"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, August 05, 2024


Let's go for a ride and look for colors.

Song of Solomon 2:12: “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come…”

These pictures are not mine and most are probably AI.

I just can't help it - when I am on Facebook and see these beautiful photos, I just feel I have to share them.  I don't want to waste their beauty and they make me feel happy.

My favorite flower is the tulip.

  Wonder where the path leads?

           THESE ARE CALLED ELEPHANT EARS - purple - and I don't think I have seen them before.


More tulips - I love the purple colors.


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

—Mother Teresa (1910-1997)


                                                    HOSTAS - I have never seen this color before.


To be able to find joy in another's joy, that is the secret of happiness.

George Bernanos


Do you love flowers?  What is your favorite flower?  What is your favorite color?                         Does it make you feel happy and grateful when you see flowers?

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite flowers are weeds and I love yellow flowers more than any others. color of joy and sunshine

Mari said...

Beautiful! My husband does a lot of flower gardening and I love to walk around an d enjoy the latest blooms. He says working in the garden is a great time to worship and enjoy God's creation.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen hostas and elephant ears this color! But my favorite has to be the sweet umbrella flowers. Who cares where these images came from, they make me happy and that is all that matters. Favorite flower would probably different wildflowers.

Terri D said...

I love flowers and you shared some beauty with us!! I am not a gardener but appreciate the beauty others create. Have a blessed week, dear friend!

Liz Hinds said...

I would love to see those elephant ears! Roses, bluebells.

Shug said...

I do love flowers and all of them in your photos are so stunning! I can't imagine having huge hostas like that. All of the colors are so pretty, but I think my favorites are the yellows, oranges and reds. My flowers are doing super well right now.... Thank you for stopping by my place..

photowannabe said...

Gorgeous colors and flowers. Its always a pleasure to see what you have posted.
I really can't choose a favorite flower. Each time I think that's the one..I change my mind because something else is so beautiful. God does have an amazing box of crayons.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are beautiful flowers you shared and I love the quotes you shared. I do love flowers. I like sunflowers and my favorite color is yellow.

Red Rose Alley said...

I have always said that flowers are the magic in our lives. I really liked your post today, as it is filled with so many colors of nature. I have seen those elephant ears before, they are something else. But I've never seen the umbrella flower, it's so unique. The 'secret of happiness' quote is very special. And lastly, I believe that when we see a rainbow it is a gift. Thank you for the gift of a rainbow on your blog today. To answer your question.....
*Yes, I love flowers!
*Favorite color is Purple!
*Yes, it makes my heart smile when I see flowers. : )

Have a blessed week, Sandie.


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sandie, beautiful post! I love flowers, too, and can't quite pick just one favorite. Lily of the valley (the flower and its fragrance), roses (especially yellow or peach, but all of them really), tulips (especially white or pink) ...

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I love flowers and house plants. I have seen huge elephant ears but never in those brilliant colors. I love peonies and steel magnolia trees and the smell of freesias. Tulips are also a favorite but they don't last for long.

DUTA said...

I can't imagine anyone not liking flowers. I love them all: all shapes and colors.
You did well to share the flowery stuff with us. It's a delight to the eyes!

Buttercup said...

Love flowers! Stop by my local community garden often and am so grateful for my neighbors who make it happen.