"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, March 04, 2019

66 years old and counting...........

Happy 66th to Chatty Crone - this is where I am having my birthday party - every one is invited who wants to come!

I have been sick a couple of weeks now so I have been bad in reading blogs. I am sorry - but I just had no energy to do it.  
We all got sick here - grandson first - 
He works at the after school program every day after school with first graders - need I say more?  He had strep and a sinus infection.  Rick and I got it the same day and dang blasted it lasted over ten days.  We still have a residual cough.  My lungs were definitely the worst.  Then Kelly right before she went back to work from winter break - got it.  So not healthy around here.  I ran a 104+ fever - I have never been that hot in my life - I couldn't move.  Asthma. Bronchitis. Sinus.  Headaches.  Fevers that lasted days.
Okay I guess I sound wimpy- but it has been tough!

I am going to post pictures of what I like.

This is a joke which I think has it's basis in reality!

Anyone ready for spring and beautiful flowers?
Come to visit Atlanta - we are in full bloom spring.

Cute the way this person has a small garden set up on their bike.

This is cute too - do any of you decorate like this?  I think it is so unique and so pretty.

More wondrous glory - do you think this is real?

I have so many friends that love gardening.  Do you?
Me I hate to admit this - but I tend to be a plant killer. 
Makes me so sad.

Balloons for Chatty.

Flowers for Chatty. (Achoo).  

A birthday cake:




What more could one ask for?

Hope you enjoyed the party!


Okay these are not all my own photos - I have borrowed them from somewhere - if they are yours - I will gladly give you the credit as they are gorgeous.



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Happy Birthday Sandie ... and congratulations. So sorry you're feeling 'frot' - but hope you all can kick the bug and feel better soon ... have a peaceful week and maybe celebrate next week end ... cheers and here's to many more - Hilary

jack69 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope it is the best! Only 88 is good! You have a wonderful life continuing (after this bought with Mr/Misery's sick germs!!) Get to feeling better and you will REMEMBER just how great spring will be.
Sorry to hear the SICK TIME, and pray that is is all behind you. Anyway...... HAPPY sixty-six, Life is GOOD(Beautiful 'happy pictures' made us smile!)
Sherry & jack

LL Cool Joe said...

Happy Birthday to you!! I hope you feel 100% very soon!

The teenage mannequin cracked me up!

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday Sandie! I'm so sorry you're sick with the bug! You know, Jess, Brian, and Francesca are all sick with the flu this last weekend. Oh, I do hope you feel better soon. Love all these images of Spring. It's been raining a lot, so not many flowers yet. I can't believe the flowers are in full bloom there. Nel said there still might be some snow in Georgia, and she's hoping for it. Your poor grandson having strep throat. Sandie, I had this a couple times, and IT IS AWWWWWFUL! I hope he feels better soon. And you take care of yourself too! That little Disco is all tuckered out from partying hehehe.

love, ~Sheri

ps....the family photo is wonderful, and you all look very nice dressed in black.

Knitty said...

Happy Birthday, dear lady!
I hope you feel better soon, even better than normal.

What does the family photo say about your guys and daughter having their arms to their sides while you have your hands are in your pockets?

Mevely317 said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Sandie! I'm so sorry to learn y'all were sidelined; that temp sounds scary! These images are great! But like you, I'm a plant killer … better to gaze upon online! :)

betty said...

Loved the party! Very festive, especially the balloons! That was a cute idea with the tricycle for the flowers.

Happy belated Birthday! You are the same age as my hubby; he will turn 66 in June.

Sorry to hear you were sick. Sounds nasty of a bug! But those young kids are "germ pools" so I'm not surprised that's where your grandson picked up the bug that he so kindly shared with you all.

Here's hoping you feel 100% so very soon!


Linda said...

What a great birthday party!!! I had so much fun!
Happy Birthday to YOU and prayers that you get completely well very soon and STAY THAT WAY!!!
Love and prayers from Texas!

Terri D said...

I don't like gardening. Not even a little. Love the family picture and of course that one of Disco!! Love & hugs!

Annsterw said...

Happy birthday Sandi!!!! What a great party!!! I am so in on the location and I am so jealous that you have flowers! I may have to relocate to Georgia!!! Amazing! I hope you have a wonderful year!!! Hugs! Annster's Domain

barbara woods said...

Happy birthday Sis

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to you my dear friend! So sorry to hear about you not feeling well along with your grandson, Kelly and Rick. Love the mannequin. Yes I'm ready for Spring. Love the bike flower planters. Those are such cute ways to display flowers and that fence looks adorable. Love your family photo. Glad you picked me!

