"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Starting a new chapter?

Grandson on his trip to Florida!

A friend said, "I got the best of the worst" - I guess that kind of sums up my cancer story.

I am one of the lucky ones.  I got great news.  My doctor does not think I will need any additional treatments.  I do have to go to an oncologist - as that is the protocol -  I will do that July 11 - I suppose she will be the final say in all this.  Praise God and thank you all for your prayers to Him on my behalf.

 In September my daughter and I will be going to see a genetic counselor.

I will probably be out another five weeks as it is hard to be on the computer a lot of hours!  I
I will try to stop by and make comments on your posts as I can, but I wanted to give you this update.

And then life will go on.... or will it?
Yes, it will go on, but it will never be the same.
How can you take a journey like this and not be changed?
I think I am just starting on that part of the journey. . .

So that will be enough of talking about cancer for me - if you are ever interested in any part of this you can write me and I will write you back.

The way I choose to live my life is by deliberately looking for positive things God has given me.
To deliberately look for things to be grateful for from Him. 
Trust me - I don't mention it much - but my own life has not been easy.
I have been depressed and still could be.
I must fight the negative and concentrate on the positives just like everyone else.  
I am not immune to life troubles either. 

That is why I blog like I do.
I want to get closer to God.
I NEED to get closer to God..

I want to share these things with you and I hope you get some good feelings from it too.
I hope that it makes you closer to God as well.
I also think that God gives us laughter and laughter makes our life better!
He wants us to be happy it helps combat the sad times. 

He is a growing boy!

"The world is filled with beautiful things.  
They point to God, reminding us of His Presence.  
He speaks to us continually.  
His nature is to communicate, though not always in words.  
He flings glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day after day.  
He speaks in the faces and voices of loved ones.  
He caresses us with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delights us.  
He speaks softly in the depths of our spirit,  
You can find Him in each moment."  

Jesus Calling - by Sarah Young. 
x_5c59c1d photo x_5c59c1d.gif


Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.  Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital.  One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly  jumped into the deep end.
He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.  
Edna promptly jumped in to save him.  She swam to the bottom and pulled him out.  When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.
When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news and bad news.  The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love...  I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. 
The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him.  I am so sorry, but he's dead.' 
Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry.. 

How soon can I go home?'



Sandee said...

I'm so happy you're on the mend and you had the best of the worst. That rocks. Now don't worry about us, just get well. That's all you need to do.

Loved the laugh. I put him there to dry. Bwahahahahahaha!

Have a fabulous day. Big hugs to you and scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Art and Sand said...

I am so happy that you need no more treatment.

My next door neighbor should have died 10 years ago. That is what the doctor told her the first time she had cancer. She has had 4 bouts with cancer and has defied the odds. Her laugh, which is infectious, says it all. She is simply enjoying life to the fullest.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad to see a post.. we do understand, but thanks for letting us know about you... GS looks so happy... and like he had a ton of fun... that is the only gator i would touch LOL... hugs and prayers

Optimistic Existentialist said...

"The best of the worst"...I think that's a very good way of putting it. We are damn glad that you got such good news Sandie :)

Donna said...

Oh what Wonderful news Girl!!! You just go Forth and simply, Live! I admire you so much....

Susannah said...

Sandy, you know I am always here...if you want to talk....sometimes I need to talk ...just like you! So glad you are coming along. Also glad you and your daughter will see a genetic counselor..just because.

Your grandson is so handsome and getting all grown up. Look at that big steak and chicken on his plate. He is a very hungry boy!!!!

Take life as it comes!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

This is great news Sandie! Your grand is so cute, and has grown a bunch! I'm glad you are checking into genetics- I've wondered about that myself.
Have a good holiday weekend- and remember- whisper His name and God is right there!

barbara woods said...

glad to see you back, boys can put away a lot of food, i had three so i know but that plate would last me a few days

Sharon said...

Oh Sandie, this is most wonderful news. If I haven't said it before, I'll say it again - you're my hero. Not just in this cancer challenge, but because you always strive to look at the rainbows and not the storm clouds. You always bring cheer to my life.

I cannot believe how fast GS is growing up! I could see in his face the way he's starting to look like a young man now, and not just a boy. You must be so proud of him. Loved the astronaut photo!!

OK, and finally, the Ralph and Edna story. Vintage YOU! Darkly funny, morbidly wry. Yeah, I laughed!!

Love you, XOXO

Vee said...

Whatever you're doing, it is working! I like what your commenter above says...you do seem to be drawn to dark humor! LOL!

