"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, December 05, 2014


Isn't he a cutie?

Something a little different than coal.  And speaking of coal:

You HAVE to watch this - you HAVE to!


True isn't it?
Thanks Lee

But they do stay there and are loyal aren't they? 


As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers.

Yesterday, I had a problem, so I called Georgie, the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over.

Georgie clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.

As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong?

He replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.'

I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, 'An, ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.'

Georgie grinned..'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?

'No,' I replied.

'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it out.'

So I wrote down:


I used to like Georgie, now, not so much!

Another use for headbands?

Okay I want some hugs out there!  I am sending one to you!

Isn't that the look of one cool teenager?  


Just never seems to work for me.



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Melanie said...

Oh, I loved the picture of the dogs with the headbands...so funny!
Your grandson is really growing up!! Time flies!
Have a great weekend!

Debbie said...

Well, I have two favorites this morning. First, I love the lift. It's so true and just the words of wisdom that I need this morning. The other one is... of course... the cool teenager. (Really and truly, he gets more handsome to me with every picture)

And I couldn't get the Disney video to open. Well, phooey.

Debbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nancygrayce said...

I am a huge ID ten T!!!

I had that reindeer with the lights on year and they twinkled.....now I wonder where I found it!

jack69 said...

AWWW, this is such a pleasant read. And the Granson is lookeing 'grown' he is taking on the features of a young man now. Neat (but scary), and it will all work out, AS YOU KNOW!
Love the laugh and lift as always.
Some of the best SMILING jokes in a while.
(I remember the times I wish I had thought of the headbands with my Cocker Spaniel)
Love ya!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I started laughing with the ID10T error and roared when I say the dogs ears with the head bands. Particularly funny as I've had dogs whose floppy ears got in their food. Hope you have a fantastic Friday. It is a wonderful time of year !

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the cat reindeer. ANd the pups with their ears tied up!

Nonnie said...

Doggie in the trash bin. Cute!
Your buddy George. Now, that wasn't very nice.
Grandson and Disco. Very handsome boy. The dog is pretty cute.

Paula said...

I wish Georgie lived near me. There have been time I would not mind him calling me that error. You always have such cute things here. Have a nice day girl.

Cheri said...

My favorites this week were the "Georgie" story and the headbands on the pups...I should do this. Happy Friday.

Sandee said...

Can't watch the video. Disney copyright issue. Bugger on that.

Your grandson and Disco rocks. Yes indeed. The very best part about this post.

Have a fabulous day and enjoy all things Christmas. Big hugs. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that silly moose with the ornaments, so cute and of course Disco and his boy... that ID ten T error joke is something bob and i say all the time. someone almost hits us and we say I D 10 error...

Terri D said...

Sending a big hug right back to you! Thanks (again) for all the good chuckles!! I can't believe how mature Andy looks in that photo! I remember him as just a little guy! You have a very handsome grandson!! Disco is very handsome, too, by the way! :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Lots of cute stuff today but nothing beats the Grandson! I can't believe how grown up he is looking! Oh my! Can't wait to see you on Tue!!
love you my friend,

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, he looks almost grown up...he is so handsome. Of course I mean boy, not Disco! But Disco is totally cute too! I hope you are doing well, watching the Abbey, and just generally feeling good and doing whatever you like.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Laughed out loud at the IDIOT joke and loved the cat standing on its head! And I definitely agree that JOY is the serious business of heaven. I'm expecting a grand reunion and party when I get there!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - just sometimes we're all ID ten Ts aren't we - tough we're here for now.

Love some of these .. yes the video wouldn't open for me - but that happens over here. Andy is great and Disco .. lovely photo .. could we hold December on hold for a few days please? cheers Hilary

Lee said...

And that's the look of one dog not wanting his pic taken! :)

I hope you had a good week, Sandie...and I hope the coming one is even better. Take good care. :)

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Sandy, I was in CVS wait for a prescription to be ready with the Mister and I clicked on your blog and we got the biggest kick out of the idiot joke!! too funny. The Mister says it reminds him of me. Can't believe how quickly your grandson is growing and what a handsome young man. Hope you have a great weekend!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So many funny things today. Love the poop in the stockings and those dogs with their ears tied up! Great picture of your grandson.

Anonymous said...

To start off your Grandson has grown into a handsome Teen. Wowie
The wee little boy has gone.
In that wee couple of months wow.
Your phone or his will be ringing off the wall.

Oh I enjoyed your blog.

I liked the one I.D.T.


I have not been on too much or emailing on my addy. In and out some comments and others. Read my email for Friday you will see at the end of my blog. Also doing Christmas cards.


Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh, this was fun, you know I ALWAYS look forward to Friday with you!!!
Tickled me with puppy in the garbage can, the dogs with headbands and the cat.
You are the best and oh, your Grandson is very handsome and I know you love him so so much!
Happy Friday!


All something to smile at today. Life is good. Take care. have a nice weekend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

One cool teenager indeed along with many smiles and chuckles!...:)JP

Lynn said...

Had to chuckle at the look on Disco's face:@) Have a great weekend!

betty said...

