"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, January 02, 2023

2023 January 2


Where do we want to go this year?  

This photo has nothing to do with anything other than the fact I love dogs, especially PUGS.
I think that God had such a wonderful and loving sense of humor when he made them.
Be still my heart.

New Year Resolutions!

Do you have any New Year's Resolution?
Mine is ALWAYS to lose weight and get healthier.


One thing I want to ask you about is tipping.  I am always confused.

Things are getting more and more expensive these days and it seems to me service is getting worse.

I am feeling the money crunch and I don't want to tip 20% if the service is not good.

What do you think? 20% no matter what? Do you tip more than 20%?

I feel sometimes the waiters put the food on the table and then don't come back until the bill is brought out!

What do you tip for haircuts and services?  

What about someone who cleans and details your car?



Do you tip 20%?  Is there a certain percent you go by?  Or do you just give a couple of $$?

Do you round up at grocery stores?

How about when the bell rings at Christmas for the Salvation Army?

You pass a homeless person?

What about donations to ASPCA (animal rescues) or St. Jude?

Do you have any charities that you donate to?

Life is full of choices.


Theresa said...

Happy New Year my friend! I usually tip 20% (unless the service stinks), I always put something in the red bucket even just change I have in my purse, I round up at the grocery store if it's a good cause, and the hairdresser gets a good tip:) Enjoy your day, I am working on putting together some New Year's Resolutions... usually the same ones I didn't keep last year. HAHAHAHA

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love to have that nativity in my back yard for me to see every day. Bob cuts my hair, no tip needed. when I used to get hair cuts at beauty shop, i did not tip because I did not know then I should. I think it is crazy to pay 40 for a haircut and give a tip. i wash my own car, donate through my amazon prime to the shelter we got our dogs from and also donate items to them, we don't eat out except once in a rare while at 2 buffets, and I give there tips not for service because I have waited tables and know how hard it is..

jack69 said...

WE give to our church of course, and to missions. I have given to the homeless at times I FEEL impressed. I usually give to a lady with kids. I have never tipped a barber, but I haven't been in years ;-).
As rule I tip 20% at restaurnts, BUT I have tipped less due to service, but it has been awhile. I willadmit I have tipped and didn;t think it was deserved. OUCH!
We are on the move today. Good blog entry, a thinker. But I do agree with the heart of his....
Love ya Sherry & jack

Granny Annie said...

My Grandson-in-law is from Britain and hates the idea of tipping in the US. They pay their wait staff well in the UK and don't tip.

Abby said...

I would like to see tipping go away in the US. We don't eat out very often anymore, but usually tip about 20%. I don't like tipping at places where orders are taken at a counter, but usually give something out of obligation - 10%.
My hairstylist charges $30, which I feel is cheap for the work she does (women's haircut, 30 mins). I usually give her a $10 tip.
I don't give to the bell ringers because I think that's an outdated practice :P
I don't give to panhandlers because many of them are scammers. I donate directly to food pantries and missions.
We had new windows installed last winter. The installation was around $6,000 as per the contract. When I made the final payment, there was a line for a tip. Whaaaat?? No tip.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Tips for me are earned so I decide by each transaction. Here in California the minimum wage for fast food workers is now $22 an hour in effect as of yesterday. I feel bad for those food servers working in restaurants because the law doesn’t apply to them. Or to hair specialists, or to CNA’s or to the grocery store worker.

We’re on a fixed income. We always leave a tip but now we are more decisive as to how much and was the service worth it. I always tip my hair cutter because she does a good job on my wily hair!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that pug cracks me up!
The only tipping I/we do these days is to the server --20% unless they go above and beyond. No matter how disappointing, I just can't make myself give less. Who knows if they didn't just lose a loved one or something, you know?
Oh, and I always tip my hairdresser ... she has "hair artist" on her business card. Isn't that funny?

photowannabe said...

Tipping is such a sore subject...I don't like the required tips added to a bill..its not right. Give the person a decent wage and be done with it.
Most often we tip 18-20% at a good restaurant.
No tip when I do all the work
I do tip my hair dresser because she does a fantastic job on my hair.
Certain charities get my donations and my church gets my tithe. Fixed incomes sure don't allow for much "wiggle room".

