"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Tour Continued...


Remember last week I told you about the lovely Susan?

Well sweet Susan got me into this blog tour.  
She has a lovely blog and visiting her will bring you joy.

It is my turn to answer questions today and then pass this tour forward.
Her blog is Writing Straight From the Heart and she does just that!

Here are my answers to the questions she answered last week.

1. What are you working on?
2. How does your work differ from others?
3. Why do you write/create what you do?
4. How does your writing/creating process work?

1. What am I working on?

Oy vey.  This is a tough question:

First:  I started my blog ten years ago.  I was a stay at home grandma and it gave me something to do when my grandson, who was 3, took naps or was at pre- school.
I was writing it as a journal for him.  Memories you know?

He grew up.

Second:  I went into a a period of self help.  I needed to do some personal growing and experiencing.  To take care of myself for a change. Not big things just little things that I had never done before, little things like manicures and pedicures things for me I guess.  I did do one really exciting thing - I went to Alaska - without my family. It was the trip of MY life time.  It was a wonderful time for me.

Thirdly :  About 20 years ago - I started a Grateful Journal.

Fourthly: My blog went to spreading joy and positive feelings.  To try to make others feel good and myself too!  Showing things of beauty that God has given us.  Bringing laughter as good medicine. Putting out some quotes to make us think.
Lastly:  We have decided to downsize and have our house up for sale.  So been busy getting the house ready.

Breast cancer came into my life April 1st. - I'm blessed and grateful and a survivor.  I had surgery June 11, 2014.  The doctors got everything and I am blessed not to have any treatment needed. I know others have not been so blessed or lucky and my heart hurts for them,  You know a benefit from blogging is the help you get from others who have gone through it.  The support and love you get from your friends is amazing.  I could write a book of thank yous.


So what am I working on now?   Trying to put everything together in my mind.   Figuring out where to go from here.  What is the message I should learn from cancer?   How can I help others?  What should I be blogging about now - I think another change might be coming  . . .

2.How does my work differ from others?

That's easy:

I'm eclectic and I like that about myself. I'm definitely not a mainstream kind of gal.  I love to think outside the box!  I don't put my blog in a box or have a special theme either.  I'm totally open to most things - but it does have to be Christian based.  I love to learn new things. I'm extremely inquisitive and ask a lot of questions - that's why I try to be personal with my blogger friends.    

3.Why do you write/create what you do? 

To be honest I don't look at myself as creative.  Susan says I am.  I just feel I have the gift of gab - and hence that is where chatty comes from and I'm older with lots of advice (just ask me) so that is the crone part equals to =
Creative Researcher of New Experiences.

4.How does your writing/creative process work?

I have lots of wonderful friends. and without them I don't think it would work.  I've had a ton of different experiences in life and I feel that I can bond with people on many different levels. If you are going through something I probably have too or something similar.  Then the best for last - God.  I am not sure I have any real process - but if I do I credit God for helping me.

So my process works from people - from my friends.


I think He changed me with the cancer.  We survivors all have our stories.  My story started with a bad mammogram.  Next ultrasound.  Another mammogram.  A needle biopsy.  An MRI..
Lastly the big call from the doctor " You have cancer, but it is Stage 0, it's the best you can have.

My journey started April 1st.  It was hurry up and test.  Then wait for the news.  Then wait to see the doctors.  Then wait to have surgery.  Then wait to hear the most important results in your life.  Then wait for the healing.  Then wait till your finished with the doctors (and you never get done with doctors once you have cancer I don't think).   I have learned to wait.

I know it's changed me.  The days before I had cancer when I thought I  had my health I was going through life.  I  had had the tests for years and I assumed this would just be routine test.
 I had felt nothing!    I was shocked.

I guess I am not so naive anymore- especially with the way my life was going to go.  I no longer take my life for granted.  I don't take people for granted.  Cancer has taken me somewhere else that I'm in the process of trying to figure out.  I think it's an improved place.  I'm stronger now. I'm deeper spiritually now.   It has showed me a zest for life.  Some times I took it for granted.

Now I don't.

