"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Pumpkin Church

I love this photo - an eclectic pumpkin - to me so beautiful - to others, well maybe it's ugly.

I feel like it describes who I am.
Unique and a little odd -
but able to have a sense of humor!

No piece of paper can be folded
in half more than seven (7) times.
Oh , go ahead ...
I'll wait.



My two boys. 

Our church has been known now as The Pumpkin Church for 33 years now.
Thought I'd show you a couple of photos.

Ones that look like swans and star fish.

Green ones and we had white ones too.

Isn't this unique?

Every Tuesday afternoon my friend Edna and I sell pumpkins for 3 hours.  Tomorrow will be our last day this year.




ANSWER:  That photo was our dinner.
I asked my hub to put the pizza in the oven so that when we got home dinner would 
be ready!
He put it in upside down!

An $9 Home Run Pizza!

RSVP "Please respond"

Okay Question - do you RSVP when you get an invitation when people ask for one?  I am finding that people don't seem to do that anymore - is it a lost art?


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

There are some people who answer invitations right away and then there are others who wait till the last minute or until a call has to be made. I think that they may be waiting to see if something better comes along.

I love those different pumpkins and have them decorating my front gardens. I bought eight and only one is the traditional and that will be carved. I find different colors, different shapes, and lumps and bumps make for a beautiful and interesting scene.

I can’t say that an upside down pizza has not happened in my kitchen either.

Cheri said...

Curious as to how your hubby put in the pizza upside down, wouldn't all the toppings fall off?

Wow your church really has a variety of pumpkins and I could see quite a few ways to decorate with those unique ones. Church certainly keeps you busy, Sandie, miss seeing you.

Sandi said...

I do rsvp. I think it is not as common as it used to be, not sure why.

That pizza! Oh NO!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What great pumpkin pictures and what fun to have a hand in selling them. It's hard to believe all the different ones there are. I love pumpkin season ! I did guess it was something in the oven, but didn't know exactly what until you told us. My goodness what a mess that must have been! Sometimes the best of intentions just don't turn out the way they were meant to be. I do RSVP on invites. It helps when it comes to knowing just how much to have on hand when having a party for sure. I always allow for a few more than expected. But usually always have more food than needed. Hope you have a wonderful Monday! At 8:30 it is still dark as night out here.

NanaDiana said...

This is a fun post, Sandie...as all of yours are fun. It is nice to see you posting again!

I love that your church does the pumpkin thing. What fun!!

I hope you have a blessed, wonderful week! xo Diana

Granny Annie said...

Love the pumpkin variety. Knew it was an upside down pizza. Cannot believe it really happened. Your two boys are the best:-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that first pumpkin is beautiful to me, and I love the swans, never seen those before. lots of nice pumpkins for you to sell... oh noooooo on the upside down pizza, bet he never lives that one down

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am laughing like crazy over the upside down pizza! What a mess, but good for a laugh. I love all the pumpkins. There is a church here in Athens that is the pumpkin church and the Grands go each year to buy their pumpkins there! Fun!

Abby said...

I saw that oven mess, and my first thought was that it was a pizza put in upside down. But no... how could that be? :)
Love the pumpkin church! Bet it's lots of fun for the kids! And what a nice variety of pumpkins.
Yes, I RSVP whether it's "yes" or "no". We're supposed to, right?

Ginny Hartzler said...

The upside down pizza is almost unbelievable! He must have been really distracted! This is so cool about your church!! So where does the money go? There is a church like that here, they sell the pumpkins for Honduras, or maybe it is Haiti..But they don't grow their own. We get quite a few R.S.V.P.'s, and I always try to answer. they need a head count for food and other things.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - love the pumpkins all ... even the electric bumpy one! How amazing ... I'd have never have guessed about the pizza! Great to see the photos - fun - cheers Hilary

betty said...

I guessed right with the pizza. I didn't think it was your pizza though, LOL. Must have been a mess to clean up! That is neat with what your church does with the pumpkins. Do they grow them on site or get them from some place? Great ministry I think! Great picture of your grandson and Disco!


betty said...

Oops, forgot to say. I always RSVP, but I do hear it is a dying art. I'll have to check with my sister. Her daughter just got married. I'll have to see if they got a lot or RSVPs or if they had to track down if people were going to be attending or not. I know son didn't RSVP for the reception, maybe he thought it was a given he would be there? (My niece text me to see if he/family were coming and I said they were, but it would be nice if son would have done it himself).


jack69 said...

You always have good posts. I enjoy the comments also.

Try as I might, The most folds I could get is 6 and that one was tough.....OUCH!
Oh I guessed the Pizza BUT if thought it was for some reason intentional. I think me 'n your hubby might be somewhat alike! ;-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, those pumpkins are amazing! Why did he put the pizza in upside down? We do Home Run Inn every Friday night. They were just $4.99 at Sprouts. I bought 10 of them. We take them out of the box and can fit a lot more in the freezer. Also where were you going. They don't take very long to bake!!

Nonnie said...

