"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, August 29, 2014

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends .....................

  Isn't this beautiful?  What does it make you think about?

No more sleeping late - summer is over - and 8th grade has started!
And of course grandson has a cold.


Thanks  grandson. 

Isn't he a cutie pie - want a kiss?

Let me know if you can do this puzzle. 

This is like our dog Disco.

This is me doing or trying yoga.

Interesting IQ test. Try it. 
Do you know this registered me at the exact number I know my IQ is.
I was shocked!

Hey growing old is not for sissies. 

Remember the days we had to worry about that?

Prescription from Chatty - do something fun every day.

Well I ask you - is it?


And I'm grateful.


Thanks Lee.

Love and hugs to you all.
Thanks Sharon.


Thanks Lee.


And if you are still with me here - tell me your thoughts about the young man 27 who helped start the ALS ice bucket challenge - it has made over 12 million dollars for that disease - did you know that the young man has already died from jumping into water off a bridge (an accident)  before he saw his dream come true?  

 photo ATT00002-1.gif

Love, Chatty

This is going to be all of us tomorrow morning!


Cheri said...

My favorites have to be Disco sleeping with his buddy and the pup hiding from the bath. So cute.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Awwwww....sweet Disco, the nurse!


Sheila :-)

Melanie said...

I enjoyed all your pictures, Sandie. Hope grandson feels better very soon. We'll start back to school Tuesday. The getting up early is probably one of the least fun parts about it. I'm not really much of a morning person. Oh well...gotta pay the bills! Hope you are doing well and feeling better and better. Love you.♥

Locomente said...

Interesting... And very chweet and cute!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sweet pics of GS. I hope he feels better soon!

Lady Linda said...

You always make me laugh. What a riot.
Love your word HOPE but I always thing of LAUGH when I see your Chatty Crone name.

betty said...

I hope your grandson feels better soon, Sandie. That seems to happen, back to school with the "germ pool" and everyone gets sick.

I think it is wonderful about the money raised for ALS. I didn't know he had died, though. I think it is amazing how an idea like this could take off and turn into something really big! It makes you wonder if other organizations will try to think of something clever like this to get donations.

Loved the sea horse, LOL :)

I hope you have a restful weekend!


Sr. Ann Marie said...

That moving puzzle almost drove me nuts but I finally got it! I did the ALS challenge myself because my brother, a cousin, and three other people I know died of ALS. I'd do most anything to help raise awareness and get them some funding for studies.

Sandee said...

The first lovely picture reminds me of innocence.

I've got a cold too. I feel really rough this morning. Hubby is just getting over his cold. I'm not looking forward to this if I'm going to be as sick as he was.

Loved the video. That was snappy and then some.

Have a fabulous day and weekend honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You have some good one's today Miss Sandie! Gosh I miss you my friend. Can't wait for our big get-together in Sept!!

Granny Annie said...

Wow, you are on a roll. These are all great. So sorry grandson has a cold and already missing school. Glad he has Disco to comfort him.

Vee said...


Very cool post, my dear! You have me grinning, though my brain is fried from taking that IQ test....smokin'

Nooooo, I did not know that about the young man who started the challenge. I just know that, like Laura Bush, I'll be paying up so I don't have to have a bucket of ice water over my head. That could very well kill me with my stinkin' arthritis. Wait! It might help the scrambled brain.

Have a super week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute gator hug and sorry GS is sick, school does that to them.. i like the head to head shot of Disco and GS at the end..

Sharon said...

Oh, Sandie! What a joy to see my Fun Friday friend back in Blog Land! And such a joy to laugh again with you!

My favorite pictures are of GS and Disco - they're cute, and I just love how you can SEE the love between those two. Disco is going to miss his boy this school year! (Hope GS is feeling better soon...)

The ALS challenge has been interesting to watch, and I'm glad that it's brought more awareness (and money) to the disease. We just found out a couple of months ago that a friend of ours has ALS. It's so sad - he was an athlete all his life and was in great shape. Terrible disease.

Anyway, I enjoyed my chuckles today. It always starts me with a smile!!


barbara woods said...

one ugly frog

Ginny Hartzler said...