I think one thing my cancer has shown is Stage 0/DCIS  is a 'good' cancer for cancer - I understand that now. There is no 'good cancer' and 'no easy answers', but I see now what they meant.  For now I am a survivor.  I have been given a great prognosis.  My surgery went great and I feel better than ever.

Thank you God and my friends here who prayed for me.

So what can I give you - girls - get your mammograms and don't put them off.  They area finding things earlier and earlier now.  If you cannot afford one then I believe there are state laws to hel you pay.  AND not every cancer is a death sentence.  I know other blog friends of mine are going through trials right now and I'm praying for them - all cancers are different.

OKAY stayed tune to the next adventure with me.  lol

Now I have written a book let me introduce you to two writer friends/bloggers of mine.

Adventures In The Ball Park

"Just so you know...this is not a blog about baseball. Although in my life, there is an outfield, a dugout, and a concession stand (stocked with Skinny Cow treats.) My last name is Ball, and my life often feels like a game, so I write about the wins and losses, strikes and pop flies that occur in my ballpark. I scribble about grown-up babies, seasoned parents, chasing wellness, chasing God, and dropping the meatloaf in the dish water. And I write limericks. Because this game of life is goofy."

She is a writer and has written a book.

And God sent her just when i needed her - before my surgery.  I was so scared not about the cancer, but about the surgery and how i would look.
Well she sent me this blog:


What I have now is an earthly suit.  My one in Heaven will be great.
And you know for you ladies out there worrying - it is nothing.
I feel even better and I had a plastic surgeon and I look okay.

She's a very funny - honest - and supportive friend.


"I am a writer but I didn't really begin writing until I was almost 50 years old, and a new ME was born! Although I had publications in Chicken Soup for the Soul books, other anthologies, and periodicals, I just published my first book, a memoir, in November of 2013, the year I celebrated my 60th Birthday! Besides writing, I love to read, listen to all kinds of music, watch TV, eat out, be with family, friends, and of course my sweet, beloved dog, Vern. Please join me as I follow my bliss and discover what’s next on my writing journey."

Okay you see for yourself she too has written a book - and I have had the privilege of reading that book! It was so funny - filled not only with humor, but truth as well.  She and I happen to be the same age and we had a lot in common in our background.  When I read the book - I could barely put it down.  It brought back a lot of memories I had forgotten. 

Check it out. 

And the other thing - while Becky lives In Missouri her sister lives in Georgia and I have had the privilege of meeting this 'young' lady. 

She's wild what can I say?

Okay I am chatty and this blog is Susan's fault!  I am nearly done.  
Phew to both of us right?


Thanks Lee.


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Love, Chatty Crone 


Sandee said...

What a fun post. Yes indeed. I love your blog as I know many other do too.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie, I am so lucky to call you friend and be inspired by you and your blog! Your attitude and faith have made such a difference in my life. Love you my dear friend and so happy that God has given you a new path to travel.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know you had been blogging for 10 years. wow... i am at 5 years and thought that was a long time. so glad your cancer report is good and that you are feeling better.
and YES he really really did GROW.. a lot.

Susan said...

Awwwww, Sandie.

Great job. Loved reading every word.

Now the two of us are done with the Blogland Tour (except to read about other bloggers.)

By the way, Andy's becoming a handsome dude!

Keep on keeping on, making the world a better, happier place, just by being you! Susan

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do read the Adventures in the Ball Park blog and enjoy it. I'll check the other one out. Always nice to read a new blog. I love reading yours too.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great post, dear friend. You have worn your ups and downs with style and grace. You're simply the best!

Vee said...

What a fun and informative post and you talked about breast cancer. How can that be? You are gifted, that's how!

Cheri said...

What a great post today...I love the singing cat...that would be me. LOL

You certainly have made a lot of friends in blog land and they can be so supportive.

Mocadeaux said...

I loved learning so many things about you, especially how your "what I'm working on" changed over the last 10 years.
I was diagnosed with Stage 0/DCIS two years ago. I echo your call: GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS!

Love Of Quilts said...

