"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, October 31, 2014

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't she an adorable little pumpkin?
Happy Halloween

Notice anything amiss?
(thanks debbie)

Disco's Halloween outfit - UGA - the mascot Uga.

Good topic for Halloween.

Instructions on many frozen microwavable meals say to leave the food in the microwave fora at least one minute after cooking.  A step many of us skip.  But experts say 'standing time' is a key part of the cooking process, and thorough cooking is critical for dodging parasites aand other pathogens in foods.  Evidence of the seriousness of this risk apparent after a CDC investigation into an 18-state out break of food borne illness.  Investigators cited failure to let micro waved meals stand for the advised time as a potential reason people fell ill.

Notice anything wrong with this photo?
(thanks debby)

(thanks Joan)

 (thanks debby)

(thanks debby)

(thanks debby at Just Breathe)


Anyone watch this?  I put it off for four seasons now.  I would look at it in the middle of a season and wonder what in the world did anyone see in this show?  I mean everyone was telling to watch it and I just wouldn't listen.  I  thought it was called Downtown Abbey.  lol
Well I went on ebay and bid on the first four seasons of shows.  I was hooked the first minute and I have my husband hooked on it too - we don't usually even watch the same shows.
But this is great.  If you can watch it from the beginning - you will LOVE IT!

Any one agree?

Totally off the subject I know...

(thanks vee)



 photo ATT00001-2.gif


Greatest Halloween Card Ever ...
Thank you Susan! 


Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Happy Happy Halloween!
Love your animated Halloween character with spooky glowing eyes.
Okay, some great facts and laughter on aging-I am just glad we are all in this together!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

12 hairs or less. ha ha ha.. i love the TV and the old guy, that is so US here in our house.. thanks for the laughs

Granny Annie said...

You are really on point for fun this Friday. Loved them all. I did see the problem with the girl singers but haven't spotted the problem with the bicycle yet. I will keep looking.

Downton Abbey is my most favorite ever! Season 5 will begin on TV in the USA in January but I am watching it now on the blog site of Simply June. It is already playing in England.

Cranberry Morning said...

Well better late than never to the Downton party, Sandie!! Yes, we've loved it from the beginning, and own all the seasons thus far on DVD. I even have Downton Abbey on my Google Alerts. LOL (I know, that's a little sick, isn't it!) Just when I was going to tell you that one cartoon was my favorite, I scrolled down to the next and that one was too. These are all hilarious! Thanks for the good time this morning. Have a great weekend, Friend.

Sandee said...

I loved the Halloween card. That was not what I was expecting.

Have a fabulous Halloween honey. Scritches to Disco. :)

Changes in the wind said...

Happy Halloween to you...the card was too cute.

jack69 said...

I sure liked the tossing a turning thing, it should be exercise. I need that barber who has a express chair.. LOL
Love the AGING cartoon, so danged true!
Rose Kennedy is so right on this one…
Always enjoy the visit….
Love your’s and Disco’s costumes!! Got a lot of movement there!!!!

Terra said...

You found so MANY FUNNY things to share, thank you. We love Downton Abbey too and I am reading a book written by the current Countess of Carnarvon titled "Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey", which I recommend to everyone.

Susan said...

That was great, Sandie. Lots of chuckles. You are a hoot!

Couldn't figure anything wrong with the bicycle. (Duh???)

Have a wonderful Friday. Susan

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is really interesting on the microwave food items. Yes I love Downton Abbey. Mark use to watch it but then stopped. Can't wait for the new season in January. Lots of fun here today and your welcome. Have a great weekend.....Debby

Rob-bear said...

May the ghoulies, and ghosties, and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night all by-pass your place.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Pat MacKenzie said...

Happy Halloween to you too. Love the card.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Some real cuties here. Hope you don't hurt yourself doing that dance in 'your costume'! heehee! Happy Halloweenie Hugs, Diane

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. amazing and such fun to read and see ... the ecard I couldn't get to load - but probably my connection .. and I can't see what's wrong .. maybe I need glasses - or a new brain .. Brilliant though.

I don't watch Downton - and sometimes feel I live on another planet!!

Happy Halloween with youngster and Disco .. cheers Hilary

Nonnie said...

Great funnies today and thank you for the parasite info! The abc soup cartoon was funny. I think I figured out the bicycle and definitely the girls.
My husband and I have watched Downton Abbey from the beginning and we re-watched it with our friends when they visited. We all sit around and sob over the sad stuff. Call the Midwife is our other favorite!
Disco is so cute.

Stephanie said...

Happy Halloween! And LOL How did SHE not notice her mic was backwards??

Denise said...

Happy Halloween sweet friend, love you.

Betty Manousos said...

thanks for the laughs today!
happy halloween!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy Halloween!

I have never seen Downton Abbey, but I have heard so many good things.

We just finished the two seasons of Jericho. Now we started Parks and Rec season 6.

Lynn said...

Would you ask the pup headed to Walmart to get me some more Halloween candy please:@) Happy Halloween Sandie, have fun!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Never watched Downton Abby but it looks like a show I would like if I did bother to watch it........

I don't do Halloween but I liked the ecard.............

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Happy Halloween Sweet Sandie! The Mister and I looked at your post tonight while we were waiting for trick or treaters. Toooooooo Funny! You always put a smile on my face.. and the Misters too! Have a great weekend.

Ann said...

Happy Halloween. I love all of these. The 12 hairs or less was a good one and I have to agree with the one about talking to yourself for expert advice...lol

Terri D said...

Happy Halloween!! We LOVE Downton Abbey and have watched it since the beginning. Glad you are on-board now!! :)

Lee said...