The best thing here is boy and dog in bed, fantastic shots!!! I did not know about this story, but I am thinking there may be better ways to raise money than the ice bucket challenge. It has managed to get a lot of publicity, but there are bad drawbacks. I have not seen you in forever!! Or does it just seem that way? HOW ARE YOU?

Lady Jane said...

The cute little gir,Dreams for sure. I loved the goat and the horse. How did you get a pic of me in the lawn chair? Love puzzles. Surprised myself in the IQ test, I'm smarter than I look. Love the jokes. Have a great weekend...

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, What an uplifting post!
You never fail to bring smiles to all.
Yes, I did the Alzheimers..hope that is a good sign. lol
Yes, I took the iq; it was fun.
Disco and your grandson are adorable!!!
I hope that all is well and you are doing fine. I keep you in my prayers.
Blessings dear. Hugs, Catherine xo

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Fun post. I did the Alzheimer's moving puzzle.

Loved the IQ test.

Hope you have a delightful weekend. Susan

Pooja Mittal said...

hey sandi , long time how have you been
thanks for dropping by and for the lovely comment
its so difficult to get out of bed after the long summer holidays
the sea horse , hhahha
keep in touch

Anonymous said...

what a whole big bunch of fun and lovely Disco, awww,

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I like the Yoga Kitty.
Take care.

Lynn said...

Lovin' the pic of g-son and Disco sleeping! Happy Labor Day Weekend Sandie-enjoy:@)

mail4rosey said...

I cannot remember the last time I slept in. Just doesn't happen. It'd be oh so nice though. :)

That frog needs braces.

Good luck to your grandson w/8th grade! That's a fun year.

jack69 said...

enjoyed this one. I even done the floating puzzle, and got it. then I took the IQ test I did a 128 and realized I am dumbing down... OUCH

Also can see you guys in the morning, I slept in until nearly 10, but didn't go to bed until 2am.

Love from Up here. This was a good one. Neat stuff you included...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, My favorite one today is the one that says something about continuing to have fun... That's one thing I try to do every single day... I do NOT want to get old!!!!!!

Hope your grandson has a great year this year. I did not know how the Ice Bucket Challenge got started --but it turned out to be a great idea. Too bad the young man is not here to see all that has gone on.. BUT--I'm sure he KNOWS, from above!!!!! God Bless everyone with ALS... I hope they can find a cure for that horrible disease.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am too scared to take the IQ test. I would rather live with the memories of when my brain worked better. Maybe it is still as good, maybe not, but I don't want to know.

I hope all is well with you, Sandi. I also hope that you have some good offers on your house.

Paula said...

Thanks for the chuckles.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

A great post

Tweedles -- that's me said...

happy weekend!


Thanks for the smiles. You have a nice weekend.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - yes thanks for the laughs ... the puzzle I nearly did! Something wasn't quite right .. but I got fed up then .. and I was some what surprised at the IQ thing - came out quite high ..

Have a Happy Labor day weekend - Hilary

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Thanks for the morning smiles and Disco under the covers...hysterical!...:)JP

Rose said...

I enjoyed reading your Post this morning bringing me smiles and chuckles.

Hope your grandson feels better real soon.

Hugs, Rose

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I didn't know about the man who started the Ice bucket challenge, but I do know many in my own family that have done it and who also donated to it too. Wonderful what a simple thing like that can do. I do agree we have to do something fun every day. Life is short so celebrate !

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That first photo makes me think about a young girl dreaming about being a ballerina. Wow that is some puzzle, I did it! Lot's of fun things today. I was so surprised when I saw on Facebook about young man passing away. He will be remembered for something great!
Have a wonderful weekend.....Debby

Anonymous said...

I like all Sandie you have up. You make me laugh girl.

Oh Grandson is not feeling too well.
Sad to hear that.

May he feel better soon.

Have a easy weekend my friend.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie -

I've been in my writing cave for months and decided I needed a break. Guess where I headed? Yup, right here. :)

Love visiting you, my friend.


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

P.S. I'm linking to this post next Friday. :)

Merlesworld said...

I did the IQ test they said I'm smarter than most but can't remember what I got glad it wasn't on memory.
I wish I was as flexible as the cat but the grin on the frog is a bit scary.

Susannah said...