Good to know all is well with you. You have been very blessed.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are using your own experiences to help others!!! This is the best thing you could do! And you are so richly blessed to have so many fiends! Rock on, girlfriend!!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

you are so sweet and positive! I love that you went to Alaska on your own! And you are already using your voice to help others who will be diagnosed with cancer. I am amazed at how well you have done! Thanks for the shout out - Not exactly sure what I do on the 25th, but acknowledge you, answer the same questions (?) and pass the hop on to someone..right? LOL! You might regret you chose me! I will do my best. Love you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI there, Great post. I am so proud of you --for what you do to help and encourage others... By changing your blog to one of laughing/joy/happiness, you have made many of us VERY happy. We ALL need JOY and FUN and HAPPINESS in our lives, don't we?

And your faith in God and your love of your grandson are both a real tribute to who you are. I am proud to call you friend.

Susannah said...

I just plain adore you and your attitude, Miss Chatty! I want to be like you for the rest of my life. I am living by your words more often than not. See? See what you are doing? Thank you, my dear!

Susannah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I certainly can see where the Chatty comes from. Very informative, inspiring and entertaining post. I was right there with you up til the very end. :) Glad to know that you are doing well, staying positive and spreading awareness and joy. Have a fabulous week. Tammy

Anonymous said...

I love you too Sandie girl. And me too am very grateful to call you my friend.

I was out today so am late getting in. I am here though now.

This was so interested and the other
gals as well. A real special blog
today . I loved it. Oh honey I am so glad you have a change in your life. Faith, love says it all. A new path with the Lord. One day at a time.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

This is a wonderful post, Sandie! I sure didn't know about the 10 years blogging. Whew! Your blog is always so much fun and uplifting...keep up the good work! And, again, I'm so happy for you and your family, too, that you got a great report and you're feeling so well now!!

Ann said...

What a great post. I learned a little something new about you as well as learning about other bloggers.
Loved the laugh today. That's a good one

renae said...

Great post Chatty Chat Chat! Especially the cancer part that we share. Yes, 6 is infused and I sincerely pray I never ever need chemo again. ever!

I'll do a fun post about it. I have been very nauseated already today but I took the 'hefty duty' anti nausea pill already and we are feeling fine.

Love to you my friend! Live is a puzzle and a wonder and a thrill all in one day or two. ♥

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Such a good, positive post, Sandie. Life changed for you with your diagnosis, but I know you will take what you learned and use it to be an inspiration to others.

jack69 said...

You said it all sweetheart. A marvelous entry from an incredible gal. Imma thinking your attitude on a scale of 1-10 hit the 100 mark.
I always get a kick out of coming your way. and Way to go, Alaska without the family. I admire that. My girl Sherry went to Israel without me, she is cool too.
Love you.
Filed in the Poconos
Sherry & Jack

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

This was a great post made me feel good reading it and well I do read Adventures in the Ball Park and also Writing Straight From The Heart

betty said...

I enjoyed reading this, Sandie, to get sort of a background how you started blogging, where you took it, the experiences of your life, how you want to try to be positve, your breast cancer story, etc. Whatever your new adventure is, I'm sure it will be one tailor made by God for you.


Merlesworld said...

Having lost friends to breast cancer I'm glad you came through clear.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, You are wonderful and yes; you are inspiring. You are much stronger than you know. You simple have lifted yourself through this experience. I don't have words to express how strong and wonderful you are. Blessings dear. Catherine xoxo

Terri D said...

I agree with everyone, Sandie! Great post. Your friendship is such a blessing to me, and I am so glad we got to meet in person. Your posts are full of compassion, love, fun, and wisdom! Of course you are creative!! Keep doing what you do!! God bless!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That was fun reading! I can't imagine how hard the cancer journey was for you, but I do know that you have a wonderful attitude and I truly think that is half the battle.
I have a long way to go to catch up with your blog record..like maybe 8 years or so...LOL!


You are an inspiration as are all your blogging friends.

Sharon said...

What an interesting post - for you are a most interesting woman! Loved hearing about all these details! Ten years in Blog Land? That has to be a record - good for you, and lucky for us!

I am so glad that your cancer has had such a wonderful outcome. So many prayers have been answered - I'm so glad.

xo to you and yours, and GOD BLESS!

Granny Annie said...

Great job, as always.

