver for 'him,' a small sliver for 'her,' and a huge space for 'toddler.' :)

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Thinking of you Sandi, and hoping everything will turn out well. Stay strong, dear friend.

Carol said...

I enjoyed all of your post, as always. Especially liked the one about "what that is really used for" and the purritos! Thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery. Everything is going to turn out just fine, wait and see.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Thank you a nice read on this Saturday afternoon


Loved them all, especially the poem at the end. You have a nice weekend.

Inger said...

Loved all of this, thank you so much. That kittie who ran out of toner, was so sweet.

Lucy said...

Loved all the doggie ones and especially the "affirmation tapes".That is due to Spunky. You will be on a see saw, or a roller coaster, a lot but once it is done and over and you know for sure what is going to happen, I think you will relax. I got totally reassured even though you never know what the future hold. I think you are doing great so far.

Suzan said...

AS always Sandie - Funny!! Love the dogs -- the one with the bull dog resting his head on the baby- all I could think is that the baby will wake up with a wet face of slobber dripping out.
Thinking about you and prayers daily!! God Bless - God Speed!!

Lee said...

Wonderful, wonderful, Sandie...thanks for the laughs...thanks for sharing the time to ponder.

Take good care. :)

Granny Annie said...

I am learning too that the business in life is to enjoy it. You certainly help me do that with these great posts.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, sweet dear friend,
I love to visit your site, and read your wonderful comments.
It's so cute the doggie image with an Odor Smell Therapy...
About your words of wisdom, they are always awesome, my friend.
God makes His children perfect.
Sandie, you are a perfect child of God, and He loves you just the way you are, either broken in pieces or all together.
Remember, Jesus was the person who endured the worst pain in the world. He was hanged on the Cross with 3 nails, a Crown of thorns pierced in His head, the person who was badly tortured more than anybody else, and He still loved the world so much that He shed His blood, and gave His precious life for us to redeem our sins.
How anything could be greater than that? I wonder...
When I look at myself in the mirror, and see that I am NOT WORTH a single dime to humans, yet I realize that I am indeed, WORTHY TO GOD, because He sees me with different eyes than humans do. God loves you, Sandie, so do we. We love you, my friend!
I posted a prayer for you.
Have you seen it?...
It is in My Inspirational Blog.
Believe me! You are not alone.
Blessings and Prayers,
Poet Starry.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh you found some hilarious dog cartoons this time!
I hope you are doing well. I spent all day yesterday with Pierce. He broke his arm and unfortunately it turned out to be a bad one and they did surgery to put two pins in. He was so brave though - that kid! :-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those Off The Mark jokes are so funny...thanks for the laughs :)

Ivy and Elephants said...

Great laughs! I love the one with the cat, dog and baby.

Donna said...

Always thinking of you and sending hugs and prayer...
Thanks for all the funnies sweet lady!

Anonymous said...

I loved all the dog comics!

Cranberry Morning said...

Ah, Sandie, this post made me happy. I've always loved the C.S. Lewis quotation and I love your introductory paragraph to this post. I'm SO with you on those things, friend. Wish you were here sitting on my porch with me, listening to all the birdsong on this wonderful summer morning.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love the pics with kids and animals. Wishing you an incredible Wed. You make me smile all the time. Hope I do the same for you. :)

Jackie said...

Great dog and cat articles/cartoons!
I have a friend who had to put her dog to sleep today. He was 17 years old, and had quit eating and was not able to get around any more. He had curled up under their car. They don't have children, and their fur baby WAS their baby. Nothing sadder than losing a fur friend.
Thank you for the smiles today. I needed them.

Betty said...

Here I am! Catching up again. :)

The one about compassion is so true. Those two 12 year old girls that stabbed their best friend because of something they were reading online??? I could understand how one lone wolf might have distorted thinking, but two of them??? Wouldn't you think one would stop and say to the other, "Perhaps we shouldn't be doing this?" I just don't get it. So sad.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Sandie,
Some wonderful laughs and beautiful inspiration.
Indeed we have a God who loves us so much and is always caring for us, no matter how many times we fall apart.
Thinking of you and sending lots of love.