Merry Christmas Time
Then come back!
Finally figured out my problem!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Freya
Love this one too.
Okay you have to admit that is funny.

Unfortunately they do stay.

As usual – I am WAY behind in leaving comments on your posts - no excuses I have just been plain busy.....I'm sorry.
Hehe!! Love frosty picking his nose!
Oh and just look at the old geezer wanting his old wife to move back home!! Girl, these are all delightful and make me chuckle away!
Happy Friday to you my friend-
Hi Sandie .. those are all such fun - particularly the card at the beginning - made me laugh, well they all did .. cheers and enjoy that build up to Christmas ... Disco will enjoy the wrapping paper, and Andy will just enjoy .. cheers Hilary
I would like some of those weight watchers diet pills. Merry Christmas to Disco and you too and all your family.
Love these. Good ending to the week.
Love them all. Especially the holiday trees at $10 per foot. That's the way it should be too.
Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥
Oh what a great Friday this one many good one but really loved the Holiday tress being twice as much as the Christmas trees.
they are all funny but the funniest of them all is look out, ice hole.... ROFL
Hey sweetie, th9is is a good one as always, Liked the video and especially the saying about a fat and slime mix up.
Merry Christmas to Disco and to his humans.
Loved the laugh and lift. Good stuff as always.
Love ya
You have shared so many funnies here. I like the different prices for Christmas trees vs. holiday trees. And mistaking m and m candies for weightwatcher pills. Ha ha.
I love reading these. There is always at least one that makes me laugh out loud!
It's always nice to have a good laugh and I think it is especially good this time of year when folks are so busy. I'm way behind on what I would like to get done, so I appreciated the funny about I didn't expect to live this long...I'm moving slowly these days. You ask how I can get a entry in on my blog every day and it's because I rest more than I work. I've adjusted to what I can and cannot do. Hope your Christmas is a very Merry one !
So good to see a new post from you, and I always love your Fun Friday's. I know all about being busy. Thanks for the laughs!
I love the Disco Christmas Card! And the one about words, that is only TOO true!! Hope you are continuing to do well! Have a Downton Christmas!!!
You don't need excuses! I laughed at lots of these, but was really tickled by the child eating camel being well documented. Hope that you get a chance to relax this weekend.
Hi Chatty, these are so funny, I love the one - we should move in with your parents, too funny. Hubby is doing better and I can finally get back to sewing and visiting blogs. Where do you find all this stuff? I don't care, it makes me laugh...
No need for apologies, Sandie.
Love the laughs...and I love Santa and the reindeers on the roof. That cracked me up...I borrowed it and put it on my FB. Thanks. :)
No apologies necessary. I love all these, but especially Frosty picking his nose and the old folks moving back with parents. Haha. Pace yourself. Pace. Pace.
had to pull up the tree to see what was on it, great again friend
I like all of them! That bottle tree is quite the statement piece! Happy Weekend Sandie:@)
These were all so good but I can really relate to the WW/MM. I hope you are doing well.
Hands down, Frosty picking his nose was the one that made me literally laugh out loud! Oh, how I love irreverent humor...
Disco is so cute! Tell him that Marty sends his best wishes for this holiday season. And to stay away from the ornaments!!
Love to you and yours!
I love all the Christmas cheer you have given us today. I hope you have a great Christmas season.
Love that tree lot sign. I'll take a Christmas tree :)
Shame on those parents of the camel kid! Lol. Also like the m and m one.
Oh Sandie, that was so cute. Loved the first one especially with all the reindeer doing their stuff. So cute. Susan
It is that time of year, Sandie, with busyness; just enjoy it and don't worry about blogs. I loved the card with the reindeer; I clicked on every one of them; enjoyed it :_
we like the m&m funny!
loved all of these. A great way to start the morning. Hugs Chatty....have an amazing weekend.
Being busy is a good thing (I guess), but I know how you feel about the comments. I liked the one about moving back in with her parents. And all the rest too, of course.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2015, Sandie, family, loved ones!
Have a blessed time with those you love, my dearest super friend!
May God always bless you with showers of blessings!
Hope, Peace & Love,
Dear Sandie, Loved all of the smiles you always give me.
Please not to worry I am behind on everything!!! I do hope to catch up soon; hopefully before Christmas though I don't think that will be the case!
I hope all is well and you are doing good. I keep you my prayers. xoxo Catherine
Loved these. they gave me a nice reason to smile today.
And, I am way behind in reading.
Thanks for the early morning laughter.
Love the tree lot sign.....Merry Christmas!!!
Love the reindeer's skating too......
Thanks for the laughs, Debby
Just goes to show you....the term HOLIDAY instead of Christmas is all kinds of wrong....even with trees.
You always pick the timeliest funnies ... thank you, Sandie! I especially love the tree made from bar bottles. Maybe I'm just envisioning the fun spent EMPTYING those bottles? LOL!
Haha, those are funny. I kept telling my husband to come and look. ;) The only one that made him laugh was the one about living too long. -_- What does that mean? HAHHAHAHA
Merry Christmas Disco! How nice of him to remember. :)
Is it fixed? I didn't see word verification. Maybe it's gone on my blog too.
Love, love the laugh your post brought to me this morning.
you always make my day!!! I hope you are well
I clicked on all the reindeer in the fun card. :) I like the Celtic dancers the most. :)
Hello There, I enjoyed your post today like I always do on Friday.. So many cute ones --but I especially love the one about words that we say can be forgiven but never forgotten. Sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I do try to read blogs—but just haven’t commented very much lately like I usually try to do. Please don’t give up on me. Hopefully my life will be back to ‘normal’— whatever that is (ha), sometime in January.
I did get a cortisone shot in my knee —which has helped with the pain somewhat. In January, I will most likely have meniscus tear surgery…. BUT—in the meantime, I plan to have a fantastic Christmas —and hopefully get to see my kids/grands… God is Good.
I never knew those reindeer were so talented!
Merry Christmas. Blessings and Bear hugs, too! "Woof," to Disco.
Disco makes the cutest stamp! Hugs to you!
Hope that all is well with you guys.
One of my neighbors ( who suffers from a stroke) is feeling lonely I try to spend as much time with her as possible. She is in one of those situations where she does not qualify for state help or can get a PCA or some one. Sometimes I tell her the jokes I read on blog posts.I don't get too much time to read that much any more. Also my husband will not eat unless I make his favorite food. He is taking a cholesterol pill that is curbing his appetite. However I worry because of his brother's history of cancer. So this is how I am busy.
I am hoping to read some more posts from you before the Holidays.
I wish you guys the happiest of times. Take care.
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