Now, really, tell me, is that growing boy really going to eat ALL that?!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Hooray, hooray and praise the Lord!
As you know I too am a cancer survivor and I really don't say much about it-but it was the worst and the best part of my life. I turned myself totally over to God at that time and He has filled my heart with joy, hope, happiness, love and He and He alone "gets me," even when the rest of the world doesn't!
Thanks be to God!
Love You,

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I loved reading your wonderful news! Yay!!!! You take care of yourself and don't overdo! You'll be back to full speed before you know it.

Andy looks like he's having fun. He has the cutest smile.

Have a nice week!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So proud of you --and how you have done so well during this horrible disease. I think others can learn from you --since you managed to keep your faith in God and managed to keep (and still are keeping) a fantastic attitude.... God Bless You, Sweet Friend. I am truly so so so so proud of you... God Bless You.

With your permission, I want to use your lift on my blog sidebar (quotes) this coming month... Okay????


Preppy Empty Nester said...

So happy for you sweet Sandie. Loved your mental patient story! Too funny.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes, adding life to my years daily and smiling as I do it!!!...:)JP

Beth said...

Sandie, this is wonderful news and I am so happy for you!
You remain in my prayers!

The Boston Lady said...

So good to see those pictures of the GS, especially all that food!!! Growing boy....LOL. Thank you for the update and talking about your continuing quest to find the positive. It can be such a challenge as you know. You help all of us through your blog, but now help yourself and don't worry about us. We will all be here when you have the energy and time again. And that will return. Hug to you! Ann

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's so good to see your post today and I'm so thankful you got the best of the worst as you said. I do think we are meant to live life abundantly and that is the wish God has for us all. I'm always trying to look for the bright side of things in every circumstance and to be thankful for what I have. May the dear Lord bless you with continued good health.

Cranberry Morning said...

Thought-provoking post, Sandie. I know things have not been easy. You are such a bright spirit and we need you. I am glad you don't have to have further treatments.

About the restaurant pic. Does that child think he's going to wrap himself around a plateful of food like that??? LOL It is crazy how much kids can eat at that age! (and not get fat!)

Nonnie said...

I love your spirit and I love your news! Your boy sure looks good. A new chapter sounds good. Blessings to you and I got the best of the worst myself, so I certainly hear you on that one! Great news, friend. You cheer me up.

Sandy said...

The best news, Sandie!! Rejoicing with you and giving thanks to our awesome God!! Take it day by day and stay in prayer and the Word and you will find joy filling all your days!
xx oo

jack69 said...

What a sweet entry. Thanks for the update and information. You are an amazing lady and we in the Blog land are proud of your report and of your attitude.
The KID is growing, wow!
Do not push yourself to keep up on the web, we will be here, take your time and RECOVER WELL!
Love from North CArolina..

Ann said...

So happy for you that you got good news We'll all be here whenever you have the time for blogging.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Nobody's life is easy and we all get depressed at times. You beat the Big C and the story of your life has started a new page. You have every reason to be positive and better times are ahead. Look toward the sunshine, Sandi, and you will find a rainbow.

Susan said...

Sandie, you are one truly courageous and amazing woman.

You have been to hell and back and you are still filled with life, humor, hope and kindness.

So many of us can learn from your immensely positive spirit and heart, as big as the Grand Canyon or bigger!

Your new life has begun and I, for one, am so happy you are going to share it with us.

Praise the Lord God Almighty! Susan

Susan said...

p.s. I looked at Andy's plate with the "gigunda" steak and chicken and thought, "Now that's what I call a good portion." ha hahahhaha Susan

MunirGhiasuddin said...

How are you? Hope that all is well.
It is nice to share pictures of your grandson's visit to Florida.The pictures say that he is brave, handsome. compassionate, intelligent and hungry eh?

Lynn said...

So glad to hear you got good news Sandie! Please take care of yourself:@)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your grandson is cuter than ever! I understand that you do not want your blog to be about cancer all the time. But e-mail me from time to time about the latest, the oncologist, the genetic doctor..the worst is over, and I hope you will be able to relax at some point and be able to take a deep breath, you have had so much to deal with for so long!!

Lee said...

Sandie, you've put a smile on our faces...and not from the joke! I'm so pleased for you.

Hugs from Down Under. :)

Anonymous said...

So glad you are doing so well and that you got the best of that nasty old cancer.

Your attitude is inspiring. Thanks for being a positive voice in a negative world.


Betty said...

