"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, November 05, 2024


 Isn't that beautiful - let's take a drive...

 ... to cast your vote.

Today is a big day.

God is going to prevail for sure - either way.

Okay another big happening is that tomorrow is my husband's birthday.  He will be 78.

Happy birthday to him. 

It is my mom's birthday on the 10th.  She would be 105 years old.  How is that possible?

My other grandson in Ohio has a birthday coming up November 17.  He will be 14.  How did he get that old?  

My new granddaughter's birthday is November 25. She will be 24. 

Of course, this month is Thanksgiving.
So, this is going to be a great month!

Happy birthday family,
Happy Thanksgiving,
God Bless America. 

 Had to show you this photo from National Geographic!

Tip for holiday stress:

Dr. Weil Breathing Exercises - for stress - as the holidays can be stressful - click here.

Thought to leave you with:

What are you grateful for?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

we had the month of Oct with 4 family, yours tops that. Happy Birthday to all the November Born

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

First of all I am grateful for love, the love my family shows me every day! I am wishing all those in your family with November birthday, a very Happy Birthday! Happy Thanksgiving and I did not already. What an honor and privilege it is !

Sparky said...

Beautiful photos! Happy Birthday to everyone. Y'all have lots of birthdays around this time. Both our families have many birthdays in May. Isn't that something how families are like that?! Keep praying about our Nation. God's got this but we also reap what we've sown. May it please the Lord to have mercy on us.

Mevely317 said...

Happy Birthday to your hubs! Did y'all get a new dog?
November's sure a celebratory month, isn't it? I love that picture of your mother; I remember my own mom favoring those shirt-waist dresses. That's an interesting breathing exercise; I'm going to show this to Tom and maybe it will help his anxiety issues. Hugs!

Cheri said...

Happy Birthday to ALL your family members!

Shug said...

Wow...you have a November FULL of Birthdays. And...You have a beautiful family. Happy Birthday to each of them. This drive is quite stunning..can you imagine driving through a forest of trees so bright in color.. absolutely gorgeous. And so is the National Geographic photo.. Good breathing exercise that I need to remember.. Sending positive vibes your way..

acorn hollow said...

Happy Birthday to your husband! Yes it is a busy month for you that's for sure.
I have so much to be grateful for it is hard to pick one.
I love Dr Weil I have read his books and followed him for years.

Prims By The Water said...

We voted this morning too early. Happy November birthday shout outs to all. My dad would have been 95 this past July. What a wonderful drive that would be! Janice

Red Rose Alley said...

That Autumn tree is amazing! I will show that to my family, it's truly beautiful. And the person who took the photo is talented, indeed. You have so many birthdays this month! Happy Birthday to your dear husband. Loved that picture of your mom. Can you imagine taking a drive along that road with the golden Fall leaves all around you? That's certainly a creative photo too. What am I grateful for? So many things, my friend. And one of them is hot coffee in the morning. Off to make myself a cup. ; )


photowannabe said...

Happy Birthday to your dear Husband. We are just 2 days apart but I have to claim to being older..not wiser, but Older..haha
There is so much to be thankful for despite all the ugliness rearing its head right now.
I must remember that God is still on the throne and knows the final outcome.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wouldn't that drive be amazing? Happy Birthday to your husband. Happy heavenly birthday to your Mom. ((Hugs)) Happy Birthday to your grandson and your daughter in law. So many birthday's! God Bless American.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your new granddaughter is beautiful. Wow you have a lot of November birthdays! We have a lot next month. I don't think I have ever seen your husband in about ten years of following you!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

He's very handsome! I like your dog throw. Is this your new dog? Had him as long as Disco? What's his name and what breed.

Sandi said...

Happy Birthday to all! 🎈

The photos are hard to look at. The perspective makes me woozy! 💜

What am I thankful for? Hungarian goulash that is simmering on the stove for dinner AND that we will soon know the election results. Been a long time coming, I would say.

Terri D said...

You have much to celebrate this month!! Happy birthday to your hubby and to all on their special days! Hugs!!

Sandi said...

The first photo with the road that looks like it is going UP! And the last where you are looking up from the base of the tree. Woozy, maybe dizzy is a better word! Ha ha

jack69 said...

I AM GRATEFUL for my wife whose birthday, I am smiling, she is now 87 right backwards of your hubby. Of course I love his barber!!! Great pictures and beautiful family members. Love you lady this was a sweet visit!
Sherry & jack

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Happy belated birthday to your hubby. Yes Thanksgiving is on its way...such a glorious holiday - looks like you have lots of family celebrating this month with birthdays...I am a November baby too. Hugs!

mail4rosey said...

You have a lot of birthdays in November. Happy Birthday to them all!! That National Geographic photo is pretty awesome. The top one is pretty but a little intimidating to me. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Happy birthday to your husband and everyone else. I hope he had a good day! Love the first and last pictures in your post!