Yep...I've watched every season of "Downton Abbey" so far, and no doubt will continue doing so until there are no more.

I take it that bike is parked incorrectly in the wrong spot/s.

I never use my microwave. It's out in a back area gathering dust and old my drawing pencils, paint brushes and acrylic and water colour paints! I must toss it away. I've not used it in about 12 years. I'm not fond of microwaves...never have been.

Thanks for the laughs, Sandie....have a great weekend and an equally great coming week. :)


HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Loved disco's costume.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you have the opportunity to watch the preceding seasons of Downton Abby. Season 5 starts in January here on our PBS station. I have really enjoyed it! Hope you and yours have a Happy Halloween!

Jim said...

This is a really good Halloween post, Sandie. Too bad I don't have time for it (and lots of readers like you do)

Mrs. Jim watches Downton Abbey and I sit through them with her. Our daughter has started so we got her the Series One three volume CD's for her from our library.

Too bad that Joan's dog had to get dressed up to go to Walmart. That is what I like about the Dollar Store, you don't have to dress up.

Jim said...

Thanks for the Happy BDay wish. It was a nice day, Than YOU.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Halloween!

NanaDiana said...

GREAT fun post, Sandie. I spotted both errors...lol
Hope you had a great Halloween. xo Diana

betty said...

Okay, I admit, I thought it was Downtown Abbey too, LOL. I have heard good things about it. Maybe we'll have to check it out and get caught up with it!

I didn't catch what was wrong in those pictures, but I sure enjoyed all the other cute things you shared here, Sandy. I hope it was a safe Halloween for everone! We didn't have any trick or treaters, third year in a row!


Marie said...

Hope you had a fun Halloween!
hugs to you!

Hootin Anni said...

That "I'm Going to Wal Mart" cracked me up!!

I'm at a loss with 'what's missing' on the bike tho. I must go back and take a longer look!!

Soggibottom said...

As always a great post.

NOPE, never heard of Downton Abby.

If you want any more spoilers let me know :-) :-) :-) x x x

Vee said...

I see what's missing...the bike! Hahahahaha...

Another funny week! Hope I can get ised to this time change! It was no fun being up at the crack of 6 am.

Vee said...

Ised? used...

mail4rosey said...

hahahah I thought it was called Downtown Abbey too, until you just pointed out that it's not!! I haven't seen it yet. I'm always way behind on these things. ;)

Halloween was fun! I hope it was awesome fun there too. And that Disco got some doggy treats for being a pup to dress up. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Great post... I figured out what was wrong in both of the pictures you showed... BUT--did you notice that the date is wrong on the "Fall Back" one... I posted that one --did hadn't realized that the date said Nov. 3 until someone pointed it out... ha

Had an interesting weekend here: Rain/Wind/Ice/SNOW... Crazy weather for the first of November. I'll blog about it tomorrow.

Inger said...

The one with the TVs really made me giggle.

Mevely317 said...

Girl, I don't know where you find these gems so consistently ... but I'm darn glad you do!

I've never seen a single episode of Downton Abbey. Yikes! There's just not enough hours in the day sometimes!

Have a wonderful new week!

Donna said...

Hahaaaa...only a blonde....
Downton Abby...loved it!

Sharon said...

Howling with laughter! Especially enjoyed the vowel movement cartoon. C'mon, I'm an English major after all!

Disco - too cute.

And, I found the information about letting microwaved food stand really interesting. I rarely do that, just assumed it was so we didn't burn our hands on the hot container. Who knew that it really did have something to do with proper cooking?

Hope you had a spookily wonderful Halloween!


Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Happy Halloween to you and family!
I am laughing my head off after reading your funny passages.
You always bring so much joy and laughters in your posts, sweetheart.
The million dollars joke is so funny.
If I were about to die, I would hide my million dollars scattered inside caves on far out of sea deserted islands guarded by hungry sharks.
How about that?...
Have a great time with your grandson and family, Sandie!
Greetings from Poet Starry.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
It's me again...
The million dollars joke is so funny. What would you do in that case?...
If I were about to die, I would hide my million dollars scattered inside caves
on far out of sight deserted islands guarded by hungry sharks in the sea.
Big Hugs from Poet Starry.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I hope you had a happy and safe Halloween. Disco looks adorable. I loved the Halloween card! It reminded me of the old Nancy Drew games my daughter used to play.
Have a wonderful week. Blessings dear friend, Catherine xo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Super set of happies, today Sandra! I did not know that about the microwave food..thanks for that warning. I don't usually leave my Smart Ones meals in for the extra time, but I will now. I knew you would LOVE Downton Abbey!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hilarious, as usual, Sandie! Glad you finally jumped on the Downton Abbey bandwagon. I love it. Even when it annoys me and makes me mad.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am SO glad you liked it! For a minute, I thought you were going to say you didn't! Welcome to the club!!! You can usually find the new season before PBS shows it, so I am already looking on eBay for it!! We have to have our fix!! Hey, did you watch them all yet? You KNOW that Disco is my favorite picture!

Lynn said...

I only had two trick or treaters - two teenage girls. One was dressed up and the other had on some kind of face paint and held her purse out for me to put candy in. Kind of handy for later, now that I think about it. :)

Betty said...

Do you remember me telling you last year that I had bought the first season at Sam's because I had heard people talking about it? I watched and went back and got the rest before last season's series aired. I wanted to watch them all again before this coming season, but I'm running out of time. I think it starts up again in January or February. I really enjoy it. What are you up to? Have you seen Shirley McLain yet?