"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, February 27, 2023

Chatty Crone's 70th Birthday



I will admit this is one of the toughest birthdays I've had.  Before I just didn't feel the 'numbers' were getting up there, but 70, well for me, 70 is getting up there.

Thinking of the road I've traveled, my friends (you too), work I have done, people I love - 

 I do thank God very much for my 70 years.


I was not receiving two people's comments. So, I went into settings and did the following:

How to get comments made on your blog go to your email again.

Go into your design wall and on left hand side go into your settings and then click on email and then where you have your email address in the comment notification box, delete it and then save and then reenter your email address and save again.

Then you will get an email from blogger with a invitation to receive comment notification and then click on SUBSCRIBE and then your emails will start coming through to your email address. 

Make SURE you hit SAVE when you delete your old email address and then re-enter the address and save it again.  


You will get an "invitation" in your email to subscribe to the comments.

As soon as you hit accept you are IN LIKE FLYNN!


I am NOT in like Flynn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not receiving any comments now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to settings, clicked on email, and it had my address in the comment notification box. 

I deleted it and saved it.  All good to that point.

This is my problem. 

THERE IS NO WAY AT ALL TO ADD MY EMAIL. I went back to that box to add my email and it will not let me.  

The box says 'there are no emails' and for the life of me I can't erase that and put in a new address.  It is like it is frozen.

I don't know if it is Windows 11.  Google. Microsoft Bing. Or me.


Now I have to check my blog and see if there are new comments and then send a reply email style.  And I do love to send back a comment to my comments.


It will ask you questions and give you an estimate of your life span.



Julia said...

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dear Chatty lady. 🎂 💐🍷 I just love the animated representation of you. I know what you mean, when you hit 70, it's way up there. What I realized is that with each passing day, I get closer to the end of my earthly journey. At 76, I'm starting to slow down a lot.

I never had the courage to try getting notifications of comments in my email for fear to make things worst and I just check for comments when I'm in the vicinity of my computer especially now that I have comment moderation. It's so annoying.
I hope that you are treated extra special today.

Hugs, Julia

Mevely317 said...

Happy Birthday YOUNG lady! I'm almost 3 years ahead of you and the view looks fine. (lol)
Ya, I used to be terrified of growing older, how I'd look. One thing I've learned, that stuff doesn't matter so much to me anymore. My first cousin (my age) just learned he has Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Perspective!

I just took that test and 'they' say I'll be around to 90. Wouldn't that be a kick if they were right?

Sorry, I can't help with the comments challenge. So far, knock on wood, I've not had that problem, but will be following to see if someone can't shine some light on it.

Have a delight-FULL day!

Granny Annie said...

Happy Birthday. You're just a kid.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Birthday to you! I'll be just a year away from 80 this year. That's going to be a big one for me. I never thought I'd live this long bUT have enjoyed them all. After 70 things seemed to go downhill for me. My mother always said the same thing. I hope the years treat you kinder than they have me. Sorry about the comments problems but it seems I can make a comment here today, so maybe things have improved. I hope so!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

go to Invite more people to comment notification emails and put email there. not the NOT the comment notification box. everything else is right.
Happy Birthday, I can tell you if you think 70 is bad, just hang on, it gets worse every year, I am 78 and it aint a whole lot of fun

Red Rose Alley said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Well, I don't know much about the comment section you're talking about, sorry. But I do know that when we fiddle around with things, it seems to make things worse, ugh. I LOVE that Charlie Brown picture and quote, and that's so true for me too. Peace is a priority in my life. And it's sometimes it's hard to get the peace we need in this world, especially when dealing with things like computers and so much more. But today is YOUR day, and I hope it is filled with fun and all the things you love, Sandie.



Along These Lines ... said...

Happy birthday, you’ve got a couple of years on me.

photowannabe said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
I do hope you enjoy your day despite the comments problems.
At 70 you are still a "Spring Chicken"... I turned 79 last November.. that was a shocker...How did I get to be so old?
I have to admit i am beginning to feel my age but I am going to fight it tooth and nail all along the way...
I haven't a clue how to fix your comments problem but I think Sandra from MadSnapper can guide you through it.
Hang in there Girlfriend!!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Happy Birthday. I'm sorry you're having a tough time with the number 70.

I'm the opposite - I can't wait to hit 70! I'll be 69 on the 2nd.

DUTA said...

Many Happy returns of your Birth Day!
Yes, we've got to be grateful for every year, every day, every moment of our life. We shouldn't, couldn't take anything for granted.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

First Happy Birthday to you
Next I can't help because you know I am kinda stupid or thick but I am a nice person, stop laughing I am nice, well I can be..............

Chatty Crone said...


acorn hollow said...

A Very Very Happy Birthday!!! I had a hard time with 40 so what do I know I am only a few years behind you.
I am sorry I am not help with computers at all. I stumble along.
I will not use the calculator I just don't want to know.

Prims By The Water said...

Happy Birthday young lady! Loved the cartoons. Janice

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy 70th Birthday! Sixty was a hard one for me. What I feel right now is that we have to do everything we can to get exercise and to eat right. I want to live a long life! So sorry about your computer issues. Both my Chromebook and my laptop with Windows do not have updates anymore. I definitely need to go shopping!!!
Thank God for being alive. Most people do not have this opportunity.

jack69 said...

Happy Birthday Sweet lady. I wish I could help, maybe it will work its way out, I am hoping mine does.

I did the calculator, I am going to hold them to 102 yrs, LOL

Sending love yourway and the best with the blogger problems. i am living with mine. But I do miss commenting on some blogs.

Love you STAY warm
Sherry & jack

Abby said...

Happy Birthday to YOOOOUUUUUU!

It seems you did everything correct in going to settings - email. When I have more time, I'll dig around. There are a couple of bloggers I don't get email notifications from when they comment, and I think it has to do with their privacy settings on their end?

Linda said...

Happy BIRTHDAY!!!! I am approaching my 75th Birthday and I am saying "I'm nearly 75 years old" just so it won't shock me to death when I really AM 75 years old!!!
The longer we live the less the numbers count!

River said...

I haven't been here in a very long while, but Happy Birthday. I got there six months ago. I just took that longevity test and it says I'll live to 97, which puts me ag=head of my grandma who made it to 96. Yay Me! But I'll still aim for 100.

Donna said...

It's probably Windows 11...I hated the update and so do a lot of other people. Too many bugs! I reverted back to Windows 10!
Happy Birthday! I'm 71 now...but I don't feel any older that 50.

Lee said...

I'm useless and of no help, Sandie...sorry!

Happy Birthday to you. You're still a spring chicken! I'm eight years ahead of you, and still having to come to grips with my numbers!! lol

Take good care...and thanks for the smiles. :)

Sandi said...

Can you see my comment? Not sure why this would happen.

Sandy in Alaska said...

I saw your comment, Sandie. I'm very excited to wish you a very God blessed birthday and the road you are traveling through the 70s. When I got into my 70s and anything started bugging me about 'feeling old-er' I'd call my buddy who was one year older and had already been there done that and I'd ask her, "Did you start wondering more about 'If I live til I'm 86 that is 16 years from now?' She said yes & she still did. I turn 80 this coming Tuesday and I have no qualms or questions now. All of my past questions changed into putting that energy into getting my chores done without two naps. ha ha!! Anyway, I know with your youthfulness and sweet attitude and sense of humor, 70s will be a breeze for you too! God bless you, dear friend!

Hena Tayeb said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Sorry to hear about your technical issues.. unfortunately I am so bad at all that. :(

Starry Dawn said...