"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, December 19, 2022


 Johnny Cash (Presented by Fathom Events)

What does he have to do with Christmas?

Nothing really except that to celebrate Christmas you have to believe in miracles, and he experienced one.

He believed.

I received two free tickets to a Fathom concert which was a documentary about Johnny Cash. I alwaysloved Johnny Cash, but I soon came to realize that I didn't really know the real Johnny Cash at all.

He was born in Arkansas, and they were dirt poor - his family had a cotton farm and the whole family farmed it every single day - the mother included.  They started early in the morning and worked until late at night.  No bathroom inside - no running water.  One thing they did have was a piano - and they sang gospel songs every night.  Johnny had a Christian upbringing.  

One thing hardest thing for Johnny to deal with all his life was his father - the show stated that his father never told him that he loved him - I think that bothered Johnny and added to his addictions later on in life. 

The one steady in his life was that he always wanted to sing.  

The second hardest thing that hurt Johnny was the accidental death of his teenage brother Jack.  Jack wanted to be a preacher and he was Johnny's best friend.

His first 35 years he spent building his career.  He served in the air force and when he was there - he found his first true love, Vivian.  

The rode to fame was rough - he spent endless times touring and never being home - not with his wife or children.

He started taking drugs to sleep and drugs to wake up.  Multiple pills - multiple times a day - drowning them down with alcohol. 

He was a rebel and spent time in prison and singing to prisoners at Folsom.  He was becoming the Man in Black.

From Wikipedia - "Cash said he wore all black on behalf of the poor and hungry, the "prisoner who has long paid for his crime", and those who have been betrayed by age or drugs. He added, "With the Vietnam War as painful in my mind as it was in most other Americans, I wore it 'in mourning' for the lives that could have been' ... Apart from the Vietnam War being over, I don't see much reason to change my position ... The old are still neglected, the poor are still poor, the young are still dying before their time, and we're not making many moves to make things right. There's still plenty of darkness to carry off."

These struggles drove Cash to a place of hopelessness and desperation.  He reached a breaking point in the late 1960's when his addictions were at their worst.

The story goes where Johnny decided to go inside a dark cave in Tennessee.  The purpose was to consider ending his life.  Apparently, he had a come to Jesus meeting that changed his life forever! A miracle.  

His deep Christian faith had just begun.  His next 35 years were about redemption.

He started bringing his faith more out in the open.  He did end up divorcing his first wife and married the famous June Carter - who was also married at that time.   

His faith in Jesus was the thing that helped his addiction.  He would say "I have fallen and gotten back up.  Please help me and I will help you."

He wrote one Christian book and made one movie called the Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus.  He became friends with BILLY GRAHAM. He actually attended 30 crusades with Billy Graham.   

One of his last songs he recorded was HURT originally was sung by Nine Inch Nails. 

"Why did Johnny Cash sing the song Hurt?

The original artist, Trent Reznor, believed the song’s story was about a young person spiraling into either self-harm or drug addiction. The Johnny Cash version provided the song a new light with an interpretation focused on an older man who knew his life was coming to an end.

Did Johnny Cash die after singing Hurt?

When the video was filmed in February 2003, Cash was 71 years old and had serious health problems. His frailty is clearly evident in the video. He died seven months later, on September 12; his wife, June Carter Cash, who is shown gazing at her husband in two sequences of the video, had died on May 15 of the same year."

I just thought some of you might be as interested in this as I was - I love learning about people.  It makes me feel good to know that miracles exist.

Hope you enjoyed this.


jack69 said...

I was searching u-tube for a song to fit my entry tomorrow. After finding it I forgot to move and stayed on youtube, to my surprise and pleasure Johnny Cash came on singing "HURT" it brought tears, then following that was his last public appearance.
I always respected old Johnny, we visited his home, the house he visited
in the video HURT! We also met a man who knew Johnny when he picked cotton with him. Johnny could pick a bale a day and made a song about it.
Anyway I did enjoy the post. Love you
Sherry & jack YOU STAY WARM, I hear it gonna get cold there....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

We watched a three-part documentary on CMT about the history of country music and most of this was on that third section all about him and his life

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I always liked Johnny Cash. I never knew he had been married before. Just shows also how God can use anyone inspite of their defects of character. God’s forgiveness sets people free.

Mevely317 said...

I think we saw the same documentary on CMT that Sandra mentioned.
While I was never a big fan of Cash, this information sure opened my eyes. IMHO that doesn't excuse the way he treated his first wife but one never knows, do we?

photowannabe said...

REDEMPTION that's what it's all about.
Brokenness certainly allowed the Lord to work in Johnny's life.
I knew his story but had forgotten the details so thank you for giving it to us again.
We all make mistakes and are sinners...thank God for His Redeeming Grace.

NanaDiana said...

That's amazing. I never knew all the facts that you found. He was an amazing artist and I always love him and June Carter together. Thanks for telling his story. xo Diana

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That you for sharing his history. I certainly didn't know any of that. I've never been a fan of country music although I do know several of his songs.

barbara woods said...

I've always loved Johnny Cash and June

acorn hollow said...

Very interesting about Johnny Cash. My aunt loved his music and played it often. There are miracles happening everyday if we just open our eyes. That is what I believe.

Sandi said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

We saw one of his concerts many years ago. Just happened to be passing thru a town and saw the sign that he was there performing that evening. So we got tickets and stayed. June was with him. I have seen so many times how people who have been married a very long time die close to the same time. I believe the one who is left just dies of a broken heart.

Prims By The Water said...

Very interesting. I had not known Johnny Cash was married twice. Janice

Terri D said...

I also like Johnny Cash and knew a lot of this but also learned a bunch! Very interesting!! xo

Sandy in Alaska said...

That was such a great education about Johnny Cash and I am so glad I got to read it. I wasn't interested in his music when he was younger, but as I aged I started appreciating his music. And respecting him. Oh, and I love your little animated Chatty Crone at the end of your post! Sooooo cute!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Great tribute to Johnny Cash. He was a miracle happening ! Our faith can change our lives for the better ! His is a wonderful story !

Red Rose Alley said...

I really like Johnny Cash. I never understood why he wore black all the time, but thanks for shedding some light on his story. I did watch the movie about Johnny Cash years ago. And also, him and June were in a few episodes of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, one of my favorite shows. I'm glad his life turned around and he had faith that helped him along the way. His words are true about the old and the poor. I enjoyed reading about him today, Sandie.

Merry Christmas week!


Donna said...

I never knew about the song, Hurt. He had an awful time of it...
Thanks for this!

The Happy Whisk said...

Back in the day, Hubby used to watch all kinds of documentaries about musicians. Actually, now that I think of it, we watched a short one about Randy Rhoades recently. Fun to watch some of these. Though I don't know if I spelled Randy's name correctly or not.

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for sharing this interesting history about Johnny Cash.
Haven't listened to him for a while ...

All the best Jan

Along These Lines ... said...

Interesting. A larger than life personality for sure.

Lee said...

I've watched that documentary, too...It's very good.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and words, Sandra. My best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and the coming New Year. Take good care. :)