Nonnie said...

I love flowers and gardens, I just don't seem to have the creativity and the green thumb for those kind of flowers. Wish I did! Nothing is blooming here except weeds showing themselves in the dead grass!!
A happy, happy birthday to you, Sandie! May you have all your wishes come true! Hope you have a super, duper wonderful day full of blessings and I am so happy for you that the tornado wasn't near you, but so very sorry for those who were hit so hard. I hate tornadoes and the destruction they leave. Spring is coming up and I'm sure there will be many more, but here's hoping not.
The mannequin is funny, however, before I saw the caption, I thought you were saying that is how you've been feeling … droopy! I'm sorry you and your family have been sick. Those high temperatures are awful and when I had the flu a few years ago, my temperature went up like that for several days and it was very scary. Get well!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all the flowers in all the different containers and I want the boots full of flowers. so sorry you have all been so sick... Happy 66th Birthday and I hope you are well enough to celebrate it..


happy birthday. sorry to hear you were sick.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Happy birthday, Sandy! I hope you had a terrific time! I know what you mean about whatever it is that is going around. Sounds like you had it worse than I did. I didn't get a fever This is day 12 but when I went to the doctor last Monday they said my lungs were clear which I felt was great news--especially since I'd already missed three days of work. However, I'm still coughing and ache all over from the coughing. This getting old is soooooo much fun! I hope you and the family start feeling better.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I hope you had a wonderful, fun filled birthday and that you felt loved and appreciated by all around you

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie. It sounds like you have been through hell and I am glad to read that you are doing better. Those sinus infections can last a long time.

I love all the pictures of the beautiful flowers. I hope there are many roses coming your way.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your post is gorgeous! So what YOU like is what I like! Happy Birthday!!! I will be 70 this weekend. I am so sorry you have been so sick. Have you been sick on your actual birthday? What a bummer! Our son and his family have this bug, too. I think my favorite picture is the sunflowers in the bike. So what are your REAL plans for your birthday?

Theresa said...

Happy 66th, I am coming up on 65 in May. Hope all are feeling much better, it is that time of the year. I have had a sinus infection too! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

peggy said...

I'm so sorry I didn't get in on your party, but today I enjoyed it by myself. I loved it. Sorry you are sick and your others too, it's making its rounds I hear. Happy birthday and thanks for entertaining us!

Abby said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie!!
Ugh, sorry about all the illness, but glad you're over the worst of it!
That teenage mannequin is hilarious, and I enjoyed all the spring flowers. Like you, I'm pretty much a plant killer.
Happy spring, can I send you some of our snow and ice?

The Feminine Energy said...

Happiest of birthdays, Sandie, and may you have many many more! Get well soon. Love, Andrea xoxo

Jill said...

Happy birthday!!! It looked just lovely :-) Hope everyone is feeling much better! Take care!


Dar said...

I totally enjoyed your party but not that you were so sick. I'm glad you're feeling better finally. It was a long haul!!! You know how I love gardening and flowers so this was extra special. The gorgeous pink tree over the water, yes, I believe it's real. Such a pretty party.
love n' hugs from this up north, late as usual, gal. Loving your spring in our 5 ft. deep snow.

Starry Dawn said...

I remember I sent My Birthday Wishes by Email, even a few days before your Birthday. I'm so sorry you are sick with high fever. I'll be praying for your complete healings and prompt recovery. I know it's hard when one is unwell. It happens to us right now, we are both ill with different illness. Dr. Paul will undergo Surgery in the incoming future. I feel so down and unwell. So I understand how you feel, my sweet dear friend. I send my heart with the wind. Yes! I would love to celebrate your birthday anywhere you wish to invite me. I love flowers, trees and gardening. I would love to have a beautiful house with a unique special designed garden. I guess I'm a perfectionist. I truly apologize I'm Not Online often. Paul & I are also unwell and ill. Anyway, I'll be praying for you, Sandie, and your dear family. My strenght is low. I got fatigue, asthma, tired all the time. Something is wrong with me, I feel dead inside. I also sleep many hours. My blood test came out all wrong. Needless to say, God is in Control. God loves us from than anyone. We are Not Alone, God is with us at all times. Much Love, Blessings & Big Hugs from the distance, my dear friend.

Starry Dawn said...

Sandie, Sorry! I made a few typing mistakes in my previous post.
I try to correct them. I meant, my strength is low.
God loves us more than anyone...
Do you agree, Sandie? I would love to hear from you Via Email, darling.

Buttercup said...

I know I'm late to the party, but it's still your birthday month. Happy and especially healthy wishes.