How about some things to think about today?
Enjoy what you want and skip the rest!
Enjoy what you want and skip the rest!
Interesting IQ test. Try it.
This is for my grandson's English teacher!
She is the English Police and come December we will be done!!!
And we are going to have a celebration!!!!
Add half a
teaspoon of baking soda to the water when hard-boiling eggs to make the shells
incredibly easy to peel off.
Hope you think this is funny - but I love to make people smile and feel and sometimes even cry.
I try to tell this to my grandson in middle school. He goes to a small Christian school and you should see what they do there - I can't even imagine what a public school middle school is like.
Is it a rite of passage to get to high school?
Have you ever had an experience with it?
(Thanks Maryanne)
I read this on Vee's blog and stole it - isn't this the truth?
We women work hard don't we?
We do!


Thank you Angela

And what about some laughs?
Thanks Susan

Thanks Lee
Three sisters age 92, 94 and 96 live in a house
One night the 96 year old draws a bath, puts her foot in and pauses.
She yells down the stairs; "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"
The 94 year old yells back, "I don't know, I'll come up and see."
She starts up the stairs
and pauses, then she yells; "Was I going up the stairs or coming
The 92 year old was sitting at the kitchen table having tea,
listening to her sisters.
She shakes her head and
says: "I sure hope I never get that
She knocks on wood for good
She then yells;
"I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see
who's at the door."
who's at the door."

Thanks Debby.

