"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends - October 24th, 2014

Even though this is probably not fall - HAPPY FALL!
I just love fall.

I really am serious - you NEED to schedule
your ANNUAL breast mammogram -
if you have not had one within the year.

My Little Story and What Cancer Has Taught Me

April 1 - my daughter and I had our annual mammograms.  We go to a Women's Breast Center in Atlanta. The one good thing about that place is they do everything the same day - the bad thing is it takes ALL day.   There was no history of breast cancer in my family.  That day they found something odd on both our mammograms - we went for an ultrasound and something showed up odd on that for both of us so we had to have another mammogram.  Lastly we saw the doctor. She told us that it was probably nothing, but to be safe we would both have needle biopsies.  I ended up with Stage 0 breast cancer (yes stage - of cancer is when the cancer is still encapsulated and hopefully has not spread) and my daughter was fine - praise God.  

Cancer makes you ask all sorts of questions - ones that weren't that important and the ones you really need to ask you don't even think about til you get home.      I did ask how I ended up with cancer?  The way I got breast cancer was by the numbers - I was the one in eight women who get breast cancer.  A number.  

Cancer makes you look for blessings in everything.  I have to say I was blessed the way everything went compared to some others with breast cancer or other cancers in general.  I've had my ups and downs, but I am still blessed.     

Cancer teaches you respect.  I found out that cancer is a frightening foe.  I''ve learned respect for it.  I had no idea - when someone said they had cancer - what that word meant exactly.  What all it entailed.  I know a women and a young man that are fighting it right now just from my blogs. Young children from church - which I don't understand, but that is where faith comes in. 
Please pray for them.

Cancer teaches you who your friends are and you find out who are not your true friends.  You can't believe some of the well meaning (?) comments I've gotten from friends.  I vow not to say anything negative back because I don't want negativity around me, but you'd be surprised.     

Cancer teaches you to think and be ultimately responsible for the decision you make.  I was told more than once I was making the wrong decision.  Your mind twirls.  You pray a lot.   I believe I did the best for me and my future and I found out that everyone is different. And just for breast cancer there must be a hundred and one different types and different treatments.  

Cancer teaches you patience.  The hurry up and test - then wait for the results.  A wait to talk to the second surgeon then a wait to schedule surgery.  Then hurry to have surgery and then wait for results.  Hurry up for this test and then wait for the results.  Not all coming in at the same time. The genetic testing won't be finished until December!

Cancer controls a lot of your time and thoughts.  All the doctors you have to see. Oh vey!  All the questions you have that will never really be answered. Seeing if your insurance will pay for certain things. What you are allowed or not allowed to have.  

Cancer stays with you even when things kind of calm down.  Somehow you think it won't change you, but it does.  When you are kind of sort of done (and I don't think once you have cancer you ever get truly done) you are left trying to figure out where exactly where you are and what to do and how to go on like normal. I mean what is normal anyway and I was I ever normal?  I don't think so - lol.  

Cancer makes you pray a lot and you become very thankful for everything.  Again I want to thank God and all my friends for being there for me.

So remember - early detection is crucial. 

Can't you just feel the wind and the love and the freedom this picture has?

Thanks Debbie

A kiss (a flower) for you.

(thanks Lee)
No spring harvest here.

I think the grandparents should be on a screen of the kids IPhones.
Thank you Lee

Out of all the people in the house - Disco likes his pets from grandpa the best.

At real docs too!

I know I'm tired trying to figure myself out!


I don't expect you to read half of what I write - but if you want a laugh - you HAVE to watch this. Thanks grandson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Debbie


This will give you a HUGE lift if you have the time - Thanks Carolann

x_5d6c3b9 photo x_5d6c3b9.gif


MadSnapper n Beau said...

great post about your battle with cancer.. and Disco looks soooo happy.
i find that every one has an opinion on everything, and that includes me, so when someone gives me their opinion i just go with my own... only you know what you should do. i do know it is good to hear from others what they did or did not do when they had similar ills, because it helps with decisions.

Anonymous said...

you lift my spirits everytime I come here, you are an inspiration in so many ways,

Vee said...

