"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Staycation

In Heaven that is going to be me!
Can't quite do any of that here on earth with this body of mine.
Do you think it is good to have dreams?

 Well last week grandson and friends went to Florida and stayed with mom and her long time friend.
It was good in the fact he learned how to drive longer distances - highway - pay attention - go on the Peach and use the Peach Pass.  Things like that.
He met these boys in middle school - 6th grade - and these guys just bonded and have become lifetime brothers I hope.

They will be splitting up for college - but hopefully stay close.

Now my son and his family went to Montana the same week.
Doesn't it look beautiful there?
They went with friends too.

Hubs and I stayed home.
We had a stay-cation.
It was nice to just be home.
This is poor Disco.
He was a real wreck without daughter. 
He is her baby.


I saw this photo and it got me to thinking.  
It just sort of happens doesn't it?
You don't tell yourself to age.
Now some young people of today think old people are useless.
I disagree - I am not going to argue that we are more valuable, 
but I think an elderly person has a lot of value!!!!

I guess that is one reason I named my blog Chatty Crone.
An elderly crone giving her thoughts.

I'm kind of thinking of what direction to go with my blog now.
I feel I am kind of going all over the place.
But one thing I know is this:

Love, chatty


Anonymous said...

Exciting times for your grandson and your sons vs action choice is beautiful! Poor disco, sometimes we forget how deeply our pets feelings go. I agree with you, the elderly have so much for us to learn, they are a wealth of info if we would just take the time to listen!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Fun times for your family and their friends for sure ! Like you, I enjoy seeing my family and their fun vacation times, but my vacation is like yours. A staycation. I so agree about getting older. We are not useless and have a lot of value. I wear my crown of white hair proudly. It took a lot of living to get to this point ! They say if we're still here, we have important work to do. It's not over till it's over.

jack69 said...

I always respected my elders, at least I think so. Pretty soon, ten or fifteen years, I will be a wise old man, I hope. We have 'Stayed on vacation' for over 20 years now. It is hard to come down.
I think also that YOU will display our Christ in all you do. You are an inspiration, even before you get old.
Love you,
Sherry & jack up here in Dutch country,

jack69 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
betty said...

I love how you want to be remembered and how you want to live. That's my desire to.

Looked like great vacations for your family members! Montana is beautiful indeed. Never been to Florida but I hear parts of it are great.

Its good grandson has that great group of friends. I bet they will be lifelong friends, they'll be in each other's weddings, etc.

We did a little trip first part of June and now probably nothing until maybe December. I do like traveling but I also just like hanging out at home.

I just keep wondering how did I get to the age I am at so fast? Life is such a blur!


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

The younger people that I work with at my volunteer job think I am interesting and enjoy my company. One recently remarked that she wished she knew me when I was younger because I must have been so much fun. I told her that I am the same person, Little has changed except the face and body. I am still me.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad they had a nice trip. Good practice driving too.
I agree, we are not useless! Poor Disco :(

barbara woods said...

hi sweetie

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this young and old picture. Staycations are good, if you can actually rest! I think the direction your blog takes is perfect right now. A little bit of everything so we never get bored, and Godly as well! How could you ever do better?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wll be back tomorrow from my stay cation and yours sounds good to me. so glad grandson has friends, very important. poor sweet disco misses his momma... my blog has always gone all different directions. it is yours, so direct it where you want it to go

Saimi said...

I'm glad your grandson has a group of good friends.They'll have some great memories to share if they stay in touch. Montana sounds like a fun place. The last time I was there was is the 80's....right. Aging does happen fast but I embrace every stage in life. I try to keep a healthy lifestyle and I hope it helps the older I get. I do feel bad that the younger generation look at older folks as they've been old their whole life. Its such an honor to sit and listen to their stories and what they experienced in their lives.
I sure hope you have a great week!!

Terri D said...

Some fun for Andy and his friends! I love your blog, Sandie, and never think of you as a crone!! Poor Disco, missing his mom! Staycations are sometimes the best kind of vacation! xoxox

LL Cool Joe said...

The opposite of ageing isn't fun either. My daughter videoed me the other day and I was so shocked. I thought "When did I get so old?" It kinda creeps up on you.

Linda said...

I love your blog and plan on visiting more often! Chatty Crone is catchy! And uplifting and inspiring! Keep on keeping on!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful post..... Love the quote about laughter vs anger....

With Grandson in college ---your life is going to change some this year....

Looks like the FL trip was special for those young men. They really will be 'buds' for LIFE....My childhood friends and I all went different directions when college began... Finally when we all turned 50 ---we finally started getting together annually. That first meeting was SO magical... It was as if we had never left each other for all of those years.... Sadly two of my friends are no longer alive --and the other one and I haven't seen each other in several years... BUT---I will always cherish those times with my friends...

PS----I want to be thin and dance in heaven TOO.

Mevely317 said...

So, I'm confused … Andy went to Florida and your son to Montana. But where did your daughter go off to without sweet Disco? I didn't know your mother lived in Florida. Where abouts?