I love you, Miss Chatty...you always make ME feel good. I wish it was the other way around but I am not as clever as you!!!!!! I took the IQ...they said I was in the top 5 % but I bet they tell everyone that!!!! Grreat post, as usual. You have a nice holiday! thinking of your grandson.......

Marie said...

sorry your GS is sick. such cute pics of him and Disco!
not sure what to think about the guy that passed away except he was too young!
hugs to you!

Suzan said...

Disco isn't going to like school starting either when he has to lose his heating pad next to him!! Love it - A Boy and his Dog!! At least Grandson has a three day weekend to really get his engines going!! Take care and hope you're all settled in your new house!

Inger said...

Love that last picture of grandson and Disco. Also the one of dog hiding, that's so funny. A great and cheerful post, thank you dear Sandie.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

One of my grands started school with bronchitis- it never fails..all those kids breathing on each other in a closed up room! I hope he feels better soon.
Have a blessed week!

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Your posts are always uplifting! Thanks for today!

Linda said...

I didn't know the young man had died. That ALS challenge has been amazing!! Some of my children and even grandchildren have accepted the challenge. Great post - as always!

Nonnie said...

I hope your grandson is feeling better now. Our granddaughter missed the first day of kindergarten because she had strep throat.
My old dog, Max, used to run and hide under the bed when he heard the water running in the tub. I would go ring the doorbell to get him to come out.
The ALS challenge has been something and I'm glad it has raised so much money. I didn't do the ice bucket ... Giving money was easier. We know personally three families affected by ALS. Very sad. Also very sad that the guy who helped start it has died.

NanaDiana said...

Hi Sandie- I am working my way back into blogging and was happy to see you here. I did not know that about the young man that started the ice bucket challenge. How sad is that!

Hope your grandson is already feeling better and I am happy to see you recovered and blogging! xo Diana

Lee said...

Hi Sandie...I'm a bit slow off the mark in posting my comment. The weekend has come and gone; as has our winter; it's now the second day of spring here. And, with that being so, it's also Tuesday.

I hope you had a very enjoyable long weekend up your way. Take good care...and thanks for the smiles. :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Oh, Chatty, that was such fun! Just the lift I needed as the day winds down.

Lynn said...

Love that pic of Disco sacked out in the bed with grandson (who didn't want to get up.) I've had a cold for a week - I totally agree. Bed is so much better. :)

renae said...

What that guy died? Oh wow, that is so weird / bittersweet, huh?

Funny all the way my dear (except for hearing about the man, {name?})

I can always depend on your posts to cheer me up or get me thinking.

Thanks my dear friend, ♥

Jim said...

Good vibrations from here again, Sandie. Disco and his doings help keep me in spirits. His antics remind me of how my Adi was the same way. Probably not many dogs come running for a bath. Adi would also hide.

Too bad about the young man. I only heard that he died but nothing else.
BTW, I am sorry to not have left a comment here before. I did visit and went through everything. Can't figure out why not a comment?? Hope your LAZY day was good!

Dee said...

Hi, I am back...I have been reminded as I read your post that I am reminded how much I enjoy your chuckles and bits of wisdom and an occasional tear from your blog. I am sorry your grandson was sick his first day of school. It looks as if he had a sympathetic buddy to keep him company :) I did not know the young man had died...sorry to hear it. The photo of the little girl reminds me of innocence and dreams.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Hello sweet friend!! You always give me a chuckle! Love the pic of the dog hiding from his bath!!! Too funny! Hope you are doing well!!

Cranberry Morning said...

Sandie, my favorite photos are those of your grandson and Disco!!!! Talk about cute!! And I did not know that about the guy who started the ALS ice bucket challenge. It was a brilliant idea.

Debbie said...

So I totally missed this one. I guess it's because I had the house full over the weekend and didn't notice that it had been posted on Friday.

Thought I had better give you the thumbs up and giggle before it's time for a whole NEW Fun Friday.

So... thumbs up for the whole thing and giggle about the snap, crackle, and pop and yoga cat the most.

I did not know the young man who inspired it passed away already.

I'm not going to take that IQ test. I already know that I'm blond.

Soggibottom said...

Great verification is OFF :-) :-)
:-) x x x