"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Kelly Kelly you turn 40!


Okay can you pick which one she is?  Can you believe we know where all these girls and one guy are.,  In fact - the brother and sister - are still my very deer and longest friend's children.
We know from Facebook where the others are.  There is a brother and sister in this picture and I am still like a sister with their mother even tho they don't live here.

A beautiful child.

A Beautiful Gal.

A great mom.

A great aunt.

A hard working teacher.


Okay did you pick the one she was?  She was the tall red head in the middle.  Still know her friends today.
Jeff, Bethany, Kelly, Nancy, and Jessica.
Jeff and Nancy are the brother and sister.  

God blessed me with a great daughter.
Happy birthday to you!
Here is a birthday kiss!  

I love you, mom 



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Congratulations Sandie ... she looks bright, cheerful and full of fun - a great daughter to have around. Love the photos - and no I thought middle, then changed my mind ... but great to see them all and to know you're still in touch - cheers Hilary

Ginny Hartzler said...

She is beautiful!!! Is is awesome that you still have this picture.

Anonymous said...

its so much fun to ee the photos as children,, gives such a great perspective on how she has become such a beautiful woman.
Happy birthday to your Kelly, I have a forty year old Kelly too!!

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwww..... Happy Birthday Kelly!! May you have a wonderful day and new year ahead. Many blessings~ Andrea xoxo

barbara woods said...

she may hit you for that monkey kiss

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy birthday to your beautiful daughter, i hope her 40th year is as good as mine was

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday Kelly! Hope she has a fabulous day.

Terri D said...

Happy birthday to your daughter! Loved seeing the photos! Who wouldn't want matching PJs with Disco?!! LOL

Cheri said...

Happy Birthday to Kelly! It was good to see you today...you do not change (except for the glasses which I love).

jack69 said...

Sherry and picked her out! She has always been a pretty lady. Must take after her mommy!

Love ya we have a visitor here. Son dropped by.

LO from the land of Mickey!

jack69 said...

And I didn't even say Happy Birthday to KELLY!


Paula said...

Happy birthday Kelly, you are a lovely woman.

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday to your Daughter! I know you enjoy her smile every day! HUGS!

Dar said...

Happy Birthday a bit late but still loveya and your Mama, Kelly. Hope you had a great celebration on your 40th. You are gorgeous as your sweet mother.
Love the red hair....just like my Andy.
love n' hugs to ya both


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Kelly. I have one too.

Susan said...

Happy late birthday to Kelly, Sandie. Hope her new year of life is filled with many good things. We are blessed to have daughters (and sons!) Susan

Granny Annie said...

She is a beauty.

Buttercup said...

Happy birthday to Kelly! Wishes for a wonderful year.

Lynn said...

Happy birthday to Kelly - a little late. :)

NanaDiana said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!!! You know those red-heads have a special place in my heart. She looks like she is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. What a blessing!!!! xo Diana

Starry Dawn said...

((( Happy Birthday to your gorgeous daughter, Kelly! )))
She is the most beautiful girl in the photo you posted.
She had a stunning look with her light red hair and an amazing face.
You are so blessed, my friend, to have such beautiful family,
with 2 beautiful children & grandchildren.
You are a beautiful lady too, Sandie. You are all so blessed by God!!
Their wonderful genes come from you & your husband, their handsome dad.
I'm sorry to post a little late, but I'm not using the computer much,
due to our poor health. Doctor Paul & I are sick, especially Paul.
God may bless you forever, and your awesome family, my friend.

Saimi said...

Those old photos are treasures, I'm glad you still have it. Your daughter is beautiful and I'm sure she had a very happy birthday!!
Have a great rest of your weekend!

mail4rosey said...

I did guess right, and happy birthday to her!! Those saddle shoes on the little one next to her made me smile. My mom got me a new pair at the start of every single school year, lol.

Linda O'Connell said...

I enjoy looking at old pictures which trigger memories. So she;s a teacher, now? Have a great week.