"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, February 09, 2024


 The summer we moved.

I guess what I am doing is explain where I have been for the last few months.  You can see from the last few posts we have been.  But life started getting busier right after the move.

Things are calming down and I'm getting my act together!

If I just knew what my act is!  lol

We moved in April 2023.

It was our second move since we sold the house June 2022.  We sold the house because we thought hubs was extremely ill and we wanted to sell it while we could - plus we had people highly suggest it to us.

I miss the idea of a house and a permanent place - but I don't miss the work.  

We moved into a beautiful apartment.  The problem was that there was minimal insulation in the ceilings, and we HEARD everything.

Also, it had an extremely high radon count, so we were let out of the lease early.

There was really no choice.

Then we moved to a brand-new rental house - that we are in now.

No radon worries.

It's great - but a new house is a lot of work - and it is not our house - but we are doing it for the owners.

The proverbial punch list.

We have had nine flat tires - out of those we had to replace 8 of them.

And one towing.

We like the place, but it is hard not to have a 'home'.

I also had both cataracts done.

I had a retainer made for TMJ which took multiple visits.

I had dental surgery - $$$ - I had two abscesses from getting a teeny tiny chip fragment getting caught in my gum - that didn't come out and I didn't know it was there! Over time abscesses formed.

Okay then over the summer the hubs experienced some weird pain - we thought it might be almost like a panic attack.
We went through the whole summer with that - found he needed a stint.  And he needed it fast!


And last but not least I had two visits from very old friends this summer.  I went to high school with one and my other friend and I had daughters the same age and raised them for decades together.
I love them both.

So, this really gets my up to date with what happened the past few months.


So onward and upward

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Love Chatty


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, what you have been through! Do you know why you keep getting flat tires? But all's well that ends well, and it seems you are both doing fine now. Is your husband still just as sick? How is he doing?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

WOW! no wonder you disapeared from blogging, who would have time to or the inclination to blog? sounds like THINGS and LIFE are slowing down a little, glad to see you back on line. Prayers illness and flat tires will leave you alone now. were the flats nails in tires or people letting air out of tires. that is a lot of flat tires. next post give us a few details. Bob had stints put in back in 2002,he was 65, now he is 87. you are right, watch for the signs. he had open heart surgery in 2007, caroid surgery 2017, so keep an eye on the symptoms.

Julia said...

Wow, that has been quite some rough spots to deal with. I hope that your husband feels much better and that there are no more flat tires. Were there others in the neighborhood with flat tires? And you forgot about the wedding...

I'm glad that you're back to blogging. I hope that everything is smooth sailing from now on.


photowannabe said...

My you really have had a lot on your plate. I do think you meant that your last move was April 2023 since 2024 hasn't arrived yet haha..
Glad you got the scary thing taken care of for your husband.
That's a whole lot of flat tires and dental work..yikes...
I think its time to settle down and enjoy more company and life in general.

Mevely317 said...

Girl, you've been Doing Life on the high road! Your new neighborhood is lovely ... but I'm sorry to hear about your and the hub's challenges. Even the tires! Do you live among/near new homes' construction? We experienced something like that back in 2004.

It's good to have you back in Blogland!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I can only repeat with a WOW! You've really had quite a time of it for sure. Hopefully now you can continue to move along and have a great year 2024! Glad you all made it safely through, with all that happened.

DUTA said...

May year 2024 bring you and your husband the best of health, and no worries at all, about house or anything else!

Red Rose Alley said...

You really had a busy year. I know how hectic and stressful moving can be, as I have moved many times in the last few years too. Nine flat tires! What is that all about? I like the outside of your new place. It looks like it's well maintained. And last, I love that little frazzled bird that keeps saying it's fine. We just try to keep on going when things bring us down, don't we? Glad you are blogging again, Sandie. I missed your delightful posts.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Life is a long winding road often with pot holes and other obstacles along the road, moving is stressful and having to do it twice in a short period of time that would suck. Thankfully I don't have cataracts and I do have a good heart, as far as I know.

Terri D said...

There are homes for sale here in my community! Trust me, the kids will come... this is Florida!! Come on down for a visit and check it out!! (Always trying...) You have sure been on a crazy journey. Nice that life is smoothing out a bit for you. xo

acorn hollow said...

Oh my goodness on the tires expensive for sure and very careless builders with their nails
Moving when I think about it I get I break out in a rash. There is so much stuff in this house

Prims By The Water said...

WOW so much has happened to you since your move. I sure hope 2024 gets better for you. Janice

Sparky said...

Just happened by from a mutual friend/blogger.
Golly! That's a terrible lot to go through all at one time. Hopefully all the medical things are behind y'all for awhile. Do try to rest and recover. Moving can be so stressful. We've lived in the same home here in SE Georgia countryside for over 30 years. I don't think I could move again. It would probably put me in a tailspin. I'm like the old oak tree next to the house. My roots are too deep to be moved safely. LOL
Hope your day is blessed.