"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, October 17, 2014

Fun Friday with some help from my friends ....October 17th. 2014

Chatty sharing a piece of Heaven with you.  Isn't that a beautiful scene?
Where do you think it is at and where is it going? 

(Get it TOAD?)


Wouldn't that feel good? 

Using a post a note to catch the dust!

(and paid and paid!)
The future generation of older people.

I like Facebook better too.


FOR ALL MY FRIENDS - (I hope you appreciate this and think it's funny).


Love, Chatty

(This is what I am going to be looking like this winter!!!)  I am 95% over this thing I had - virus I guess.  I am going to invite a badge or button that says - PLEASE - If you are sick - don't wait on me - let me know so I can go somewhere else.  Went to a BBQ place and the woman who took the money was actively sick! I unfortunately are not much of a confronter (?) - but after this little virus of four weeks I may have changed!  lol  Anyone know of a button like that?

We also took our house off the market for right now and am trying to figure things out.

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend - don't forget to love and laugh and feel out there!



MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that first gorgeous view and i do hope someone fed poor Disco. i would love to roll around with puppies . lost of funny things here today, thanks for the laughs... hope you figure out the best way to go with your house.. me to on the mask thing... and the manager should have not let that woman work.

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you are feeling better. Think they need to improve the face masks as it seems they will be the going thing.

Sandee said...

I can so relate to the sick people out there. I went to have my nails done the other day and there was a women and was coughing her head off. All she cared about was getting her nails done. People, why do you do this? When we are older it's harder to get well.

Have a fabulous day and weekend honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I hope you continue to get well! These crazy people who work while sick and spread it make me angry. I'm trying to be careful this year for sure. Hugs!


Cheri said...

I love "that" antidepressant. That would make my day. Have a great weekend and glad to hear you are feeling better.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I know it's not funny at all when you go to the store and someone is sick. I take the time to wash my hands really well when ever I've been out shopping. None of us likes to be sick for sure. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

barbara woods said...

love your flea, know some people i would wish that on. With ebola we will be worried every time we get around some one sick

Terri D said...

Always fun seeing the funnies you share on Fridays!! Wishing you a good weekend. Take care of you!!

Nonnie said...

The wet dogs in the tub!!! Trudy looks like a rat out of the sewer until she is fluffed up! Happy weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, You really had a rough time with the virus, didn't you? Hope you don't get anything else. People are so irresponsible out there--passing their bugs around... Dang it.

That is a gorgeous Fall photo (1st photo)... Love it. Also love the Broom Parking one.. Cute.

Oh--how I love the "puppy love" one. How can you NOT love it?

The self-service manicure is cute... Yipes! AND--the iPaid one is SO true.... ha

Sorry about your home --but just be patient. It's all in God's timing --not ours.

NanaDiana said...

It is scary to be waited on by sick people...and those that are behind the scenes that are sick that you never see!

Love your funnies today- even the camel prayer.

Hope you have a good weekend and can get things figured out with your house. xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Oh how awful for Sandee with the lady who came coughing to get her nails done. Really. What is she thinking. I had three weeks of that and it is no fun. My friends hubby is coughing his head of and she thinks that he got it Yesterday that to-morrow for her Birthday he will be better. I don't think so.

I am not taking any chance to go to the house. I am happy your feeling well now Sandra.

I will agree sick people what are they thinking.

Enjoy your funnies and rest of blog. I am late but did have a busy day.


ALL of these sweet things gave me reason to smile tonight. Thank you. Glad you are feeling better.

Lee said...

You've had to deal with enough stress over the past months, Sandie. I think it could very well be time for you to take a few steps back...take a few deep breaths...and let the golden leaves of autumn fall where they may, at a pace they choose.

Take good care....and thanks for the smiles. :)

betty said...

LOL with the IPhone, etc, IPaid cartoon; that is about the truth! That was a beautiful first picture you had, Sandy. I'm not sure where it is or where it is going, but I would love to be there sometime! Wise to take your house off the market. Spring might be a better time if you decide to sell it.

Sorry you've been sick for such a long time! Hubby has the same problem when kids come in for lessons and they are sneezing, runny nose, etc. I bet you could find a button shop that could make something up for you like that.


Ivy and Elephants said...

Feel better, and enjoy the weekend.
I love the bird, I'm just praying to weather the storm, too.

Sharon said...

Loved this. (And yes, I loved "The Friendship Prayer" - but you knew I would, right???)

Yes, I would also love to be smothered in puppies! But, no matter how cute that picture of the puppies was, Disco has them all beat. He's a hoot!

Sorry to hear about the development on your house. Will be praying that you'll receive some good guidance about what to do. God will reveal it, I'm sure.