Okay! All of this made me smile and the pizza! Oh dear, you poor thing. I had a sweet potato explode in the oven one time and it was AWFUL to clean up. Love the picture of your grandson with Disco. It truly is amazing all the different shapes of pumpkins. That is a great thing to do and so fun. You were right about folding the paper. I thought for sure I could do it.
ALWAYS! Yes ma'am! I do RSVP! Not all people write thank you notes either … I don't judge them for that, it just seems to be a lost art as well. Our daughter has trained our grandsons well and I save every thank you they send.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I worked for another Pumpkin Church --when I lived in Texas... We had HUGE Pumpkin Festivals all Fall.... It was a fund-raiser for the church --but they offered all kinds of games and fun things for kids and families... AND of course, pictures were always taken in the Pumpkin Patch.... My kids/grandkids remember the Pumpkin Church....

People don't respond to much of anything anymore... Even on blogs and Facebook --people just take time to read anything.. Recently I posted a picture on FB of some Roses which George brought inside.... People responded by saying how pretty they were --without reading my reasons for having all of them inside... We were going to have a frost that night --which would kill the remaining ones outside... Nobody much read my explanation.... Maybe I do the same thing when I respond --but I try not to... It does take time to read and respond...

Funny about your upside down pizza.....Did you try to eat it ---or give up and order out?????? ha

How funny.... IF she said "Under the bed"---I'll bet every family member and every friend (and some who are not friends) would invade her home and search under that bed..... ha ha

Happy Halloween...

Saimi said...

I got the pizza but was confused as to why it was upside down haha now I know! The pumpkins are so unique when they are all gathered together like that. Its fun to see the different personalities in them. I always enjoy your post!
Happy Halloween

Terri D said...

LOL on the pizza! Don't ask an accountant to cook! My Joe says if he does it wrong, I'll never ask him to do it again! Love the picture of your "boys"!! Have a happy week ahead, Sandie!

Mevely317 said...

Aaaargh on that Home Run Pizza … but in truth, I could see me doing the same thing! That first 'electric' pumpkin is adorable; I'd like something like that myself.

I'm embarrassed to admit, I totally spaced RSVP-ing for grand's bridal shower last month. Only when I took the invitation off the front of the refrigerator (after the fact) did I spot the RSVP. (SMDH)

Chatty Crone said...

This is a test.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

When I saw that photo of dinner my thought was hope it wasn't your dinner and it was what a fail.......

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, I always RSVP but I have noticed too that lots of people don't. And ohhhh.... your poor supper. Did your husband truly not know how to put a pizza in the oven? Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes I try to RSVP but when son was married, he was aggravated since many did not RSVP....I love the odd pumpkin. I feel that way too, eclectic 😆. I like all the different pumpkins


love all the pumpkins, especially that first one.

Red Rose Alley said...

Ok, I am cracking up at that laughter quote. I seriously can't stop laughing haha. I seldom laugh out loud on blog posts, but I'm laughing as I type this. That is hilarious. I love that first pumpkin and what it represents to you. Those pumpkins DO look like swans! I never understood the green ones. Do they taste good? Loved seeing all the pumpkins at your church, Sandie. It's kind of like a mini pumpkin patch. And I thought that was a pizza - how funny that your husband put in in upside down.

What a wonderful post. I will be laughing throughout the day. : )

love, ~Sheri

ps....yes, I still rsvp. I was really surprised how many people went to Francesca's birthday party and didn't rsvp.

Small Kucing said...

The 1st picture sure look like a very weird looking pumpkin

Yes, I do RSVP when received invites that required me to do so. Sometimes, informal events I would also inform the organiser whether I will be going or otherwise

Susan said...

Ha ha ha ha ha Sandie, did your hubs really put the pizza in upsidedown? Was that photo from YOUR house? Oh my gosh. Nice photos. The pumpkin church project sounded good. That was sowing good "seeds" f faith. Have a wonderful day today. Susan

likeschocolate said...

Love all the variety of pumpkins they have now. When I was a kid it was just the standard orange pumpkin. MY favorite ones are the blue ones. I saw one the other day that was orange and white nad looked like lace.

Lee said...

Hahahahahaha! Good post, Sandie.....some interesting looking pumpkins there, too! :)

LL Cool Joe said...

Haha. Even I manage to put a pizza the right way up in the oven!
Love the photo of your boys.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, I'm back reading your wonderful Blog.
My favourite picture is the one with your handsome grandson holding his pretty boy, Disco. The Pumpkins of your Church look awesome. So, you fund-raised money for them. Your hub made a mistake with the pizza putting it upside down. WOW!! Did you have dinner that day, or cook something else?...
About the test, I have no idea what that is...
It's so cute the photo of the old woman laughing where she hid the money
before she departs from this world... I'm sure some greedy folks may wait to get the money of their family members before they die. Sadly, I met some who did bad things. I read some of your friends's comments. I'm glad you got lots of good friends who follow you. I've been undergoing rough times with a neighbor's old blind dog. So I was really busy with the poor dog for awhile. Plus, Paul is not doing well either. He has lost much weight, and suffers from weak muscles. He's very tired and depressed. These are some important reasons why I was away for some time. Now, I'm back again hopefully. Greetings from Starry.

Lynn said...

Love those pumpkins!

We discussed that in a deacons meeting at church once - that no one in our church knows what RSVP means.

And the craziest thing that happened - people who RSVP inappropriately. My niece had a lovely outdoor wedding last year and a few people who RSVPd they were coming, showed up with their adult children (who weren't invited), who Amanda didn't even know. My sister had them edited out of the wedding video, when they were dancing enthusiastically. :)