I'm glad that surgery alone did the trick! The only thing better would have been no cancer at all. I hope you'll be back on a regular basis real soon.

It looks like the trip to Florida must have been a lot of fun.

Merlesworld said...

Good to hear it's all good news, my brother in law had cancer 30 years ago and he is still going well so there are success stories, I'm glad you are one.

betty said...

That is wonderful news about perhaps being through with your treatment, Sandie, now just waiting for your body to recover and heal. I do think it is wise to take the time you need to heal both physically, as well as emotionally and mentally; its been an ordeal you've been through. I love the pictures of your grandson, looked like he had a great time in Florida!

I like your upbeatness of your blog (if that is even a word upbeatness). But it takes effort to try to be positive and live like that, something I have trouble doing at times, but I do always enjoy the visits here when you blog with what you have to share.


Carol said...

I am just tickled pink to read the good news!!!! I am glad you got the "best of the worst" if you had to have cancer at all, and came out on top! Please take good care of yourself and get all the rest you need for your body to recover. LOL! GS and that plate of food!! I have a GS just about that age and we can't fill him up!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I like that saying "the best of the worse" so right and it is good to hear you are mending and healing and hopefully you will not need any more treatment in the future

Mevely317 said...

Sandie, I'm so ridiculously happy for you!!!
Ya, I totally believe in the power of prayer. In fact, just last year at this time, if someone were to tell me my DH would still be alive -- and doing well -- I'd have been stunned. In fact, next week he's scheduled to have the port removed from his chest!

Please take GOOD care of yourself!



Your faith and positive attitude is what has gotten you through all this. I am glad to hear you are doing so well given what you had to deal with. You keep being strong. The future will reveal itself to you through renewed eyes. Prayers still coming your way.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is such great news! You have handled this so well my dear friend. You will see changes in yourself and your life! I will be here with you for the journey!

Paula said...

So good to see you here and with good news. You'll do fine with your upbeat attitude.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sandie,, always remember we are with you every step of the way.
Heal now,,, rest,,,and give thanks
we love you

Suzan said...

Thank you for your update Sandie!! You are on my mind daily and in my prayers!
Looks like your Grandson is enjoying his vacation!! I can't believe that he ate that whole plate of BBQ!!

Terra said...

Your good news makes me smile. Our God is Mighty to Save, and your news is welcome. Spending time with your grandson looks like a fun distraction.

Angela said...

Praying that you will get a good report from the oncologist! I am so happy that the worst of it is over though. You need to take all the time you need to let your body heal.


Lynn said...

So glad the news is good like that, and it's good to keep a close eye. So good. And so glad blogging is a positive - I feel the same way. Hugs.

Changes in the wind said...

Good to hear for you and continued prayers and best wishes.

Hootin Anni said...

I know I haven't commented much, this time of year is a busy one and I just don't allow myself much online time any more.

But, I MUST leave you a note today. Your positive post is just that...so positive!! I commend you for your attitude and life's outlook. You're strong, you're willing, and with your beliefs you will survive!!!

Lucy said...

Sandie. you sound good. That grandson is growing like a weed. So happy to hear no more treatment. I had a few anxious moments myself and went to the Doctor and all is fine but if I am still tired, he said call the heart unit and ask them to take a reading over the phone. Sometimes pace makers need adjusted. I could not help but laugh when she said, "I put him there to dry."

Terri D said...

I am late getting to yesterday's blogs. Forgive me! You have such a great attitude, and it is certainly right to give the glory to God. You remain in my prayers, Sandie! Love the photos of Andy, in Florida! Looks like he had a great time! Love & hugs to you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Praising God for the good news. I will continue to pray. Love the pictures of your grandson and enjoyed the hospital story. The pooping rainbow is too funny!

Dee said...

LOL love the I poop rainbows...LOL I am soooo very happy you are one of the lucky ones...praise GOD.

Sally Wessely said...

Sandie, I have read your FB posts, but I have not been blogging lately. I've been too busy with life. I hope to get all caught up with life and blogging soon. Does that ever really happen?

Now, for your cancer story: I have prayed for you. Many have. I am grateful to hear that your cancer was found early and that you are doing so well. We just never know when we will get the shock of our lives, do we? I truly am grateful for the way this journey has gone for you. Your positive choices shine through. God bless.

Lucy said...

So good to see a comment from you. I have a machine that if they will set their end up they can see exactly how it is pumping. I think then if it needed adjusted I then would have to go in so they could do it with the computer. You take care Sandie and keep on with the good news.

mail4rosey said...