Love to you.

Gotta go for now - I think my broom is getting toad.


Susan said...

That was a good one, Sandie. The Ipad, Ipod, Iphone, Ipaid one was funny.

Well, they were all funny, really.

Hope your weekend goes splendidly! Susan

Ann said...

that first picture is beautiful.
Love all the dogs ones and I wouldn't mind an antidepressant. I wouldn't even need that big of a dose...lol

Granny Annie said...

I love my computer devices, Facebook, twitter and Instagram. When I was the age my grandchildren are now, I neglected my grandparents and now I can keep up with my grandchildren through cyberspace. I will never bemoan these great advances in communication.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie ... love the camel flea one - the thought would bring me out in hysterics if I was a few decades x 2 younger! I can imagine a family dinner if this got shown when we were much younger ...

Certainly made me laugh - cheers Hilary

Jim said...

Hi Sandie, I love everyone of your quips, quotes, and quats today. Sorry about you long lasting virus. I am glad you didn't catch it in Africa or they might not have let you come home.

Your little lane covered with leaves is the path that is coming back from the fishing spot down by the property line.

Back to the drawing boards? If you could move your house up here it would sell in minutes or days. Exxon and Shell are both expanding to our end of Houston to establish a new energy center.
But perhaps you are meant to keep rooted where you are. You are a much better neighbor than a giant oil company office.
BTW, my vote is for the "Broom Parking Only" sign. Very appropriate for the coming season. I hope you don't mind me keeping a copy of it.

Paula said...

Lots of cute things here so I had a good laugh this morning. When I hear someone sneezing or coughing down an isle at the store I avoid that area like the plague. Some people may think that is paranoid but when you know you have a low immune system that is the smart thing to do, I think.

Suzan said...

So sorry to hear about your 4 week virus!! Especially in the food market with so many people!! I'm afraid I'd make a stop in and let her know!! Very nicely ofcourse!
So many LOLs.
I don't believe BINGO!! I know he isn't lacking in the food department!! Awesome picture of being smothered by all those puppies - with their little puppy breathes!!
Get well Sandie and please stay well!!
Have a great week!!

Suzan said...

So sorry to hear about your 4 week virus!! Especially in the food market with so many people!! I'm afraid I'd make a stop in and let her know!! Very nicely ofcourse!
So many LOLs.
I don't believe BINGO!! I know he isn't lacking in the food department!! Awesome picture of being smothered by all those puppies - with their little puppy breathes!!
Get well Sandie and please stay well!!
Have a great week!!

Suzan said...

Hey Sandie - please feel free to delete this note and one of the others!! Not sure why two comments were posted!!

Inger said...

All the little animals made me laugh, particularly the two in the bathtub. I'm so sorry you have been sick. At least some Paid Sick Leave may do the trick too. Far too many people go to work sick due to the lack of it. Finally, having lived in NJ, I so agree with Fall being the reward for surviving summer. I can only imagine how it must be in Georgia!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the dogs in the tub, ours always look like that too....so pathetic! I agree those puppies would make me happy. Great idea with that post it note!

Mevely317 said...

I don't suppose Arizona can be considered the "South" - but I'm in love with that saying about Fall!
With the holidays fast approaching, your decision about the house may be best for the 'right now.'
Let go, and let God!

Unknown said...

Hi Sandie,

I'm sorry that you've been sick, hope you feel better now. I love your post as always, love your autumn leaves dividers.
Weather is a bit crazy here at the moment, rain and wind in a mix so it's nice being indoors. Slowly preparing for my trip to Pennsylvania in November, will stay for a week. Have to work though and bet they will keep me busy lol!
Enjoy your weekend

Unknown said...

Hi Sandie,

I'm sorry that you've been sick, hope you feel better now. I love your post as always, love your autumn leaves dividers.
Weather is a bit crazy here at the moment, rain and wind in a mix so it's nice being indoors. Slowly preparing for my trip to Pennsylvania in November, will stay for a week. Have to work though and bet they will keep me busy lol!
Enjoy your weekend

Merlesworld said...

Well that cheered me up.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Love that Autumn scene.
I Pad story is so true. My husband appreciates that joke a lot.
Thanks for a fun post. Take care of yourself.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Staying well is so important!!
Love all the cute smiles!

Susannah said...

The Friendship Prayer just got to me today! Believe me, this whole post is funnier than ever but the Prayer is so darn funny!

I did not know you had your house up for sale. God will guide you, just ask him to help. And keep those sick people away from me!!!!! I am so serious. I know just what you mean...after you being so sick....tell them to get somebody else to wait on you. Who wants to go through that again? Not YOU! You have been through enough. I told Jim that I think we should stay home for the whole winter. Of course, we won't. Take care, Sandy and God be with you.