Absolutely, it's wonderful to have dreams at any age! I LOVE that meme about the Crone … isn't it good to celebrate who we are rather than shrink into the corners of life.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Sandie, I love that last verse you have shared. It really got to me. That was fun for your grandson to go on a trip with his friends to Florida. Yes, I was just mentioning to another blog friend that boys really bond with each other. My son has had the same best friend since Kindergarten. That is such a cool picture with the older woman and the young child with the braided hair. So, what are the changes you want to do with your blog? I really enjoy all that you share. And I end up sharing many of the quotes and pictures with the girls. : )

love, ~Sheri

Lowcarb team member said...

Well, I love your blog.
I always enjoy my visits and the mix you bring.
Keep on doing what you are doing … that's what I think!

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

BECKY said...

Hi Chatty! I'm back into blogging and so excited about it! I say you should just write about whatever you want on your blog. It's yours! I also thought what Mevely said...why did Disco get left behind? Hugs to you!

Natalia said...

Wow,that thing about one minute anger is so interesting, I should keep that in mind. Have a lovely day☺

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - that's great Andy is doing so well - and looks like he's so balanced with his friends. Sadly a dog's life is a dog's life - still Disco has you both ... enjoy the StayCation - cheers Hilary

photowannabe said...

Love your goal...mine too...
Aging has a way of just happening but I hope I do it as gracefully as I can.
I especially want the younger generation to see value in Age.
Great blog post today.

Abby said...

What a fun time for your grandson. My middle son just did a 2-week roadtrip with 3 of his buddies. They've also been friends since middle school and went to different colleges, but they're still best buds. That's special :) Poor Disco, though.

There IS value in aging! (supposedly, we're wiser).

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The young and the old are often thought of as useless, which of course they are not

Starry Dawn said...

I think your Blog is magical, inspiring, thought provoking, magnificent.
You said, "I'm kind of thinking of what direction to go with my blog now."
You should continue doing whatever you have been doing so far. Excellent!
The family pictures you shared with us are outstanding, your grandchildren, your son with his family, Disco, your daughter's dog, and the narratives you shared with us are very lovely with a positive outlook. I enjoy visiting your Powerful Blog, and hopefully, I shall return as many times as possible. We all love God, so we are the best of Christian friends. I especially agree with your post, "Anger Vs. Laughter." I hope I could visit more often...
It's true that our Immune System boost -when our thoughts are positive and our hearts burst into laughter often. Anger is a negative feeling, I know that. God bless you, my dear friend, your family and loved ones. Big Hugs from the distance, Starry.

Cranberry Morning said...

It is great that Andy has some real lifetime pals and that they have Great Adventures together. But poor Disco. He looks so sad. I love the picture of the young and old together. Isn't it beautiful! Most of all I love your last poster. Have a beautiful week, Sandie. xo

Buttercup said...

Love seeing Andy enjoying life. I am still friends with my high school and grade school buddies, so I hope the same for Andy. So blessed by the long and strong friendships.
Per your comment on my post: I saw a retina specialist because the macula is part of the retina. The new office has a wider range of equipment to look into the back of the eye.
Wherever your blog goes, I am going! So grateful for our friendship. Some time I will get to Atlanta!

Jim said...

Hi Sandy -- Well, as I remember, that is your 'born name", i am sorry you aren't flying with the storks anymore. I am glad though that you are still blogging and have kept your friends. I will check but it seems you write about twice every month.
Sorry your GKids are going off, some of mine are also. One in Anchorage, one in California/Arizona, and the next youngest at school (has an internship in Maryland this summer) in Washington, D.C.
US? I'm using a cane now but hoping to be rid of it, Mrs. Jim is doing great. We are pretty active in church. Next week we are helping with VBS.
We moved to Katy, TX, in 2015 to be near youngest daughter and be of help with KP. She turned 10 Wednesday and had been on my blog the last three weeks. Posting Fridays now but a few times a week on my poetry blog.
Please come check me out again, see you EOMo (End of Month).

Nonnie said...

I hear you! My blog is all over the place, too and I can’t seem to stay focused. It’s kinda nice to be having a stay-cation, I think. Your son and his friends probably had a blast together and I bet they will remain friends. Our kids have maintained their friendships since kindergarten and a few even before that. Looks so wonderful in Montana. Beautiful up there. I aways wondered how you chose Chatty Crone. I must admit when I first began blogging, I had a mental pic of you until I saw your true photo. You do NOT look like a crone, but I hadn’t thought about the meaning.

Aloha Acres said...

Hello again. Life has been crazy, but I've finally sat down and started a new blog. Hope you'll find me over there. I'm enjoying catching up with yours.


Hena Tayeb said...

That's wonderful how your grandson found such good friends..
Never been to Montana.. looks beautiful.

Susan said...

Hi Dear Sandie...I don't know how the heck I missed this post but just found it today on my computer screen! Yowsers. I am happy that grandson is about to start his new adventure and that daughter is about to begin a new year of touching young lives in a special way. It's also time for you to explore new avenues and live life to the fullest. Just for the record, Sandie, I DO see Christ in you. You are a ray of light in my world and probably in the worlds of many people. Peace, my friend. Susan