"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, December 12, 2022


Remember I told you we moved into an apartment?  

Well you can even decorate for Christmas with a porch.

This is porch number two - not really seen that much - but we have two gnomes and bows on there.


See our three turtles under the table - in aqua?  The three musketeers. 

The ground is asleep for winter.



Apple Country and Mountains in North GA.

You have to check out Colonel Poole's Welcome on that page.

I am afraid you will think us Georgian's nuts and we might be, but this is a tradition we have been doing for about 30 years - and three decades of children.
They closed last week.
It has a hill full of pigs - yes pigs - and my grandson had one of those pigs.

We went last week and asked them if we could have his pig for a memory and they said yes.

Both my grandsons and my niece and nephew rode this pig for free.  
My grandson's pig is right over head.

They had some games for the kids.

Do you remember Rush Limbaugh? 

Colonel Poole - was a politician and lots of other politicians pictures line the wall.

                                                                    Pig Hill Of Fame in the North GA Mtns.


See the beautiful mountains on the left?

                                                        My daughter taking photos of Pig Hill.  

There are hundreds of pigs. 
We are sad to see it go.

We went every September on our way to the Apple Orchards to pick apples.

Colonel Poole died and his kids are older and ready to retire.

It was a great memory.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a great memory. It looks like it was a lot of fun there. Glad you got a pig so you can treasure the memory. Happy Holidays to you and your family !

Sandi said...

I like Santa praying!

Hena Tayeb said...

Happy Holidays. Looks like a great day out.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a unique place. It’s always sad when older establishments close. You see a lot if that nowadays where the adult kids don’t or won’t continue the legacy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an awesome place! Yes, BBQ is very big here as well. I love your porches, they look like wrap around. Wish we had one. And even your doors are so pretty. Your decor is so cute!

jack69 said...

What a pleasant surprise, ELIJAY! We stored our car there once when we started our AT hike. Elijay is just a few miles from the Southern entrance to the Appalachian trail. I wih we had known to look for Poole's BBQ, we love BBQ.
Again I know this place holds FAMILY memories. It sure looks like great fun, and the pigs? What a great idea The Colonel had.
Neat that you could save the Pig!

Love you lady,

Sherry & jack, We will visit Elijay in January, We would have loved to visited the Poole's Place..
Great entry and pictures.
Sherry & jack

photowannabe said...

Some traditions are so hard to say goodbye too. The BBQ place looks like so much fun and the Pigs are the perfect advertisement.
Glad you were able to rescue your son's pig.
Love your ground floor apartment. How nice to have 2 different sitting places and plenty of light too.

Mevely317 said...

Your porch looks like the perfect place to sit with a cup of coffee and people-watch!
Pool's Bar-B-Q looks like a blast to visit. It's always sad when a long-standing restaurant closes its doors. Glad you thought to ask about Andy's pig!

Terri D said...

It is always sad to see a favorite institution full of so many memories close down. Glad you got to have the pig you wanted!! I love your porch, Sandie!! Nice place!! xo

Linda said...

YOU are so much FUN, my dear!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have a BBQ here that has a giant pink pig out front, but no hill of pigs or even a hill ha ha. is your apartment on floor or is the above yours also.
and is the entire corner porch yours? I really like the ground floor and all those doors/windows and the entire porch. nice place to read. so many business are going out of busniness now for all kinds of reasons. sad

Theresa said...

SO sorry they closed. What wonderful memories you have to hang on to. We were just in Ellijay for my husband’s birthday. I love it there. Enjoy your evening dear friend. Hugs.

Prims By The Water said...

So sad to hear your bbq place closed. What wonderful memories you have though. So glad you are able to decorate your porch for Christmas...and to include your three musketeers! Janice

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your decoration look really cute. What an interesting place to visit. Do you love the BBQ?

Kay G. said...

Hope you had some BOILED peanuts too! Do I know the mountains or what? 😊

Sandy in Alaska said...

I loved your post about this wonderful place that gave ya'll and so many others such wonderful memories! It seems like there aren't that many of them left these days.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see your Christmas decorations.
Many thanks for sharing about Poole's Barbeque, your photographs were good to see.

All the best Jan