"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, February 26, 2018

Chatty Turns 65 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! 2-27-2018

I respected this man so much - I am so glad he has found his way home. 

Chatty Crone

This blog will be the last one with a ton of pictures - but I haven written in a couple years and wanted to 'catch' up. 


The many faces of Chatty Crone - growing older. Lol
Lots of hair color changes.

Visiting my sister in LA.

Me with a storm trouper.

Modeling a scarf a friend made for me.

My blog friend Linda/A La Carte

More blog friends.
Sandie, Joyce, Susan (Rue Mouffetard), Linda (A La Carte).
These are some special people for sure.

Denise, Sandie, and Sue (Rue Mouffetard) - blog lunch.

My latest photo:
My dear friend on the AMAR United Methodist District board with me.
Sandie and Carole.

Gosh through the years my hair turned gray and I got an extra chin!!!!!!!!!

The reason I am so happy turning 65 is - can you believe -  for insurance.  I finally get good health insurance (at least better than the insurance I have had the last few years!).  I was paying a fortune - and it was okay the first few years - then the insurance got steadily worse.  Last year was really for catastrophic needs only -  and not all of my doctors took it.  
Now they will.  

Thank you God for everything.

I am a crone, I'm 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Day before your birthday and i enjoyed seeing all the photos of you over the years.. I did a happy dance when i turned 65 for the same reason. Welcome to Medicare

LL Cool Joe said...

Well I don't think you've changed a bit! So Happy Birthday for tomorrow!! And thank you for all your kind comments on my blog. :)

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh and I love that first quote by Billy Graham. I was with my Dad when he took his last breath, and it was a great comfort knowing that his next breath was indeed in Heaven.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

An early Happy Birthday to you, Sandi. I loved the pictures with the changing hairdos. Medicare is wonderful but get some help in picking out a Supplemental plan for the 20% not covered. The choices are mind boggling so we went to a professional to guide us through.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you!!!! Yu beautiful crone you!!! I seem to have had the same problem, lol,, an extra chin and grey hair ,, are we related lol!!!!!
I love your hair!!!!Don't ever dye it,, let it be,,, let it be!!!!

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday dear friend! I know you will have a wonderful day! Loved seeing all of the pictures:) HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Birthday ! I love seeing all your many colors and styles too ! How we change! I'm proud to say I have gray hair too !

Cheri said...

I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday Sandie (a day early) to the very "special" friend I have met and lunched with. I hope that you have a very good day tomorrow and your family spoils you. Big Hugs....

NanaDiana said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie- You have been beautiful though all the years! I hope your birthday is a blessed one. xo Diana

Dar said...

Well now, look at you, Beautiful Lady. I've enjoyed seeing your many colors but I agree, keep the grey. It's gorgeous on you. You have aged gracefully, my friend of many years. Get out there and have a celebration tomorrow.
loveya from up north where the sun is shining bright.

jack69 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow! As always I think we ALL enjoy our visit. And Over a half million views, that is nothing to sneeze at YOUNG lady. I think you always look young and happy. And of course I enjoyed ALL the pictures.
You are Blessed, but then that is a lot YOUR fault, being blessed that is, Love your attitude toward life. Chat-on!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy birthday! I wish you many, many more blog posts...all with only good things that have happened! Your face is so classic and pretty; so you look good in all these hair colors. Your husband is so handsome!! Yes, Medicare is such a GOOD thing! Have a blast today, and then show us what you did.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I have really enjoyed seeing you through all the years, and always looking beautiful!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Happy Birthday dear Sandie! I was so excited to turn 65 for the same reason. Since I got medicare I've had two surgeries and some other medical issues. I would be so in debt were it not for medicare now! Take care of yourself and I hope we can plan a get together soon, I'm finally feeling better after my latest surgery!

CalamityJr said...

Happy birthday, sweet friend! What a great post; thanks for sharing your “growing up” photos, lol. Have a beautiful day and a new year filled with blessings and healthy days.

barbara woods said...

Happy birthday and yah! for medicare. used to be the worst insurance , now is the best until our government decides to destroy that to

Nonnie said...

