"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, August 14, 2017

Tomato Pie Recipe


Tomato Pie Recipe

Try this savory and delicious tomato pie recipe when ripe tomatoes start coming in this year! 
 Course Main Course
 Cuisine American
 Prep Time 20 minutes
 Cook Time 30 minutes
 Total Time 50 minutes
 Servings 4 people


·                 6 fresh tomatoes sliced
·                 Pie crust
·                 8 leaves Fresh basil 8-10 chopped
·                 3 Green onions - chopped
·                 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
·                 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
·                 1 cup mayonnaise
·                 1/4 cup sliced jalepeƱo optional: only if you like it spicy
·                 4 pieces crumbled bacon optional: Only if you like BLT sandwiches


1.               Start with fresh tomatoes from your garden; four to six, medium-size should be enough
2.               Slice and salt them, then let them drain for 20-30 minutes in a colander or paper towel
3.               Layer tomatoes in pre-made pie crust (or home-made would be bettetip: pre-bake crust for 10 min can prevent soggy crust
4.               Don’t be shy! Use lots of tomatoes!
5.               Top with 8 – 10 chopped basil leaves tip: add some cooked bacon pieces for a BTP pie!
6.               Add 3 chopped green onions and salt and pepper to taste
7.               I like to add 1 fresh, chopped jalapeno pepper for a little kick
8.               In a bowl, mix 1 cup grated mozzarella,1 cup grated cheddar and 1 cup mayonnaise
9.               Spread cheese/mayo mixture evenly over the pie and bake at 350 for 30 minutes and browns edges
10.            Enjoy!

I have joined a card group - it is a group of six gals from church.  Now we are all on perpetual diets and we all want veggies of some sort.  I don't like to cook plain old veggies and thought this sounded really good.  Not sure about the jalapeno yet,

Well both daughter and grandson (11th grade - driving to school) have started back to work and to school so my days are a little freer and my nights a little fuller.  If you are new to my blog they live here with my hubs and me.  

A tip to remove burnt crude off the bottom of a pan.  CLICK HERE.

Proverbs 4:23

23 Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am making tomato pie today with a recipe very similar to yours. I use mozzarella and Gruyere and because of stomach issues will not use hot peppers. It is a great way to use up some of the many tomatoes I have now and it is delish. Next week I will make a tomato tart.


Granny Annie said...

I have never heard of tomato pie but it is a "fruit" after all and should be good. Pies of mine never turn out well so maybe I can get someone to make it for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not heard of it before and I would like it for sure, but it is so fatty I gained 2 pounds reading the ingredients, so on my food plan it is a no. but if it were not I would love it

Andrea said...

This recipe looks delicious, Sandie. I wonder how the pie wouldn't get soggy though, with the tomatoes, even though it calls for them to be drained. Heating up tomatoes seems to always draw every drop of liquid out of them. Perhaps putting some dehydrated veggie of some sort, on the bottom of the pie crust before layering the tomatoes, would help. At any rate this looks delicious & is well worth the try, in my book. Have a wonderful week, my friend. Love~ Andrea xoxo

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - fresh tomatoes in a pie are delicious and I love a bubbly crispy cheese topping - looks so good - just had lunch fortunately! Cheers Hilary

betty said...

I like thar recipe. Might make it down the road. How fun to join the card group at church. Always like a good game of cards. Summer flew by, at least here.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for sharing that recipe! I have lots of ripe tomatoes here that need using up so this is like perfect timing! I used to belong to a card group years ago and it was a lot of un and good food too. It's been so long since I played cards now of any kind that I've probably forgotten how. Lots do go back to school this week but here we begin after Labor Day weekend. Enjoy your quieter days and busy nights !

jack69 said...

This kicks up a lot of memories. Mama used to make tomato pie. Her recipe passed with her I guess. She was from North Georgia and the country girl never left her. NO veggie was ever wasted. This sounds delicious. I wish we had some fresh tomatoes...

Love from Virginia

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love tomato pie. I watched a show that visited Mary Mac's in Atlanta and tried their tomato pie. I got the recipe and Mom and I are going to make it soon! I'll let you know how I like it. Good to see you blogging again. Hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Sandie!!! SO good to see you posting again!!! And I mean that from the bottom of my heart! I missed you. Wah, summer does not have much longer, enjoy the tomatoes while you can. Did you grow any this year?

barbara woods bewtjw@gmail.com said...

sounds real good

Terri D said...

Of course, that looks good!! Tomatoes, cheese....yum!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I think Tim would like this

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have made tomato pie before, and it's fabulous! Have you all gone back to school? My boys returned today.

Lynn said...

I made a similar pie once and it just didn't turn out - there must be a trick to that. Mine was very soggy - I salivate over the photo of yours. :)

Susan said...

Oh Sandie, that sounds yummified. I'd LOVE to have a piece of it. Susan


sounds tasty indeed.

Theresa said...

I have made that tomato pie and it IS delicious! Hmmmmm, perhaps for dinner:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It sounds yummy. Did you make it yet?

Nonnie said...

Tomato pie!!! I love it! Thanks for this recipe and now I'm off to buy tomatoes as I have everything else for this. Yummo!

That verse from Proverbs is one of my very favorites because it is truth!

Saimi said...

Looks amazing!! Never had tomato pie before but with this wonderful recipe I can forsee one in the near future - especially with fresh tomatoes from the fruit stand, yum!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love tomatoes but never had them in a pie before? Life gets back to normal when school starts it seems.

Cranberry Morning said...

Um yes, that looks delicious! And even moreso if someone were to make it for me and bring it to me. LOL I only say that because I always do the cooking and baking. Sometimes it's nice to have it done for me, but I can't usually eat out because of all the additives and preservatives. :-(

Small Kucing said...

Thanks a lot for this recipe. My son doesn't like tomato. Maybe hai g this recipe I can get him to like eating it.

Small Kucing said...

Argh....my fat fingers. I mean "using this recipe"

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I have never had a tomato pie, but if I close one eye and squint just right at your photo, it looks like PIZZA PIE, which of course, I LOVE.
Have a super weekend!