Debbie said...

Love love love this post because it is so very CHATTY CRONE. It's your blogger's voice that I love so much about coming here. I always leave a little bit lifted up. (So I guess you're kind of like a blog bra...)

And now, you have given me not one but two new blogs to check out. Thanks.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Beautiful, delightful, informative, inspirational, touching, interesting and so YOU!! I did not know you went to Alaska by yourself-see what a cool gal you are and you never cease to amaze me with your wonderful outlook and courageous spirit!
With love,

Lee said...

A wonderful post, Sandie.

I think perhaps another trip to Alaska or somewhere else you'd love to go should be on your "to do" list once the house is sold and you've become settled into a new home. Another sole trip of sole/soul discovery. :)

Keep taking good care of you. :)

nancygrayce said...

I've been saying I want to take the Alaska Cruise.....although I lived in Alaska for a short time, I was a poor Army wife so I didn't see much of the country!

I'm so glad you are back and feeling good! I love your blog and I'm just sorry I haven't been here much lately. Stay well!

Sally Wessely said...

I have so missed your blog. I have just been too busy with too many things going on to blog this summer. I have been aware of your breast cancer journey and pray for you as you come to mind.

Thanks for sharing your story and your journey. It has been an amazing one. God is good. He has blessed you.

Thanks for introducing us to your friends. I enjoyed your blog tour.

mail4rosey said...

Your blog does make people feel happy when they visit. I love to come over here! How cool that you went on such a big trip alone!! I be that was an experience!

Starry Dawn said...

Sandie, I am glad you are feeling well, and enjoy writing your blog.
The best thing is the fact you have completely healed, and God is on your side. I am sorry for not doing much typing in the computer, but my life has changed. PAUL RETIRED. Then, he wants me to spend time with him, so I won't be around the way I used to. My time in Blogland is over. Anyway, you have lots of great friends who will remain in tune with your lovely blog. I don't think I'll post anything in my blogs either. I just don't have time for that. Doctor Paul is home in the computer room, because it is actually his room, you know. Well, I can't do much work under this circumstances. I let you know, so you know the reasons, my friend. It is my pleasure and a real blessing to have met you, sweetheart. Have a blessed time with your dear family, friends and beloved ones!
God's richest blessings may always abound in your lives, Sandie!
Hope, Peace & Love,

Betty said...

My goodness...there were things I didn't know. You went to Alaska???

I'm wondering what the changes will be...

Donna said...

I also started my blog as a walk down memory lane for my family...2007...wow, time is flying!
Love your blog girlie!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great post, very interesting and very informative. You have come a long way baby! I post in the hopes that my grandchildren will read about me someday. Debby

Tweedles -- that's me said...

we are here- hugging tou

renae said...

Thanks Sandie! I have conquered the 6 chemo infusions - now just a few more days of symptoms and I am home free.

I met my radiation dr yesterday and he will be super. They have a new machine that pinpoints the radiation so well that there are zero side effects. In fact, he said that most patients will admit that they feel energized by it.

Super!!! ♥ Have a happy day my sweet.

Lady Linda said...

Dear Sandie, as I said, you were asked to do this as I asked Susan. The great thing about these kinds of blogland tours is you really get to know more about a blogger friend. I so enjoyed reading your post and learning MORE about you. Thanks for taking the time to write this and share so much with us. I pray that you will be cancer free and keep us laughing.

Ida said...

Very interesting post. I always enjoy reading your stuff. So thankful your Cancer outcome was a positive one. - Sorry I haven't been by much this summer (life happened) and I took a bit of a blog break. Good to be back though. Have a great week.

Jim said...

And the visit continued. I thought it was done the last time I peeked in. You are leading a full life!!
I enjoyed reading of the two, really three, friends. One of my friends, now deceased, wrote in the Chicken Soup for the Soul books also. Her first name was Vera and she used her maiden name to write. I can't think of it right now. Your friend might know. She would be about 80 now.

Sue said...

WOW....and you wanted me to do this too....no way could I write like you and the other ladies,...You know my blog is like a Seinfeld episode...It's a blog about nothing....glad I passed on your offer...they would have laughed me off of Blogland!! Your post was wonderful and inspiring but you know that is what I love about you my dear friend....see you soon..