Your grandson is so handsome, Sandy, he is definitely turning into a young man, losing some of his boyish features. It is a wonderful time of the year for sure.


Vee said...

Thanks for another fun Friday! Because I wanted to see Don Rickles, I saw the "back story" on the song... I never watch Jimmy Kimmel ordinarily. Your grandson is growing up...not a little boy anymore and now you can get a glimpse of the man he's becoming. Handsome, too.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww yeah! Glad I stopped by- you always give me a smile and a cheerier heart. Your grandson is growing up so FAST! Have a great weekend!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You always have so much stuff to make us smile.. And we like to come back later and look again!

Linda O'Connell said...

I am so glad to have stopped by. What a great way to start my day. How your grandson has grown! And what a handsome young man.

I have a story coming up on 12/23 at The Saturday Evening Post.com.
Thanks for the smiles.

Granny Annie said...

This post reminds me that I better start thinking about Christmas.

Ann said...

Christmas is my favorite time of year too but the real Christmas not the overblown, commercialized version that it's been turned in to :)
Love the picture with the dogs ears pulled back. Ingenious

Susan said...

Oh Sandie, what an adorable post. I had to really chuckle over Joel, Joel the Lump of Coal. So so cute.

Loved this happy post. Guess what? Christmas is my favorite holiday, too!

Hope your weekend is splendid! Hugs to you. Susan

Mevely317 said...

What happened to that 'little boy' who lived with you not so long ago? You go, Andy! :)

That's odd ... I didn't have any challenges with the video. Cute!

The Boston Lady said...

Georgie sounds like a cool kid. Your GS is now a handsome teen! Where does the time go. Had fun going through all your funny clips and pics. Ann

Betty said...

Today I was putting up some Christmas decorations and found a hat with antlers for the cat in one of the boxes. So, Reid put the hat on one of the cats. She wasn't very happy, but I took a picture. Of course, it's on my phone so I can't send it to you. I'm pretty sure it's the exact same one as in your picture. Anyway, my cats aren't about to tolerate it, so I put it in the donate box.

Inger said...

How did I know this just had to be your favorite time of the year?

Marie said...

doggies are loyal. :) your grandson looks like he skipped a year or two! what a handsome young man. :)
I love this time of year, but am missing my Florida family.

Dee said...

wowzer...your grandson grew up...what a handsome fella. Funny stuff as always...the dog in the poo bin is cute and LOL on the headbands. I like the term "senior surfer" from the senior and computers. I can never find the fun stuff you do...guess i do not know where to look...but hey...I like coming here...it is like laughs in a box :)

Donna said...

Hahahaa....the Georgie one...

mail4rosey said...

Hahahhaa on the ears!! That's funny!!

Christmas is my favorite time of the year too. :)

Susannah said...

That nice teenager of yours is getting mighty big....and really cute.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, It took me a while to figure out the "idiot"! lol.
I hope you are doing well and feeling good.
This is one pretty time of year and one I like too.
I am wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.
Thank you for all the uplifting and fun posts and for the hugs.
xoxo Catherine

Jim said...

Smart eleven-year-old, Sandie.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Dear Friend, Just stopping by to say HI. Hope you are having a good December so far. This will be a very different kind of Christmas for George and me this year. But—all in all, we are both enjoying being together and sharing our love with each other. What more can we ask for!!!!

Thanks for giving me a smile today... I always love your Friday posts--even when I'm late reading them!!!! The IDIOT one is GREAT.. Thanks!

Other than a post yesterday, I won't be blogging much until I start feeling better and get this knee/leg taken care of... I will try to at least read your posts (even if I don't comment)... I will however be posting off and on on Facebook (since it's so simple) if you want to check there when possible.


Terra said...

Thanks for all these funnies and cuties.

Sharon said...

Goodness, yes indeed, that is one very handsome grandson. I cannot believe how fast he's growing. I can see the young man replacing the boy - how delightful. And Disco, pretty cute, too!!

Loved this today - from one ID10T to another??


Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, my dear super friend,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
to you, your grandson, daughter,
husband, son, grandchildren, family,
friends, beloved ones!
I love today's post as always.
Hope, Peace & Love,

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, my dear super friend,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
to you, your grandson, daughter,
husband, son, grandchildren, family,
friends, beloved ones!
I love today's post as always.
Hope, Peace & Love,

Betty said...

Sandy...you have word verification too! Something is going crazy with Blogger. I put up my Alphabe-Thursday post and when I went to her blog she had word verification. I was pretty sure she wouldn't have it set up so I decided to check your blog. I can't get rid of it on my blog. In settings it says NO, but it still keeps appearing. I've spent a good chunk of this morning trying to fix it. Good luck trying to remove it. Trust me I'm not a robot. :)

Annesphamily said...

Hello, before I forget again! I have to say that grandson is a handsome teen! He has always been so handsome but he has matured so fast! No it can not be! Watch out for the ladies! He is a looker. Beautiful blessings you have in your phamily. I just love all your stuff here. Makes me smile and lately, I need to smile. Hugs to you. Anne