Thanks for the chuckles! The admonishments, too.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You are so inspiring :-) Glad they caught it early on! I hope the genetic testing comes back clear. My dad had that done on his cancer, and it came back with no genetic markers, thankfully.

No mammogram here yet, but I turn 40 next summer, so I will have to have my first next year sometime. We do not have any family history, so I declined doing any earlier tests.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, Your writing was heartfelt and genuine.
You always give smiles each week to all of your friends and happiness and inspiration to all who come to visit you.
Blessings, Catherine xo

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Dearest Samdi,

You have written this post clearly, beautifully, and straight from your heart. Some of us know what it is to be a Cancer survivor and more of us know what it is like to have a loved one struck with this disease. It is devastating but we all learn to always have hope and be encouraged by small things. If your experience encourages just one person to get a mammogram, you will be a hero. Wait, I said that wrong, you are already a hero.

Jeanie said...

Cancer always has a story...thank you for sharing yours. I have my annual mammogram scheduled in a few weeks.

Changes in the wind said...

Loved the Justin Hines story...

Cheri said...

Good ones Sandie and I love the video of Mateo...he makes me laugh every time I watch it. Have a great weekend. Hugs

Nonnie said...

Great post and I tell the same story. Get the mammogram! Don't wait until something shows up because it's easier to treat in the early stages. I'm glad you're here to remind all of us, friend. We are blessed.

jack69 said...

Very sweet entry my friend. Love the color and action on the first shot. This system is so slow I did not know about the movement until I read and went back to recap.
Wise of you to ignore (as much as possible) the ignorant comments. some folks speak then think. some folk speak and never think.
BUT in it all WE ARE GLAD for you and your triumph.
Like the Maxine.....
Love from the land of Disney.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks for the laughs and fun and of course for the wonderful information about cancer. Enjoy your weekend sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie ... some people don't think before they speak and comment without thinking or appreciating your blog and you ...

But it's good to read about your cancer, and to remind us all that we need to keep checking ...

Love all the quips and then Disco with Grandpa - they both look happy! Cheers Hilary

Sandee said...

I get a mammogram every single year. Every single year.

I loved the video on Hines. Wow is all I can say. What an inspiration and I love it that he found a life partner too.

Have a blessed day honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Thank you for being an advocate for Breast Cancer awareness, we all need a reminder to take care of ourselves.
Praise be to God, for taking such good care of you in so many ways.
Love, the laughs today-the kitty cat,
the hairy legs, the T.V!
Oh, I love the first picture and it moves!
Have a wonderful weekend,

Sharon said...

I really appreciate your honesty in sharing about your cancer journey. Facing that battle takes tremendous courage. Talking about it takes even more. So glad that you are doing so well. And yes, I had my mammogram this year.

As for the funny stuff? I look forward to my Fridays with you, for I know that I will chuckle away any gray clouds in my life!


Susan said...

Great post, Sandie. You truly are amazing and a total inspiration to all of us!

I called this week for a mammography appointment. The first one available here is Jan. 2nd. Brother. So I'll go then.

Justin's story was incredible, too. So many people in the world to admire.

Hope your weekend is splendid. Hugs. Susan

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

My next mammogram is next March, just saying..........also the rest of the post made me giggle here and there, just saying

Cathy said...

What an awesome post. You made me laugh almost cry.

That last video really got to me. What an amazing attitude he has.

Thank you for sharing your story too.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Absolutely wonderful and thoughtful post! You made cancer very much personified--very personal. Know that you continue to be in my prayers.

barbara woods said...

love and hugssssss

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That movie photo is cool! I'm scheduling my mammogram next week.

Lynn said...

Aw, sweet pic of Disco getting his pets:@) I'm glad to hear you're doing well Sandie-take care!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Kicking Cancer needs to be an ongoing statement...not just October!!!...:)JP

betty said...

It is good Sandy to continue to share your story about cancer because people do need to be reminded to get their mammograms and other testing and how it is so insidious and can quickly it can spread. I so agree that only you can make the decisions you made for yourself in your treatment, taking into consideration the info given by the doctors, praying about it, how things would affect you, your family, etc. No one should condemn you for what you did or didn't do.