Lady Jane said...

Phew Chatty, that was a mouthful, even for you, lol... Seriously, you have been blessed by God, family and good friends. You are amazing and I will enjoy following you along on your new journey.

Lynn said...

So glad you are doing better - and there's nothing like blogger friends!!! Hugs!

Love, Iris said...

So happy that the cancer is gone! Cancer just needs to go away from anyone! ...Blogging for 10 years?! Holy cow lady, that's so amazing though! I bet you learned so much about blogging! Your blog is just so lovely and I love this post! :)

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim said...

eclectic ==> I had to look that up!!!
special theme ==> The best kind of blog, I try also
have to be Christian based ==> ditto
be personal with my blogger friends ==> you are the most personal blogging friend I have (other competitor died a month before she was 80--she would post blonde jokes especially for me)

Thought I'd come back. The above parts, there are more, I love about you, Sandie. Also I will never remember what CRONE stands for. Plus to read the Ball Park lady's post.
As they say in Hawaii, "Hang Tight"

BECKY said...

Sandie, you are such an amazing woman! I'm so glad I somehow stumbled upon your blog a few years ago. You always post such inspirational and funny info and jokes, etc. I've never known anyone to go through a cancer diagnosis the way you have. You are definitely a survivor, in more ways than one.
I think I saw your comment on someone's blog, and I liked what you'd said, PLUS loved the name Chatty Crone! LOL. And how wonderful it was that we were able to meet in person...You, me, and Linda @A La Carte! Such a fun day that was. I promise I'll be back to the Atlanta area sometime next year.
Thank you for nominating me for the blog tour thing, too.(You know I accepted even though I'm on a blog break, because it's for YOU!) I love the photos you chose for me....LOL...and the info, too. Great job! So, I'll post my answers to the questions as soon as I can. Love ya!

BECKY said...

P.S. Thanks for the shout-out about my memoir. I'm so happy you loved it as much as you did!

Louvregirl said...

So very glad that you are feeling well Sandie!
[I recently had a medical procedure and getting past it has been the (very) best thing! I feel like a new women!] :-D

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Sandie...You ...are a hoot!! You said it was sooo easy..well, yes, for YOU! I could never have done it and yours was epic! EPIC I tell you!!! :) Whata ride..all out of breath here. HUGE hugs to you!
Love, Mona

Tricia Buice said...

Great to see you do so wonderfully! Hope you have a great year :) Very nice post - it's so nice to know more.

Dar said...

Sandie, I love how you describe the birth of your blog name...wonderful, it is. But I don't believe for one second that you are a 'crone.' :)
Andy is growing like a weed...what you feeding that kid? Wow! and all ready for school.
As for that Cancer-thing~I am so happy God has you in His palm. You are on of the most blessed.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I loved reading this. Every single word, and I am soooo grateful that you are well!

Back to the Land of Blog, but for some reason, my post is not showing up. I can't determine why. Alas... Blogger must have forgotten me! Maybe it's a sign???

I feel like my post is so shallow in comparison to yours, but I didn't know what to say. So I let the Beatles say it for me.

Hope all is well there. I love you and am so glad we are friends.



Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh great post! I think it is so neat you took a trip to Alaska on your own.

Cranberry Morning said...

Ah, Sandie, you are such a wonderful woman. We can tell how loving and fun you are. I'm so glad that God blessed you with successful surgery and a good report. Take care. Keep bringing us the wisdom and cheer we have come to expect from you. Blessings, Judy

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Sandie..I've been here reading this a couple of times..I stop and come back and continue reading. So much to read and mull over and read again. Anyway, I'm here. Some of what you write about bring up many emotions. I think you understand.
Sometimes I wish my granddaughter, Kristy knew you...she suffers so much.
My love to you..

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this so very very much!

Art and Sand said...

I am still catching up after our vacation and I did not know that you were back, that you kicked your cancer and everything is great. I am so happy for you!

Art and Sand said...

I am still catching up after our vacation and I did not know that you were back, that you kicked your cancer and everything is great. I am so happy for you!