"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, October 08, 2024


How about this for a walk?

“Music enters our bodies, commandeering the pulse in our veins, and reminds us that pleasure isn't a matter of feeling good but of feeling more alive."  

 The Song Remembers When

By Trisha Yearwood

When we are young maybe our parents sung us lullabies.  

When we are teens we have our own music - mine was the Beatles, Herman Hermits, The Monkees.

When we moved from Atlanta back to Chicago, I was dating someone and thought I'd die moving away. I lived.  LOL

Listen to the Rythm of the Falling Rain.

First years of college were the songs from the Viet Nam times.  I still go back in time when I hear them.  

Wedding Song - We've Only Just Begun by the Carpenter's

Raising the children I don't have one I recall - but as the kids got older - they had plenty!

Fifty-year anniversary - The Story of My Life - by Neil Diamond. 

A couple of weeks ago we went to a funeral, and this was played - I hope someday my kids can play that at my funeral.  


By Jeff and Sheri Easter

Your question of the day is - do you have a song that when you hear it brings back memories?

Zen to Zany
Fat free dressings have more sugar than regular dressing.  They try to cut out the fat and to make it taste good they add sugar.
Look at your grocery store for Primal Kitchen - best and healthiest dressing on the market.

A Little Humor:

Life is a song. Love is the music.

1 comment:

Mari said...

This was fun, and so true!
There are songs from the 70's that bring me right back to being young and working picking blueberries. They played music loud in the field so we could here it. The other day I heard the song "alone again, naturally" and I was back there.
There are old hymns that bring me back to the little church we went to when I was a kid. When I hear a Veggie Tale song, I'm back to those times when my kids were young. Fun memories!