I love the cartoon with the shaving the legs in spring. I have to admit when we lived in Montana I wouldn't save in the winter, LOL :)

Enjoy the weekend!


MunirGhiasuddin said...

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. This is an enlightening post.
Yes, I did have a mamo and thank God I am fine, but they said that it does not mean that I can skip the mamo in future. I have to be on top of things.
I like to read your posts all the time. Sometime I am unable to leave a comment. I don't know why
The video is cute. He wants his cup cakes for sure.
Love the kitty's getting the breeze. Thanks.
Have a great weekend.


thank you for sharing your story. It's important to hear. You never get over cancer. I am glad you have survived this ordeal and are doing well. take care.

Terra said...

Your words about cancer are wise and helpful. I like the photo showing the red lips of the flower, and the cartoon that says "yay, I woke up."

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your battle with Cancer you and your daughter.
Cute chuckles.

We are in Fall season.

So I enjoyed the image.

I enjoyed my Justin Hines. Have every album of his. His Grandma and I are best of friends. Justin has a very pretty wife. He is blessed.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Nice post, Sandie...I'm so happy you are okay. I understand the fear even tho there wasn't cancer in my family, we have had too many taken with ALS and that hangs over mine and my children's heads. But, like you, I pray a lot and that helps so much. I did have my mammo last month and it was fine. However, my daughter is 42 and her doctor told her she didn't need to start them until she was 50! I don't know why the doctor said that...I always heard 40.
Take care and have a nice weekend!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Good for you-for telling your story Sandie.
It will help someone - sometimes.
So many words, and feelings, and thoughts,,,
Your on the right track!

NanaDiana said...

That is a really great post, Sandie. You have shown a lot of wisdom that you have gleaned through your brush with cancer. God bless you- xo Diana

Starry Dawn said...

Good Morning, Sandie, my dear friend,
This post is so inspirational and
coming straight from your heart.
It tells the story of a survivor,
a great fighter and a heroe, you.
I am very glad you win over cancer.
I see you've got lots of friends and family who love you so much, Sandie.
I realize you've got new followers.
Everybody loves you, sweetheart.
You are an unforgetable friend.
I am also a cancer survivor.
I had Ovarian Cancer with my surgery back in October 2008. I survived...
Yes! I am your true friend, even though I don't write as often as I used to, due to poor or no Internet connections at all, my health and personal issues, and unpleasant ordeals I've been through lately. Sadly, I am still in South America. My life has been very hard without my dear family. My desktop computer was in the repair shop. Now, it is back, and I hope, it stays well. Paul only let me borrowed his laptop for short moments, yet not enough.
I'll send you an email soon, Sandie.
We all love you, my dear friend!
Have a blessed weekend, sweetheart, embraced by God and your loved ones!
Big Hugs from Starry.

Granny Annie said...

I can so relate to "Yippee, I woke up" and "My mind is like the Bermuda Triangle....." All great ones Sandie.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm stopping by on Saturday morning once again and hope you had a fantastic Friday there. I'm thankful for all the smiles you send our way. Hope you enjoy the weekend !

Lee said...

G'day there Sandie...

A wonderful post filled with good humour and good sense as usual.

When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, you are the one you have to listen to when making decisions...they are your own decisions to make. No one else knows knows what goes on in the mind of another..and we have to do what WE (you, me...the individual) feels is right. It's your body; and you do what you feel/believe is right...for you.

The old saying always brings a smile to my face..."you never until you walk in someone else's shoes".

I think we all should stick to our own shoes and learn how to walk in our own first before we start handing out advice, willy-nilly!

Anyway...my feet are too big to fit in the shoes of others!! :)

Have a great week. Hugs. :)

Paula said...

