"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, July 14, 2017


Brain Health - This is an article from the July 2017 issue of Good Housekeeping:

"It's easy to roll your eyes at people who seem addicted to their front-facing phone cameras, but they may be on to something: A study in Psychology of Well-Being found that subjects who took at least one SMILEY selfie a day felt significantly happier.  This may be an example of "self-perception theory," which suggests that behaving as if you feel a certain way can help you to actually feel that way.  Duck lips are optional." AR

Do you believe that?

Okay I am also trying to make a more current photo for the computer.  I don't have someone that really has the patience to do that with me - so I tried to do a selfie via a mirror.  I don't think it worked too well.

My favorite is number 7 with my friend because I feel that is the real me - but I don't know how to edit it and cut her out - I hate to post someone's picture without their permission.

Any hints or advice how to do a selfie?  I don't look 'so good' in a real selfie - lol.







LL Cool Joe said...

I like number 2 or 3. 😊

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I like #7 too. I never like any of the selfies I take, but then they only reflect what I look like, but tend to like the ones taken with my family or friends better. That's when I give the best smiles!

NanaDiana said...

I like #2 or #3, too, but I think you look more like you in #7 because you have your glasses on. Any of them are great. Have a good weekend, Sandie. xo Diana


I love the first one, #1. You look nice in all the others too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the reason you look better in the 7 one is you have your glasses on. I have taken a few of me without and used none of them, I could crop a person out but with your heads together it would not work well. if you have a tablet, they take better selfies than a phone.. I don't agree with this ting about selfies making us happier at all. when I take one I get depressed when I see myself. and the majority of selfies that people post on FB are not good. they post them anyway.. a hint for yours is put on your glasses and step back aways from the mirror. I can crop it to the size you want it. getting to close shows all the pores.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

We are happiest among good friends so I like #7 the best. Other than that, I think #3 is really good.

I never take selfies. It is hard enough to see myself in the bathroom mirror in the morning.

Cheri said...

#2 and #3 are similar and those are nice ones or the last one. You did just as well as anyone else that tries a selfie.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I was thinking that maybe that is a good idea, especially for my daughter who doesn't feel secure about her looks. I myself can't take a good selfie for the life of me. You did great! I think using the small mirror was a good idea, I will have to try that.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie you did fine with your selfies. I can't take a good one of myself at all! We should get together and have a photo taking party! Friends taking each others photos while we lunch and laugh...those would be good!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like #3 the best! I hardly ever take selfies. You look good in all of them in my opinion! Better than most selfies! For editing, does your picture gallery in your computer (where you store your photos) have an editing program? I use mine all the time. All computers have them I think. I hope this means you are returning to blogging!!!!! I have missed you, how are you and what has been going on?

Ginny Hartzler said...

If you send me the picture, I will crop it for you and send it back.

Saimi said...

Selfies are hard to take but you did a great job. I like #3 and #7. I heard if you hold the phone up high and look up it's supposed to be more flattering. Your phone has an editing option where you can crop, tint, so does your computer. I usually crop and edit it before I put it on the computer but you can do it either way.

Technology is amazing and confusing.
Good luck and keep the pictures coming!

barbara woods said...

i like them all!

Betty said...

You could always ask a family member to take a picture. I think that would be a whole lot easier than trying to do it yourself. They could take a bunch and you'd have lots to choose from.

Nonnie said...

I think #3 looks the most natural.

jack69 said...

I like #2 and #3 best.

All are good! Stay cool!

Paula said...

You took all good selfies. I never like mine, I guess they look too much like me.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like #2 the smile changes everything. I am horrified by my selfies lol

betty said...

I like #4 if you can't photo shop the other person out of #7. I think I've taken 3 whole selfies in my life since they were "invented."


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandy - 7 is good ... and thankfully for all concerned - I don't do selfies! Cheers Hilary

Merlesworld said...

Number 2 is the one.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like your selfies, but number 7 is the best because you are smiling!

Granny Annie said...

If you have to use one of them, use either 2 or 3. But you should go back to the drawing board and snap a few others until you get a good natural smile like you have with your friend. Also you look more like you with your glasses on.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are so pretty.... I think No. 7 is better because you look more natural and because you have your glasses on.... I don't do selfies --and don't think that most I see are extremely good.... Look up some also... I think that might help. Don't look at the camera since it makes you look down... Think about that adorable grandson and look UP.... Your smile will be more natural... Good Luck...


mail4rosey said...

They're all lovely. I like the one with your friend because you look so naturally happy. #2 is my fave! Have an awesome day!

peggy said...

I like the last one best. you are just cute.like your hair.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Your selfies look so much better than anything I could take I really can't take them I always look awful, well I think I do

Saleslady371 said...

You did great! I really like #3.

Terri D said...

I LOVE your selfies!! I take terrible selfies but perhaps I just need to practice a bit!!

Theresa said...

#3 such a pretty smile:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I like 2 and 3 because you're smiling big time and look amazing.

Lee said...

Nope! I don't take selfies! I get a big enough fright when I look in the mirror...and I try not to do that too often! There is some strange woman living in my mirror...I'm not sure where she came from, but she won't leave! :)

Susan said...

Actually, Sandie, I think you did a good job. I like the selfies! To crop, I usually click on the photo, select CROP and chop away. Usually works quite well. Take care, dear friend. Susan

Linda O'Connell said...

Hi Sandie,
I tried to take a picture of my grandson and had the camera setting wrong. I wondered who the heck the OLD woman was mimicking my every move in the lens. I'm no good at Selfies either. How is your grandson?

Linda O'Connell said...

How's the weather where you are? We are having such a heat spell.

Lynn said...

I like number 2.