Good Morning my friends, I hope that today will be a good one for you.
I have been asked many times why I call this blog Chatty Crone. Well for one thing I am kind of chatty - I admit that, and to tell you the truth the blog is one place I can be chatty, and no one can stop me!
No matter who comments or who doesn't; it's still an expression of oneself. I think it is important in life to be able to express yourself. It's a double blessing when you get a comment because that means someone is listening to what you have to say.

Virginia Satir (1916 - 1988)
Creative Researcher of New Experiences = CRONE
Some people think of crones as old, wrinkled, and dried out . Sometimes crones are made fun of by younger people; however, these are the ones that will miss out from the gifts of the crone. Crones might have wrinkles and look old, but they can be fun, vibrant, and spicy - and while the skin on the outside may look dry - the inside is not! Think of the wrinkles as badges of courage, however not every older woman is a crone.
The crone is a woman of experience and because of her age she has become wise. Wisdom comes though living loving, fearing, hoping, sorrow, pain, and joy. They could be a mentor to the younger woman if allowed.
A crone has had MANY joys in her life - and the older the crone gets the more she appreciate those joys.
The crone hopefully has found to be grateful for not only the big things in life, but for the little things in life as well.
A crone has also experienced sorrow - and if they live through it and come out the other side - they become very strong.
"The secrets of life and death and the mysteries beyond this world" - means the older a crone getting closer to the end. The older they get, the closer they become trying to make peace with what is to come.
For me personally I've developed a closer relationship with God.
It's true - the more you see death - the less afraid of it one becomes. So while a crone is living her life on earth - she also has her eye on Heaven - knowing what's to come is inevitable; yet not concentrating on it because there is life to be lived and lived fully to the best of their ability. Which is my quote in my heading.
“Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.”
Crones like to see new places and do new things which at times they can't physically or financially do, but they can always dream.Well, these are just some thoughts I've been thinking about. If Jack reads this I guess a male crone is a croner? They have a lot to offer as well. ☺
What do you think about older people? Honestly. Do you have a crone in your life or are you a crone to someone? .

Hi Sandie, I miss you and your posts!! What have you been up to? Well, I am a crone and had no idea!
I liked this, Sandie, I did wonder about you referring to yourself as A Chatty Crone. I hadn't really thought or researched what a crone was. Fascinating. I like that while a crone is living on earth, she has her eye on heaven. I like to think I could be a crone too!!
I had no idea just everything a CRONE was. thank you for the insight. I think I may be one too.
Oh I am a Crone too:) Enjoy your day dear friend, love chatting with you! HUGS!
Proud to be a Crone. Glad you have posted. Was starting to wonder if you were still back:-)
Humm, an informative post since I'm a fellow crone. Each day I live is a gift that I appreciate.
I have always thought of a crone as a withered old woman, or a witch. I think your definition is much better that what the dictionary said.. every one of my friends are crones since we are all age 73 to 85
What we are on the outside is not what we are on the inside. How lucky I am to have lived to be a wise old crone.
Welcome back! I don't like to think of myself as a crone but I guess that I am.
Hello Dear Sandie....So glad to see your post! Also glad to read that a crone has great wisdom. (I must be very wise. ha ha ha) Hope you have a GREAT week. (I know you will.) Hugs. Susan
I love your definition of a crone. As I'm an older person I can totally agree with what you've said. It's true that sometimes with age comes wisdom, but not to all. Life is to lived fully to the best of our ability!
I never thought about a crone having wisdom, but yes it makes sense. I have both a crone in my life and I hope I am a crone to others. Hugs!
good to see you back! Hugs
I am definitely a Crone... I've definitely experienced most of everything possible in my life... AND--I can help younger women as they mature --if they want my thoughts/help/advice....
I don't think of you as an OLD LADY though --- So you should be Chatty Pre-Crone..... ha ha
Very informative post! I'll never think of the word CRONE quite the same again.
And lovely quote by Virginia Satir - my late therapist loved her writings and loaned me her books to read. I had forgotten all about her, so thank you.
If people mainly young people knew more of what a crone was they may think twice about using it as an insult just a thought...........
It is always a joy to see "Chatty Crone" alerts. Every visit is a fun read. I drove thru Georgia, even if it was on the coast line, I thought of you!
Neat entry.... I always pictured you as a vibrant sort myself!
Love from NC
Crones are not nearly as appreciated in this era as they once were. In generations past the young women (& men) would sit at the feet of the crone in their family & simply soak up whatever they could, of her knowledge & wisdom.
Perhaps that is one of the reasons this generation seems to be floundering so.
Have a wonderful week.
Love~ Andrea
Hurrah you've put up a blog post!! I missed your writing. :)
The lady downstairs from me is a crone I'm really coming to like. We do her grocery shopping. Her body is old, but her mind is definitely young yet wise!
I am crone age, but the young girls in my life feel they know all and need no advice (especially my sweet daughter), so I don't give it (except to my daughter, like it or not, hahaha). Life's unexpected have caught up to a couple of them and they've expressed the 'oh!' to me. I am just there to support the as needed, and will be there if/when they ever need/want me to be crone-y. ;) In the meantime, I just pack their parachutes when I can. :)
Have a wonderful week, my friend!
Are you 'back?' Tell us how you have been!
Karen :D
Well there you have it! I hope I can live up to the 'Crone' I can't say I'm necessarily chatty and I'm sure I'm not full of wisdom although I am sporting some wrinkles. Thanks for the explanation - have a great rest of your week.
You had explained that to me a long, long time ago. I have to admit that I had forgotten.
Well, we are all Crones then, aren't we!! I love seeing your blog in my Feeder! Miss you!!
happy Fourth, Sandie! xo
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