Nice of you to tell your story which might help someone else. The spring harvest cartoon reminds me of me except my leg hairs are blond. I wear pants all time. Lots of other funny ones here too.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, my sweet super friend,
Yes! This post is so inspiring...
I'd like to add today's message.
Cancer sounds like a bad word.
My family suffers a great lost
with my daughter's cousin, Valerie,
who was my beautiful niece.
She was only 41 born in 1973.
I thought she was 39...
But, she was still very young to die.
Valerie passed away in October 2nd
of this year, 2014, due to colon cancer. She suffered a great deal.
My daughter, my 3 grandchildren and
family are still grieving Valerie's passing into Eternity.
I feel that we are lucky and blessed to be alive this day, and we should celebrate life in every breath we take. When we walk up in the morning, we should say thank You, Lord for my blessings to be alive and well.
Sandie, Thank you for sharing your love and caring ways with us!
We all love you, my friend!
May God bless you in every step of the way with your beloved ones!
Big Hugs from Starry.

Soggibottom said...

That little lad can rabbit. Maybe he will grow up to be a politician :-)
Great post as usual Sandie :-) x x x

Buttercup said...

Thanks, for a great post. I am overdue for my mammogram, but will schedule it this week. So glad you are doing well.

Kay G. said...

Very good post, my dear.
Informative and funny, you are the best.
And that Mateo video, I would have just given him a dang cupcake!!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie - I'm so glad you've had a good outcome. And yes, I've had my mammogram this year. :)

Love the long wait in the vet's office cartoon.

Cranberry Morning said...

You shared your story so well, Sandie. I don't think any of us is ever prepared for the what ifs of life. You were strong and an inspiration to all. You knew you have a heavenly Father who loves you and who is trustworthy. God bless you Sandie.

I always enjoy your selection of funnies. :-)

Cranberry Morning said...

PS Disco is one much-loved pup!!! :-)

Small Kucing said...

Am more of a spring person.

Glad they found the cancer early. Hope things will go smoothly for you

Betty said...

I always say that cancer is an equal opportunity disease.

That little boy certainly requires parents with lots of patience. Too cute for words!

That last video was wonderful.

Hootin Anni said...

You are blessed...and WE all are blessed with your friendship and your knowledge you so patiently and unselfishly share with us.

Of course the humor side of your post...I'm thinking Bud would say that "spring harvest" looks too much like Anni in the winter 'cause she don't shave much leg during the cold months...they're hidden under sweats and jeans. lol

Lynn said...

I'm so glad you caught that early, my friend.

And you can just see how blissful Disco feels in your husband's arms. Life, "Please don't stop petting."

mail4rosey said...

The little boy's cute. The other video was awesome! I love that he taught himself to play the keyboard, he did a great job of it too.

And I read everything you write. Just so you know. :) :) :)

Happy Wed. to you!

Marie said...

This is a wonderful post! You have such a wonderful heart that touches so many of us. :) You lift me up way more than you realize, thank you.
hugs & love,

Dee said...

I think it is wonderful for you to remind and to share why it is important to have a mammogram. "Cancer makes you pray"...that is powerful. Love the cat at the vet LOL that had to wait. LOL

renae said...

Great post on Breast Cancer and what you have learned. Ya, me, too!

I am going to be a DOCTOR for Halloween. Haaaaaaa, pretty scary! LOL

Love to you my dear friend!
♥, Renae

Donna B. said...

Hi Sandy, it's sure been awhile since I have visited you, let alone blogged….

First and foremost, I am so sad to hear about your cancer. I learned something new about breast cancer (and maybe it is true about any type of cancer) but I had no idea there was a 0 stage and what it means.

I can't even fathom what it is like to have cancer, but the way you wrote about your reactions and feelings….it was so genuine and heartfelt, I felt a deeper level of the compassion for this terrible disease.

I used to work for a wonderful Oncology surgeon and know the importance of early detection, monthly self breast exams and regular mammograms. Good for you for being so diligent and setting such a great example for your daughter.

I will keep you in my prayers and I totally agree with you in refusing to allow any negativity around you! BRAVO! I'm very relieved to hear your daughter is clear.

Big (((((((HUGS)))))))) to you my friend. :]

Denise said...

Really enjoyed this. You are such a warrior princess, my hero, my friend.