"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, July 22, 2024




Let's talk for a minute about generations and the difference between them.

A Quick Guide to Generations, By Birth Year
The Greatest Generation (GI Generation)Born 1901–1927
The Silent GenerationBorn 1928–1945
Baby Boom GenerationBorn 1946–1964
Generation XBorn 1965–1980
Millennial Generation or Generation YBorn 1981–1996
Generation Z Born 1997–2010
Generation AlphaBorn 2010-2024

Baby boomers:  

  • Goal centric. They pursue the American dream and set and achieve their goals.
  • Self-assured. They have confidence in themselves and their abilities.
  • Competitive. They like to challenge themselves and others.
  • Strong work ethic. They work hard and are loyal to their companies.
  • Team oriented. They value collaboration and teamwork.
  • Resourceful. They can adapt to different situations and use what they have.
  • Mentally focused. They are curious and optimistic about life.
  • Empathetic. They can relate to other people and their feelings.
  • Grateful. They appreciate the gifts and pleasures of life.

Generation X:   

  • Independent, resourceful, and self-reliant, as they grew up with minimal adult supervision
  • Ethnically diverse, with one-third of Gen Xers identifying as nonwhite
  • Liberal on social issues, such as same-sex marriage, and less involved in organized religion
  • Tech-savvy, flexible, and highly educated, with a passion for work-life balance
  • Rejection of authority and structured work hours, preferring informality and autonomy
  • Resilient, direct, and open to feedback, working well collaboratively

  • Tech-savvy and skilled in using technology
  • Socially conscious and empathetic
  • Optimistic and passionate about learning
  • Creative and expressive
  • Collaborative and receptive to feedback
  • Interested in a healthy work-life balance
  • Cautious about their personal data
  • Nostalgic and love to travel
  • Challenges hierarchical status quo
  • Values meaningful motivation and recognition

Generation Z:

  • They’re digital natives who have always been wired and connected to technology.
  • They’re accepting of sexual and racial diversity and fluidity.
  • They’re health-conscious and aware of a troubled planet.
  • They’re entrepreneurial and independent, but also worried about their future prospects.
  • They value their privacy and are changing the distinction between childhood and adulthood.


You know when I look at all these groups - we don't seem to be so different.  Yet when I read the news or see what is going on - we seem so different from each other.  

My grandson keeps talking about Generation Z and how great they are.  That Gen Zs are trying to save the planet - we baby boomers hurt.  Pollution, dirty water, too many vaccines, and things like that.  We have discussions on the different generations a lot!

I do think they are into helping the world and giving it good attention, but I don't think we did those things on purpose.  

Then I think to myself of all the inventions and technology the baby boomers made possible.  The cell phone that is attached to their hands - Steve Jobs was a baby boomer.   I mean didn't we make it better for them?  

So, what do y'all think? 

Give me your ideas on the different generations and how you feel things have changed and why.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

I can never remember what age groups belong to each category!! Except, of course, the boomers. You have done a lot of nifty research!

MadSnapper n Beau said...
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MadSnapper n Beau said...

i said way to much. I don't see any evidence that any of the groups are doing anthing to save the planet.

Abby said...

The world is ever changing, I don't think any one generation is necessarily better than another. It's just a different world with each generation. We are definitely more connected now than when I grew up (gen x). I also think it's "normal" for people to think their generation is better :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lunch would be fun! This posts is very interesting. I didn't know how they classify these generations. Thanks for sharing.

photowannabe said...

I really dislike being put into a category.
Each generation has its strong and weak points. Where would we all be without each other?
We need the balance and wisdom that comes with age...be it each generation. We of a certain age aren't just dautering dullards. Balance..
God created our planet and all that's in it. He said in Genesis that its our responsibility to take care of it.

Sparky said...

Being a Baby Boomer I've seen a lot of change and not for the better. What I say next is meant with gentleness & love: Many are being deceived into a false sense of nobleness concerning 'saving the planet'. The 'green' movement is the new 'red' (Communism). We're human and can't save anything. Only God can save anything. We are in charge, true, should be kind, gentle and careful, true, but He made the Earth for us to use as we like knowing that none of it will survive. He says the Earth and all in it will be destroyed, then He will remake it again after His 1,000 year reign. The 'green' movement is another way the devil is deceiving others into worrying about something that can not be controlled and taking their eyes off worshiping Jesus which is what we're all really here for.
I wanna eat at that lovely table! Bet the food would be scrumptious and the company heartwarming. 💙

acorn hollow said...

