"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Pugs are beautiful and I am singing in the rain!

Hello blogger friends.  We are experiencing a lot of rain here in Georgia.

It is a rainy night in Georgia - do you remember that song?

What else can a person do?  They can sing in the rain what else?

Okay have had some computer glitches.  My computer is seriously ten years old - I love it, but it is not being supported by google chrome or internet explorer anymore and I am kind of on my own.  And guess what I did? I pushed one button and I seemed to have lost just about everything!!   I can still retrieve it from Blogger and I'm working on it - this very rainy night in Georgia - while of course,  I take breaks to sing in the rain.

Chatty Crone, Just testing the water.


jack69 said...

Well well well, what a joy to see the Chatty one alert! Love the pug in wiper glasses.

Oh yes, there is a magic button somewhere on here that I have 'mashed' at the wrong time Twice times! HA! It really ain't a laughing matter, but better than crying.

Hope you find your way out of the middle ages.

Lately I am lucky to be on the net!

Take care and good luck....

jack69 said...

PS: And yeah every time we cross the GA line we sing either Rainy Night in Georgia or Georgia on my mind! ;-)

Terri D said...

How nice to find you here!! Whoohooo!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hey Hey Hey, Sandie! It is so good to see you posting!! I must be years since you have blogged!! Hurray!! I sure do remember that song. I am sorry about your computer, that is so frustrating!! How are you?

betty said...

Singing in the rain is a good thing! Hope you get your computer glitzes figured out!



i know the song well. like the pup in glasses. glad to see you testing the waters.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that Jill Savage quote is wonderful. oh NOOOOO on your loss of info. sounds like time for a new computer to me...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Lots of rainy days here in Ohio too! Way too many for me for sure. So nice to see a post from you this morning. Hope you are back soon!

Theresa said...

Nice to see you:) Hope all is well! Enjoy your day and don't stay gone so long! HUGS!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Surprised to see you here today....Hello! So sorry about your computer issues. I pray you can get a new one soon and not lose all your stuff. Glad you getting some rain.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great to hear from you... How in the world are you? Your family? That handsome grandson????

Sorry about your computer... You need to get you a new one, Girl... Even if you get a rebuilt newer one, that would be better than using a 10 year old one.... Hopefully, you can get one soon...

Missin' YOU...

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The water here is just so bloody cold just saying also the Jill Savage quote is bloody awesome and spot on

Small Kucing said...

sorry to hear about your computer issue. Guess it's time to get a new one .

Shalet Jimmy said...

In the night, it is raining here ( Bangalore, India) and in the morning, sun is beating down on our heads :)

Granny Annie said...

Hope your test of the water works to your satisfaction. Have missed you and was hopeful after your brief appearance in November. Stay with us:-)

Paula said...

So good to see you here. Cute dog in glasses.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandy - good to see you back ... lots of rain recently here too ... and I'm still singing on occasions .. it's not pleasant! Cheers Hilary

Lynn said...

The rain continues...

Hope you are doing well - thanks for popping in!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

How did I miss that you posted?? I miss you all the time my friend. Hugs!

Blogoratti said...

Oh what we'd do for some rain here in this heat. Lovely photo of the pug. Computers can be weird sometimes, hope you eventually retrieve all your data. Warm greetings!