Hubby and I are both reading your blog at the same time. I'm trying to get him to do the IQ test! lol I did it and found out I was a lot smarter than I thought! hahaha! (or than HE thought!) Hugs, Diane and hubby
Love the hip replacement. And I am sooo trying that with the egg.
Loved the hip replacement cartoon!!
Also the sign about being a girl and working like a horse. Too good!
I got a well done on the IQ test. It says only 6% of people are as smart as you. I don't know about that.
I agree with the When You Lose Fat. So true. It's not easy when we get older though.
Loved the old ladies joke. Isn't that the truth.
So sleeping till noon solves that issue? Excellent problem solving.
Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥
I don't know where to start! I loved so much on this Friday's installment of Fun!
First of all, middle school is brutal. When I was in 7th grade, my very best friend all of a sudden decided that she didn't like me. She was popular, I was quiet. So she rallied everyone to her side. I was ostracized, criticized, hazed, and belittled. It was tortuous. My mom finally had a chat with her mom, who denied everything. I can't remember exactly how long it lasted - (it felt like a lifetime!) - but when it was over, I knew that something had changed inside of me. Some good, some bad.
Pray your GS through these years, they're tough.
I laughed out loud at the sister story - I can relate. And I really enjoyed the hip replacement cartoon! Clever!
And you always make me smile, and feel, and sometimes even cry. You're a great friend!
VERY fun, as usual. And of course I love the family pic of Disco. So very true about when you hear people talking about someone else. My mom taught me that when I was very young. I have tried to make sure that I don't tell anyone anything I wouldn't want shared with the whole community (except for those things I tell Mr. C.)
Oh no - poor horse with the zebra hip!
Always a hoot! =D
I always look forward to and love the shared giggles on Fridays!! Thanks so much!! I especially love that NO is a complete sentence! Yes!
I got a 118! The baking soda doesn't always work for me. Lots of fun things today. Have a nice weekend. Debby
I love the old lady story, that is ME for sure. But the best is a laughing boy and dog, the best and most joyous bonding picture you have shown!! AWESOME! Beautiful pink tulips, WAH, none till the spring now.
love them all, thanks for the smile
Love them all- especially the last one...I am trying to learn that no does not need any added explanations. I put salt in the water when I boil eggs..I'll have to try the baking soda. Have a great weekend!
love the two sleeping pals.. and the 3 little old ladies in purple and i have said something like that quote about when someone talks to me about others a lot and never has any thing good to say, it makes me wonder what they say about me... i have even said that to my hubby when he makes comments about fat women and i am a fat woman, i say to him if you talk about them like that it lets me know what you think of me.
Fun post, Sandie. Thought-provoking, too, regarding the "lose the fat."
The hip replacement was hilarious. That would be me, for sure.
Take care and I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Susan
Love the weight loss one best
Being a woman is hard work. So many different hats to wear. Loved all the smiles today. Happy Friday!
Oh Dearest Sandie,
A delightful afternoon spent visiting you! Love the three elderly sisters, hahaha! Love the hip replacement, I actually felt like a needed one while walking this morning!
Have a super weekend,
As fun of a Friday as always, Sandie. Loved the three old sisters! lol I hope you have a great weekend-xo Diana
Enjoyed and laughed throughout...those goofy sisters!!! I took the IQ test...just to be sure I didn't have brain damage form that 4x4!!!...:)JP
I enjoyed the whole thing. I smiled at the hip replacement since so many of my friends are not happy with theirs. hahaha Also the take of of The'reier or what ever, Language Police.
I am going to sleep, I gotta quit
Love from Wildwood Florida.
Thanks for the smiles. I really liked the three sisters funny.
I feel sorry for kids in school these days. It has to be really rough.
Hi Friend, How are you? Feeling good? Just staying busy????
Love a lot of your post today:
-Bugs Bunny one
-Grammar Police (I hate having people on FB being Grammar Police.... )
-Hard to be a Woman
-Losing Fat diagram (LOVE this one --and it is SO true)
-3 sisters (How funny)
Appreciated the tip about the egg and baking soda. Still chuckling about the hip replacement.
That was so funny about the hip replacement, Sandy! Grandson looked like he was apppropriately scary for Halloween :)
I'll try to tip with the baking soda and the eggs; usually I just run them under cold water for a few minutes and put them quickly in the fridge and they peel pretty good :)
Enjoy the weekend!
HI Sandie... I love the three sisters joke the best. Too funny. I've missed you. So glad you popped by to remind me how much I do miss you. Hugs and wishes for an amazing weekend.
Could not love anything more than "No is a complete sentence". If only we really knew that and used it as final.
Dear Sandie, Thanks for all those great quotes. I love them!!! and the smiles as always.
Your the best!
Have a beautiful weekend my dear. Catherine xo
Hip replacement, the first pic so pretty,
being a girl working like a horse.
Thank you for your comment.
Enjoy your weekend .
Hi Sandie - theoretically, despite guessing some answers ... I'm ultra bright ... not at all sure about that one.
Love the hip, love the Halloween costumes ... and then the old ladies ... in fact all .. cheers great fun to read - Hilary
interesting info on losing fat and I like the one about the hip replacement
Well, I was enjoying the IQ test until they got to the mathematical series. I, too, am supposed to be in the top 6%, but that's probably a result of good guessing!
PS - Aw, don't be so hard on Andy's English teacher. I've no doubt her ways may be irritating, but I hope she's good intentions. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that comes across our desks at work, from supposedly well-educated men and women. Just the other day I had to bite my tongue when the GM asked, "Where do you go vote at?"!
How true about us women. I bet you anything though, men will think that working like a horse is about them. LOL
Thanks for letting us take the pink cancer support message from your blog. Now I just have to copy and paste - - - I guess.
Please take care of yourself, first, for your self, your family and your blogger friends.
Hi Sandie,
My comment has just disappeared...
How sad! I wrote a long comment.
I like the joke about the hip replacement. I love the pic of your grandson with Disco. Lovely!
Thank you for your kind email!
I'll be sending an email back.
I pray all is well with you.
May God bless you all!
Big Hugs from Starry.
Hi Sandie,
A lovely post as always. A cosy picture of Andy and Disco.
The old ladies story is hilarious. Thank you for the giggles.
Enjoy your Sunday
My husband's got the 'no' down pat. He's never been one to say more than no (no explanation needed).He rarely gets taken advantage of... ;)
Love the funnies on here, and yep, we've been through the middle school thing. It's worse with girls. Now we're doing the high school thing... my first time w/a girl, and it's def. different. The boys were all about sports, my daughter is all about boys. -_-
I'm late with last weeks mail :-) Thanks again for a great post Sandie :-) x
Thanks again for the smile, Sandie.
I throw some salt into the water when I boil helps in the peeling department, too.
Junior High is awful. We moved when our older kids were in Junior High and it's got to be the worst time to move. Then when Reid was in Junior High we had to move again. I had told myself I'd never make him move during Junior High too, but there was no choice. We moved to Oklahoma then and the kids did seem a lot nicer, so it wasn't so bad after all. I think Junior High kids should all be home schooled and all Junior High building torn down. :)
Good Morning, Sandie!
The lesson about when you lose fat,
and how fat destroys
our bodies is very interesting.
I've got to learn more about it...
Thank you for your kind advice!
So funny! Can't wait to try to soda when boiling eggs. Getting those shells off is a pain! I'm still cracking up over the spelling of Their!
We love the photo of those older ladys!
so that's the trick to make hardboiled eggs easier to peel ya. . Thanks for the tip. :)
With all the smiles you give out on your blog you have no wasted days :) I quit taking the IQ tests...seems to show I am getting dumber day by day. In reference to the christian school...I found that the kids in the christian school my son attended were just like the kids in the public school...some did not even attend a church, but they were being taught right from wrong and not being ignored.
I never heard of gerd before. Guess it's resolved in me..for I don't have gerd.
I had so much fun reading this post! Learned a lot and also those pink flowers got me OMG-ing at first sight. :)
Hi Sandie ~~ I'm sure that you need the spammer just ahead of me with his advice. He probably is selling his 'foreign women', be careful.
Good advice today, I learned a lot. How much would I have to lose to gain those benefits? I did lose some, maybe I got some benefits?
Mrs. Jim's hip replacement, unlike the poor zebra, is from a robot. I wonder what kind of problems she will be having?
Hi Sandie ~~ I'm sure that you need the spammer just ahead of me with his advice. He probably is selling his 'foreign women', be careful.
Good advice today, I learned a lot. How much would I have to lose to gain those benefits? I did lose some, maybe I got some benefits?
Mrs. Jim's hip replacement, unlike the poor zebra, is from a robot. I wonder what kind of problems she will be having?
OK - I'm coping off that photo of when "I" loose my fat!! WOW!! If only I had a colored printer!! I need to put this on my refrigerator!!
I always love getting another hour to sleep!! And how your grandson is growing up!!! Great shot of him with Disco!!
Funny with the zebra hip replacement!!
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