Lynn said...

What a happy post - love it all, especially the ladies in the home. It is kind of like that now.

I caught a similar virus from a guy I work with very closely - it took me about that long to get over it, too. Hope you are better quickly.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Priceless Sandy... My fave is "did you see what the cat did?" And of course I always love to see your sweet disco!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I am glad that you are 95% better and on your way to 100%.
I hope you keep up the the vitamin c; that I think will help ward off future colds.
As always you laugh and lifts brighten my day. I would love the antidepressant of all those puppies!!
Blessings dear friend. Catherine xo

Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel, I was sick in the spring then was reinfected, took two months to recover, why oh why do people insist on shopping or working when ill, I think I will become a recluse for the winter, stay in and go NO WHERE, just walk outside, away from the mad crowd, Taking the house of the market will relieve a bit of pressure, I hear of other people saying the market is slow right now, I hope it all works out for the best for you, wonderful funnies today, you always make me laugh, I meant to ask, how is your hair coming along, is it washing out, the red I mean, growing out?

Connie Arnold said...

The first ones are so beautiful, they could be leading to heaven! Thanks for sharing the beauty and the laughs. So sorry you have been sick and hope you will soon be well. Hugs!

jack69 said...

Glad youare getting over the nasty stuff. I don't know How I missed this post but I enjoyed when I got here. Loved the 1hr broom parking and the postit dust collector is a great idea.
and I did see what the cat did.
Love from the Banks of the Peace River.

Love you lady!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the autumn leaves that adorn this post. I hope you feel better soon Sandie!!!

mail4rosey said...

Those are fun! I love that first picture, that's how everything looks up here right now. For you lucky southerners, it's a small reprieve from heat season... for us Northerners, sigh, it means winter's coming. ;)

Have a great week!!

renae said...

Hi Ms Sandie Gal!

So many of these were hilarious. I love the before and after of the dogs baths. LOL exp. the Westie.hhahahahha.

I was wondering about your house selling. You'll probably have a better thing later. Have you considered a refinance? I have no idea about the Georgia market but Utah's is picking up. My ydd and her little family of "L"s bought a home lately that they are THRILLED with. Their first home. Yay!!

Love ♥ to you, my doll!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Hi Sandie,
The first photo is my version of the road to Heaven!
Oh my goodness, it is so nice to know I am not alone as I age with these youngster-texting, twitting or whatever to say Hi! So silly, why can't they just call or visit!
Keep getting well-
Glad the house is off the market for now, you can enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas much more this way.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Might be wise to wait a bit before listing your home again. The price may be a bit better...who knows.
Fell off my chair at some of those little posts. The "DID YOU SEE WHAT THE CAT DID??!" killed me! I think I howled right out loud. I always do that when I read those..and PH always wants to know "what's up?" I say "Sandie!! He knows! LOL
You are dear to me, so good for my soul!! What was life like not knowing you were out there...somewhere.. I forget. :)

Unknown said...

All those leaves mean all those bags of leaves that have to be swept up........ or walked and stamped on, or scamper around in.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Dee said...

That is a beautiful picture...it looks like a road I recently drove down. The pressure will be off now that the house is off the market...and you will be able to think things through. The post a note idea is a good one...I never think of stuff like that... The lift: is very touching ...and i fear that many people will continue to go to work sick because they need the money to pay bills.It pays to take extra precaution...I am glad you are feeling better.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the pet funniest!

renae said...

Ok you wish you had my shirt / top? It is one of my faves but if I get tired of I'll send it your way. k?

RAD IS DONE. i HAVE A VERY SUNBURNED BREAST, VERY! It could stay burned for 2 weeks yet. I have to put aloe vera on it 3 times a day and it is sticky.

My doctor and the techs there were great. Im going to miss them. I go back in a month for a follow up.

Hope your Friday is nice! ♥

Denise said...

Have really missed you, and your blog.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, my sweet dear friend,
I am sorry to hear you've been sick.
I pray you get well soon, sweetie.
Your pics are wonderful as usual.
I love Fall Season with its colours.
I love and adore puppy love!
Animals give only true amazing love.
I am still overseas, but anyway,
I say Happy Halloween to you, your grandson, and family!
I'll try to catch up with my writings. Please, forgive me!
May God bless you all, Sandie dear!
Big Hugs from Starry.

Betty said...

Somehow I missed this post and I have been meaning to ask you about the house and keep forgetting.

I'm really big on hand sanitizer. We have a bottle in the cup holder of each vehicle and I always carry one in my purse. We also try and choose restaurants carefully.