"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

OCTOBER 15 A HodgePodge of Happenings - Is it fall yet y'all?

Where should we take a walk to today?
Favorite Autumn Walks in the Greater Puyallup Area - HorizonView Health

Wish it looked like this here in Georgia - we don't really get that color - I don't think it gets cold enough.

Can you believe this little guy got married in December and bought a house last week?   


Yep - the kids didn't call or ask for any advice about the house either.  
I do have to say it really is cute and I am VERY proud of them.

                                                                        NOT THIS HOUSE

We are having a guest for the weekend - Cooper.  
We are babysitting him over the weekend.

       He misses his mommy - he is looking for his mom to come back and get him - but staying near me.


Lastly this past weekend we went to a wedding.

It is our new daughter in laws sister's wedding.
That means their parents had two girl weddings in 10 months!  December and October!
They have a 22 year old son left.

WEDDING # 1 - my grandson the Christmas dancer and house owner and wife.

WEDDING # 2 - My Granddaughter in law's sister and hubs. It was a beautiful wedding too.


To prevent potatoes budding, add an apple in the bag.


                                                                         x_5d6c3b9 photo x_5d6c3b9.gif  


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's not fall yet here in Texas where I live. It still looks and feels like summer. Looks like some fun times for you all! Exciting to see grandchildren grow up and get their own home! I remember our first home many years ago. It was very exciting. So far, only 2 of my grandchildren have married and I didn't get to go to either of their weddings.

Mari said...

Colors are starting to pop here in Michigan and it's getting colder! I think peak color is right around the corner.
That was a busy household with 2 weddings in one year. Both beautiful couples!
Congrats to your grandson on purchasing a home! It's not easy these days.
Have fun with the puppy!

Debbie Nolan said...

The fall photo is gorgeous...in Ohio we are seeing colorful changes...wish I could send you some. Wonderful pics of the weddings. Bet you are proud of that grandson. Enjoy your day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, I would love to be walking on that road with those beautiful Fall leaves. Funny joke! Wow, they bought a house.....how exciting. Yes, we can't help but worry about our kids and grandkids. They have to live and learn. Love the witch in the window. Enjoy your time with Cooper. Glad you went to the wedding. So that's interesting news on the potatoes.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the old lives matter! And the beautiful wedding pic of your grandson and his bride. His life is sure starting off wonderfully!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, how I'd love to take a walk along that splendid orange and gold path! I'm so happy for Andy and his bride (Shay?). Cooper is the cutest, isn't he. Looks to be a cuddler extraordinaire. I love the "Old Lives Matter" meme. Amen to that!

Terri D said...

Congrats to the kids for buying their first house!! Wow!!! I enjoyed your photos and catching up with you here!! Love & hugs!

jack69 said...

This was sweet. You did great. yes it is fall, we head to Florida in a couple days.