"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, August 20, 2018

School Days School Days- I have been taking these pictures for 13 years and this is the last.

Click on the right for the answer- Don't share just tell me.

When the grandson was 5 right before kindergarten he was in his uncle's wedding - the ring barer.
He and the flower girl were so cute.
During the reception he put his finger in the cake - and took some of the frosting.
She told on him?
What can you do but laugh???

Everyone Loves The Grandson

I have been taking beginning of the school year photographs for 13 years now and this will be the last official one - Senior.

I started blogging in September 2006.  He was 5.  Just went to kindergarten.  I had spent five years with him totally and now he was heading to school.  To keep busy I started to blog - mostly as sort of a record.

Do you remember when and why you started blogging?


Don't know where or why I didn't take 1st-2nd-3rd or 4th grades.
Keep a look out of the sunflower picture on the wall behind him.  You could not see it his K year.
5th grade

6th grade

7th grade
Nothing on the wall as we thought we were moving and had the walls all painted.

8th grade
No move.

9th grade

10th grade






12th Senior
 6 Feet tall now.

Let me tell you his school takes senior year extremely seriously -   I don't remember it being that big a deal when I went.

Well an end of another era for me.
I am looking forward to what my life will be like next year!
Still love that guy.

Happy birthday son - I love you!

My son turns 43 today and I have no idea how that could be possible when I am only 39. teehee

Happy birthday son.
I love you.

Psalm 90:15 
"Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! 
Replace the evil years with good."


Saimi said...

Aw I love the progression of the school pictures - he certainly went from cute to handsome! Happy birthday to your son, how do our kids get so old? Ok, I'm sure there is more but I found 7 numbers in your picture. 1,2,3,4,6,8 and 9.
Have a good day!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

These school pictures are awesome! And you can see how he has grown by the sunflowers! Is he going to college? Will it be near you? He was a gorgeous child, and is now a beautiful man! And your quote fits your post perfectly! Your son is a DOCTOR?! Where does he practice? Nearby? You really scared me for a minute when I first read "The LAST"!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I started following you when he was 5th grade, and have seen him evolve into a young man from a child. I like that you have it all documented here in one spot. he will like seeing this when he is 43 or 39. ha ha… My baby brother will be 70 tomorrow, that is scary

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's wonderful for you to have all those pictures to see how he has grown. I have them somewhere but not organized so as I could post them in any sort of order. I do always post the back to school pictures for each year from those grands that I get pictures for. But it's not all of them. Happy birthday to your son too! It's hard to believe I too have children in their 40's and soon to be 50's.

Mevely317 said...

WOW, but this post totally defines the phrase, "Time is a thief"! Sooo handsome, he is!

I'm embarrassed to admit, I began blogging way back in '08 (I think). An acquaintance asked to share a picture for her blog, and I'm all, "What's a blog?" (Yes, I was hopelessly naïve.) Anyway, my first couple years were pretty pathetic; I floundered this way and that before finding my own, authentic voice. One of the best things I've ever done!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - they're all lovely photos of a very happy young man ... you've done well by him ... and love that he's on his way to a successful and happy adulthood - congratulations ... cheers Hilary

Sandi said...

8th grade and 9th grade are the same...minus the puppy! :) Did he do both grades at once?

Kindergarten is so sweet. Look at that smile!


Red Rose Alley said...

Sandie, your post hit home for me, as my dad used to sing "school days school days" on the first day of school every year. The daisy photo is so pretty. Yes, I see lots of numbers! Your grandson is so cute as the ring barer, and how funny that he put his finger in the cake at the reception. Those are the special memories of a wedding that we never forget. It was fun to see your grandson through the years. He is a handsome young man. I absolutely love the HOPE quote. I will keep that one. Happy Birthday to your son! I hope he has a fun day filled with all the things he loves.


betty said...

Happy birthday to your son!!

Wow, senior year for your grandson! So many adventures! I loved that Disco is in a lot of the pictures with him, whether he is holding him or not. Wishing him a successful year!

I started blogging in 2005, gosh probably about the same time as you. Looking for a spot to write and to meet others online :)


Hena Tayeb said...

Oh wow look at those pictures.. what a handsome young man he has grown up to be.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those pictures are so sweet! So cool to see how much he has changed.
Happy Birthday to your son, hope he has a great day.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

It's hard to believe that that cute little boy that I (we) saw grow up through your blog posts for many years now --is a SENIOR in high school. What are his plans for next year?

