"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Good Morning to you!

Good morning to you - good morning to you - good morning dear blog friends and hope you have a great day!

A little info on how to live a longer life.

Predictor of Length of Life  This is a sixteen minute video of the predictor of long life - hint - you can skip a lot of it until the last couple of minutes - and I bet you will be surprised at the answer - it won't be what you think.

Tell me if you could read this in your comment.


Chatty's Dream Place - who wants to be in my dream with me?  Of course this is some place in Europe!  It is France, Italy, Greece, Spain, or England?

Isn't this incredible? 

Enjoy a laugh....



My little Disco has been limping.  We took him to the vet and he has been put on a diet and exercise routine.  He is also on a bone supplement. 
He is having knee issues and might have to have surgery.  

These two love each other so much.


Sandi said...

There was no where to click on the video...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope you can dig out of all that snow... poor Disco, hope he is ok and doesn't need surgery.

Nonnie said...

Oh dear. I am hearing of so many dogs with knee issues. Our house is two story and I hope my dog doesn't develop those problems from the stairs. Maybe you can help Disco and he won't need surgery. My brother's dog had surgeries on two of his knees. I like all your cheerful greetings this morning. Good morning to you, I guess we are all in our places with bright, shiny face today! I am. I found a swinging song for Jay on my phone and now he won't let go of it!!! Get Rhythmn if you've got the blues. And a Hard Hearted Woman is the thorn in every man's side! LOL!!! Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

poor disco,, I hope everything works out for him,, yes I could read that,, no problem lol,, of course I am in the habit of guessing at most things I read now anyway so I guess that gives me a head start!!That ant acid joke was so cute,,you have a great day!!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I have to admit that there was a time, a few years ago, that I had garden areas that looked like that. I not only planted everywhere I could but I lined the steps going up to my deck with pots of flowers. I was WAY, WAY over the top then. I have cut back quite a bit as it was dangerous going down those stairs. Now I am just over the top and much safer.

We got about that much snow today also. It was supposed to be a few inches, but we only got a small coating on the grass. New England, though, is getting slammed. I feel very lucky that we escaped that.

Poor Disco. It is so hard to see them in pain. I hope the diet and exercise helps him.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - love the welcome to the little home ... looks a delight - but I'm glad I don't have to keep those pots up to standard. Disco and your grandson .. lovely ... but I hope Disco improves - take care - cheers Hilary

Julierose said...

I can read it just fine ;)))--maybe I'm not as olde as I feel? lol
Hugs, Julierose

barbara woods said...

read it fine and i have some of that Ga. snow to!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So many astounding and beautiful things here! What an amazing post. I love that tree, and the gorgeous flower place. Poor Disco. I hope the vet gave him some kind of pain medicine or steroid. I cannot find the video!!

Clara david said...
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LL Cool Joe said...

Yes I was able to read it.

Poor Disco I hope he recovers.

You call that snow! Ha. That tree photo is amazing, clinging on to dear life just as we do.

Merlesworld said...

Good advice in the talk, I have a friend whose mother is alive and over 100 she has a large family and people are always dropping in to see her so interaction with other people does help but she does enjoy good health too.
Love the tree it should talk to some of my garden plants and give them encouragement to live.

Terri D said...

Awww...poor Disco. I'm sure he will be fine with such good care. I could read the jumbled words. They are usually pretty easy for me, but I imagine they are for most everyone. I sure enjoyed your post!!

mail4rosey said...

I could read it.

I love Europe. I want to go to Venice. My two oldest would go in a heartbeat. Neither of my youngest wants to go there. Who's kids are they anyway?!??!??! hahahaha

Love the picture of your grandson and Disco. Sorry to hear about the limp/vet visit! We adopted a 10 year old cat and she is such a perfect fit in our little family! I could live without litter duty though. ;) If that's as bad as it gets...we're okay. :)

The nature picture is astounding. There is always a way, isn't there?!

jack69 said...

YesI could read that,but I ain't rite anyway! hahah

Yep I can tell the Grand loves Disco!

I would say Spain. Love the color.

Love from Florida!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I would gladly join you at that dream house. I do love flowers and sunshine ! One of my grand dogs has hip problems and the meds he takes has really helped. Hope that Disco feels some relief too. Your posts always have something in them to make me smile ! Thank you for that !

Susan said...

That was a nice post, Sandie. Ohhhh, poor little Disco. Hope he'll be okay. Susan

Dar said...

Yep, God has given us a great deal to appreciate....
Yep, could read that so easily., I guess I'm more than average
I'd say Italy..........love all the flowers and would love watering them.
The tree shows pure determination. I need some of that.
Sooooo, what kind of snow is that???? forsythia?magnolia? lol
When Disco looses all that weight he may no longer need surgery? Hope he feels better soon. Sweet grandlove and his pup.
loveya from up north

Lee said...

Hey there, Sandie...I hope little Disco is okay...give him a cuddle for me. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Poor Disco... I seem to know several animals that have the same problem. Yes that was easy to read, spelling isnt so important lol. Love that amazing tree

The Feminine Energy said...

So much news, Sandie! It was great to catch up. Prayers for Disco and yes, that would be my dream place too. Lovingly, Andrea xxx

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes I can definitely read it! That's a beautiful dream place, I will join you there. Yes that tree is amazing. Oh no, poor Disco.

Buttercup said...

I can read the paragraph. Reading upside down -- and through code sometimes -- is one of my obscure talents. Poor Disco. My knees seem to be holding up, but one hip is not very well. I'm almost at the point of seeing the doctor to find out how bad it is.

Starry Dawn said...

Good Morning, my dear friend!!
I think I could read the paragraph in some way.
I'm sorry to hear about Disco's knees issues. I pray he gets better soon.
How old is Disco? I love your beautiful dog. Take good care of him!!
I can hardly walk, for my right knee hurts so badly too...
Yes! I would like to share your dream with you. I love plants!!
I think it's a place in Italy... Yet, I'm not sure.
I have been dealing with health issues myself, something serious, my friend.
I got a blood test done, and the result was not good.
I'm sick, really unwell.
If you don't see me much online lately, now, you know why...
I love you with all my heart, my friend.
God bless your beautiful heart.

Lynn said...

I hope Disco is on the road to recovery - sorry to hear he might have to have surgery.

Love that "snow." :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yep, I could read it. Poor Disco- I hope he will be ok...not limping. Maybe some Chondroitin? Wait, glucosamine? One of those two, I forget. Anyway, I am whizzing good thoughts his way. Sweet dog!

Sr. Ann Marie said...

I always love that "can you read this"--makes me feel smart!! We had snow here in Pennsylvania (near Philadelphia) last week--even had an early dismissal from work on one day and a day off the next! I get so excited about it you'd think I was back in school again.

Have a blessed Easter!