"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, March 06, 2023





MARCH 5, 2023


They have known each other for eight years and basically the only one each other has dated.

Out of the eight years they have known each other - all of high school and college - they dated for four of those years.

They are planning a December wedding - date unsure of.

I usually don't brag - but it has been a pure joy to watch these kids grow up and learn to love each other.

We love her and her family loves him.
Yes, he did ask her father - she was insistent on that.  lol
He was nervous but it all went well.

They went to Amicaloa Falls and climbed to the top of the waterfall and he proposed to her, and she said yes.  There were no doubts....

We all met for dinner for an engagement party last night.

And the wedding plans have begun!

God bless this union!!!




"The National Institute of Health (NIH) recently released a study on the effects of hydration on your overall health and the aging process. We thought you might find it interesting and have summarized a few of the key points for you below. 

 The results suggest proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life. When you aren’t getting enough water, sodium concentration in your blood increases. Over time, this can lead to: 

  • Higher risk of heart failure 
  • Higher likelihood of developing chronic conditions 
  • Showing signs of advanced biological aging  

Help yourself stay hydrated by knowing how much water you should be drinking and setting small goals throughout the day to stay on track. On average, adult men should drink 13 cups (104 ounces) daily, and adult women should drink 9 cups (72 ounces) daily."  Reliv


Okay I don't know about 9 glasses, but I sure am going to drink more.  I do drink a lot of water - probably about six cups a day - but I drink it cold/with some ice - and I am beginning to read about not drinking cold water - seems that is not healthy either.  OF COURSE, I LOVE COLD WATER.




Donna said...

Congratulations!!! What a Beautiful couple!! I know you're thrilled...
Love the support dog...Lolol

Abby said...

Congratulations to the happy couple! How nice for your families.
So... water, but not cold water? Hmmm, now I'm curious.

Mevely317 said...

Congratulations!!!!! They make such a beautiful twosome, don't they? That emotional support dog made me laugh out loud. Yep -- if you're able -- I think drinking room temp water is the way to go. I first heard of that back in the day from reading an article in Cosmopolitan where the famous Ford modeling agency insisted their models only drink water that way.
Have a wonderful day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

They look so cute together and it was a beautiful couple! Point congratulations to them and to both families. I can’t believe he’s old enough to get married even though I know it in my head he was just a small child when we first met. I drink 2 L a day of water and drink it at room temperature. I’ve always drank a lot of water but I started about two weeks ago Filling a 2 L bottle and leaving it sitting on the sink and I start before breakfast with my pills and by end of day after finish that bottle and that way I know how much I drink it’s working really good

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my what a wonderful surprise. He doesn't look old enough to get married. Young love is awesome,. You are blessed to have him in your life.

Chez Cheri said...

Congratulations! I've known you since Andy was a little guy and have seen him grow up on your blog into a fine young man. Now you'll have a granddaughter, Sandie.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love this post. Congratulations to both of them! They are so cute together and how awesome that they have been together for so long already. This is so exciting!!!
Thanks for the other things you shared too.

Red Rose Alley said...

That's wonderful news about your grandson's engagement, Sandie. Love these pictures of them at the waterfalls. What a wonderful place to propose. I bet you were so happy at the engagement dinner. I think that's very special that he asked her Father also. That doesn't seem to be a tradition any more. Great advice on drinking water. I don't drink enough of it, and want to start drinking more. I like that cat picture, and will pass that on to Nel. You should see what Cleo has been up to on my post today. I couldn't believe it. Have a great week, Sandie, and congratulations to your dear boy and his lovely lady.


Julia said...

Congratulations on your grandson's wedding engagement. They make a cute couple.

I've been drinking hot water in winter but I know I should drink more.
Thanks for the reminder to drink more water.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Congratulations to the young couple. How exciting for you all to be planning a wedding. I wish them a long and prosperous life together.

I'm a water drinker - that is pretty much what I drink every day. I don't know how much I drink I do know my winter consumption does go down a bit but my summer water intake is well above. I carry my water bottle everywhere I go - and extra in the summer.

photowannabe said...

Oh how exciting!! There is nothing like young love.
I'm so glad you can be a part of the festivities too. I have such fabulous memories of our 2 granddaughters weddings. All the prep and anticipation is so much fun.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

How exciting, I love weddings congratulations from me

Prims By The Water said...

Congratulations to the happy couple! How exciting that your family will have a weeding in the near future! Janice

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Congratulations to the happy couple. Very exciting news. The planning begins.

roughterrain crane said...

Congratulations to the beautiful pair!
I wish the two a long and happy marriage.

Terri D said...

Oh my gosh, Sandie!! What wonderful news!! I still remember when I met Andy. He was so little and so shy! May God richly bless this sweet couple with blessings galore!! Keep us posted about the wedding plans!! I love being in on the planning!! Hugs to all!! xo

Theresa said...

Congratulations, oh how exciting! We have a wedding in May, my great nephew. I love weddings❤️ Enjoy your day dear friend. Hugs

Sandi said...


I love a good love story. 🙂❤️❤️

Terra said...

God bless this union, that was a romantic place to propose. You asked on my blog what breeds is Bounce: he is a Chiweeniecorgi. I see lots of Chihuahua in him, and the Corgi makes him calm and brave.

jack69 said...

NO! I think he was in Jr. High just least year. LOL What surprising news, We pray and wish them the best. I can;t imagine how fast they grow up....

Love you lady and wish you the best,
Sherry & Jack, and NO that wasn't me in the swing on my blog.
We do hope to take the new to us coach to Florida in about a week.

Lee said...

My best wishes to the lovely young couple. I wish them much happiness. :)

Buttercup said...

What wonderful news and an answer to so many prayers! Here's to the beautiful couple for a life of good health and happiness together.

Lowcarb team member said...

Many congratulations to the happy couple ... lovely photographs.

All the best Jan

Starry Dawn said...

Good Morning, Sandie!!
Congratulations to your grandson and his future wife!!
What a happy, wonderful couple!!
I'm so happy for your grandson to have met such a beautiful and lovely girl.
They will make your life a lot brighter, especially when you become a great-grandma, one day in the future... Your life will change...
Congratulations again to the happy couple, your grandson & his amazing girl!