Yes---it may be the end of this time in his life --but that doesn't mean that it is over.... He will always be part of your life --and as a grandparent, you will worry as much (or more) about him when he's 40... It doesn't END.. It just gets better and better.

Happy Birthday to your son.

Linda said...

That's a wonderful collection of photos! Made me want to tear up to see him growing up right before my eyes in less than 30 seconds!

jack69 said...

Amazing you thought of doing the pictures, good for you! Wish I had thought of that!
Now I found only 5 ..68941

good entry
Sherry & jack!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

How great that you have those progression of the years pictures of your grandson. What a handsome man he grew up to be!

My first granddaughter went off to college last year and my grandson started at Penn State last week. Like your grandson, my second granddaughter will graduate next year and go off to someplace far away from home. My other three grands will be following in a few years. I am excited for them, but I miss them very much. It all went by too quickly.

Starry Dawn said...

((( Happy Birthday to your wonderful son!! )))
We have watched your handsome grandson grow up, just by looking at the pictures in your Blog. It's amazing how time flies...
It seems like you have been blogging for many years. You ask, Why do we blog?
Well, I do not blog as often as I used to. However, I began blogging in 2009, for a couple of reasons. A couple of many reasons that I began blogging was a therapeutic way to approach life in my corner of the world, and to make good friends worldwide. I have found wonderful friends! Praise the Lord!


great pictures of your grandson. the last one is bittersweet. happy birthday to your son.

Dar said...

It's overwhelming sometimes, how quickly our loved ones grow up and away. Andy will do wonderful in his new world after this school year is over...it will be another great adventure ! Best of luck to him his senior year.
love n' hugs from up north

Rob-bear said...

What an excellent young man has turned out to be!

Best wishes for his senior year.

Small Kucing said...

wow... lovely to see the snap shots . Grow into a handsome chap he has

Cheri said...

Love all the pictures...your grandson has grown more handsome each year. Days are long but years fly by, hard to believe he is a senior. You are doing the "empty nest" thing again...12 years later and I am still doing it. ha ha Miss those days. A belated Happy Birthday to your son.

Abby said...

These are wonderful memories/photos, Sandie! I never did that with my kids - take first-day-of-school photos. I kind of wish I had because those years go by so fast. I love how Disco shows up in some of them! I hope he has a great senior year!

Nonnie said...

Awwww, Sandie. He really grew up on you and caught up to the sunflower pic! He was an adorable little boy and is a handsome young man. That is the same reason I began blogging. To keep a record of the grandkids events and things they said. I treasure the time spent with them and I know you do, too. You're even closer since he has lived with you. You will be missing him when he goes to college. Happy birthday to your son. It's amazing that you had him before you were born. Haha!

Granny Annie said...

I love how much you love your grandson:-)

Cranberry Morning said...

Well happy birthday to your son! - and I love the photos of your grandson's life as he progresses through his school years! What a handsome kid!! And so much ahead of him. God's blessing on him this school year. xo

Susan said...

Well that is quite a photographic record, Grammie. You have done such an awesome job. Now, it will soon be the beginning of a whole new era, for you and for A. It will be wonderful! God bless you both.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a great idea to have photos of him literally growing up! He is so cute....I started blogging for the same reasons and also tell a few people it can be worse.....and I am not a writer. It’s a diary somewhat

CHERI said...

FAMILY posts are the best. Your guys are certainly handsome ones. Hope the grandson has a fabulous senior yr. My g'son is in 9th so just starting high school, but seems only yesterday he was going to K! G'daughter is in 7th...both growing way too fast for me. I can't imagine what my life will be like when they are both gone to college. I will be in deep mourning I'm sure. They've been such an integral part of my life since birth. But life goes on...and I hope you enjoy whatever lies ahead:)

peggy said...

You sure have some handsome men! You asked about my greats, I have three boys and one girl. Betsy is the oldest and they live in Springfield, Illinois, also her brother Kyle. Only John is living in Michigan and now little Jaxon. Thanks for visiting me Sandie.

Lynn said...

Amazing - he is a senior now! I like seeing the age progression. It's so neat that you do that.

Carole said...

What a great record! Found you via Linda of Linda's Life Journal who I have followed for years. Cheers from Carole's Chatter