"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, January 15, 2023


 I think just last week I wrote you that I usually don't write serious posts.  

Then I wrote about Covid. . .

Now, here I am again writing a serious post.  




When we lived in our house - we lived there for 36 years - I did a radon test once a year - in the basement.  Every year it came back perfect.

We moved in June to an apartment and never thought about radon.  For some reason the other day I purchased a First Alert Test from Amazon.  My husband saw it and said I should take it back - he said we don't need to know (lol). I tried to do it, but Amazon said it was hazard material and they would not be able to take it back, but they would give me the money back.

 My husband threw it away. I saw it and thought why waste it - so I got it out of the trash and decided to do it.  

           Well, I did it.  

           Got the results back and it was a 10.3!  That is like nuclear level in the radon field!!!!!!!!!!

           Now what do we do?

           We called a couple places in case we wanted a professional test done to see the cost.  Then we                 went to Loew's to pick up another First Alert to do another test.  It is running now.              

            We have not told the manager yet at the complex.  We want to wait until we get the second test.              Then we will go to the manager and what???  Our lease is until June.  I think we will be all                    right until June.  But what do we do in June?


            I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE HERE WITH A LEVEL OF 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

           The problem is that it is going to be a big job to move and costly.  I feel the apartment complex               pay for the move, but I doubt they will.   

           This is just so upsetting.  




Terra said...

Oh dear, I hope you don't have to move because of radon. I think you need a professional to check the levels, hoping the test you did was not accurate.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh! Well, one step at a time. First, what did the second test say? It is usually in basements, what floor are you on? Look through all the small print on the test, they may have phone mumbers you can call with questions or problems with your place.

Linda said...

Goodness! Looks like Ginny and Terra have some sound advice! Praying it all works out well.....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would request the apartment complex have it tested by professionals. they need to know. the test could be wrong and you need a professional test.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hate to think you'd have to move again, But I would definitely report it to management. It's their problem now. They'll need to figure out a way to fix it. I don't know much about it but would think the health department wouldl. Maybe you could talk to them.

Prims By The Water said...

Oh this sounds horrible. I have not heard of Radon here in Michigan so I do not know anything about it. However, if I did not feel safe where I lived, I would be moving. Janice

jack69 said...

I am closing out, but I have heard of 'radon mitigation', If the test (latest) is positive I would quietly talk to the manager and ask them to install a Radon Mitigation system. I am sure they do not want word to spread that they have a problem. As far as the lease goes, I am sure this would be 'lease breaker' reason. But I would not move until I pursued the Mitiation thing. Sherry & jack on the road in a few minutes.
Love ya!

DUTA said...

Possible false alarm. Anyway, it could be dealt with, without having to move.

Mevely317 said...

I'm not familiar with Radan, but this doesn't sound good at all. What Jack's written makes good sense.
Please keep us in the loop! ... and try to have a great Monday!

Along These Lines ... said...

Oh yes. I talk about it in my college chemistry lectures. Levels can easily be measured and vents put in if they are high.

photowannabe said...

Oh my, I never heard of this but I think there needs to be testing done professionally by your apartment landlords. From the other comments it sounds like there is a fix that doesn't involve moving..have it done on someone else's dime not yours.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I don't even know what it is and didn't know that you could test for it. Thanks for the information. That would be sad that you would have to move again.

Granny Annie said...

Just today at the senior center we were talking about radon. There seems to be a new substance that's been discovered that will keep it out of your concrete slabs. Yes that's a little late for you guys.

Terri D said...

I sure hope you don't have to move... unless you can move down this way!! There is a way to do radon remediation so perhaps your apartment owners will be able to hire that done. Keep us posted!!

Abby said...

There are methods to mitigate radon. Seems to me it is the obligation of your apartment management to take care of without you having to move.

Red Rose Alley said...

I've never heard of this before. Can the apartment complex take care of this issue, so you don't have to move? I'm so sorry you're going through this, Sandie. That's a cute picture and quote of Princess Sassy Paints, and so true. I love her delightful photos. Keep me updated with this problem you are facing.

love ya,

Terra said...

You asked me in a comment on my blog post today what breed is Bounce? My son's iPhone camera has an What Is This? ability and looking at Bounce's head it said Chiweenie. I think that is a cute name. Then I said look at whole body and it said Corgi, which we always thought. So he is a Chiweeniecorgi. Pretty cool, thanks for asking.

Sandi said...

My guess is the test in inaccurate. It came from Amazon. 😊 Have experts come test the soil or just move. How long does it take for radon to have an effect on people?

In answer to your comment on my post, I do not know where it was filmed but they are singing in Russian.

The Happy Whisk said...

Good thing you pulled that outta the trash. Moving is a pain for a lot of folks. Sorry you may have to. Here's to a better place to live, if needed.

photowannabe said...

To answer your question on my blog...yes I took the photos this morning, Thursday January 19th.
The camilla bush is still blooming like crazy.

roughterrain crane said...

The last words are meaningful.
Happy weekend to you.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wow. That is a major problem. Who would have thought. I also moved to an apartment - I should check. Maybe you can pay for the move but then go to small claims court and see if you can get re-imbursed. That is really dangerous to breath in the radon. good luck

Julia said...

My first time here. Gut feelings or your guardian made you pull that radon tester out of the trash and a good thing it did. I don't know much about radon gas but I know it's carcinogenic.
Two years ago my friend received a screening test application form for colon cancer in the mail. She threw it in the trash and then had second thoughts and retrieved it and filled it out to receive the free test kit and mailed it. It came back positive for colon cancer. She had surgery and is doing really well.
Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to make a note of getting this radon test kit.


Chatty Crone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hena Tayeb said...

Oh no.. that is awful. I have no information on radon so can't help but I feel you pain.

Lowcarb team member said...

So sorry to read this.

Two thoughts.
1) Would it be possible for your apartment management do anything?
2) I think it would be worthwhile to have a professional check this out.

All the best Jan