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the pug face! I don't usually make any resolutions. We normally tip 20% but the service has to be good. We actually haven't been going out to eat much since the pandemic started. I was seeing a guy called Will for 15 years, I did tip him very well and gave him extra at Christmas. Now I am seeing a nice girl who Gabby has been seeing for years so I am tipping her 20%. I do give to St. Jude. I have given money to someone on the street many years ago and they went into a liquor store. So I don't do that anymore but it's nice to have some water bottles in your car to give someone.

Hena Tayeb said...

Don't we all just wish we could lose the weight and be healthier..

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have a lot of people holding signs on busy highway islands. A lot. Phil will usually stop and hand them money if we are able to slow down or stop. Tipping is harder!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy New Year!!! You are beautiful and don't need to lose weight!

Lowcarb team member said...

We do have 'favourite' charities that we support.

I haven't made any New Year resolutions for years now!

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

You can ask all those questions about tipping online, but I usually do 20% for most that you mentioned unless the service is exceptional, then I will give a little more. I don't give to beggars and I tithe at church. That is a cute photo of a pug. Wouldn't be my choice but they are cute. xo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy New Year ! I always resolve to do better than I did the year before. I do tip 20% at restaurants, I don't mind tipping but don't like it when they go ahead and automatically put it on the bill. I think it should be our choice. and give my hair dresser a tip of $10. I want her to continue to do a good job for me and know she is appreciated. I give to my church and their helping hands ministry. I have given to St. Judes in the past but not frequently. I feel it's important to give because you always get back what ever it is you give.

Prims By The Water said...

If the service is good then the wait staff will get 20%. If not then no way. I give my hairdresser a few bucks more but not 20% either. You need to follow Lauren from Rugs and Pugs if you do not do already. She rescues Pugs. Happy New Year! Janice

Red Rose Alley said...

No, I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I just try to be the best me I can be. To answer your questions.....

*I don't like giving big tips when going to a restaurant, because it really adds up on the bill, but I always do give a tip, especially when it's good service.

*Since the virus, whenever I have paid cash for something, I let them keep the change, cause the spreading of money germs is unnecessary.

*Yes, I donate to Saint Jude. It's a wonderful organization helping sick children and saving many lives. They are very special people, doctors, staff, who provide special care and treatment to these precious children.

*Yes, when I see a homeless person, I feel compassion for them and try to always give them a little something.

*And who doesn't love to donate to Salvation Army when they hear those sweet bells ringing?

I hope the new year is being good to you, Sandie.

love ya, ~Sheri

Sandy in Alaska said...

What a GREAT post!! I love love love the dogs! Especially the first little pug...what a cutie!

As far as tips go....I think a lot of that has gotten out of hand! We never (in our day...:) ) ever expected tips for pouring coffee or a lot of other things that are expected these days. Wages have gone up, cost of living has too for ALL of us. Anyway....I do tip and donate though.

Donna said...

We Love our pug, Olivia aka, Libby. I can't imagine doing life without her. She's now nine...
Tipping? If they do a good job, we tip...The amount depends on them.
Not a good job? Nothing.
I've always donated to St Jude...my heart breaks for the children...And...I always donate to the local Fuzzy Friends and Humane Society.
Thank you for your sweet comment...I'm so Sorry you lost your friend. I know God needed them but, so did we. Who knows our futures? Going forward is our job...being kind and helping where we can.
Have a sweet and peaceful day dear lady.

The Happy Whisk said...

For me, I don't eat out much at places so I'm not the best to ask. Though I wouldn't give a higher percent to someone who didn't do much work. That said, we do get pizza delivered to the house and it's the same tip or a fiver each time no matter what we get. The pizza place charges to send and then tax and five is what we give. One pie or two, it's always five bucks for the tip.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, dear friend!
Happy New Year 2023 with your family, friends, loved ones!
I pray the New Year will bring Health, Peace & Happiness in your heart.
Where would I like to go on Vacations or to Live?...
I love Wildlife so much that I would love to work to save them!!
All the Best Now & Forever. God bless you all.
Poet Starry.