Lunch would be great! Not sure who wrote those lists I would question some of them
I would question your grandson too for if not for those vaccines he may not be here. smallpox
etc just walk around an old graveyard where lots of children never reached adulthood and it wasn't unusual and most adults didn't make it to 50. Too much is taken for granted I think by all of us now.

photowannabe said...

To answer your question on my blog...yes we do have AC but its set to go on at 84F. The cost is so high here in CA that we try to "suffer" without it and use ceiling fans and several small floor fans.
14 days of 104F and higher takes a toll on the cooling system in our house. The AC does work great but its still too hot for me.

Red Rose Alley said...

I was just talking with my son about this. It's interesting to read about the different generations. I'm a Baby Boomer! I think it was definitely a simpler time back then. I don't think the cell phone is all that good, in my opinion. Too many people are on theirs night and day, and the world seems to have forgotten about how to communicate in person. I think we can learn a lot from our parents' generation, and we can also learn from today's generation. I love that little PINK feather at the end. ; )


**I don't like the idea of giving too many vaccines to small children at one time.

Mevely317 said...

Except for the 'self assured' part, I can sure identify with being a Boomer. Too, my son almost mirrors GenX. This is fun and interesting; but I can't escape the feeling these categories aren't so different than Zodiac birth profiles.
I just wish everyone would stop pointing fingers at each other and focus on those things we have in common.

DUTA said...

I'm a Boomer, quality generation, yet we don't leave a good world to the younger ganerations.
These generations won't be able to deal with world problems because of shallow education and almost no faith in God, who actually controls everything.

Terri D said...

A big blogger party would be so fun!! If I win a big Lotto, I'll buy everyone a ticket and will make it happen!! The generations are different but also the same. I'm a boomer and don't feel we polluted the planet any more than any of the others. All the solar, wind, and lithium pollution happening right now is some of the worst pollution. God is in control. That's what I keep reminding myself. xo

Prims By The Water said...

As a teen I thought my generation was the best generation ever and I am a baby boomer. The one negative thing I fear in the upcoming generations is they have the lack to think for themselves. They are told what to think and do not actually find out the facts of what they are being told could in fact be totally wrong or misconstrued. They never had to struggle like the Silent Generation did during the Great Depression and they are not patriotic like the Great Generation. God is absent for most of them I am truly worries about them and the future of our country. Janice

Haddock said...

I. never knew that I was from the Baby Boom Generation.

jack69 said...

I could hug you! I can never keep this info in my mind. Imma gonna copy and paste it for reference. I do think in many ways the planet is cleaner than when I was a kid. Going by just what I see along the highways, they are cleaner than in my earlier life. Before someone started IDn'g the generations I never thought much about it. My teen generation threw things out the windows of cars with not one thought of the side of the road trash. I knnow that is a simple sign of a difference, but it is an outward sign.
Good one again...

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

This was great, I can never remember the generations, I know I am a Boomber but that's about all I know, so I found this interesting

Take a Hike! said...

I duuno which group is which. But if they've never seen "I Love Lucy" they can taka a hike.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love this post. I think every generation has had something to offer. I was born in 1944 so that was before the boomer generation. The fact that I'm from the Silent Generation surprised me. We were not silent at all but we all enjoyed life and grew up in happier times I think. I'm so thankful to call you a friend of mine!

Linda said...

I am a Baby boomer born in 1948 and my first birn daughter Summer is also a baby boomer born in 1963. My son. Jesse, was bornin 1966 making him a Generation X and my last two children were both Millenillas ....I find my first borns are more liberal than my last two.....but they all contribute so much.
Louis Dean is from the Silent Generation - 1936... no clue what that would be but he is amazing!

Mari said...

Hi! And thanks for stopping at my blog. Just from looking at these comments, I can see we do have a lot of mutual friends.
This was really interesting to read. I'm a Boomer too, born in 1960. I do think each group has things that are good and not so good, and I think for the most part, each group does the best they can.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

I don't think it is accurate or useful to lump people together in a box based on when they were born anymore than we can based on any of their other "demographics." To say that Gen Z's are trying to save the planet the Boomers hurt is inaccurate and naive. Many of the Boomers were trying to save the planet 30 years before the youngest Gen Z was born, and I see plenty of Gen Z's harming the planet! We all need to see people as individuals and not make sweeping generalizations. I know wonderful people in all these different groups AND not-so-wonderful people in all of them! Thank you for this interesting and thought-provoking post, Sandie!