"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, January 07, 2019

Happy 2019

Still having trouble with leaving comments to:

Blogs that have the embedded style comments.  That is the type of comments that have a replay from the blogger to the recipient.  I HAVE NO IDEA WHY AND IT HAS ALMOST BEEN A YEAR! Any suggestions?  I have no problems with what they call the pop-up style commenting form. Sorry.




If so where is he?

GRANDSON'S CORNER - His best friend is 6"6"!
They said Merry Christmas and wished you a Happy New Year.

I know it is the right thing to let go and I am- but it ain't easy.


Did you make any resolutions?
I am going to read the bible at least 5 minutes a day.




MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy new year. thanks for the smiles and laughter... no resolutions here

Sandi said...

iPaid...ha ha!

The Goofy thing made me sad. We are not meant to be islands. Our culture does that. In some cultures family stays closer. I think that is better. :(

jack69 said...

Could not find Disco the dude, unless he is under the stripes. Yep they grow up and patience is the only thing that helps in the growing pains, but sometimes a couple years seem like eternity.
I am still working on the resolutions thing. hahaha

Love you lady.
sherry & jack

Cheri said...

Happy 2019 to you as well, Sandie. I gave up on resolutions per say but the past few years have given myself a task; last year was to curb being judgmental and I am still working on that and this year it is to listen more. These are works in progress all the time but I am trying to be more accountable.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Happy New Year. I don't do resolutions but do set goals for myself. This year is to get me as healthy as possible. Sending you hugs.

Abby said...

Happy New Year!
I was wondering if you still had troubles commenting on embedded comment forms. I thought blogger had worked out the bugs, but maybe not.
Grandson's friend is 6'6"? Basketball scholarship? And that's not Disco Grandson is holding!

Linda said...

I guess my blog may be the kind you have trouble with.....I’ll have to look and see. I try not to change much on it since I’m not really good at it. I think it’s a miracle I can change my own header and background!
God speed with reading the Bible everyday. That’s what we do, too!

betty said...

Disco is under the blanket? It is hard to let them go, isn't it? But the good thing is you will always be there when they need to come back for advice, etc., and I'm sure your grandson will as he sees how interesting life can be.

Happy New Year!

I made goals for this year. Not resolutions. They seem to work better than the word resolution, at least in my mind :)


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I have trouble commenting on many blogs, it's all in the settings. So thankful I can comment on yours. Happy New Year to you too!

barbara woods said...

you get mine?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your resolution and am now making it myself!! I love candy cane Disco! I think in the next picture he is near the floor under the white fabric. That is my guess. I just love your thoughtful comments and questions!! This exact same comment problem has happened more than once years ago, and is Blogger's fault.

The Feminine Energy said...

Happy 2019!! Hope it is as wonderful as these pictures you have posted. They're priceless! Love, Andrea xoxo PS~ I don't know what the problem is with you posting either. I think it probably has something to do with your computer though. Is it old? Can you try commenting from another person's computer? That might tell you a lot.

Terri D said...

Disco is so cute and so is Andy and his very tall friend! I always enjoy your posts, Sandie! Love you, my friend!

Red Rose Alley said...

I think reading the Bible five minutes a day is the best new year's idea, Sandie. Disco is too cute in his red striped pajamas. He looks like a cute candy cane hehehe. That's a great picture of your grandson and his friend, and so nice to say hello to all of us. Ok, I love the "casual promises" quote. I'll pass that on to the girls. I don't make resolutions any more - just try to be the best me I can. I hope the new year is being good to you so far, and I always know that I'll get a chuckle or two when I come over and visit.

love, ~Sheri

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

When I was told by my followers of the problems leaving comments I changed to the pop up type.

Disco makes me smile

Mevely317 said...

Uh-oh, that doesn't look like Disco in Andy's arms. Better not tell him! That image of him the red-and-white pj's is about the most precious thing I've seen!

PS - I think Disco's hiding under that blanket whilst checking out the contents of someone's drawer.

Jill said...

Disco is so cute! It seems both your grandson and his friend are quite tall! They sure look happy :-) Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - I'm sure I commented yesterday ... because I love the photo of the two chaps ... great to see them together ... and yes some grow - but they all grow up! Cheers and Happy year ahead - Hilary

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow 6'6" is really tall!
Love the Laughter's Corner.
Happy New Year! No resolutions here.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie! No, no resolutions. But I do have some goals in mind, which is similar. Happy New Year to you and all your family, too. Love, Susan

Marie said...

I've missed you! and your loved ones! Grandson is tall himself! Disco is as cute as ever!
It's been crazy here, hoping for a positive and happy 2019. Kyle is a recruiter of doctors for a large company in RTP and still my baby boy.

I'll try to remember to email. :)
hugs and love,

A Joyful Chaos said...

Not being able to leave comments must be frustrating! I have a few blogs that act up that way for me too.


NanaDiana said...

So nice to see a picture of your grandson. It is really hard to 'let go' sometimes, isn't it? I see my older grandgirls growing further and further away from me. I miss those little 'cuddle-ups' I used to have with them.

I got a smile or two here, too.

Have a wonderful week, Sandie- xo Diana

Annsterw said...

So happy I found your blog! I cannot wait to hear more about your life and family in Georgia! I am now following - you can follow back at Annster's Domain if you wish!

Dar said...

ok, trying again....hope this arrives.
Happy New Year to you too and the boys. My Andy is 6'6" too and now that he's a family man, he's muscled up nicely. Love the pictures of the boys. Also Disco. I think he's under the pantleg? or blanket.! I'm glad I never had to pay for any of the technical stuff besides our own. I love the iPeed. iAgree.
loven'hugs from up north of everywhere

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

No I didn’t make any resolutions but I am reading the Bible more each day. I would think cute Disco is under that blanket somewhere! Your grandson is tall and handsome.

Jackie said...

Jan. 18
I just dropped by to say, “Hello.”

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy New Year --although I'm a little late!!!! Cute post... I did see Disco in that picture!!!!!!

I don't make resolutions --but I do make a motto which I try to follow throughout the year. This year is "I will NOT give up!" This A-Fib took me for a loop in 2018 ---and this year, I'm going to push through it --and keep on keeping on.

How about you? Resolutions?