Oh my gosh, that meal!!! He most def. is a growing boy, and if he were eating that at my age, he'd be growing out instead of up. ;)

I'm just laughing because I have boys. I've seen plates filled like that before. :)

I'm glad you got got the best of the worst. And I am happy you've put up a post.

Big hugs!

Rob-bear said...

Glad to hear your good news! I do hope you stay healthy now.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

renae said...

hi Sandie! Haven't been to many blogs lately. But my stamina is improving day by day. I have a yeast infection in my bowels again so on nystatin AGAIN. Between that and my nausea pills I am a happy camper, that will probably do no camping this summer. Next chemo 5 is on July 18th. Then last chemo 6 is on Aug 8th with each of their 21 days that follows with symptoms galore. Fun. Be so glad you caught yours early.

♥ , Renae

Linda said...

I, too, am a cancer survivor and I feel the same way! My cancer was agressive and yet within 12 days from discovery I was done. No chemo. no radiation. It was a God thing that it was discovered at exactly the right time!
We all have a 'story.' No one has a perfect life and that is why we blog- to encourage each other and ourselves! YOU are a CHAMPION encourger!!!!

Unknown said...

It's lovely to read your uplifting posts again, this is happy news!!! Take time to get back to yourself again my friend, bet it will take some time but you can do it!!
Big hugs to you and wishing you a Happy 4th of July!!!


Betty Manousos said...

so happy to hear your good news!! yay!

happy 4th of july, sandie!
love ya!


Debbie said...

Well, I've said it before and will say it again. Praising the LORD for all He has done. Just praising!

I love everything you had to say here, from the serous stuff to the funny. (Yes, it made me giggle.)

Believing God for a chapter ahead full of wonderful, happy, chat-abouts.

What is the status with the house? I'm sorry if I missed news. I have been out of sorts.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, my dear friend,
I am so happy to see you back.
The Lord listens to our prayers.
Praise the Lord! God is with you.
You are on your way for complete healings and full recovery.
I agree with Betsy from TN.
You are a great inspiration for your friends, who read and learn from you. I guess you must have been a Teacher in your younger years. Did you work in a School?
Did you work as a Teacher when you were in your early 20's?
Do you have a Teaching Degree?
I feel so good inside every time I visit YOUR AMAZING BLOG, and read your posts. I feel you are TEACHING US GOOD THINGS each time you post something.
Am I right or wrong?...
God has given you life. You chose to do the best of it.
You've got a wonderful attitude towards your health issues.
You choose to live a better life.
May the Lord be always with you protecting you from harm!
Hope, Peace & Love,

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
It's me again...
Oh! Your grandson and Disco look
so happy in Florida.
Your grandson loves to eat
good food, I guess.
Have a blessed Summer Season!
God bless them too.

Granny Annie said...

I cannot imagine one person who knows you that would be surprised to find you counting your blessings:)

Pondside said...

Another great post - uplifting and honest and real. Thanks, Sandie!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie -

I'm rejoicing with you at the good news! Praying for renewed strength as you recover.

Your grandson looks like he had a blast in Florida.

Susan :)

Marie said...

I've missed you so much! My laptop had to be replaced. Mom and dad came to visit and we celebrated Kyle's 18th birthday and his high school graduation...my baby boy is growing up.
I haven't stopped thinking of you! Your grandson looks like he is growing!
I'm so happy you don't need anymore treatments! I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
hugs & love,

Shalet Jimmy said...

Get well soon....

Lucy said...

I lost you off my blog list and had to add you back. Thanks for the comment on G-mail. Made me think you are feeling good.

Anonymous said...

great post...i just love your blog...

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I hope that all is well. I am so happy that you are writing again. You are a perfect example of some one who adds life to our years. God Bless you.

BECKY said...

I thought I left a comment here, Sandie, but the more I think about it, I think I decided to write an e-mail instead....Now I have to go check! Love ya!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your GS always has such a great smile.

I'm so glad that you are doing well, and hooray for successful surgery!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hey Chatty, so glad the results are positive and you're getting stronger. Pics of Andy look great. Stay strong and heal fast. Hugs.

Soggibottom said...

That's a heartfelt and beautifully written post.

Soggibottom said...

Forgot to say, your lovely, Grandson sure does need all those calories he is growing. He's a loveable looking little guy :-) x x x

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. what great photos - and I'm so pleased things have come out right for you ...

Lovely looking Andy too - and he is growing big with that pile of delicious looking food in front of him - makes me hungry looking at it!!

Cheers Hilary