Here is an early birthday wish for you! May it be a blessed one! Now I am totally inspired by this post to do the same on my birthday. Loved seeing all your photos. Growing older ... growing better and wiser, right! Lots of memories in those photos.

Kay G. said...

Happy birthday, fellow Georgia girl!
I notice your SMILE has always been the same! :-)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Congratulations for tomorrow - have a wonderful and here's to many more years ahead. Enjoy yourself with your wonderful family ... happy times - cheers Hilary

Saleslady371 said...

Happy Birthday, Sandy. Hope it is a fun day with lots of good cheer. Love your humor and the way you make me giggle!


Terri D said...

You are beautiful! I was so happy to turn 65 and get Medicare! Congratulations and happy birthday!

Susan said...

Loved all the adorable photos of you, girlfriend! You are a cutie pie, that's for sure! Now you are a 65 year old cutie pie who is getting cuter all the time! Happy, Happy Birthday, dear Sandie. You are a precious person. Susan

Saimi said...

Aw, Have the Happiest of Happy Birthdays Sandie!! You're rocking 65 and getting the health insurance makes for a great birthday present!!

Granny Annie said...

Happy Birthday today. You have barely changed over the years. Hope your day is wonderful.

jack69 said...

Yep your total view list is

Total Pageviews

And I just added one more. LOL


happy birthday. and may you have many more.

Cranberry Morning said...

I love all the photos of you, Sandie! And I felt exactly the same way about turning 65 - the insurance! I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday. You're looking great! xoxo

Starry Dawn said...

I adore looking at your pics with your breathtaking beauty throughout the years. I love the colour of your eyes, and your beautiful hair. You've got lots! Your soft skin looks like a white porcelain doll. You are an amazing lady, Sandie, from inside and out. You are so blessed, my sweet dear friend!
Have a blessed day celebrating with your dear family and beloved ones,
and for many more years to celebrate with happiness, health & wealth!!
Sorry, I'm late with my birthday wishes, sadly, my mind is elsewhere.
Doctor Paul is very ill with the enlargement of his prostate, and troubles with his bladder urinating all the time. He says, it badly hurts.
We go from doctor to doctor looking for a cure... I'm still unwell myself.
May all your dreams come true, Sandie!! God bless your beautiful heart.
Hope, Peace & Love,
P.S.: Anyway, tell me about your birthday how it was... Did your family take you out to dinner or a surprise party, sweetheart? I'm sure they did...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love this post. Happy 65th Birthday sweet friend of mine! I enjoyed seeing all the photos and you look great. Hope your day was perfect.

mail4rosey said...

Every age has it's benefits! :) A big big big Happy Birthday to you!!! My DIL's birthday is the 28th and my oldest son's is today!!

Love the pics. You gave your grandson bunny ears instead of the other way around, hahahaha #fungrandma

I respected Billy Graham as well. He will be missed.

The Feminine Energy said...

Happy Belated 65th Birthday, my sweet lady. I'm so sorry I'm late with my wishes but they come from my heart! I hope your special day was a good one and all the years to follow will be as beautiful as you are!!! Blessings~ Andrea xxx

Wise Hearted said...

You are a courageous women posting all those pictures showing the aging process. Let me just say, you age well. Your smile stayed the same\
There is a hole here on earth without Billy Graham but oh the smile that must be on his face as he see glory through heavenly eyes.

Jill said...

Great pictures of you! Happy birthday and many more! Enjoy the rest of your week.


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you! ♥

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

So good to see a post from you. I find you look FABULOUS, and of course the grey thing is happening for me too. I'm a procrastinator, but really starting to hate dying my roots every three weeks. UGH. Well, happy birthday to you, and many, many more. Have a super weekend!

Knitty said...

Belated birthday wishes to you! I've been 65 for 5 months and it hasn't hurt me so far.

Buttercup said...

How did I miss this! Happy birthday, sweet friend. I got the "bonus" chin, too, and I'm grateful for every line, bonus and sag. I love the 65 insurance, too. Wishing you many happy and healthy blogging years ahead!

Angela said...

I hope you had a great birthday!